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_The Crossroads of Forever
Sep 18th, 2020
Art Sadlier
Categories: Bible Salvation

My unsaved friend, God loves you and wants to bless you. He wants to make you His child. He wants to take you to live with Him in heaven forever. He wants to make you the object of His infinite, divine love. The Bible says,”…in His presence is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

But God has a problem with you! Your sins have separated you from God, both now and forever. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).  “But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear” (Isaiah 59:2).

Unless you invite Christ to cleanse you from your sin you will spend eternity in torments in the lake of fire forever. “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:14). This is a hard message, but we share it because we care about you.

The good news is that God in Christ came into this world. He lived a perfect sinless life that qualified Him to die a substitutionary, saving death for you on the cross.  He shed His blood, dying in your place. “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit” (1Peter 3:18).

If you turn to God in repentance and faith, He will accept Christ’s sacrifice for your sin and give you the righteousness of Christ and eternal life. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36).

Unsaved friend, you are standing at the crossroads of forever. You will be forever in the lake of fire, or forever the object of God’s blessing. Do not go to the place that burns with fire and brimstone and to be there forever and ever, having no hope of ever escaping.

Understand that the love, mercy and helping grace of God is infinite, as high as the heavens. The hatred of God for sin is also limitless, as deep as the bottomless pit. God has no choice but to judge sin. If God was to allow one sinner into heaven, heaven would be destroyed in the same way sinful Adam destroyed the present world. Sin always destroys and God must judge it and put it away from His presence forever.

Choose your forever! Fall on your knees and ask God to save you.

Where Did All These Young People Come from Who Hate the U.S.?
Sep 18th, 2020
Categories: Contemporary Issues

News Image

Do you look on with astonishment at Antifa and other extreme groups rioting and shouting "death to America?" How could all this happen? Where did all these young people come from who hate the US?

Chances are they caught this belief from our public school systems.  

It's time to take a serious look about protecting your children from indoctrination.

Distance learning is starting to show some of the cracks with schooling.

Reports are starting to surface of parents uncomfortable with the political patina of their children's online classrooms. Police visited one family because a boy's BB gun was visible behind him in an online classroom session, and the teacher reported the "gun" to the police.

Another teacher caught a glimpse of a 12-year old's Nerf gun, and instead of asking him or the parents about it, she reported it to the sheriff.  The child was accidentally suspended for a week for having a toy gun at home during a Zoom class!

One teacher expressed that he has to be more careful with his words now that parents can listen to online class sessions. Some school districts have gone so far as to ask parents to sign a disclaimer that they will not watch class sessions with their children to protect other children's privacy in the online classroom.

Could it be that teachers, their unions, and school administrations are concerned about being exposed as rhetoric spreaders in the classroom?

Have we forgotten our children are our responsibility?

Rearing them, teaching them, caring for them, and loving them is our responsibility. In this country, it seems we have abdicated that responsibility and ceded it over to the state. We believe the government owes our children free education, free medical care, and even free meals. I don't know about you, but I suspect there is a string attached when I hear something is free. That string is the ability to mold our children's minds.

I'm not comfortable with people I don't know taking full responsibility for my children's care, their thoughts, and their beliefs. Don't we suspect that this current civil unrest was born in the classroom some years ago? While "it takes a village" has a nice familial ring to it, do we want the state to be that village?

Do we want our children to have our values or someone else's?

Infuse into your home education a worldview rooted in critical thinking and morality, whether it be the Principle Approach, or an education rich in the study of the US constitution and western philosophy, or Socratic reasoning, or a faith-based curriculum.

If you're a person of faith, you will undoubtedly want your children to share your faith and not that of a secular system. Teach your children how to think and help them to develop good character.

I know many teachers who take their jobs seriously, who go to work faithfully every day and try to do a good job. The best of them end up being frustrated by a system that doesn't support them and is heavily influenced by the teacher's unions and political correctness. They want to educate your children in reading, writing, and arithmetic. Still, their latitude in teaching has been severely limited by common core standards, teaching to the test, and political correctness.

Their job performance is now dependent upon how much your children learn from the required curriculum and how well they can perform on a standardized test. Children spend countless hours preparing for these tests that show only memorized information regurgitated onto the bubble-filled page. Do we want children who can memorize or do we want critical thinkers?

