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Yet Wilt Thou Plunge Me in the Ditch, and Mine Own Clothes Shall Abhor Me. Job 9:31
Sep 14th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F.B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

WE shall never get beyond the need of using daily the Lord's prayer. He has bound by the conjunction and the prayer for forgiveness with that for daily bread, as though to teach us that we shall need the one as long as we need the other. At the end of the best day that we ever spent, when we are not aware of having consciously sinned in act, or speech, or thought, we shall still have need of the precious blood. We may know nothing against ourselves, yet we shall not be thereby justified; because He that judgeth us is our holy Lord, and the standard by which we are judged is his own perfect character. A piece of cambric looks extremely fine to the eye, but how coarse to the microscope! Sheep look white against the dark ground of the early spring; but how dark if there should be a fall of snow! Our characters seem stainless, only because we compare ourselves with ourselves, or with others.

But, when our eyes are opened to see God, to behold the whiteness of the great white throne, and we stand in the searching light of heaven, we are as those who have just emerged from a ditch. I heard the other day of a woman being proud of having lived without sin for ten years! So we deceive ourselves. No, at the best we are sinful men and women, needing constant cleansing; even though we may be kept from known sin by the grace of Christ. It was at an advanced period in the life of the great Apostle, and when he lived nearest God, that he realized himself to be the chief of sinners.

    "I know not what I am, but only know

       I have had glimpses tongue may never speak:

     No more I balance human joy and woe,

       But think of my transgressions, and am meek."

Turkey's Desire for Ottoman - Era Glory Endangers Israel
Sep 14th, 2020
Categories: The Nation Of Israel

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Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has high ambitions. He wants to take his country back to what he perceives as the glory days of the Ottoman Empire, but the leader, who has been described as "pugnacious" and has been at the pinnacle of power since 2002, appears to be leading the country down the wrong path as he quashes secularism, supports radical Islamism, suppresses democratic reforms and adopts a forceful foreign-policy approach that aims to assert Turkish hegemony in the region.

With an eye on his party's conservative and religious support base as his popularity dips amid an economic downturn, Erdoğan recently converted two Istanbul landmarks operating as museums--the Hagia Sophia and the Church of St. Saviour in Chora--into mosques in a bid to flex his Islamist muscles.
And now, with his attention turned to Greece and Libya, Erdoğan seems to be looking for regional dominance. The question is how all this bodes for Israel.

Gallia Lindenstrauss, a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies who specializes in Turkish foreign policy, told JNS that Erdoğan's actions are influenced by the "transformation of the international system from a unipolar system to a multipolar one."

The perception that the United States is planning to significantly reduce its military presence in the Middle East--announced by U.S. President Donald Trump this week--and the power vacuums that have emerged as one of the consequences of the Arab upheavals "are causing several actors, including Turkey, to act in a more assertive manner," she said.

Lindenstrauss noted that Turkey's bellicose behavior stems from its perception that "in the current international context, acting aggressively doesn't necessarily incur major costs from the global powers and hence the temptation to act this way is greater," she said.

With Erdoğan's Islamist identity and close ties with Muslim Brotherhood, Qatar and Hamas, this triangle seems dangerous for Israel. Is it a real threat?

"After the fall of [former Egyptian President] Mohammed Morsi, Turkey became the leader of the Muslim brotherhood axis in the Middle East," she said. "This is a cause of concern in Israel, and there is now greater awareness of Hamas military activity on Turkish soil."

"Likewise, there is greater suspicion with regard to Turkey's government agencies and NGO activities in Israel and in the Palestinian territories, and Israel is less open to Turkish initiatives to assist the Palestinians," she said. "The fact that Turkey is seen as the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood axis is even a greater problem in the eyes of the pragmatic Sunni states Israel is cooperating with."

Lindenstrauss suggested that one of the reasons Israel and the United Arab Emirates have worked out a normalization agreement between them is related to "the growing concerns from Turkey's greater role in the region."

'A fusion of nationalism and Islamism'

Efraim Inbar, president of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, told JNS that as an Islamist, Erdoğan "has no great love for Jews and for Israel."

According to Inbar, "Erdoğan believes that Turkey has a great destiny and should be a world power. The fact that the U.S. is slowly reducing its footprint in the Middle East adds to even greater freedom of action for Turkey in regional affairs."

