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Sep 7th, 2020
Main Stories
Art Sadlier
Categories: Printed Newsletter

Repentance unto salvation, if it is genuine, arises from a deep and profound conviction by Christ’s Spirit that we are indeed wrongdoers who in sinister sin against Him have become alienated from Him. Though in His wondrous grace, generosity, and love He extends to us His mercy, forgiveness, and acceptance on the basis of His own magnanimous self-sacrifice on the cross. He demands that we for our part turn from our wicked ways, repent of our wrongs, seek His companionship, and claim His amazing justification and total forgiveness. 

I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3).

For the believer, repentance is not a once-for-all experience that takes place only at the time of initial conversion. It is in fact a daily sacrifice in which we see ourselves as we really are in the white, intense light of Christ’s character and His Word, so that we need to turn to Him for cleansing and for forgiveness. It is the continual repudiation of evil in our lives. It is the humble admission of having missed the mark in the high calling to which Christ calls us. It is the bold willingness to face our sins and to come to hate them with utter disdain and stern intensity because they are such grief to Christ and such a corruption of our own character.

In the believers repentance there is a profound personal sorrow for the suffering which our sins bring to our fondest friend and saviour, Jesus Christ. There is genuine remorse for the pain and sadness that our wrong attitudes and rotten behaviour bring to those around us. There is horrendous self-humiliation because we know full well that we are not living our best. Our misconduct, our selfishness, our pride corrode our own character and contaminate our conduct.

For the believer repentance of unconfessed sin restores fellowship with the Lord. His standing in righteousness berfore God never changes even though sin disrupts his fellowship. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

Why America is in Real Danger
Sep 7th, 2020
Categories: Contemporary Issues

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Americans have long been proud of the fact that, unlike European countries, America never went the route of totalitarianism as embodied in communism, fascism and Nazism.

This achievement may be coming to an end.

In order to understand why, it is first necessary to understand why European countries embraced -- or fell victim to -- totalitarian doctrines.

Until World War I, the primary beliefs that gave life meaning, both on a national and personal level, were Judeo-Christian religions and patriotism (love of one's nation). What gave people moral guidance were Judeo-Christian values.

For most Europeans of the younger generation, World War I, with its seemingly senseless slaughter of millions, ended belief in Christianity and, in many cases, ended the people's faith in their nations. God was deemed absent; religion was deemed unnecessary; and national identity was widely seen as a cause of the war.

That left a void that was almost immediately filled by communism, fascism and Nazism.

In Russia, World War I led directly to the Russian Revolution. Even before the war ended, in 1917, the czar was overthrown, and later that year, the Bolsheviks (the Russian communists) took over.

As awful as the czar was, there was far more freedom under him than there was in the Soviet Union until the fall of communism 72 years later, not to mention the murder of more people -- 20 to 40 million -- under the Soviet regime.

In Italy, the rise of fascism followed World War I. And in Germany, the Nazis came to power just 15 years after the end of the Great War. Nazism conquered most of the European continent during WWII, and after Germany's defeat in 1945, the Soviets imposed communism over all of Eastern Europe.

Though there were communists, communist fellow travelers, Nazi sympathizers, racists and anti-Semites in the United States, neither communism nor fascism nor Nazism took root here.

The primary reason was that, unlike most Europeans, Americans did not lose their faith in Judeo-Christian religions and values or in America after World War I. America remained so religious that, in 1954, the words "under God" were inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance recited daily in American schools.

However, by the 1950s, faith in America, Christianity and what we call bourgeois middle-class values was largely limited to older Americans. The post-World War II baby-boomer generation was already being indoctrinated in secularism and anti-Americanism. As early as 1962, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that school prayer was unconstitutional.

By the late 1960s, vast numbers of baby boomers were attending demonstrations that were as much against America -- routinely characterized as an imperialist and colonialist aggressor country with an evil military -- as they were against the war in Vietnam. It was not uncommon to see America spelled "Amerikkka" or "Amerika" at protests and in graffiti.

