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When Jesus Had Received the Vinegar, He Said, It is Finished - John 19:30
Sep 9th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

Comparing the Gospels, we discover that these words were said "with a loud voice." It was the shout of a conqueror, who has fought through a long and terrible day, but greets victory as evening closes in.

Finished, the long line of sacrificial rile. From the gates of Eden the blood of sacrifice had begun to flow, augmented by the confluent streams of the years. From that moment, however, not another drop need be shed. The types were finished now that the Antitype had been realized.

Finished, His fulfillment of prophecy. - How contradictory some had seemed! Ancient of Days, yet a babe; the Mighty God. yet marred of visage, and led to the slaughter; Son of Man, yet scion of David's stock; ruling in the midst of enemies, yet a bruised and broken Sufferer. But all of them, even to the last pathetic intimation of His dying thirst, fulfilled.

Finished, His mortal life. - Never again to be weary, hungered, tempted, buffeted, or to bear the contradiction of sinners. Never again to sweat the bloody sweat, or bear the accumulated faults of men. Nevermore to die.

Finished, a world's redemption. - He had wrought out and brought in a perfect salvation. The world, so far as God could make it so, was already reconciled. Sin was put away.

Finished, the perfect obedience. - He alone of all born of woman was able to say that there was nothing which the Father had asked that He had not given; nothing that the Father had imposed that He had not gladly borne. He had finished the work given Him to do.

Revelation 11:9-13 Pt. 2 - Exploring Revelation
Sep 9th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
A Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

Let me remind you that the two witnesses have come and given their witness, they have preached the gospel to the whole world. Multitudes have been responded and been saved and martyred, while the rest of the world has rejected the message of salvation.

We read in verse 7, that their testimony is finished.The lord has allowed the forces of Satan to kill them, they not only kill them but they allow their dead bodies to lie in the streets for 3 ½ days. They then have a great party to celebrate their death. The ungodly hate these men because they bring conviction on them for their sin. If God's people preach the truth it will bring conviction on sinners and sinners will hate them for it, but there is no salvation apart from conviction of sin. Jesus said,  "Unless ye repent ye shall all likewise perish".

The New Evangelical doesn't want to be rejected by the world so he tries to win the lost by loving them and being careful not to offend them with anything that will bring conviction of sin upon them. That way he will make pseudo Christians but not true ones. This is a tragic error that ultimately destroys the church.

After the 3 ½ days the Spirit of God raises the two men from the dead as the whole world watches. Last week at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland,  the call was given for a World T.V. Network to be established. Whether on this new network or on CNN or on Al Jazzera the world will see these men raised to life by the Spirit of God. This is an act of mercy by God  to a world that has rejected His message and His mercy. We see God as He continues to seek lost sinners, "God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance". In hell the blame will be on sinners not on God.

Then the world sees these two men caught up to heaven. Christ's enemies did not witness His resurrection or His ascension, the two things the world has been denying ever since. Christ's enemies will not see the rapture of the Church, but God allows the people of the tribulation period to see this event so there will be no excuse for not understanding the reality of the death, burial, resurrection and accession of the gospel message.  It says, "And great fear fell upon them which saw them". This is again a demonstration of the mercy of God toward lost sinners. I think there is no doubt that some will respond and that the vast majority will harden their hearts.

"The same hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand". It is interesting, that today there are a little over 700,000 people dwelling in Jerusalem, the time is at hand. Again we see the mercy of God pleading with men to repent.

Earthquakes are a means God uses to remind men of coming judgment. There was an earthquake at the time of the crucifixion and at the time of the resurrection and there a number of earthquakes in the book of Revelation. These are reminders of the severity of the coming judgment of God.

Even though there is a great fear that comes on the men of that day, they do not repent. Fear and conviction must lead to repentance and faith.

My friend we are standing on the threshold of the tribulation period, perhaps you have been convicted of sin and the need to get right with God, but unless you repent and come to Christ in faith the conviction you feel will be in vain.

Let the Headlines Speak
Sep 9th, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize following Israel-UAE Peace Deal
Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a four-term Norwegian parliamentarian for the conservative Progress Party and chairman to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, told the “Fox News Rundown” podcast on Wednesday that he submitted a letter to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee nominating President Trump for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. The reason, he stated, was for brokering the Abraham Accord, the historic normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates signed three weeks ago.