He noted that Erdoğan is not only a leader with an Islamist ideology, but a realpolitik player. Turkey is in Iraq and Syria, and has a military base in Qatar and in Somalia. Erdoğan tried to build a base in Sudan, and now he is busy in Libya. As part of this new Turkish nationalism, he is challenging the border with Greece, essentially seeking to reverse the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne, which officially ended the Ottoman Empire.

"There is a fusion here of nationalism and Islamism between Turkish nationalism with its roots in Islam, the Caliphate and the Ottoman Empire," said Inbar. "There is a clear alliance between Turkey and Qatar, which both support the Muslim Brotherhood."

He also noted that Turkey provides Hamas members with passports, which gives them greater freedom of movement.

"Erdoğan is a very successful politician, a good speaker and charismatic," he said. "Going after Israel gets him votes and makes him popular in the Muslim world, which he wants to lead, so Israel is a good target for him."

With all of Erdoğan's saber-rattling over Israel, it's business as usual, however, as most Turkish exports to the Arab world are shipped through the port of Haifa.

"Erdoğan has "a pragmatic streak," said Inbar. "He didn't completely sever diplomatic relations with Israel."

Still, he cautioned, Israel must tread carefully.

Revelation 12:1 Pt.1 - Exploring Revelation
Sep 14th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

We have here in Chapter 12, Satan's conflict with Christ and Israel. The book of Genesis speaks about origins and the book of Revelation speaks about consummation. In order to have a good understanding of Revelation we need to be able to track each subject of prophecy from the first reference to its consummation. This will take the confusion out of prophecy and bring it into a proper focus. This chapter does not involve a lot of the sequence of the book. It is rather an insert providing necessary information about the past, present and future events concerning Christ, Israel and Satan.

We cannot understand the entire book of Revelation without an understanding of chapter 12. The truth made known in this chapter reaches back to Abraham and on to the end of the tribulation period.

I believe that the killing of the two witnesses in chapter 11, marks the mid point of the tribulation period. As we come to the mid-tribulation point we see Israel coming into greater prominence. Many of the Old Testament prophecies concerning Israel are still unfulfilled. This special information helps us to unravel the mystery concerning Israel. Why they are in the land today and how they can be sustained against such overwhelming power and determination to destroy them. 

A proper understanding of Revelation 12 is a key to understanding whole book and the entire Bible, it presents the history and future of the nation of Israel.

Revelation 12 reveals the conflict of the ages, a conflict that involves Israel, Christ and Satan. This chapter presents to us the great conflict of the past as well as the great conflict of the future. Understand that the present church age is not included in Revelation 12. This chapter only deals with the nation of Israel.

Some Bible scholars have entitled Revelation 12 with one word, "War".  Because it involves war on earth, war in heaven, and war on earth again.

Another good outline is -"The conflict of the woman (Israel) with the dragon in the past;" - "The conflict of the woman with the dragon in the heavens;" - "The conflict of the woman with the dragon in the future."

We will spend much time in this chapter, we believe it will give you great insight into prophecy concerning the days in which we now live.

We have here in Chapter 12, Satan's conflict with Christ and Israel. The book of Genesis speaks about origins and the book of Revelation speaks about consummation. In order to have a good understanding of Revelation we need to be able to track each subject of prophecy from the first reference to its consummation. This will take the confusion out of prophecy and bring it into a proper focus. This chapter does not involve a lot of the sequence of the book. It is rather an insert providing necessary information about the past, present and future events concerning Christ, Israel and Satan.

We cannot understand the entire book of Revelation without an understanding of chapter 12. The truth made known in this chapter reaches back to Abraham and on to the end of the tribulation period.

I believe that the killing of the two witnesses in chapter 11, marks the mid point of the tribulation period. As we come to the mid-tribulation point we see Israel coming into greater prominence. Many of the Old Testament prophecies concerning Israel are still unfulfilled. This special information helps us to unravel the mystery concerning Israel. Why they are in the land today and how they can be sustained against such overwhelming power and determination to destroy them. 

A proper understanding of Revelation 12 is a key to understanding whole book and the entire Bible, it presents the history and future of the nation of Israel.