Students are encouraged, "get a good night's sleep, and eat a good breakfast" on test days, as if this is not important on every other school day.

The teacher's ability to advance to the next performance level or pay grade depends on your child's test performance. That's a lot of pressure for both the teacher and your child. Don't we want our kids to be able to read, write, and do the math, and when they've learned that, to be able to think critically? 

As a parent, you have tremendous influence and responsibility

You create an atmosphere of helping your children understand and make sense of the world around them by just listening and having a conversation. Could you do that over breakfast? How about around the dinner table?

If you don't have a meal together as a family, start now. It's a time to reconnect with each other, discuss the day's events, or sort out difficulties someone is having. Mealtime is a time when the family knows everyone will listen to each other.

I've seen variations on the family meal. Some families discuss the events of the day. Others will pose a question and ask everyone's opinion before the parent gives his/her view. Others recite memorized poetry or Bible verses, and others use the time to pray. Mealtime can become a sacred time - a time for the family to lift one another, work through difficulties, and talk about what was essential to each one.

We didn't realize how important mealtime was until my son had a group of friends over. When it was dinnertime, my son called them to the table. They said they'd come in to eat later. My son explained that we all eat together in our house. Reluctantly, they all came in to eat. At the end of the meal, my son's friends said they enjoyed eating together. The only time they did that in their homes was during the holidays. I think they wished their own families did the same.

You have the power to create a safe and comforting place in your home at mealtime, not just for your children but also for their friends. Even if the food is simple, or God forbid, scarce, don't discard the opportunity to reconnect.

What about homeschooling?

The decision of whether to homeschool - or even if they're qualified to do so - has been a difficult one for many parents. I've read that parents are concerned about the cost of homeschooling, hiring a tutor or a teacher for their micro-school or learning pod of children. They are desperate to keep working and earning to pay someone else to educate their children and maintain their same lifestyle.

If you can afford to hire a teacher, even part-time, to educate your and your friend's kids in a one-room schoolhouse in your converted garage, more power to you. Many don't have that financial flexibility to hire someone else to teach.

My advice to you would be to join forces with other parents, share the load, learn to teach your children, and teach them to learn from you. Here are some tips to help you do so.

Be flexible. Some parents may be able to teach during part of the day, and some may be available for tutoring at night. Another parent may teach archery, bushcraft skills, gardening, food preservation, or backpacking on the weekend.

Be creative. Pull together something that works for you and the other families. A kitchen table is all you need.

Divide the work fairly. I belonged to a babysitting co-op, and we created laminated cards to exchange babysitting services. One card for one hour of babysitting for up to two children was the baseline. We all started with the same number of cards and exchanged and received them as we used and provided babysitting to the other co-op members. Parent educators could design a similar system--one card per adult for two hours of teaching for up to four children.

Using an established system, you could help one another in other ways. Perhaps one family gardens, another knows how to do car maintenance, another has an abundance of chicken eggs, and another has skills in the medical field.

Could you exchange what you have or know for what another family has or knows? Could you save money by exchanging for needs?

Think about it because this kind of system could help you navigate not only homeschooling, but also a collapse in the supply chain, rapid inflationary pressures on food or medicine, or securing neighborhoods from civil unrest.

Why do I push homeschooling?

Homeschooling can form the baseline for all other thought processes. Homeschooling creates solid values in your children, supporting one another through thick and thin, and finding others who are like-minded. Homeschooling can be your lifeline, not just for your children, but also for your entire family. It's also the best way I know to have a stable and fulfilling relationship with your grown children.

Homeschooling is just part of a mindset that is undergirded by a belief in self-sufficiency. And by self-sufficiency, I don't necessarily mean going it all alone. I mean figuring out a way to make it a win-win for others with a similar mindset to you and getting what both you and they need.

Some people find a group of like-minded people in a church, within your own family, and others find them on a blog like this. Find your people and figure out a way to help one another, not just in homeschooling, but also in doing life together.

