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What is Man . . . That Thou Shouldst Visit Him Every Morning? Job 7:17,18
Sep 8th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F.B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

GOD visits us with mercy every morning. Before we are awake He is at work in the world, baptizing it with dew, feeding the birds and wild things, taking pleasure in the jasmine and heliotrope, the honeysuckle, and the rose; and with all his care for his world, He does not forget man, whom He has placed there to be its tenant. There is no life so mean and abject, so suffering and wretched, that He does not visit in order to comfort and relieve it. No heart so forlorn that He does not knock at the door: no window so selfishly curtained and shuttered, at which He does not tap. "Open to Me!" the heavenly visitor entreats, "my love, my dove, my spouse!" Alas for us! that we keep the doors and windows closed to Him ‑‑ as the poor widow to a beneficent friend, who called to relieve her, but she mistook him for the rent‑collector.

But probably Job meant that God visits us in discipline, training, education. He is the watcher of men; not to detect their failures, but to discover opportunities of leading them on to richer, fuller experiences of his grace and life. Surely, as we consider all the time and pains which God has expended on us, we too may cry, with the patriarch, "What is man?" Man is more than we guess, else God would never take such time and pains with him. When a lapidary spends years over a single diamond, the most careless observer begins to appraise properly its intrinsic value.

Every morning God visits thee, with holy thoughts and warnings, with miracles and parables, with anticipations and forecasts ‑‑ oh, realize how much thou art to Him: give Him love for love, thanks and loving recognition, a child's welcome and trust.

The New War on Prayer - Franklin Graham Attacked for Praying At Rnc
Sep 8th, 2020
Categories: Contemporary Issues

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It seems like a parallel universe now, but at the time it seemed perfectly normal. In 1988, Billy Graham gave a nonpartisan prayer at the Democratic National Convention, and it was received respectfully and without controversy. In those days, a respected pastor saying a prayer at a nationally televised political convention was seen as a matter of course, no matter what their personal political leanings might be.

But no longer. Last week, Billy's son Franklin said a nonpartisan prayer on the closing night of the RNC. This was apparently too much for George Soros-funded activists on the Left, who have launched a petition demanding that Graham be removed as chairman and CEO of the charitable organization Samaritan's Purse for making a "partisan appearance."

But as Graham explained on Washington Watch, his prayer made no mention of a particular party: "I did not come out in my prayer supporting the president or Joe Biden. I just asked that we pray and ask God's blessing on them and protection for all of our leaders." As Graham made clear, prayer goes beyond politics: "I would have prayed at the Democratic National Convention if they invited me. I think prayer is important, especially to pray for our leaders."

What's interesting about this latest salvo from the Left is how it reveals their hypocrisy on religion in the public square. The DNC was happy to feature prayer from clergy who, as Graham noted, are "very liberal in their theological views. They prayed at the DNC, but activists on the Left did not call for them to step down or to resign their positions because they prayed."

This is just the latest example of how the Left wants the symbolism of religion but not the substance of scripture. The Democrats will allow a token liberal pastor or two to say a prayer on national television, but at the same time they have quietly scrubbed any mention of God (except for one instance of "God-given" as a descriptor) from their official platform.

Substitution? - He Took Our Place
Sep 8th, 2020
Harry A. Ironside
Categories: Bible Salvation

Although the word substitution is not in the Bible, it stands for a great truth that runs through the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. That is, the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ, in infinite grace, took the place of poor, lost, guilty sinners, and made it possible for a holy God to reach out in mercy and save all who would come to Him in the name of His beloved Son.

I do not have one particular text in mind, but I have been thinking of five different passages in the New Testament where we get the same expression—He “gave himself”; and I want you to think with me of these Scriptures. The One who gave Himself was our Lord Jesus Christ, and I should like you to notice what it was for which He gave Himself.

In the Epistle to the Galatians, the apostle Paul writes:

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20; emphasis added)

Note the individuality of it. Paul, who had been a bitter persecutor of the people of God, who had been an enemy of the Cross of Christ, one day had his eyes opened, and he suddenly realized that the One who had died on that Cross went there for him, that He had taken his place, that it was love that led Him to go to that shameful death. From that moment the heart of Saul of Tarsus went out in adoration gratitude to our Lord Jesus Christ; and until the very end of his days, he found his greatest joy in trying to give some evidence, by a life of service, of his love for the One who had thus loved him.

