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The Padded Cross
Sep 6th, 2020
Main Stories
Categories: Printed Newsletter

Before you start your day, consider this thought:

"Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me." Matthew 16:24

Well, here I am, Lord. You said, "Take up your cross," and I'm here to do it. It's not easy, you know, this self-denial thing. I mean to go through with it though, yes sir. I'll bet you wish more people were willing to be disciples like me. I've counted the cost and surrendered my life, and ...well...

You mind if I look over the crosses? I'd kind of like a new one. I'm not fussy, you understand, but a disciple has to be relevant these days. I was wondering, are there any that are vinyl padded? I'm thinking of attracting others, see, and if I could show them a comfortable cross I'm sure I could win a lot more. We have to keep up with the times. Right? And I need something durable so I can treasure it always. Oh, and do you have one that's sort of flat so it will fit under my coat? We shouldn't be too obvious.

Funny, there doesn't seem to be much choice here. Just course, rough wood, that's liable to hurt. Don't you have something more distinctive, Lord? I can tell you right now, none of my friends are going to be impressed by this shoddy workmanship! They'll think I'm a nut or something! And my family will just be mortified!

What's that? It's either one of these or forget the whole thing?

But Lord, I want to be your disciple! I mean, just being with you...that's all that counts. Life has to have a balance too, but You don't understand, nobody lives that way today. Who's going to be attracted by this self-denial bit? I mean, I want to do what's right but let's not overdo it. If I appear too radical they'll have me off to the funny farm or something.

I mean, being a disciple is challenging and exciting and I want to do it, but I do have some rights, don't I? Now let's see -- no blood -- O.K.? I just can't stand the thought of that, Lord Lord? LORD? Jesus?
Now, where do you suppose He went? ---- Author Unknown

"Wherefore seeing we also, are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross..." Hebrews 12:1-2.

Revelation 11:8-10
Sep 6th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Book Study;Prophecy

We saw in verse seven that the two witnesses had finished their testimony. This is the mid-tribulation point, the final warning has been given to a world that is in rebellion against God. Multitudes have been saved and are being saved, but now it is time for the great tribulation to be poured out on earth.

Satan, working through his man, the antichrist, is able to do what he has been unable to do to this point, to kill the two witnesses. It is now God’s time, and he allows Satan enough rope to begin to hang himself.

Now in verse eight we see a demonstration of the great hatred men have for those who bring conviction for sin upon them. We see that in the world at this very moment, a growing hatred for the believer who by his life and lip rebukes sin in those around them. Today, there is an explosion of persecution against believers all around the world. Jesus said, “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love it’s own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” John 15:18-19.

These men who are given over to sin now kill the two witnesses. “Their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city,” verse 8, now they feel they are free at last to practice their sin without rebuke or restraint. Is that the reason that today we see homosexuals reacting so intensely against those who will not accept their practices? Guilt is the most intense emotion known to man. God designed man with this awful sense of grief and despair over sin, in order that man might be encouraged to turn from his sin and be restored to a right relationship with the God who loves him but is separated from him by sin. God’s hatred for sin is so great that He consigns the unrepentant sinner to an eternal hell.

Their dead bodies lie in the streets for 3 ½ days. Notice where this takes place, “the great city, ....Where our lord was crucified,” no doubt is left, this is Jerusalem. Notice the description, “which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt”, both the gentiles and the nation of Israel are living in rebellion against God.

In verse 9, we see the whole world rejoicing over the killing of the witnesses, “and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves”.  Here we have a dramatic contrast between the saved and the unsaved in the midst of this trial which has come upon the earth to test the hearts of men. In the midst of the most severe rebuke for sin and in the face of the great preaching of these two witnesses with the offer of God’s grace and mercy, men will only harden their hearts and rebel more and more. That is why hell is forever, see Luke 16:27-31.

In verse 10, we see the sense of ecstasy sinners experience over the release from the restraints of sin. Again we see that the hearts of men, who refuse to repent, are fully set to do evil, again that is why hell is forever. We see a satanic Christmas, the whole world rejoicing over their dead bodies. We see a dramatic contrast between the godly and the ungodly, compare this with those who love the Lord, and have been martyred (Revelation 7: 9-17). That is the essence of whole story of man, the whole of history is marching to this final destiny. John sums it up in Revelation 22:11 as the bible concludes, “He is that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.”

In the meantime let us be patient as the Lords allows the testing of the hearts of men to be fully played out.

He is coming. He is coming. Down the stream of time.

Still the words come softly ringing like a chime.

Oftimes faint, now waxing louder, as the hour draws near.

When the King in all His glory shall appear.

He is waiting with long patience for His crowning day.

For that Kingdom which shall never pass away,

And till every tribe and nation bow before His throne,

He expecteth loyal service from His own.

He is coming—but he hearth still the bitter cry

From earths millions, “come and help us for we die.”

He is coming—doth He see us busy here and there,

Headless of those pleading accents of despair?