Revelation 12 reveals the conflict of the ages, a conflict that involves Israel, Christ and Satan. This chapter presents to us the great conflict of the past as well as the great conflict of the future. Understand that the present church age is not included in Revelation 12. This chapter only deals with the nation of Israel.

Some Bible scholars have entitled Revelation 12 with one word, "War".  Because it involves war on earth, war in heaven, and war on earth again.

Another good outline is -"The conflict of the woman with the dragon in the past;" - "The conflict of the woman with the dragon in the heavens;" - "The conflict of the woman with the dragon in the future."

We will spend much time in this chapter, we believe it will give you great insight into prophecy concerning the days in which we now live.

Let the Headlines Speak
Sep 14th, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

Ernst Röhm, Maximilian Robespierre, and Democrat Party StormtroopersGoering’s first step was staging a grand purge of the police and hiring National Socialist Party activists with no police experience to replace the thousands of dismissed policemen. How could the head of police practically leave citizens to their fate without police protection? This seems more than strange, but Goering had a different task. The fact is that by that time, the Nazis had already created alternative police, which was subordinate only to the party – the so-called SA (Sturmabteilung). The SA stormtroopers wore light brown uniforms. Democrat mobsters imitate the Nazi Brownshirts in many ways, the Brownshirts of the German National Socialists (in their methods of terror), and the Maoist Hongweibing (in ideological stubbornness).

S.D. Weather Station Breaks U.S. Record For Shortest Gap From 100-Degree Reading To Measurable Snow
A noted climatologist on Twitter reported that a weather station in South Dakota just broke the standing record for the quickest gap between a 100-degree temperature reading and measurable snow. In the span of two days, the Rapid City station achieved the feat. It was 102 degrees on Sept. 5, and then on Sept. 7 the station marked just over a half-inch of snow recorded.

Pro-abortion Biden is no ‘ally of the light’ but a friend of darkness
“I will draw on the best of us, not the worst,” the former Vice President said. “I’ll be an ally of the light, not the darkness…Not only is Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris puppets for the open borders, Wall Street, Chamber of Commerce crowd, he’s an angel of death whose presidency would hasten the demise of the United States. Think I’m being too extreme? Here’s just a few of the many anti-Christian policies Joe Biden has promised to support if elected: He wants abortion on demand until birth.

Bloomberg to spend $100 million in Florida to help Biden
Michael Bloomberg, who spent $1 billion of his own money on a failed 2020 US presidential bid, will inject at least $100 million to help Democrat Joe Biden’s campaign against President Donald Trump in the key swing state of Florida.

Every Jew should be a registered Republican
Not a day goes by without someone reaching out to me in New York lecturing me that Jews must register as Democrats even if they are voting for President Donald Trump. Facts and history prove otherwise. I’m using New York as an example, but the same holds true in other parts of the country, particularly in states run by Democratic governors and mayors with a majority of Democratic elected officials running their state and representing them in Washington DC. Let’s start with Governor Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio…

US wildfires scorch area the size of New Jersey
US officials warned Friday of potential “mass” fatalities as more than 20,000 firefighters from across the country battled sprawling deadly wildfires up and down the West Coast that have scorched a landscape the size of New Jersey.

Trump threatens to quit WHO or permanently end funding unless it stops China’s influence
President Donald Trump sent a letter on Monday to World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus urging the organization to distance itself from China or lose the U.S. permanently.

How the pandemic is helping the military prep for World War III
It was a first-of-its-kind warning generated by an experimental data collection system tied into the Pentagon’s planned next-gen combat information effort. Although the data collection and prediction process was unproven, Gen. Terrance O’Shaughnessy and his commanders decided to trust it.

Two LA County sheriff’s deputies shot, gravely injured in attack captured on video
Two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies were fighting for their lives after being shot Saturday evening in Compton what authorities described as an “ambush” that was captured on surveillance video.

Danish PM opposes bill banning circumcision, cites her promise to Jews
Mette Frederiksen of the ruling Social Democrat party made the statement during an interview Thursday on TV2 about a bill submitted last month in parliament by a leader of the left-wing Forward party, which seeks to outlaw the circumcision of minors without medical reason as done by Muslims and Jews.