Notice how Paul speaks of Him: “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” There you have the very heart of the Gospel—“Himself for me.” That is substitution. Some people tell us, because we do not find the actual word “substitution” in the Bible, that the truth of it, the fact of it, is not there. And so they talk of atonement by other means than by substitution—atonement by example or atonement by reconciling love, that leads men to turn to God adoringly, simply because of the goodness that He showed in seeking them out in the person of His Son. But no, the Word of God makes it very definite. The work that took place on Calvary was a substitutionary transaction. It was the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s own blessed, eternal Son, who became man for our redemption, giving Himself on our behalf.

“The Son of God loved me, and gave himself for me.” That is the language of faith. When a poor, needy sinner looks at that Cross and sees, as it were, the blessed Savior hanging there, he says, “He was there for me; it was my sins that put Him there; it was in order that I might be fitted for the presence of God that He went into the darkness and endured the judgment of God. He is my Substitute. The Son of God loved me, and gave Himself for me.

But it is not only for me, it is also for us. In the Epistle to the Ephesians, we read:

And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour. (Ephesians 5:2; emphasis added)

I am so thankful that in my thinking I do not have to limit the gift of God’s grace in the person of His Son to just some little group, as though it were just for a small elect company that Jesus died. “He gave Himself for us.” I can look out over the whole wide world, whether men are saved or unsaved, and say to them on the authority of the Word of God that “He gave himself for us”—for everyone of us. Whether you be Jew or Gentile, whether you be very religious or have no time for religion, I would say to you, “ The Son of God gave himself for us.” He saw us in our lost condition, and He went to Calvary’s Cross in order to redeem us. That is how the prophet Isaiah puts it. He looked on down through the centuries and by faith he saw the very scene of Calvary, and he cried out, “[H]e was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).

I remember a number of years ago, I went over to a town in Minnesota to hold some meetings. My wife and our eldest son, just a little child at the time, went with me. When we got there, a big, burly highland Scotsman met us. He said, “Now you come along with me; I am going to take you to my house. We are going to sleep you there, and then across the way at the McKenzies, they will eat you.” Of course, I new he didn’t mean anything cannibalistic, and I was glad to accept the provision made. We went to his house and settled ourselves and then went over to the McKenzies for our meal.

I remember one Sunday we left to go down to the meeting in the afternoon, and it happened that there was one daughter in the family who had not yet received the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior. The mother said, “Will you pray for Jean? She knows the way, but somehow she doesn’t seem to want to come. She says she is young yet, and she wants to have her fling before she settles down.” Well, we did pray for her, and some way or other as I preached that afternoon in the big tent, I couldn’t help seeing Jean way in the back, eagerly listening to the message. When it was over, I thought she might be one who would move to the front when the invitation was given, but instead of that, I saw her get up and hurry away, and I felt a little bit disappointed. When I finished speaking, I felt a little bit disappointed.

When I finished speaking with those who had come forward, I went on home, and when I got there I found, as I opened the front door, my wife was sitting there with an open Bible and Jean beside her. My wife turned to me and said, “Come and join us. I am trying to show Jean that Christ died in our place, but someway or other she can’t seem to grasp it.” So I sat down with them and said something like this: “Jean, you know the Gospel, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she said, “I think I do.”

“What is the Gospel?”

“Well, it is that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.”

My wife said, “I have been showing her Isaiah 53.”

The Bible was open at that chapter so I said, “Look, you have it right here, ‘But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.’ Don’t you see, Jean? Christ died for you, He took your place, He bore God’s judgment against your sins.”

“I see what is written there,” she replied, “but somehow I can’t get hold of it for myself. It doesn’t seem to mean anything to me.”

So we got down on our knees and prayed that the Spirit of God Himself might make the great truth of the substitutionary work of the Cross real to her; and then I said to her, “Jean, while we are here on our knees, I want you to read the words for yourself, and we will pray that the Holy Spirit will open them up to you.”

And so she read them: “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” Then she said, “Yes, I see it, but I don’t seem to be able to make it my own.”

“Perhaps it would be different now if you will just read it again and change the pronoun, putting it into the first person singular. Read it like this: He was wounded for my transgressions’; because you see, Jean, it really means that. He was wounded for the transgressions of all of us, yours and mine. Read it that way.”