When I was in graduate school at Columbia University in the early 1970s, I was taught that men and women are not inherently different from one another and that the Cold War was between two superpowers (equally at fault), not between freedom and tyranny.

Another generation has passed, and the post-Christian, left-wing baby boomers have come close to achieving complete success. The mainstream print and electronic media, universities, high schools and elementary schools, the arts and now sports have all been conquered by the Left. Except for sports, from the beginning of the 20th century, they were almost all liberal, but now they are Left.

We now have the answer to the question: What will happen to America if Americans lose faith in God and country as the Europeans did after World War I? What will happen to America when Christianity dies as it did in Europe after World War I?

The way things now look, America may have its bout with some totalitarian doctrine -- almost surely some form of leftism. Liberty has never been a left-wing value. From Lenin on, wherever the Left has come to power, it has suppressed liberty, beginning with free speech.

Already, despite a Republican president and a Republican Senate, America has less free speech than at any time in its history. Exactly one year ago, I testified before a Senate subcommittee and wrote an op-ed piece for The Wall Street Journal about YouTube (owned by Google) placing more than 100 Prager University, or PragerU, videos on its restricted list.

And things have gotten much worse. Last week, PragerU was locked out of its Twitter account for retweeting a press conference of eight physicians in Washington, D.C., which had already received 17 million views, and Facebook has just informed us that if we even cite studies that show possible benefits of hydroxychloroquine (with zinc) in the early stages of a patient with COVID-19, we will lose our Facebook account.

And then there is the "cancel culture" -- which is merely a euphemism for leftist suppression of dissent. People are booted from internet platforms, fired from their jobs or have their reputations smeared and their businesses ruined for differing with the Left -- on anything.

We are also undergoing a nonviolent (as of now) version of Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution, with individuals forced to issue humiliating public recantations of their beliefs and attend reeducation sessions (we don't yet have reeducation camps, but they should not be ruled out as a possibility if the Left is in control).

Another communist norm taking root in America is the rewriting of the American past. We are living a famous Soviet dissident joke: "In the Soviet Union, the future is known; it is the past that is always changing."

On almost all social issues and many economic ones, the American Left is more radical than the Left in Europe. Europeans across the political spectrum are more wary of ideological fanaticism because of the vast scale of death and suffering that resulted from communism, fascism and Nazism.

One might say that Europe was inoculated against fanaticism. Europeans are more preoccupied with working less, traveling more and being taken care of than with ideological movements. But America, which has not suffered under fanatical, irrational, liberty-depriving ideologies, has not been inoculated.

Without such a vaccination, what replaced Christianity in Europe may well do the same in America.

When I Consider Thy Heavens
Sep 7th, 2020
Creation Moments
Categories: Creation - Evolution

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained (Psalm 8:3).

Comets are fascinating things. Although there are a lot of them out there in our night sky, the overwhelming majority of them are insufficiently bright to see with the naked eye. But every so often, a comet appears, which is bright enough to see during the night, and sometimes bright enough even to see during the day.

The most notable comet that I can remember was Comet Hale-Bopp, which was visible in April 1997. At the time, I was a Head of Science in a state-run school in South Wales. The comet was clearly visible from my classroom laboratory, at the end of the school day, and was a fascinating sight for my students.

The comet's tail is not caused by the object's movement, along its highly elongated, elliptical orbit around the sun. Instead, it is caused by particles from the sun - the so-called solar wind - blowing material away from the comet, as it evaporates, when it is closer to the sun. Every time a comet approaches the sun, it gets a little smaller.

It is not difficult, therefore, to calculate how long a comet can last. It is not possible for it to last more than about 10,000 years. But secular astrophysicists suggest that comets were formed at the same time as the rest of the Solar System. Such scientists cannot accept this age, as it is less than the 4.5 billion years required for their theory. Biblical creationists have no such difficulty, as the Bible gives a timescale of only 6,000 years.