I used to say it was time to leave this country if homeschooling was outlawed because I believed that was the final step in indoctrination and in limiting our freedom. While it is not outlawed, it may become more and more regulated. I urge you to take this time to explore your options, to understand what you want for your family's future, and to take action now to achieve that.

I believe we have a window of opportunity that may close in the years ahead. Learn to protect your children from the indoctrination of others who don't have their best interests in mind.  

The Ninth Commandment
Sep 18th, 2020
Ian C. Kurylyk
Categories: Exhortation

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour” (Exodus 20:16).

Perhaps the best way to comment on this commandment is to itemize some clear Bible facts about the sin of lying.

Lying is another fundamental departure from the image of God. One of His perfections is that He is absolutely truthful. In fact, He is referred to as “God that cannot lie” (Titus 1:2). God in His infinite knowledge (omniscience) sees everything exactly as it is, and in His infinite truthfulness or veracity always tells it exactly as it is. If God says something, that is reality.

Lying originated with Satan. “When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it” (John 8:44c). He lied to himself when he rebelled against God and thought he could take God’s place. He lied to the fallen angels. He lied to man in the Garden of Eden when he contradicted God and said that sin would not bring death.

Lying is a common feature in this world because of the successful influence of Satan over man. This is not only true in the sense of people misrepresenting themselves to others in the countless lies told on every level of human life. It also applies to many popular ideals and philosophies that countless people live by. Any idea advocated (even a religious one) which denies the God of the Bible and His rightful place in His creation is defined in the Bible as a lie. A person may learn in this world that the highest goal of human life is money, or perhaps fame, or pleasure. In light of eternity and the reality of God, these ideals are lies.

All lying is confronted by a standard of truth given by God in a book called the Bible. The Book of God has the ability to set us apart (sanctify) from the lies and deceptions prevailing on every hand. “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth” (John 17:17). Our natural, inborn way is to be part of this world’s program of lies. But the Word of God can change us to people of light and truth. “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way” (Psalm 119:104).

Lies against God’s truth have a certain attraction to every one of us because they lend themselves to the support of self-will in our hearts and sin in our lives. However the truth of God’s Word can set us free from this self-destructive course which wars against God. This is because the Bible also tells us the truth about a way of salvation provided by a loving God. This way is the Lord Jesus Christ Who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).

Jesus Christ is the door to take us from the lie of sin to a right relationship with the God of all truth. He faced our sinfulness fully and took the punishment we deserved by His death on the terrible cross. This was being true to God’s holy person and laws, but it was also a way of saving grace to the sinner. “Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (John 1:17b). God calls to us to be truthful with Him right now and confess to Him our sin and need of His Son as our Saviour.

Take Good Heed Unto Yourselves, That Ye Love the Lord Your God - Joshua 23:11
Sep 18th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Meditation;Inspirational;Book Study

Love is the crown of human nature; its regal chaplet of flowers; the bond by which the sentient universe is made one; the trait in which we most nearly resemble God - for God is love. We may love God from four parts of our nature (Luk 10:27). From the heart, the seat of the emotions; from the saul, the seat of individuality or will; in the strength of our activities; and in the mind, the organ of thought and intelligence. Some natures are more prone to one, and others to another. Each is a gate into the metropolis of Love, or by which the love of God may enter us. And it is of small consequence which gate you use, so long as you use one, and in this way enter the city.

Many people are accustomed to impute love to the heart only, instead of associating it also with other departments of the inner life. Because you have no emotion of love, you therefore conclude that you do not love. But there may be the love of soul, wherein the will crowns Christ as King; or the love of the strength, wherein all the energy of life revolves around Jesus; or the love of the mind, in which all thought is brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Choose which you will.

But we must take heed to ourselves. The love of God will come naturally and easily in us as the fruit of the Spirit, unless we do anything to mar or hinder it. Love begets love; think then how much He loved you, when He gave Himself for you. Take heed to your speech, acts, intentions, volitions, affections; watch as well as pray; keep yourselves in the love of God; love one another and so abide in His love; and in you also the love of God will be perfected.

Revelation 12:4
Sep 18th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

In verse 1, we saw Israel as represented by the woman. In verse 2, we saw the Nation of Israel travailing over the centuries to bring forth the Messiah, the Son of David, the Savior of the world. Last week we saw the dragon, Satan.    We saw that he was and is the power behind the thrones of this world. We see that he will be the power behind the last days'  kingdom of Antichrist -  the ten-toed Revived Roman Empire that Daniel foretold.