She started to read, “He was wounded for my transgressions.” She stopped as the tears began to flow. She wiped them away and read on, “He was bruised for my iniquities,” and again she stopped; and then she read, “The chastisement of my peace was upon Him,” and then she fairly shouted, “Oh, I see it! With His stripes, I am healed.” And in a moment the light had shone into her darkened heart. She saw that the Lord Jesus was her substitute; He had taken her place. We gave thanks, and then she said that she must go and tell her “Mother.” She didn’t know that all the while her mother had been standing outside the window and had heard the whole thing. Out the front door she went and down the garden path and around to the side, and she ran right into that mother’s arms, “Oh Mother, Mother, I’m saved; by His stripes I am healed.” What joy that brought to the mother’s heart, and what a happy time of rejoicing we all had then!

You see, that is substitution. That is the very pith and marrow of the Gospel. He gave Himself for our sins.

Next we do have a special group mentioned for whom He gave Himself. In the last part of the fifth chapter of Ephesians, we read:

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. (Ephesians 5:25; emphasis added)

When we get home to Glory, when we who have been redeemed to God by His precious blood are presented faultless in the presence of our heavenly Bridegroom, we shall look up into His face, and we shall be able to say, “The Son of God loved the Church, and gave Himself for it.”

You remember the story that is told of one of the generals of Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, and the one who overthrew, in God’s providence, the mighty Babylonian Empire. One of his generals came home from a campaign and was shocked to find that in his absence his own wife had been arrested and was languishing in prison, charged with treachery against her country, and the trial was to be held that very day. The general hastened to the court of Cyrus, and the guards brought in his own beloved wife. She, poor woman, pale and anxious, tried to answer the charges brought against her, but all to no avail. Her husband, standing near, heard the stern voice of the Persian ruler pronounce the death sentence. In a moment, as they were about to drag her away to behead her, he ran forward and threw himself down at the feet of the Emperor. “Oh sire,” he cried, “not she, but me. Let me give my life for hers. Put me to death, but spare my wife.” And as Cyrus looked down upon him, he was so touched by his deep devotion and his love for his wife that his heart was softened. He remembered, too, how faithful this servant had been, and he gave command that the wife should go free. She was fully pardoned. As her husband led her out of the room, he said to her, “Did you notice the kind look in the eyes of the Emperor as he pronounced the word of pardon?”

She said, “I did not see the face of the Emperor. The only face I could see was that of the man who was willing to die for me.”

Oh, when we get home, when we see the face of the Man who did die for us, how our hearts will praise Him! How we will rejoice in His presence as we say, “The Son of God loved me, and gave Himself for me.”

We need to realize that He died not only to deliver us from the judgment due to our sins, but He died for us in order that we might be delivered from the power and pollution of sins right here and now in this life. In Galatians 1:4, we have these words:

Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father. (emphasis added)

He gave Himself for our sins, not simply that we might have our past sins forgiven, nor that we might stand justified before Him as to the future, but in order that the power of sin might be broken in our lives, that we might no longer be subject to Satan’s authority, that we might be free men and women, living here to the glory of the Lord Jesus.

This is one of those truths I do want to press upon you who have but recently been brought to a saving knowledge of Christ. Dear young Christian, do not be satisfied to know that you are saved from Hell, blessed as that is, but oh, go on day by day to a fuller walk with God, that you may be saved from sin, and that your whole life may be lived to His glory.

Somebody might raise the question, “Well, it is perfectly true that it says He gave Himself for us, and He gave Himself for the church, and He gave Himself for our sins; but are you really sure that it applies to everybody? May He not, after all, have had just some particular elect company in view when He thus gave Himself, and if we do not belong to that company, what right have we to come to Him at all and to expect Him to do anything for us?” For answer, will you look at the first Epistle to Timothy, chapter 2, verses 5 and 6:

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. (emphasis added)

Oh, dear friends, do not allow anything to narrow down your conception of the inclusiveness of the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. “He gave Himself a ransom for all.” Do not try to read into that what it does not say. Some people say, “Well, of course, you know we must understand the words ‘the elect’ to come in there. He gave Himself a ransom for all the elect.” Oh no, God does not need you and me to help Him out. He knows what to say, and He means what He says. When He writes, “He gave Himself a ransom for all,” He means us to understand the words exactly as they are written.