Tornadoes, Heatwaves & Hurricanes - America's Natural Disasters on the Rise
Sep 7th, 2020
Categories: Prophecy

News Image

It has just been one thing after another in 2020.  First, the COVID-19 pandemic erupted and quickly spread all over the globe.  At this point more than 800,000 people have died globally, and authorities are warning us to brace ourselves for another wave of the pandemic in the fall. 

Of course many would argue that fear of the virus has been even worse than the disease itself, and it is undeniable that the COVID-19 shutdowns were the primary reason why we have plunged into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. 

More than 57 million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits so far this year, and that number just keeps rising with each passing week.  On top of all that, the tragic death of George Floyd caused an unprecedented wave of civil unrest to erupt in major cities all across America, and many are anticipating a fresh outburst of unrest as we head toward election day in November. 

So coming into this month we had already faced far more trouble than we do in a typical year, and now a very strange series of natural disasters is making things even worse.

For example, earlier this month an absolutely massive storm known as a "derecho" with winds of up to 112 mph came roaring through the Midwest.  Millions upon millions of acres of crops were destroyed, and Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has described this storm as a "40-mile-wide tornado that went through the state of Iowa"...

The damage was so bad that the New York Times reported that Iowa state officials estimate that at least 14 million acres of necessary farmland were damaged by the storm. Not only were crops destroyed but hundreds of millions of bushels of commercial storage grain, as well as tens of millions of bushels of on-farm storage grain, were also lost.

Shannon Textor, who is a spokesperson for the Iowa Corn Growers Association, reported that it may be weeks to determine the monetary loss as a result of the storm. "It's really hard to get your arms around the devastation at this point," Textor admitted.

President Donald Trump took notice of the destruction and on Tuesday discussed the damage and promised Iowans the "full support of the federal government in recovery. According to Iowa Governor. Kim Reynolds, the devastation caused an estimated $4 billion in damages from the storm. During a briefing with the president, Reynolds described the storm as a "40-mile-wide tornado that went through the state of Iowa."

Shortly after that historic storm ripped a giant scar across the Midwest, the western half of the nation was gripped by a historic heatwave.

The highest temperature ever captured by modern instruments was recorded in Death Valley, California, many other all-time records were shattered all over the Southwest, and the city of Phoenix actually broke their record for most days in a year in which the high temperature reached at least 115 degrees.

Of course that heatwave set the stage for the nightmarish wildfires that we are witnessing in the state of California right now.

Yes, we see wildfires in California every year, but we have never seen anything quite like this.  Just consider the following facts...

-12,000 lightning strikes have hit the state over the past week, and many more are expected this week.

-More than a million acres have been destroyed by fire so far.

-Two of the five largest fires in the history of the state are burning in northern California right now.

-Wildfires in California have already caused more death and destruction in 2020 than they did in all of 2019.

-A "red flag" warning has been issued for Monday.  Authorities are anticipating that winds of up to 65 mph and widespread lightning strikes will make this crisis even worse.

As if everything that I have shared so far wasn't enough, two very dangerous storms are headed toward the Gulf Coast.

Hurricane Marco is likely to make landfall first, and residents of the Gulf Coast will begin to feel Marco's fury as early as Monday morning...

At 5 p.m. CDT on Sunday, Marco strengthened to a Category 1 hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 75 mph and was moving to the north-northwest at 13 mph.

Forecasters warn that time is running out for residents along the central Gulf Coast to make preparations, as impacts will start to be felt early Monday morning. Marco is expected to continue intensifying through Sunday.

Following closely on the heels of Hurricane Marco is Tropical Storm Laura.

Laura will likely enter the Gulf of Mexico early this week, and forecasters fully expect it to also develop into a hurricane...