New satellite photos show airstrikes on secret missile facility in Syria
New images reveal evidence of an attack on a secretive missile facility in Syria. The photos, released by ImageSat International on Sunday, show that two structures at Al-Safirah missile factory near Aleppo were hit. ISI assessed an intelligence report that this attack was “intended to weaken the missile production in Syria.” It also says that this factory may have been producing missiles for Hezbollah. Crucial “elements” of the site were hit.

Trump Admin Reveals they Gave Torah Scroll to King of Bahrain, as Commanded for Kings of Israel
Jared Kushner told reporters on Friday that the recently brokered normalization deals between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and now Bahrain, will enable Muslim countries to prioritize their own national interests over the interests of the ‘Palestinians’ reports TOI. This included access for tourists from the Gulf states to pray in the Al Aqsa Mosque.

On Anniversary of Oslo Accords, Abbas’ Fatah Praises “Intifada,” Calls for “Resistance”
Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party, the dominant faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization and Palestinian Authority, marked the 27th anniversary of the Oslo Accords on Sunday by praising intifada and calling for resistance.

CIA: Iran seeks to assassinate US Ambassador to South Africa – report
Iran is weighing an assassination attempt against the US ambassador to South Africa, Politico reported… Citing multiple US intelligence sources and a CIA global threats document, the report frames the issue as the Islamic Republic’s preferred method for retaliating against US President Donald Trump’s assassination of Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force chief Qasem Soleimani in January.

Netanyahu lands in Washington to sign deals with UAE, Bahrain
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu landed in Washington on Monday as Israel prepared to lock down to combat the spread of coronavirus. He left for the airport Sunday night immediately after a press conference in which he announced new restrictions. Netanyahu emphasized the historic nature of the trip, in which he is set to sign normalization agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain…

New satellite photos show airstrikes on secret missile facility in Syria
New images reveal evidence of an attack on a secretive missile facility in Syria. The photos, released by ImageSat International on Sunday, show that two structures at Al-Safirah missile factory near Aleppo were hit. ISI assessed an intelligence report that this attack was “intended to weaken the missile production in Syria.”

A major American city may soon allow 16-year-olds to vote — and others could follow suit
San Francisco residents will cast ballots in November to determine not just who should be in the White House but also whether 16- and 17-year-olds should be allowed to vote in local elections. A similar measure introduced in 2016 narrowly failed, with 48 percent of the vote, but local activists and organizers are confident that it will pass this time.

Democracy in America plunges to new low amid chaos of 2020, watchdog poll shows
As millions struggle to make ends meet during the coronavirus pandemic, a new survey claims American democracy isn’t faring much better. According to…Bright Line Watch…August 2020 poll, featuring 776 political science experts, finds large declines among several principals including protections of free speech, toleration of peaceful protest, and protection from political violence.

Belarus protests: Lukashenko to meet Putin as unrest continues
Belarus’s embattled President, Alexander Lukashenko, is flying to Russia for talks with Vladimir Putin.
It will be their first face-to-face meeting since protests broke out in Belarus last month following the disputed presidential election. Mr Putin recognises Mr Lukashenko as the legitimate Belarusian leader and says he has forces ready to intervene if the protests get out of control.

Pompeo signals that U.S. ambassador to China is leaving post
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo indicated early Monday that U.S. Ambassador to China Terry Branstad was leaving his post. Pompeo did not give a reason for Branstad, 73 years old and a former governor of Iowa, leaving at a time when relations are strained, notably over bilateral trade, allegations about information security, and the coronavirus pandemic.

Hungary only EU country to send minister to Israel-UAE accord signing
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto will be the only EU diplomatic leader to attend the signing ceremony on Tuesday in Washington for the Israel-United Arab Emirates peace deal… “At the invitation of U.S. President Donald Trump…Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto will also attend … the signing ceremony in the White House on Tuesday,” Mate Paczolay told Hungarian news agency MTI.

Israel normalisation may partition Al-Aqsa Mosque: Analysts
A statement embedded in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain normalisation agreements with Israel, brokered by the United States, may lead to the division of the Al-Aqsa compound because it violates the status quo, analysts say. According to a report by NGO Terrestrial Jerusalem (TJ), the statements mark a “radical change in the status quo” and have “far-reaching and potentially explosive ramifications”.