They used to tell a story about a certain professor of theology at Princeton Seminary in the days when Princeton was pretty rigid as to what they called “a limited atonement.” One day one of the students looked up and said, “Professor, just what is our stand in this seminary on the atonement?”

The teacher replied, “Well, we stand with Dr. _____; we preach the theology of Dr. _____, and he taught a limited atonement—that Christ died only for the elect.”

Then said the student, “And over at New Haven, Connecticut, (At that time New Haven was a very sound seminary,) what do they teach there? What is Dr. Taylor’s theology?” The professor said, “Over there they teach that God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

“Oh,” said the student, “well, I’ll accept that because that is what the Bible says. That is not just Dr. Taylor’s theology nor New Haven doctrine; that is the Word of God.”

And so we say to you, whoever you may be, the Lord Jesus gave Himself a ransom for all. On Calvary’s Cross, He put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. In other words, when He presented Himself there as a substitute for guilty humanity, He finished the work that satisfied every righteous demand of the throne of God and met all the claims of His holy nature, so that on the basis of it, any poor sinner in all the world who comes to Christ and puts in his claim will be saved on the basis of the substitutionary work of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is the doctrine of the atonement as we have it in the Bible. There is no other in this blessed Book, and so we put the question to you: have you put in your claim? There are a lot of people who know all about it, but they have never believed and acted upon it.

There is a story of a veteran of the Civil War who was found living in wretched poverty. The city authorities found him in such a deplorable state that they thought all they could do was to take him to the county poor farm. One of them happened to notice something on the wall. It wasn’t exactly a picture; it looked more like a document of some kind. He took it down and looked at it, then he asked, “What is this, my friend?”

The poor old man replied, “That was sent to me by Abraham Lincoln himself, and I kept it because it has his signature on it.” It turned out to be a check. I forget the amount of money, but it was really a pension check signed by the President and sent to this man years ago. Instead of cashing it, the poor man had kept it all the time and had framed it and hung it there on the wall. In the meantime, he got poorer and poorer, until he was a candidate for the county farm. They found that the government at Washington would still honor the check, although it was years old, and so they had enough to take care of the man comfortably until he died.

Oh, do not be content just to have the statement of the substitutionary work of the Lord Jesus, but come to Him for yourself, trust Him as your own Savior. Cash in on it. He gave Himself a ransom for all.

Rewriting History - We Can't Learn from the Past If We Erase It
Sep 8th, 2020
Categories: Contemporary Issues

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When the citizens are marching in the streets with guns to protect their property, we've got a big problem. Lawlessness is breaking out around the country -- Seattle, Portland, even Washington, D.C. Roving bands are hounding diners at restaurants if they won't salute Black Lives Matter.

Some cities allowed burning, looting, and nightly violence to continue. In D.C., an official group, which answers to the mayor, issued the following recommendation: "remove, relocate, or contextualize" many of the monuments and memorials to America's founders.

That includes the Jefferson Memorial. And the Washington Monument. On Thursday's "Washington Watch," Southern Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler insisted, "it's an effort to try not only to rewrite history, but now to act as if history didn't happen."

The far-Left New York Times tried to rewrite history through the 1619 Project, which cast America's founding as irredeemably racist. But Mohler explained the flaws of our history don't justify erasing it.

"Were Washington and Jefferson slaveholders? Yes. Do we need to reckon with that honestly? Yes. Does history need to deal with that straightforwardly? Of course. But can you even tell the American story without Washington and Jefferson? No." These men, said Mohler, were the "bookends of defining the entire American experiment in constitutional self-government."

If we only allowed statues of people who made no mistakes, we would have no statues. Scripture makes clear that no one is righteous. Not Abraham. Not Israel. Not King David, "guilty of arranging murder and also of adultery," as Mohler said. No one since the Fall. "But the messiah himself reigns forever on David's throne." The Bible tells us about history -- warts and all -- because it's a story of redemption.

America is not perfect, but it is gradually improving. That's the story we lose when we rewrite history. The Declaration of Independence, which Jefferson authored, set forth that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.

Early America failed to uphold this promise. But the ending of slavery, the civil rights movement, and other developments moved us forward. As Mohler said, "Martin Luther King stood up and said, 'I want to cash that check.'" Sadly, he continued, "Muriel Bowser showed up saying, 'I want to take down that monument.'"