Now in verse 4, we see some of the history of Satan's war with God!

"And his tail drew a third part of heaven, and did cast them to the earth:"  The war between God and Satan began when Satan usurped God's authority and rebelled against God.  We read about the nature of that rebellion in Isaiah 14: 12-17.  Satan said, "I will",  five times.  "I will ascend into heaven."  "I will exalt my throne above the stars (angels) of God."  "I will sit also upon the Mount of the Congregation."  "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds."   "I will be like the most High."   Now at this point,  we learn a very important lesson!  Without understanding this fact we will not fully comprehend the background for the whole biblical message. The contest between God and Satan is a war of the will. The conflict between man and God is a conflict of the will. God's kingdom is a kingdom of voluntary wills, It is made up of men and women who have joyfully surrendered their wills to the Lord. God's kingdom is a kingdom of love.  A kingdom in which God has chosen to love and bless men and a kingdom in which men have voluntarily chosen to love and worship God.

That is precisely the reason that God has chosen to allow the contest between Himself and men to go on without force.  That is why God has tolerated Satan's rebellion so long without the use of force.  That is why God tolerates man's rebellion to go on down over the long ages.  God is not interested in robots, not even the angels are robots, He could have created robots if He had wanted them. This is the key in understanding God's dealings with man. Yes, God does foreknow the hearts on men, and He works according to His foreknowledge, drawing men to Himself, but that in no way changes the fact that God limits Himself to the free expression of man's will. God gives grace to those who will respond to Him, but that grace is a response to a seeking heart. God tolerates Satan to continue, even though his heart is fixed against God, Satan is God's tool to test the hearts of men and allow them to be drawn out.

"And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the ground", Satan after his rebellion set about to entice the angels to follow him in his rebellion. Evidently one third of the angels did that.  From Rev. 5:11, we learn that there are perhaps billions of angels.  The number of angels that follwed Satan is evidently hundreds of millions or even billions.

"And did cast them to the earth," These were cast out of heaven and to the earth when they rebelled along with Satan.  Is it any wonder that Satan has been able to create such havoc in the world. We also know that some of these fallen angels have been bound in hell and are awaiting future judgment, Jude 6, 2 Peter 2:4.

"The dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born." The tense of the verb here indicates that this attempt of Satan to destroy Israel is an ongoing thing. Satan has known that Christ will come from Israel and terminate his kingdom on earth, Gen.3:16. Satan as a result hates Christ and knows that he must destroy Christ or be destroyed by Him.

This warfare has gone on since Satan's rebellion, but now in This chapter we have an outline of how this war will proceed and terminate.

Nuggets from - An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith By Dave Hunt - are You Standing on the Word of God?
Sep 18th, 2020
The Berean Call
Categories: Exhortation


Like Adam and Eve, mankind still flees the voice of God, clothes itself with the makeshift garments of new theories no better than fragile leaves, and hides behind trees of its latest excuses for unbelief and rebellion. Psychological theories come and go in a steady stream of folly. For example, drapetomania was the official psychiatric diagnosis of a “mental illness” that was epidemic in early America. Afflicting only slaves, it was marked by a compulsion to escape – and vanished with the Civil War.

The diagnostic and treatment record hasn’t improved since. The famous Jewish psychiatrist, Thomas Szasz, called psychology “the clever and cynical destruction of the spirituality of man, and its replacement by a positivistic ‘science of mind.’” He titled the book containing that statement The Myth of Psychotherapy. Yet the church eagerly accepts each new theory, and the dependence of Christians upon unbiblical solutions continues to grow.

To encourage a passion to know and to put to use all the counsel of God is a major purpose of our ministry. One must know the whole Bible and not merely favorite or “positive” parts of it. May nothing undermine our confidence that God’s Word is a sufficient guide for “life and godliness” (2 Peter:1:3-9).
Only through heeding its “doctrine, reproof, correction, [and] instruction in righteousness” can we be “perfect [that is, mature, complete], thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy:3:16-17).