Tropical Storm Laura is forecast to reach the Gulf of Mexico early this week, where significant intensification into a hurricane is expected. The area with the highest chance of seeing a hurricane strike from Laura by midweek is along parts of the northern and western Gulf Coast, but this forecast is still uncertain.

At this point, many are anticipating that Laura will end up being the stronger of the two storms, but we shall have to wait and see how everything plays out.

Meanwhile, much of the other side of the globe continues to wrestle with a historic plague of locusts.  Some of these swarms of locusts are the size of major cities, and it would be difficult to overstate the crop devastation that we have been witnessing in many countries.

When combined with the tremendous impact that COVID-19 has been having on global food distribution systems, these two factors have created a tremendous worldwide crisis.  In fact, the head of the UN World Food Program has once again used the word "biblical" to describe the famine that the planet is potentially facing...

The Covid-19 pandemic may lead to a calamity of epic scale, with millions facing starvation worldwide, the head of the UN's hunger-fighting body has warned.

"All the data we have, including WFP forecast that the number of people experiencing malnutrition will grow by 80 percent by the end of the year, ... points to a real disaster," David Beasley, Executive Director of the UN World Food Program (WFP), said.

"We are risking a famine of biblical proportions."

2020 has truly been a year like no other, and it is imperative for everyone to understand that the "perfect storm" that we are now facing is just getting started.

All of a sudden, the U.S. is being hit by one major crisis after another, and to many people it seems quite unlikely that so many nightmarish events would happen so closely together by random chance.

So what do you think?

Could it be possible that someone is trying to get our attention?

It would be a major understatement to say that 2020 has been a "crazy" year so far, and I have a feeling that quite a few more surprises are in store for us before this year is over.

The Dark Valley
Sep 7th, 2020
Weekly Commentary
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Exhortation

There have been times in my life when the way was dark and uncertain; times when it seemed that all was lost. I have been on the sunlit mountain top and I have been in the dark valley. I like the mountain top better than the dark valley, but there are things to be learned in the valley that cannot be learned on the mountain top.

David spoke of his time in the dark valley in Psalm 13:1-2, “How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me?”

Peter spoke of the same situation in 1 Peter 1:7, “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.”

The poet wrote of the times of trial that must come into every believer’s life.

He knows it all – The winding path, the sky o’er cast with grey, the steepness of the mountainside, the roughness of the way.

He knows it all – The haunting fear, the doubting’s that distress, the wanderings and perplexities, and all the strain and stress.

He knows it all – each troubled thought, each anxious wave of care, and every burden, every grief, or cross that dost bear.

He knows it all – thy weight of woe, thine oft tear dimmed eye, the stabbing pain, the slow, dull ache, and sorrow’s broken cry.

He knows it all – by His to choose, and thine to take His choice! He knows it all, He planned it so! Then trust Him and rejoice! (Unknown)

Revelation 11: 9-13 Pt. 1 - Exploring Revelation
Sep 7th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Book Study

In verse 9, we read that the whole world will see the dead bodies of the two witnesses lying in the street. Before the advent of TV there were those that scoffed at such a possibility, but today we see scenes from Jerusalem on our TV sets every night.

In verse 10, we see a Satanic Christmas celebration with the exchange of gifts and great celebrations. This seems to be Satan's hour, antichrist will be bragging about what he has done, It will seem that Satan has won out. Today we see signs of that horrible day on the  horizon, the hour wiil come when men will systematically set out to eliminate millions  from the earth. Today new agers are saying that 2 billion negative people must be removed from the earth.

In the UNESCO Courier, November 1991, Jacques Cousteau wrote, "The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics--it is equal to the degree of development. One American burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes....This a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it." The stage is being set to slaughter millions in that awful hour. In the book of Revelation these negative people are called the tribulation saints. As we read these verses in this chapter we say it can't happen, God's word is true, it will happen.