Deadly West Nile virus outbreak adds to Spain’s woes as Covid-19 surges in hotspots
A sharp spike in cases of the deadly West Nile virus has added to the problems facing Spanish healthcare workers already stretched to breaking point by the coronavirus pandemic. In the past month, 52 new cases of the disease have been reported – mainly in the province of Andalusia. Prior to this latest outbreak there had been just seven cases reported over the past 10 years.

California bill to lower penalties for sexual relations with minor heads to Newsom’s desk
A California bill that would remove a requirement for offenders to register as a sex offender after committing certain sex acts with minors within a 10-year age difference is set to go to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk after passing in both legislative houses.

The Gulag Archipelago: An Incredibly Relevant Book from 1973
’ll be honest at the beginning of this book review, The Gulag Archipelago is not a fun book to read. That’s not to say it’s a bad book or poorly written. It’s a great, excellently written book that does an excellent job of showing the evil, brutal life lived by those under the repressive hand of socialism.

NYC could lose $3B in federal aid over incomplete census forms
Gotham’s ritziest neighborhoods are among the biggest laggards when it comes to filling out the 2020 Census — potentially risking the loss of $3 billion in federal funding over the next decade, a Post analysis shows.

Tropical Storm “Sally” strengthening, hurricane and storm surge warnings issued for portions of the U.S. Gulf Coast
Tropical Storm “Sally” formed at 18:00 UTC on September 12, 2020, as the earliest 18th named Atlantic storm, beating the previous record set by Stan on September 22, 2005. At the time it formed, Sally’s center was located about 60 km (35 miles) SSE of Naples, Florida.

Hurricane “Paulette” intensifying on its way toward Bermuda
Tropical Storm “Paulette” formed at 15:00 UTC on September 7 as the earliest 16th named Atlantic storm, breaking the previous record set by Philippe on September 17, 2005. The storm intensified into a hurricane at 03:00 UTC on September 13 — the 6th of the 2020 Atlantic season to date. The average full Atlantic hurricane season has 6 hurricanes. A Hurricane Warning is in effect for Bermuda.

Florida Governor DeSantis Lays Out Covid Statistics Which Show a Flattening Curve
As the state is about to reopen here are all the reasons why it should.

Jeremiah Ellison — Keith Ellison’s Son And Minneapolis City Council Member — Says ‘We Are Going To Dismantle The Minneapolis Police Department’ 
Jeremiah Ellison, the son of Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and a member of the Minneapolis city council, wants to “dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department” and “dramatically” reform public safety.

Time for an Investigation: Dr. Fauci and NIAID Accused of Collaboration with China on the COVID-19 Virus
Americans are unaware of the extent of China’s infiltration of U.S. medical research, the degree to which U.S. officials and scientists facilitated it, the possibly dangerous transfer of technology, including that related to the likely creation of the COVID-19 virus, and the continuation of such collaborative programs.

Former NSA Head Lawyer Testifies: The Trump Team Was Subject to Political Surveillance
The topic of Trump-Russia collusion has been promulgated by many in the legacy news media. Often, skeptics of this narrative are pushed by institutional news media towards conservative news outlets. In recent days, there has been a major revelation buried in a Lawfare article, a publication that is no ally of the right.

Bill Gates: We Can Only Go Back to ‘Normal’ When the Population is ‘Widely Vaccinated’
Billionaire Bill Gates has warned that life can only return to “normal” once the population has been “widely vaccinated” for COVID-19.

BLM - Leaders & Media Silent After Protest Supporting Attempted Murder of Sherrifs
Sep 14th, 2020
Comm entary
Categories: Contemporary Issues

News Image

As of this writing, two young Los Angeles sheriffs are fighting for their lives after being shot in the head and face. One is just 31 years-old and a married mother; the other is only 24.

They were ambushed and shot in cold blood by a single suspect last night, but as of now, there has been no official statement from BLM leaders condemning the shooting. Why?

We have no idea who the shooter was. But we do know that when word got out that ambulances were racing the downed officers to an LA hospital that protesters showed up to block the emergency room exits and entrances.

We do know they reportedly shouted, "We hope they die." And, "Death to the police." And, "Kill the police." And, "I hope they [expletive] die." And, "Y'all gonna die one by one.'"