America's continued moral progress depends on the outcome of the approaching 2020 election. Will we live the next four years under a President Biden or President Trump? But Mohler pointed out, "you can't explain why the 2020 presidential election is even important without pointing back to George Washington."

He "fleshed out the American presidency and gave stability to the American constitutional order" when he retired after serving two terms. Washington's example confirmed America as a nation ruled by law, not by power.

But there are some who don't want to be ruled by law. They want anarchy. Mohler compared it to the Israelites in Judges, where "everyone did what was right in his own sight." We shouldn't be surprised; Christ tells us that because of lawlessness, the love of many will grow cold.

But we cannot arrive at justice through lawlessness. Order can be wrongful, admitted Mohler, "but the worst thing of all is lawlessness in which sinful humanity just turns on itself." So, he said, Christians should be on the front lines to demand righteous and just laws, but through a lawful process.

Many people have been cowed into silence by the mob -- on Twitter, on the streets. But a Christian's duty is to obey God rather than men. Now is not the time to be silent or to stand in the shadows.

Revelation 11: 1-2 Pt.3 Exploring Revelation
Sep 8th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

Today we are going to back to verses 1 and 2. We passed over these verses too easily and I feel we need to look more closely at them.

We are living in some of the most exciting days of all history, generations of believers have lived in expectation of seeing the things we are now seeing.  In recent months we have been told that the red heifer, needed for the temple worship, has now been born and bred in Israel. Every hair on that animal is red, one white or black hair would disqualify it.

One of the problems in establishing a new temple with temple worship is the purification of the priests to serve in the temple. The only way to do this is to take the ashes of a red heifer, mix it with water and then wash the priests in that water (Num. 19:1-10).

For 2000 years Israel has had no red heifer. Now they have the red heifer, ready to take to the Mount of Olives and be sacrificed and burnt to ashes. Today for the first time in 2000 years the priesthood can be sanctified. That is only the latest preparation, the Temple vessels are all prepared. The priests have been trained, the priestly garments are made and ready. The priests golden crown is prepared and ready to be worn as soon as the High Priest is elected. The Brazen Laver has been made, the harps for the temple orchestra have been made. The corner stone has been quarried and the plans for the temple itself have been drawn and funds are being raised to construct the building. It has been reported that the temple is actually under construction and is being built in sections and placed in storage.

If you want to ignore all of that, thats up to you, as for me I am convinced that the Lord is coming soon to take His Church out of this world.

Four temples are mentioned in scripture. 1- Solomon's Temple. 2 - Nehemiahs/Herods Temple. 3 - The Tribulation Temple. 4 - The Millenial Temple.

When Solomon dedicated the first temple he offered 22,000 Oxen and 120,000 sheep as sacrifices. From that you get some idea of the esteem they had for the almighty God and the anger of God at sin.

Because of Israel's sin and disobedience the Lord caused that temple to be utterly destroyed.

The second temple was built when  King Cyrus of Persia, in 536 BC., was moved by God to send the remnant of Jews back to Jerusalem along with the funds to construct the second temple. Herod the great expanded and beautified this second temple.That temple was also destroyed in 70 AD because Israel rejected killed their King and High Priest.

The temple we are dealing with here in Revelation 11, is the Tribulation Temple. This temple is a temple for antichrist, he will seize and control of it at the mid-trib point. Satan desires to be worshipped in place of God, but he also desires to be worshipped in the very spot where God has been worshipped in the past (Dan. 9:26-27).

When the tribulation period begins antichrist will make it possible for Israel to gain control of the temple mount (at least the site of the actual temple) from Islam. In 2 Thess. 2:3-4 we have another account of this scenario.

Writing in the "Jewish Press" on August 2 1968, Rabbi Halberstam said, "When Jerusalem was in foreign hands the question always arose, when can we build our beloved Temple?

Today the Temple is in Jewish hands but Islam is determined to prevent the temple from being built. Recently at the dedication of a synagogue in old Jerusalem, it was reported in time magazine the officiating rabbi stirred the large crowd with these words. "As the city has been reunited in our lifetime, so will the rebuilding of the temple be accomplished in our lifetime"

Antichrist will be anxious to persuade the Arabs to allow Israel to build the temple because of the vested interest he has in it. The peace treaty will include that permission. The world today is totally committed to establishing that peace treaty.