Catch the scene, all over the world TV sets are tuned to Jerusalem, people gaze at dead bodies of these two men. These two men had brought judgments, plagues, catastrophies and death as a rebuke upon those who had given themselves over to work unrighteousness. Now they are dead and the partying breaks out all over the world.  They sing and dance and celebrate. Suddenly before their eyes on the TV set the bodies begin to stir, and they watch mesmerized as the two men roll over and get up.

The people of the world begin to shake with fear. There is a thunder from heaven and the voice of God is heard, "Come up hither". Our God is a God of love and compassion, he never ceases to seek men whose hearts may yet be open to His love and mercy.

Without further warning the two witnesses slowly begin to ascend in a cloud, the TV camera follows them upward as they disappear in the sky. The scene is replayed again and again, verse 11 says, "and great fear fell upon them which saw them".  It reminds us of Belshazzar's feast and the handwriting on the wall, it says their knees smote together. It is amazing that the fear of God causes some to turn from their sin and it causes others to harden their hearts. The same sun that melts the wax hardens the clay!

"And the same hour there was a great earthquake", the city is devastated, seven thousand men are killed. No doubt is left as to the fact that God is at work. The gospel has gone to the four corners of the earth, the message of the witnesses has been confirmed. The spectacular rapture is a further confirmation of the message, now God will step back and allow Satan to  do his worst. Men must choose and they do.

We are living on the threshold of these fearfull events, and yet the world is oblivious and indifferent.

For the believer, we are expecting......A shout! -  A trumpet note! - A glorious presence in the azure sky! -

A gasp, A thrill of joy,  And we are with Him in the twinkling of an eye.

Let the Headlines Speak
Sep 7th, 2020
Daily News
From the InternetIndia lawmaker says China kidnapped civilians Tensions are rising between Delhi and
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

India lawmaker says China kidnapped civilians
Tensions are rising between Delhi and Beijing amid reports that Chinese troops kidnapped five Indian civilians in a border state last week. The allegation was first tweeted on 5 September by an Indian lawmaker from Arunachal Pradesh state. An Indian cabinet minister has since said that a “hotline message” has been sent to the Chinese army.

Turkey ‘disappointed’ by Kosovo’s move to recognize Israel
Turkey on Sunday voiced disappointment over majority-Muslim Kosovo’s decision to recognize Israel and set up its mission in Jerusalem. A vocal advocate of the Palestinian cause, Turkey became one of the first countries to recognize Kosovo, which declared its independence from Serbia in 2008.

Fraternal Order of Police Endorses Trump, Including Lodge in Biden’s Home State
The Fraternal Order of Police, one of the nation’s largest law enforcement organizations, on Friday unanimously gave its national endorsement to President Trump’s re-election, while its local lodge in Delaware turned its back on home state son Joe Biden to also support the GOP nominee.

Saudi King Salman tells Trump that kingdom is eager to achieve fair solution to Palestinian issue
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman told U.S. President Donald Trump in a phone call on Sunday that the kingdom was eager to achieve a fair and permanent solution to the Palestinian issue, which he said was the main starting point of the kingdom’s proposed Arab Peace Initiative, the state news agency reported.

Two tropical cyclones expected to form in next week, forecasters say
Forecasters expect two batches of disorganized storms in the Atlantic Ocean to organize and form into tropical depressions over the next several days, according to Saturday advisories from the National Hurricane Center.

Magnitude 6.4 quake jolts Davao Occidental
A magnitude 6.4 earthquake jolted Davao Occidental on Sunday, the state seismology bureau said. The tremor struck 26 kilometers southeast of Don Marcelino town at 11:23 p.m., state seismologists said.

5.9-magnitude earthquake jolts Indonesia’s West Halmahera district
A 5.9-magnitude earthquake jolted northwest of West Halmahera District in North Maluku Province on Sunday morning but no tsunami alert was issued. The epicenter of the quake that occurred at 07.21 a.m local time was located around 112 kilometers away from the district area at a depth of 10 kilometers, the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) revealed.