Shall we—dare we disappoint Him? Brethern let us rise!

He who died for us is watching from the skies;

Watching till His royal banner floateth far and wide,

Till He seeth of His travail satisfied!

Let the Headlines Speak
Sep 6th, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

“Dead” Virus Cells Frequently Trigger “False Positives” In Most Common COVID Test, New Study Finds
The team’s research involved analyzing 25 studies on the widely used polymerase chain reaction test…

The NY Times supported Stalin and Communism as the way to the future
The New York Times cheered Stalin and constantly reported that this was the way to the future. Their top journalist, Walter Duranty (1884-1957), was their man in Moscow. The New York Times promoted him to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for that reporting. When Gareth Jones (1905-1935) in March 1933 reported this was all a lie, the truth finally began to appear.

These people want to convince everyone that looting is a-okay
As an American, most of us strongly support the concept of peaceful protests. However, when things turn violent, when property gets destroyed, when buildings and cars are set on fire, and when businesses are looted, rational people can agree that this is wrong.

Teachers’ Union Refuses to Go Back to School — But Attended Sharpton’s 50,000 Race “Get Off Our Necks” Rally in DC
In New York City teachers marched in a protest with a coffin to represent the coronavirus. The teachers said they were too scared of the coronavirus to teach but dragged a coffin around the streets of New York City.

Trump Orders Purge of ‘Critical Race Theory’ from Federal Agencies
At the direction of President Trump, the White House Office of Management and Budget will move to identify and eliminate any trace of “critical race theory” in the federal government.

“They’re Gonna Want to Hunt – Eradicate Their Opponents.” – Victor Davis Hanson On America’s Future If Democrats Win in 2020
Victor Davis Hanson was on with the Hon John Anderson AO, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, to discuss the upcoming 2020 election.  The interview was excellent throughout but the key points were made by Hanson at the end of the interview when talking about the upcoming election at the 9:35 mark:

Enriched Uranium Store In Iran Now Exceeds 10 Times The Set Limit Putting Them Only 3.5 Months Away From Two Functional Nuclear Bombs
As if this year wasn’t crazy enough, now Iran has such an abundance of enriched uranium that watchdog agencies say they are only 3.5 months away from a nuclear bomb. Make that two nuclear bombs. Remember that agreement Iran signed with Russia back in 2014 to build the nuclear power plants? That investment is about to pay dividends big time.I don’t know where Emmanuel Macron will fit into all this, but should Iran achieve their goal, I know he will fit in somewhere. And, now you know why Israel took all those strikes at Iran over the past two months.

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

“BLM” Rioters “Shut Down” Restaurants In Rochester, Smash Bank Windows In Manhattan, During Latest Night Of Mayhem
One of the gang’s leaders shouted at guests, claiming it was “time to leave” during the latest round of protests inspired by just-released bodycam footage of the killing of Daniel Prude.

Meth floods across US-Mexico border during coronavirus pandemic
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers are noticing an alarming trend in the illegal drug trade: Methamphetamine is flooding across the border at an all-time high, and officers say the coronavirus pandemic has affected its prevalence and price tag.

California grid operator warns of rotating power outages in record heat wave.
The California Independent System Operator (ISO) declared a “Stage 2” power emergency late on Saturday, warning that rotating power outages were possible amid a record heat wave. A Stage 2 power emergency means the ISO has taken all mitigating actions but can no longer provide its expected energy requirements.

But Thou, O Lord, Art a Shield for Me; My Glory, and the Lifter Up of Mine Head - Psalm 3:3
Sep 6th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Meditation;Inspirational;Book Study

Oh, my soul, hast thou made God thy glory Others beast in their wealth, beauty, position, achievements: dost then find in God what they find in these? Thou needest safety from the shocks of time and change: is He thy shield? Thou must have something outside of time, to complete thy blessedness: is He thine ideal? Thy head is drooping like a flower-cup - it sadly needs the dexterous hand of the Gardener: is it busy with thee

"Nothing resting in its own completeness
Can have worth or beauty: but alone -
Because it leads and lends to further sweetness,
Fuller, higher, deeper than its own -
Life is only bright when it proceedeth
Towards a truer, deeper life above;
Human love is sweetest when it leadeth
To a more divine and perfect love."
God around us as a shield, God above and within us as an ideal, God lifting up the tired and sorrowful face - this was David's threefold conception of his relation with God. All around men were filled with wrath at him. He heard their harsh voices, and what they said. Nevertheless he comforted, and stayed his heart with the words, .But Thou, O Lord. Ah, what an instant change they make!

We kneel, and all around us seems to lower;
We rise, and all, the distant and the near,
Stands forth in sunny outline, bravo and clear;
We kneel, how weak - we rise, how full of power!"

Ah, these .Buts! What a difference they make in our lives. There is always the hedge of God's care, always an illimitable reserve of power and help within our reach, of which we may avail ourselves; and we are so sure of it, that we lay ourselves down in peace to sleep, though the foe in thousands encamps around.

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