Let the Headlines Speak
Sep 18th, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

Report: These 5 Countries are next in Line for Normalization with Israel
US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that “five or six” more countries are close to following the UAE and Bahrain in signing peace deals with Israel. According to Israel’s state run Kann News, Israel is in normalization talks with Oman, Sudan, Comoro Islands, Djibouti and Mauritania. All of those countries are Muslim and with the exception of Oman, all are African.

Hezbollah moves large ammonium nitrate stockpiles through EU
“It’s not what you would expect from a political organization, but it’s exactly what you would expect from a terrorist group.” Hezbollah weapons stockpiles and large amounts of ammonium nitrate have been discovered across the EU, US State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism Nathan Sales said Thursday. “Why would Hezbollah stockpile ammonium nitrate on European soil? The answer is clear”,  With the stockpiles, Hezbollah “can conduct major terror attacks whenever its masters in Tehran deem it necessary,”

Jews who hate Trump and do not know why
Some Jews in an act of colossal memory loss sponsor Antifa and BLM. Their ancestors financed the Bolsheviks, then faced firing squads.  It is a given that the plurality of Jews wouldn’t vote for Donald J. Trump even if Moses endorsed him. We shouldn’t look for logic here. As prominent Zionist Max Nordau once observed, “logic is a Greek art and Jews can’t tolerate it”. Overall, his critics failed to grasp the essence and the benefits of Trump’s statecraft and foreign policy based on raison d’état—national interests. The old adage, “There are two types of Jews—those who believe that Judaism is about social justice and those who know Hebrew,” perfectly reflects the current political environment.

Italian politician nominates Netanyahu for Nobel Peace Prize
According to Israeli media, MP Paolo Grimoldi nominated Netanyahu for the prestigious international award by citing his recent diplomatic achievements, which include signing the Abraham Accords at the White House on Tuesday and Jerusalem’s efforts made towards Saudi Arabia.

Joe Biden doubles down on supporting China in WTO: ‘We want China to grow’
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden recently reinforced his position on supporting China … In addition to supporting China’s entry into the WTO, a move that has reportedly eliminated more than 3.4 million jobs from the United States economy, Biden defended normalizing trade relations with China. Of the 3.4 million jobs lost, roughly 2.6 million were eliminated in manufacturing,

Why the Next Shooting War Could Go Nuclear
In the case of warhead ambiguity, the lack of clear distinctions between nuclear and non-nuclear systems greatly complicates any attempt at escalation management. “Imagine that the U.S. and China are in a shooting match, and China deploys conventional DF-26 missiles with non-nuclear warheads,” Acton explained. “But imagine U.S. intelligence gets that wrong and thinks they are nuclear versions of the DF-26.”

Barr takes aim at prosecutors inside his own Justice Dept.
Attorney General William Barr is taking aim at his own Justice Department, criticizing prosecutors for behaving as “headhunters” in their pursuit of prominent targets and for using the weight of the criminal justice system to launch what he said were “ill-conceived” political probes. “Name one successful organization where the lowest level employees’ decisions are deemed sacrosanct. There aren’t any,” Barr said.

US Treasury Department slaps sanctions against Hezbollah-linked companies, top official
The US Treasury Department announced that it was slapping sanctions against two Lebanese-based companies for their alleged links to Islamist terrorist organization Hezbollah, Reuters reported on Thursday. The two businesses blacklisted by the department were named as Arch Consulting and Meamar Construction, and build on sanctions already imposed this month on two former government ministers, according to the outlet. In addition, sanctions were also levied against Sultan Khalifah As’ad, who the Treasury Department believes is a senior Hezbollah Executive Council official with ties to the two companies.

ESA moves forward with Hera planetary defense mission
ESA has awarded €129.4 million of funding to the planetary defense mission Hera, which will observe the results of humanity’s first attempt to intentionally alter the orbit of a solar system asteroid. The mission could be the fist step along the road to creating a defense strategy to guard the Earth against future asteroid impacts.