Panama- 5 8 Earthquake in Chiriqui
The Institute of Geosciences of the University of Panama is preparing a report on three movements during a 5.8-degree earthquake registerd at noon on Friday in the province of Chiriquí. It was reported that the epicenter of the earthquake occurred in the waters of the Puerto Armuelles sector, bordering the neighboring country of Costa Rica.

Earthquake of magnitude 6.3 strikes off Vanuatu
An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck off the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu on Sunday, the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The quake had a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), according to GFZ. (Reporting by Kanishka Singh in Bengaluru; Editing by Christian Schmollinger)

North Chile shaken by powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake
An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.3 shook northern Chile on Saturday night, the second powerful tremor to hit the country this week, though there were no reports of casualties or property damage. A magnitude 6.8 quake struck in the Pacific off the coast of northern Chile early Tuesday. No injuries or damage were reported.

Out of 8,000 Federal Donations Made to PACs and Politicians by CDC Employees in the Last Five Years, FEC Records Show Only Five Went to Republican Causes
Employees at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have made more than 8,000 contributions totaling over $285,000 to Democratic candidates and causes since 2015, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis of political contributions. The CDC did not respond to a request for comment from the DCNF. The most common recipient was ActBlue, an online fundraising platform for Democratic and left-leaning organizations.

Gantz promotes building 5,000 new homes in Judea and Samaria
Gantz has asked for the council to meet and approve the building of 5,000 new housing units. Some units are to be built in major settlement blocs. Gantz is also promoting building hundreds of units in areas outside of major blocs such as Nokdim, Beit El, Shiloh and South Hebron Hills.

Netanyahu Thanks Trump for Making Kosovo First Muslim Country to open Embassy in Jerusalem
US President Donald Trump, yesterday (Friday, 4 September 2020), telephoned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the former’s meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti and congratulated the two leaders on their decision to establish full diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Malawi to move embassy to Jerusalem
Malawi’s President Lazarus Chakwera said on Saturday that his country intends to establish an embassy in Jerusalem. Chakwera, who promised reforms after taking office in June, said in his announcement on Saturday that “the reforms will also include a review of our diplomatic presence, including our resolve to have new diplomatic missions in Lagos, Nigeria and Jerusalem, Israel.

Palestinians Threaten to Cut Ties After 3 Countries Announce Jerusalem Embassies
The Palestinian Authority warned on Sunday that it would cut ties with any country that opened its embassy in Jerusalem, after Serbia, Kosovo, and Malawi announced their intentions to open diplomatic missions in the Israeli capital.

American Airlines allow employees wear Black Lives Matter pin
American Airlines announced on Sunday that it would allow flight attendants to wear “Black Lives Matter” pins on their uniform while on duty, according to a Fox News  report. The announcement was met with support as well as backlash.

Hal Turner Radio Show – Feds Seize 19,888 Fake State Driver Licenses (Made in China) in Chicago O’Hare Airport – ALL Registered to Vote — ALL Democrat
Why are the Chinese making so many fake U.S. driver licenses?  Why are they being shipped to Chicago’s O’Hare Airport?  Why are ALL the names completely phony; yet ALL are Registered to Vote . . .  and Registered as Democrats?

‘Church is More Essential Than Ever’: CA Church Appeals Case Banning ALL Acts of In-Person Worship
A California church has appealed its case to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals concerning Gov. Gavin Newsom’s ban on all indoor worship services, including Bible studies, and singing.

BOMBSHELL: Organization funding BLM, Antifa terrorism linked to Biden campaign
George Soros often gets the blame for funding much of the agitation in our country that leads to chaos, looting and rioting for “social justice.” But two other individuals who also deserve blame are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, both of whom are linked to an organization known as the Ford Foundation that is actively funding Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa terrorism across America.