When we realize that the Temple will not be built until after the church is raptured, we can appreciate how near the rapture must be. Look Up, the trumpet is soon to sound!

Let the Headlines Speak
Sep 8th, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

American Airlines Faces Backlash After Allowing Employees To Wear BLM Pins

American Airlines has come under fire after announcing that flight attendants are now allowed to wear Black Lives Matter flair on their uniforms while on duty, angering some employees – including some whose spouses or relatives are cops that say BLM promotes or condones violence

India Test Fires ‘NextGen Hypersonic Weapon’ As Border Tensions With China Surge
With a military standoff between India and China intensifying, the Indian military has decided to increase geopolitical instabilities in the region, on Monday, as it test-fired a new class of ultra-modern weapons that can travel at hypersonic speeds.

Gantz urges Netanyahu to end de-facto settler building freeze
Alternative Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benny Gantz lent his voice in support of the settlers as he urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to halt a de-facto freeze on settlement plans. Gantz sent a letter to Netanyahu on the matter on Sunday in which he asked for permission to convene the Higher Planning Council for Judea and Samaria, which last met in February.

Major trilateral agreement could link Israel to EU power grid by 2024
Israel will sign an agreement with Greece and Cyprus by the end of the year to lay a submarine cable that would connect it to the European power grid, Israel Hayom has learned. The project, which is expected to take about four years to complete, was finalized following a conversation between Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz with his Cypriot counterpart Natasa Pilides.

San Francisco Mayor Calls Trump a ‘Terrorist’ in Plea To ‘Move On’ from Pelosi Salon Scandal
The problem is not that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi flouted the rules by visiting a San Francisco salon, it is that President Donald Trump is a “terrorist,” according to San Francisco Mayor London Breed. “If it’s OK for Nancy Pelosi to go and get her hair done, and it’s OK for Kate Brown — our governor — to go get her hair done, then you need to open up America right now, because you are a hypocrite, and your actions speak much louder than your words, and your actions are saying that there is no fear of COVID-19, elitists such as Pelosi are the problem.

Hezbollah, Hamas Conspire to Conquer Jerusalem
The two leaders stressed the stability of the “Axis of Resistance” (a political alliance between Iran, Syria and Hezbollah) in the face of “all forms of pressures and threats.” The rocketsof “the resistance,” said Haniyeh, could reach Tel Aviv and beyond.

UAE-Israel hold Cross-Continent Shabat Ushering in Pre-Messiah Double Sabbath Described by Isaiah
As part of the growing relations between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, a cooperative virtual event was held bringing Jews together from the two countries welcoming in the Sabbath. Remarkably, Jewish tradition describes a double Sabbath as being the precursor to redemption.

Delegation from Chad to meet with Netanyahu, Ashkenazi
A senior delegation from Chad arrived in Israel on Tuesday to promote ties between the countries. The delegation is led by Deputy Director of Chad’s civil cabinet Abdelkerim Idriss Déby, who is also the son of Chad’s President Idriss Déby. He is set to meet with his Israeli counterpart, National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat.

As California burns, the winds arrive and the lights go out
New wildfires ravaged bone-dry California during a scorching Labor Day weekend that saw a dramatic airlift of more than 200 people trapped by flames and ended with the state’s largest utility turning off power to 172,000 customers to try to prevent its power lines and other equipment from sparking more fires.

Brexit: UK chief negotiator calls for ‘realism’ from EU
The UK’s chief Brexit negotiator has called for “realism” from the EU ahead of the next round of trade talks beginning in London. Lord Frost said there was “still time” for the two sides to agree a post-Brexit trade deal for next year. But he said the EU needed to recognise the UK’s negotiating position came from that of a “sovereign state”.

Eyeing China, Taiwan urges alliance against ‘aggressive actions’
Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen called on Tuesday for an alliance of democracies to defend against “aggressive actions” and protect freedom, alluding to Chinese actions in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait as major threats to regional stability. China…has ramped up its military activities around the island, as well as in the disputed East and South China Seas.

What is behind the hype about the new Iran-China partnership?
The mainstream US media and think-tanks based along the Washington, DC, beltway have been gripped by two recent…developments in the Middle East, both interpreted as escalations in the geopolitical conflict between the US and Iran: the news of a prospective strategic partnership agreement between Iran and China, and the normalisation of relations between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel.