Mysterious match-up as giant planet spotted orbiting tiny star
NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has discovered a strange star system, where a giant gassy planet is tightly orbiting a tiny white dwarf. Not only is this the first time such an arrangement has been seen, but it raises some very odd questions about how the planet survived the star’s expansive “death” in the first place. The planet, named WD 1856 b, is roughly the size of Jupiter, making it about seven times bigger than the star it’s orbiting, named WD 1856+534. That’s a huge disparity – stars are normally much bigger than planets.

Hypersonic ‘smart bullet’ fired from tank downs cruise missile
The U.S. Air Force used a hyper-velocity projectile (HVP), capable of traveling Mach 7.3, or about 5,600 mph, fired from an Army M109 howitzer tank, to shoot down a fast-moving cruise missile over a missile range in New Mexico. “You’re not supposed to be able to shoot down a cruise missile with a tank. But, yes, you can, if the bullet is smart enough, and the bullet we use for that system is exceptionally smart,”

College administrators shred Constitution for ‘triggered student’
A sympathetic administrator at elite Vassar College agreed to put a pocket copy of the Constitution through a shredder after an undercover Project Veritas reporter posing as a student complained that its distribution on campus “triggered” her. The Constitution Day report by Project Veritas also shows a professor at Oberlin College agreeing the founding document is “racist,” “discriminating” and “causes people pain.”

Turkey and Iran are engaging in new operations in Africa – reports
Call it a new ‘Great Game’ or war for hearts and minds, or just influence peddling, but Iran and Turkey are now engaged in greater efforts to expand their role in Africa. This comes as Russia and China are…extending networks on the continent. It is important to understand that this is in the context of the US…reducing its global role and…around 60 years after European colonialism was rolled back.

Hezbollah moves large ammonium nitrate stockpiles through EU – report
Hezbollah weapons stockpiles and large amounts of ammonium nitrate have been discovered across the EU, US State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism Nathan Sales said Thursday. “Why would Hezbollah stockpile ammonium nitrate on European soil? The answer is clear,”…With the stockpiles, Hezbollah “can conduct major terror attacks whenever its masters in Tehran deem it necessary,”…

Second defector’s knowledge of Chinese bioweapons reaches U.S.
U.S. intelligence agencies recently increased their knowledge of China’s covert biological weapons program with the help of a defector from the People’s Liberation Army…The defector escaped from China and traveled to Europe, where he is under the protection of a European government security service, according to the sources.

China holds military drill as US envoy visits Taiwan
China says it is conducting military exercises near the Taiwan Strait to “protect its sovereignty” as a top US official visits Taiwan. The live-fire drills take place as relations between Beijing and Washington sour and the US shores up its support of Taiwan. China regards self-ruled Taiwan as a breakaway province.

Dangerous Medicane Cassilda (Ianos) forecast to strike western Greece
The first medicane of the 2020/21 Mediterranean medicane season — named Cassilda by the unofficial Mediterranean Cyclone Center (MCC), and Ianos by the National Observatory of Athens — formed in the Ionian Sea on September 16. The storm is moving toward Greece and is expected to make landfall on Friday, September 18.

Feds Considered Pursuing Criminal Charges Against Portland Officials For Allowing Riots To Grow Out Of Control
The Federal Department Of Justice looked at the possibility of charging Portland area “leaders” with crimes related to the 100+ days of perpetual riots and other unrest.

Pope Francis Takes Aim At President Trump In A Recent Speech: ‘Abusing The Ecosystem Is A Grave Sin, Trump Should Be Held Accountable’
Pope Francis asked Christians to care about creation, saying that the abuse of ecosystems is a “grave sin” while lamenting the negative impacts of global warming and targeting President Trump “everyone abusing the ecosystem should be held accountable.”

COVID-19 danger continues to drive joblessness in US
Today we are calling for the arrest and prosecution of top government officials in Nashville, TN, who have now been caught red-handed covering up the very low numbers of infections at restaurants and bars in order to gaslight the public and justify draconian business closures and lockdowns.

COVID CRIMINALS: Nashville officials buried numbers showing very low infections in order to gaslight the public over need to keep bars and restaurants shut down
Today we are calling for the arrest and prosecution of top government officials in Nashville, TN, who have now been caught red-handed covering up the very low numbers of infections at restaurants and bars in order to gaslight the public and justify draconian business closures and lockdowns.

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