Antifa “war encampment” found in Portland, housing agitators who emerge from tents each night to unleash CHAOS and violence
A shocking new video has surfaced that appears to show a tent city compound in Portland, Oregon, housing a large number of people who are descried as Antifa agitators who reportedly join in the nightly chaos and mayhem that’s systematically burning down the city of Portland.

He Maketh Wars to Cease - Psalm 46:9
Sep 7th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Meditation;Inspirational;Book Study

"My soul is among lions, and I dwell among those that are set on fire: even the sons of men, whose words are spears and arrows, and their tongue .a sharp sword." Such is the frequent confession or the child of God. Hemmed in by foes, the butt of vehement hate! But the moment comes at length when God arises to deliver. He utters his voice the earth melts. In the night the enemy has wrapped up his tents and stolen silently away. War has ceased, and all the land of life lies plain and open.

God makes the wars of the outward life cease, so that as life's afternoon comes the man who had fought his way through overwhelming odds - as a reformer, or inventor, or philanthropist - spends his years amid troops of friends and loving recognition.

God makes the wars of the home cease, so that the disturbing elements pass out, or are transmuted by invincible patience and love.

God makes the wars of the heart cease, so that Satan no longer annoys. The storm dies down, and the river which makes glad the city of God purls quietly through the soul. Sennacherib and his vast array lie as the leaves of autumn, silent in the last sleep.

If as yet God has not made your wars to cease, it is because He knows that you have still strength to fight on. Do not faint in the day of battle. Ponder those great words of Cromwell: "Call not your burden sad or heavy, for if your Heavenly Father sent it (or permitted it) He intended it to be neither." It is through the fight that you are winning experience, strength, the approval of your Captain, .and the crown.

'Peace With Many' - will All 22 Arab States Make Peace With Israel?
Sep 7th, 2020
Categories: The Nation Of Israel

News Image

Jared Kushner, senior advisor to U.S. President Donald Trump, said in an interview published on Tuesday that he believes that it is possible all 22 Arab states will make peace with Israel, and that a fourth Arab country could normalize relations with Israel within "months."

On Aug. 13, the White House announced that Israel and the UAE had agreed to normalize relations, making the UAE the third Arab country after Egypt and Jordan to officially recognize the Jewish state.

Speaking to the United Arab Emirates' state-run news agency WAM, Kushner said, "Obviously anything could happen, but the reality is that a lot of people are envious of the move that the United Arab Emirates has made."

"A lot of people want access to the technology, economy and the advancements that Israel has. Israel is like another Silicon Valley for the Middle East," he added.

Kushner also said that many Muslims are excited to be able to pray at the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

"We don't solve problems by not talking to each other. So, normalizing relations and allowing people-to-people and business exchanges will only make the Middle East stronger and a more stable place," he said.

Asked by WAM about the possibility of peace with 22 Arab states, Kushner said, "I believe that it is logical for them to do it and I believe it is the right thing to do over time."

"I think thanks to the UAE leadership there will be a much bigger coalition. There will be what I call 'a vocal majority' that will be in favor of normalizing. I think the vocal minority who have been against it will be more and more isolated in the region," he said.

Regarding Israel's plans to extend sovereignty to parts of Judea and Samaria, Kushner said this would take place "in the future," but not "in the near future."

"Right now, the focus is on this relationship UAE and Israel and the Israeli relationship potentially with other countries, that is very important to Israel and the region," he said, according to the report.

Editors Note:

Many Bible Prophecy experts have been watching for the emergence of an agreement/covenant to be confirmed between Israel and "many" for a period of seven years.  This prophetic event is found in Daniel 9:27.  The signing of such an agreement will introduce the final 7 year period laid out in Daniel's 70 Weeks prophecy which is often called the Tribulation period.

It is during this period that the majority of the events of the book of Revelation are fulfilled. The comments by Jared Kushner that "it is possible all 22 Arab states will make peace with Israel, and that a fourth Arab country could normalize relations with Israel within "months" is very significant.

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