US withdrawing 2,200 troops from Iraq this month
“In recognition of the great progress the Iraqi forces have made and in consultation and coordination with the government of Iraq and our coalition partners, the United States has decided to reduce our troop presence in Iraq from about 5,200 to 3,000 troops during the month of September,” Marine General Frank McKenzie, the head of U.S. Central Command, said during a visit to Iraq, according to an excerpt of his remarks provided to American Military News.

Pray for Rain: Wildfires Burn Over Two Million Acres in California, Hundreds of Campers Rescued from Danger Zone
More than two million acres have burned so far this year in California—a record. Wildfires continue to rage across the state, and officials issued a new state of emergency in five counties. Authorities say over 12,000 firefighters are battling more than 20 major fires in California. Pray for those fighting the fires, those in danger, and for God to send rain with no lightning!

World Earthquake Report for September 2020
Summary: 1 quake 7.0+, 9 quakes 6.0+, 50 quakes 5.0+, 268 quakes 4.0+, 886 quakes 3.0+, 1471 quakes 2.0+ (2685 total)

Iran: If Israel Attacks, we’ll Wage War on Arab World
Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, special aide to the president of the Islamic Parliament of Iran, said on Sunday that the United Arab Emirates had made a “big mistake” in normalizing relations with Israel. the Iranian official, … added that the UAE will also bear the brunt of any retaliation for “any incident—covert or overt” against Iran carried out by Israel. This warning went for the Saudis as well, he said.

Erdogan Warns Greece, France of War: ‘Bring it on!’
Erdoğan said, “The real question is this: Can those who oppose us in the Mediterranean Sea and around it accept the risk of the same sacrifices? Do the people of Greece accept what will happen to them because of their greedy and incompetent leaders? Do the people of France accept the price they will pay because of their greedy and incompetent leaders? “we say to our enemies: ‘Bring it on.’”

50 Evangelicals get Special Permission to Enter Israel to ‘Fulfill Isaiah’s Prophecy’
several senior members of Israel’s government led by the Minister of the Interior decided to allow HaYovel to bring 50 volunteers into the country. But the organization had 12 hours to submit a list of volunteers who had committed to a three-month trip which included an initial two week period of quarantine. And they had to leave for Israel in seven days. Hayovel began to make calls and their calls were answered with four hours to spare. One hour later, they had the approval of the Israeli government. On September 1st, the first group of volunteers exited quarantine and the next day hit the vineyards, harvesting more than 20 tons of grapes by the day’s end. He noted that through this entirely unanticipated series of events, a total of exactly 70 staff and volunteers, representing the Biblical 70 nations, are working the vineyards.

Osama bin Laden’s niece: ‘Trump’s reelection is vital for America, Western civilization’
Noor Bin Ladin, the niece of former Al Qaeda terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden warned that another 9/11-style attack like the one her uncle masterminded may be imminent if President Donald Trump loses his reelection and Joe Biden becomes president. In her first-ever interview, Bin Ladin, 33, told the New York Post she has supported Trump since he first started his campaign in 2015 and said, “He must be re-elected … It’s vital for the future of not only America, but Western civilization as a whole.” Bin Ladin added, “You look at all the terrorist attacks that have happened in Europe over the past 19 years. They have completely shaken us to the core. [Radical Islam] has completely infiltrated our society. In the U.S. it’s very worrying that the left has aligned itself completely with the people who share that ideology.”

Panic as earthquake ‘violently’ shakes homes across England
Households across the South East were shocked this morning as an earthquake shook homes and caused panic. Residents in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire reported feeling the quake and their “whole house shaking”.

California Governor Declares State of Emergency Over Wildfires
Gavin Newsom on Sept. 6 declared a state of emergency in five counties due to the danger posed by three wildfires that are burning in the state, prompting evacuations. The counties impacted under the state of emergency are Fresno, Madera, and Mariposa due to the Creek Fire. San Bernardino County is impacted due to the El Dorado Fire, and San Diego County is impacted because of the Valley Fire.

Woman Gets Letter Saying She Tested Positive for COVID, But She’s Been Dead for 6 Months
Whittington is — or rather, was — a resident of Shelby County, Tennessee, which includes Memphis. The local health department reportedly said she tested positive for COVID-19 after taking the test June 20. The issue is that she passed away in hospice care at a friend’s home on Feb. 16 after a battle with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, according to KTHV-TV in Memphis. “There was no testing that was done at that time. On her death certificate it was stated she died, what the cause of death was, and it was not COVID-19. It was COPD.”