Syria seeks more Russian investment as US sanctions lash economy
President Bashar al-Assad on Monday said he wants to expand business ties with Russia to help Damascus cope with new United States sanctions on Syria’s already crippled economy that threaten to undermine military gains achieved with Moscow’s help. Al-Assad…said he wanted Russian investment in key areas of the economy.

EU warns Serbia, Kosovo over Israel embassy move
The European Union warned Serbia and Kosovo on Monday that they could undermine their EU membership hopes by moving their Israeli embassies to Jerusalem, as U.S. President Donald Trump’s surprise announcement about the change left officials in Belgrade and Pristina scrambling to limit the political fallout.

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Biden's Pledge to Restore U.S. Funding to Palestinians Called 'mental Incoherence'
Sep 8th, 2020
Categories: The Nation Of Israel

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A Republican member of Congress has slammed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden for pledging to restore U.S. funding to the Palestinians in accordance with the Taylor Force Act, calling Biden's pledge a display of "mental incoherence."

"You can't restore funding to the Palestinians and comply with the Taylor Force Act except for some very, very limited humanitarian types of funding," Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) told JNS in a recent interview.

"Basically, if you agree with the sentiment behind the Taylor Force Act, you don't restore funding to the Palestinians."

"I think Joe Biden is showing some mental incoherence when he says something like that," he said.

Lamborn introduced a version of the Taylor Force Act in 2017 and a version of it passed Congress and became law in March 2018, cutting off virtually all U.S. funding to the Palestinian Authority due to it financially rewarding terrorists and their families.

It requires the secretary of state to verify that the P.A. has taken certain steps to stop such activity in addition to other requirements.

Lamborn warned that a Biden administration could try to certify that the P.A. is taking those concrete steps against rewarding terrorism, even if Ramallah isn't actually doing so.

"There might be people out there in a Biden administration who would try to do that," he said. "We would have to be diligent to watch over them and get oversight in trying to permit them from doing something that would be dishonest like that."

In addition to the P.A., the Trump administration cut other U.S. funding to the Palestinians, such as to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which the Biden campaign has said it would restore.

"A Biden-Harris administration will resume assistance that Trump has ended or curtailed," a Biden campaign spokesperson told JNS.

Lamborn called the Biden campaign's pledge to restore U.S. funding to UNRWA "unfortunate" in that UNRWA is a "force for negative results rather than a force for positive results." UNRWA has been accused of fostering anti-Israel sentiment and promoting Palestinian violence against Israel through textbooks.

'I'm interested in getting results'

The congressman also reiterated his call for U.S. President Donald Trump to cut off all ties to the P.A.

"The Palestinian Authority has been, unfortunately, not been a partner for reasonable and legitimate discussions, so I think the Trump administration had no choice but to sever ties," he said, in reference to the Palestinian Authority cutting off virtually all ties with Washington in December after Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital, where five months later the U.S. embassy was relocated to from Tel Aviv.

In July 2018, along with Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.), Lamborn called on the U.S. Treasury Department to blacklist Issa Karake, the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization's commission of prisoners, which is responsible for facilitating the payments to terrorists or their families.

This past July, Lamborn wrote a letter to Trump, calling on him to designate the P.A.'s Commission of Prisoners' Affairs and its director, Qadri Abu Bakr, as sponsors of terror because of their direct involvement in the monthly payments to terrorists and their families.

Lamborn said the administration has yet to respond to the letter regarding Bakr.

In response to whether the United States should designate the P.A. as a terror group, Lamborn said it's "not something that I've looked at lately."

Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestine Liberation Front, Palestine Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine are U.S.-designated terrorist groups.

When asked why only target Bakr and not also other Palestinian officials, such as P.A. leader Mahmoud Abbas and PLO Secretary-General Saeb Erekat, Lamborn replied, "The incremental approach usually is more feasible, and I'm interested in getting results, not making a statement."

"If something is too widely dispersed and is too much of an ask, then it's not going to get anywhere," he said.

However, Lamborn didn't rule out the possibility of calling for designating the aforementioned Palestinian leaders.

"Maybe that'll be the next step," he said, adding that he "just decided" to start with targeting Bakr.

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