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Revelation 9: 5-11 - Exploring Revelation
Jul 23rd, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

We are looking at the Fifth Trumpet or the First Woe. This Woe is represented by Locust like creatures which are literal beasts who are demon possessed.They are under a command to hurt men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

In verse 5, we see the torment which they inflict. "And to them was given that they should not kill them," God's purpose here is to bring men to repentance and to reveal how some men's hearts are so set against God that no amount of God's pleading will bring them to repentance. That's why Hell is forever, when a man dies in his sin he will never repent. Rev. 22:11 - Eccles. 11:3

They are able to torment but not to kill, there torment is limited to five months. God puts restrictions on these demons even as He did on Satan in the book of Job. In scripture and in man's practical experience God tests and tries men in a multitude of ways. These testings always result in either blessing or judgment.

The torment was as severe as the sting of a scorpion, which they tell us is about as painful as men know anything about.

Notice that these were not scorpions, nor was the pain the pain of a scorpion sting. The scripture says, "as" in both cases, John is using something we know to describe something we do not know. That does not take away from the severity of these judgments.

In verse 6, we learn a shocking and amazing truth, men would rather die than repent, "men seek death, and shall not find it," God is not responsible for eternal punishment if man refuses God's provision for his deliverance. Man must bear the responsibility for the judgment that God brings upon him. The fact is, that if men do not repent, there is no escape,

We have an eight-part description. ONE they looked like horses prepared unto battle. TWO they had crowns like gold. THREE they had faces that looked like the faces of men. FOUR they had hair that looked like women's hair. FIVE they had teeth like lion's teeth. SIX they had breastplates that looked like iron. SEVEN the sound of their wings was like chariots going to battle. EIGHT they had tails like scorpions. What monstrosities!

Since demons do not have physical bodies, it is obvious that they are inhabiting these creatures and we have here demon-possessed fearful creatures that reveal the true character of Satan. Satan often comes disguised as an angel of light, but here we see him as he really is.

We see that the time these demons have is limited to five months and what they can do is limited to torment. The Lord is in control, though Satan is now the god of this world, he is limited by God, as he was in the case of Job.

In verse 11, we discover that these demons had a leader, his name is Abaddon, which means "destroyer", that would indicate that this king is Satan. Satan is seen as a destroyer in Isaiah 14:15-17. It appears that when Satan is cast out of heaven, at the mid tribulation point, by the permissive will of God he goes into the bottomless pit and brings out the demons that have long been locked there.

The tribulation period will be fearful beyond imagination, the trumpet is soon to sound, if you are not saved do not be obstinate, repent of your sin and rebellion against God and ask Him to save you now.

That is the FIRST WOE, we will look at the second WOE next week.

Oh That I Were As in the Months Past ! Job 29:2
Jul 23rd, 2020
Morning Meditation
F.B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

WE are irresistibly reminded of Cowper's sad complaint: ‑‑

     What peaceful hours I once enjoyed!

        How sweet their memory still;

     But they have left an aching void

        The world can never fill."

We are all prone to think that the earliest days were the best; and it is quite possible they were. But we must carefully distinguish between the exchange of the freshness and novelty of our first love for a deepening and maturing love, and the loss of love. The streamlet may not babble so cheerily, but there may be more water in the river. We lose the green Spring, but is it not better to have the intense light of Autumn in which the fruits ripen? There may not be so much ecstasy, but there may be stronger, deeper experience. We should not reckon our position in God's sight by our raptures, and count ourselves retrograding because they have gone; there is something better than rapture: the peace of a settled understanding and unvarying faith.

Still, if it be really so, that you have left the old place on the bosom or at the feet of Christ, that your love is cooling and your spirituality waning, I beseech thee, get back! Remember whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works. Jesus yearns to reinstate thee, and has permitted this restless longing for the past to come, that it may be with thee as in the months of old. Again his lamp shall shine above thy head, and the secret of the Lord shall be upon thy tent; thy steps shall be washed with butter, and the rock pour out rivers of oil; thy roots shall spread to the waters, and the dew shall lie all night upon thy branch.