A witness told ABC news that some had even tried to break into the hospital's emergency room.  For what purpose can anyone justify this?

This is evil, sick, and demented. And at this moment, these sentiments are being associated with BLM.

Now is the time for BLM leaders, both nationally and locally, to issue clear and unequivocal statements declaring, "We deplore the coldblooded shooting of these two officers of the law. We condemn this without qualification. This is antithetical to our values or our goals, and our cause is not advanced by the attempted murder of these two police officers."

In the past, when misguided anti-abortion activists have shot and killed abortion doctors, pro-life leaders around the nation immediately said, "We denounce this killing. We are pro-life. We are not murderers. We condemn this act of violence without equivocation or caveat."

At such times, you don't dance around the issue. You don't even talk about the horror of abortion at that moment. You simply say, "This killing was wrong, and it does not reflect our values or goals."

That's what BLM leaders and their supporters need to do right now, especially when the main picture we are getting is the one of alleged BLM supporters hoping these officers die.

That is the headline story on conservative news outlets all over the Internet today. And tweets like this are going viral: "This video shows 2 police in Compton being ambushed and shot while they sat in their car. BLM activists then blocked the ambulance entrance of the Hospital ER shouting 'We hope they die'.

"If you're an undecided voter, I hope you just made your decision."

BLM leaders, where are you? Prominent BLM supporters, where are you? Where are your voices now?

As a nation, we were sickened by the video of death of George Floyd to the point that staunchly conservative, pro-police voices like Dan Bongino spoke out against the actions of Derek Chauvin.

Yet I don't believe for a second that Chauvin set out that day to kill a Black man. And I don't believe that the vast majority of police officers are looking for opportunities to engage in acts of brutality against unarmed Black suspects.

Even so, when we see something horrible like the death of George Floyd or the death of Ahmaud Arbery (which I wrote about immediately upon seeing the video), we raise our voices and say, "This is terribly wrong, and those involved must face justice."

Even President Trump called for an immediate investigation into Floyd's death, while around the nation, we were saying Floyd's name.

Yet, to repeat, as reprehensible as Chauvin's actions were, I don't believe he saw George Floyd that day and said, "I want to kill him." In contrast, last night's shooter clearly had one goal: to murder those two officers as they sat in their car.

Where is the condemnation? Where is the acknowledgement that the life of a young mother and a young man also matter?

I'm looking right now at headlines on CNN and MSNBC and Huffington Post. None of them mention the protesters outside the hospital trying to block the doors or shouting for the death of the wounded officers. In fact, none of the stories mention this at all.

Over at the New York Times homepage, I do not see a single headline about the shooting, let alone about the ugly, death-desiring protests. Not one. Why?

Back in June, the heartbroken 16-year-old daughter of a slain cop - also ambushed and murdered - posted this moving tribute to her dad: "Words cannot describe the pain I'm in, but I'm glad my dad is at peace. You were an amazing man and anyone who ever came across you knew that. I'm going to miss you so much. you died doing what you loved most, you died a hero. i love you daddy, see you soon. #bluelivesmatter."

In response, she was savaged by critics and mockers on social media. "Multiple users declared that 'blue lives don't matter,' while others posted laughing emojis and messages such as, '[expletive] you and your dead daddy.'"

It got so bad that this grieving teen deleted the tribute to her dad. What kind of sick world are we living in?

The fact is, by condemning the attempted murder of these two officers, the BLM movement can show its humanity, its concern for justice, its desire for equal treatment for all under the law.

And by condemning this horrible, cowardly act, the leaders can reiterate that saying "Black Lives Matter" does not mean that other lives do not matter.

Right now, however, many of us honestly do not know where the radical leaders of this radical group stand. (For those unfamiliar with my viewpoints, I absolutely affirm that Black lives do matter and call for equal treatment of all in our society. But I reject the BLM movement.)

BLM leaders and major supporters, where are you? Or is there so much hatred for the police that you cannot bring yourselves to condemn this murderous attack on these officers of the law? Your responses (or lack thereof) will be very telling.

For the moment though, let us not forget the victims. May God grant them a complete recovery, and may the shooter be brought to justice.

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