Strong mag. 6.1 earthquake – Banda Sea (Indonesia)
Tuesday, 8 September 2020 00:45 UTC. Magnitude: 6.1. Depth: 200.0 km. Epicenter latitude / longitude: 4.86°S / 129.84°E (Indonesia)

Southern Africa fights against locust invasion as millions pushed to the brink
Authorities in Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe are scrambling to control titanic swarms of migratory locusts, which have put 7 million people in the southern region at risk of famine.

Two tropical storms churning in the Atlantic Ocean
Two tropical storms have formed in the Atlantic Ocean, including Rene, which formed off the coast of West Africa. The U.S. National Hurricane Center issued a tropical storm warning for the Cabo Verde Islands, saying Rene would produce tropical storm-force winds and heavy rainfall across the island country on Tuesday morning. Rene is the earliest “R-named” storm in a record-setting hurricane season, breaking the previous record of Rita, which formed Sept. 18, 2005.

Georgia secretary of state says 1,000 double-voters found in primary
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced Tuesday that about 1,000 Georgians face investigation for voting twice in the state’s June 9 primary, a large-scale allegation of fraud eight weeks before Election Day.

President Trump Says Schools Teaching NY Times’ 1619 Project ‘Will Not Be Funded’ 
Poison, vicious racist propaganda. Our public schools have been weaponized by the far-left radical Democrat party. Pure indoctrination.

‘The Church Will Not Be Silenced’: Prayer Event Turns ‘Worship Protest’ After City Barricades Christians Out
The Christian community refused to let city officials in Seattle, Washington shut down a Labor Day worship event organized by “Hold the Line” founder Sean Feucht.

Iran Seeks Revenge For Sabotage Attack On Natanz Nuclear Plant
Iran has identified the perpetrators of an act of sabotage at Natanz nuclear facility in the central part of the country in July, according to a spokesperson for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. Behrouz Kamalvandi said that while the details of the act of sabotage are still being investigated, the security forces “have detected the agents [who committed the act of sabotage] as well as the motive, methods and manner of the sabotage.”

2 million acres burned by wildfires in California, surpassing all-time record set in 2018
This season’s wildfires in California, U.S. have burned more than 809 000 million ha (2 million acres) of land by September 7, 2020, surpassing the all-time record of 793 180 million ha (1.96 million acres) set in 2018. Cal Fire began tracking the numbers in 1987.

Significantly colder temperatures are setting the stage for the first heavy snow of the 2020 – 2021 winter season, U.S.
Significantly colder temperatures are setting the stage for the first heavy snow of the 2020-2021 “winter” season, NWS Weather Prediction Center reported early September 8, 2020.

Piles of Mail Dumped in California
Piles of mail were dumped last week in two separate locations in Glendale, California — and the American Postal Workers Union says that its members were not involved.

Xi’s Political Rivals Run For Cover: “A Purge Is Coming – Be Careful”
Nikkei Asian Review has more details on Xi Jinping’s ongoing purge in preparation to establish total authority over China’s Communist Party, including related to some recent key, deeply symbolic acts:

Horowitz: The median age of reported COVID-19 deaths in Florida on Wednesday was 93
From day one, the media has been sowing panic by comparing the coronavirus to the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, when an estimated 675,000 Americans died, the equivalent of over 2.2 million in today’s population. Moreover, the median age of those who died was 28, which means that the cumulative years of life lost were enormous. Contrast that to this virus: The median age of death in most places is either at or above life expectancy. The latest example is out of Florida, where, according to one reporter, the median age of death for the batch of reported coronavirus deaths on September 2 was 93.

At Least 51 Shot, 7 Fatally, Labor Day Weekend in Lightfoot’s Chicago
At least 51 people were shot, seven fatally, over Labor Day weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.

Mark Zuckerberg: ‘Nothing Illegitimate’ About Election Taking ‘Additional Days, or Even Weeks’
In a recent interview with Axios on HBO, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg urged the media to assure the public that there was “nothing illegitimate” about waiting days or even weeks to tabulate the results of the upcoming presidential election.

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