Let the Headlines Speak
Jul 23rd, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

Biden’s appeal to evangelicals labeled ‘absurd’
“The Biden campaign spokesperson can say whatever they want, but it really is just simply absurd to argue that Joe Biden’s worldview is shared by evangelical Christians,” Closson said Tuesday on the Washington Watch with Tony Perkins radio program. “The thing about it is that one’s policy positions … are an outworking of one’s worldview: the worldview comes first, that’s the foundation, and policy positions flow from the worldview.”

Twitter: Star of David is ‘Hate Symbol’
In an ironic twist, Twitter’s battle against racism led them to block accounts incorporating the Jewish star. The Campaign Against Antisemitism was contacted this week by many Twitter users whose accounts had been locked. Twitter sent messages explaining the measure:

King Hezekiah’s Administrative Compound Discovered Next to US Embassy, Jerusalem
A significant administrative storage center from the days of Kings Hezekiah and Manasseh (8th century to the middle of the 7th century BCE) has recently been exposed at archeological excavations in the Arnona neighborhood of Jerusalem.

NY police rake in armored trucks, rifles from military
In the last seven years, two dozen New York police departments big and small have acquired Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (or MRAPs), armored utility trucks that were originally built to protect soldiers from explosions in war zones across the globe. Police across the state and nation say the program has helped provide them with useful tools they never would have been able to find room in the budget for otherwise.

Drought impacts pasture, rangeland conditions
In the continental United States, 49 percent as of July 7 is experiencing drought to some degree. That’s a significant increase from the previous year, and an increase from a reported 24 percent at the beginning of 2020. About two-thirds of the western United States is experiencing some form of drought, …

Missouri attorney general seeks to dismiss McCloskey case, defends his intervention in case
he said his controversial decision to seek to have gun charges against Mark and Patricia McCloskey dismissed is rooted in the state’s long-held interest in the right to bear arms. “There is a common-law interest if the attorney general feels that the broader interest of Missourians are affected, like the chilling effect that this might have with people exercising their Second Amendment rights,” Schmitt said in the interview. “I felt it was appropriate that I weigh in,” Schmitt added. “We felt it was important to get it in and make the state’s position known early.”

Chinese mass burning documents at Houston consulate after US orders it closed
The U.S. has ordered the China to close down its consulate in Houston, Texas on Wednesday amid growing diplomatic tensions between the two countries. …video showing documents being burned at the Chinese consulate in Houston, US. It is believed that Chinese burnt files/documents after US asked Beijing to close this consulate,” a Twitter user posted with video of document burning efforts. Rubio also confirmed the 72 hour leave notice and warned those consulate staff who did not leave could face arrest.

Greenblatt: Peace plan asks Israel to pledge land for Palestinian state
The Trump administration’s peace plan asked Israel to commit to setting aside territory for a future Palestinian state in exchange for its approval for annexing West Bank settlements, former US envoy Jason Greenblatt told Army Radio. “Can the Israeli government declare the extension of sovereignty? The answer is yes,” Greenblatt said.

China to UNSC: Palestinians can count on us to back their just rights
China stands behind the “just cause” of the Palestinians, its UN envoy Zhang Jun told the United Nations Security Council, as he pledged China’s backing for the internationally led peace process, rather than one headed by US President Donald Trump. “China supports…President Abbas’s call for an international peace conference and to enlarge the multi-lateral mechanism for peace,” Zhang said.

Desecration of Catholic Churches Across U.S. Leaves Congregations Shaken
Parishioners and clergy were shocked and grieving following a spate of vandalism at Catholic churches in various U.S. cities in recent weeks. Catholic institutions from Boston to Florida reported more than half a dozen attacks on church property, including statues of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, between July 10 and 16.

Huge Kingdom of Judah government complex found near US Embassy in Jerusalem
One of the largest collections of royal Kingdom of Judah seal impressions has been uncovered at a massive First Temple-period public tax collection and storage complex being excavated near the new United States Embassy in Jerusalem. The main Iron Age structure is exceptional in terms of both its size and architectural style, said Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist Neri Sapir, who co-directed the excavation.

China-US row: Fugitive researcher ‘hiding in San Francisco consulate’
A Chinese scientist suspected of visa fraud and concealing ties to the military has fled to China’s consulate in San Francisco, the US says. Prosecutors allege that the case is part of a Chinese programme to send undercover army scientists to the US. On Wednesday the Trump administration ordered the closure of China’s mission in Houston, saying it was involved in stealing intellectual property.

Israel: ‘Gay conversion’ therapy ban bill passed by MPs
Israeli MPs have taken steps to outlaw the practice of “gay conversion” therapy by psychologists – the first Middle East country to do so. A bill passed its first stage in parliament, after two parties in the coalition government joined the opposition to vote in favour. Last year, Israel’s then-education minister endorsed the therapy, triggering a backlash.

Israeli army reinforces Lebanon border after Hezbollah threats
The Israeli military said…it was reinforcing the country’s northern border with infantry troops after the Hezbollah terror group threatened to retaliate for the killing of one of its fighters in an alleged IDF raid in Syria earlier this week. The IDF…said the additional deployment is done “in accordance with the situational assessment” and that life of local farmers and holidaymakers is not expected to be affected.

‘Dangerous adventure’: Turkey warns Egypt over Libya invasion
Turkey and Russia agreed…to press for a ceasefire in…Libya, but Ankara said the leader of the eastern forces was illegitimate and must withdraw from key positions for a credible truce to take hold. Moscow and Ankara are among the main power brokers in Libya’s conflict while supporting opposing sides.

Douglas expected to become a hurricane soon, heading toward Hawaii, U.S.
Tropical Storm “Douglas” formed at 07:00 UTC on Tuesday, July 21, 2020, as the fourth named storm of the 2020 Pacific hurricane season. The storm is moving west and is expected to become a hurricane soon. It is expected to continue heading W and weaken back to tropical storm strength over the weekend, just before it reaches Hawaii.

6 million affected, 90 000 displaced and 470 dead as flood situation remains
The extensive flood situation due to seasonal monsoon rains remains severe in India as the death toll has crossed 470 this week, according to the National Emergency Response Center (NDMI). West Bengal is the worst-hit state, with 142 fatalities. More than 6 million people are now affected and more than 91 000 have been displaced.

Locust plague spreads to Europe as Sardinia sees worst attack in 70 years, Italy
After ravaging countries in Africa, the Middle East, and India, swarms of locust have now made their way to Europe as the Italian region of Sardinia recently saw its worst attack in 70 years. Around 30 000 ha (74 000 acres) of crops have been affected in Nuoro City alone, according to the Italian Journalist Agency (AGI).

Jordan: Obama Biden Admin Had No Proper Predicate For FBI Trump Probe. There Must Be Indictments.
Rep. Jim Jordan told Fox News Wednesday that former FBI and Obama officials must be held accountable for dragging the nation through four years of turmoil in an investigation against President Donald Trump and his campaign that in “their own words” was not predicated on any real evidence.

Houston Fire, Police Responding To Reports Of Documents Being Burned At Chinese Consulate General
Officials from the Houston Fire Department and Houston Police Department are responding to reports that documents are being set on fire in the courtyard at the Chinese Consulate-General in Houston.

Church sues California Governor after he BANS home Bible studies
A church in California is suing Governor Newsom after he went so far as to not only ban church services, but home Bible studies as well:

The Bolshevik Revolution Has Entered Stage 3 of the Takeover of the Republic
Most people are familiar with my academic background as being rooted in psychology, statistics and research methodology. However, my undergraduate days were filled with history and sociology. Based upon my the latter two domains, I devised a six stage outline of what America could reasonably expect to have happen in the near future.

Satanic Temple offers scholarships to high school grads
The Salem, Massachusetts-based group, which advocates for stricter separation of church and state, among other civil rights issues, said Tuesday that the $500 “Devil’s Advocate Scholarship” is open to any 2020 graduate.

Self-Proclaimed Witch And Fascist ANITFA Supporter Cathy Areu Accuses Fox News Tucker Carlson Of Vague And Unspecified ‘Sexual Misconduct’
One thing the Republicans cannot seem to understand, no matter how hard they try, is the insatiable appetite the Liberals have for going low and playing dirty. Tucker Carlson has been on fire in the ratings over on Fox News, exposing the radical Left at every possible turn, so you knew this was coming from the Liberals. Tucker’s accuser is a self-proclaimed witch, a Trump hater, and a supporter of the fascist ANTIFA domestic terror group.

‘Very Powerful’ International Child Sex Cult Busted After Operating Freely for 30 YEARS
Police in Italy have raided what they called a “very powerful” sect, said to be entrenched in several cities across the country, which preyed on young women – many of whom were minors – subjecting them to sex abuse and torture.

Existing Home Sales Rebound By Most Ever In June (But Miss Expectations Despite Record Low Rates)
“This revitalization looks to be sustainable for many months ahead as long as mortgage rates remain low and job gains continue.”

Knowing God
Jul 23rd, 2020
Weekly Commentary
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary

 “In the Beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” God brings every man and woman to that understanding. God speaks in the heart of everyone and reveals Himself to them as the creator of the all things. “Because, that which may be known of God is manifest (revealed) in them; for God hath shewed it unto them” (Romans 1:19). God places the knowledge of His existence in every human heart. Every man has an intuitive knowledge of God.

Notice one way that God reveals Himself to all men everywhere. “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20). No man can say to God, I didn’t know about your existence. I didn’t understand that you created all things. I didn’t understand about your eternal power and Godhead. God says that every man is without excuse for not knowing about Him.

Every man under God’s heaven looks at the sky and at the world around him and he clearly sees and understands there is a creator God who made it all. John says of this creator God, “That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world” (John1:9).

Psalm 19:1 further reveals this truth, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”

The acknowledging of the creator God does not bring salvation but it is the starting point of understanding the gospel which alone brings salvation. The gospel is the entry point into a relationship with God. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).

The problem is that men refuse to embrace the knowledge of God and instead turn away from it. “Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened” (Romans 1:21). It is man’s sin against God that condemns him and causes him to turn away from God’s presence and reject God and in some cases even the very existence of God. Like Adam, all men refuse to allow God to tell them what they are to do.

The evolutionist has turned away from the knowledge of God’s existence. “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God…” (Psalm 14:1). It is in the heart that a man first turns away from God and not in the mind. Guilt for sin against God cries out in the heart for the denial of God. The mind then proceeds to justify that denial.

My friend, at some point in your life you have entered into an understanding that there is a sovereign God and that He created the heaven and the earth. Have you turned away from that intuitive understanding of God you once had?

God has spoken in His Word to enable men to make the transition from knowing about God to a relationship with Him. Man has lost his relationship with God through his sin and by the fact that he was born in sin and alienated from God.

God has said, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). “But your iniquities have separated between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear” (Isaiah 59:2).

Paul says that instead of a loving relationship with God, man is under the wrath of God because of his sin. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18).

All men are born estranged from God with a fallen sin nature inherited from Adam. The natural man is estranged from God and is the enemy of God with a sin nature. “Because the carnal (natural) mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be” (Romans 8:7).

The Bible tells us the good news that Christ has died to take away our sin and bring us into a wonderful relationship with God. Christ crucified for our sins is the remedy for removing the wrath of God from us because of our sins. “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed” (1 Peter 2:24). “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit” (1 Peter 3:18).

Today God is striving with men in order to bring them into a relationship with Himself. Jesus said, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost“(Luke 19:10).

Peter said in second Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

The Lord through the Holy Spirit is seeking to draw all men to Christ for salvation. Jesus said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me” (John 12:32). Christ died an atoning death on the cross and He is seeking by His Spirit to draw you to Himself for salvation.

During WW 2, a US aircraft ditched in the Pacific Ocean, many of the crew drowned. Five managed to scramble onto a life raft. They drifted for twelve days in the burning sun, their skin was scorched by the burning sun and their rations were exhausted. Their lips were cracked, their tongues were swollen and they shrank into living skeletons. Two went mad and leaped overboard. Another died in the night and they rolled his body into the sea.

There were two left, when the rescue aircraft found the raft only one was alive. The survivor wept as he told of his companion’s death. He said, "The night before you found me it rained, the raft caught a pail of fresh water. I tried to give some to my buddy: It woulfd have saved his life. He fought me; he thought i was tying to poison him with sea water."

My friend that is a picture of your condition. Christ died to save you and He is earnestly reaching out to you. He si offering you salvation full and free, but you think He is trying to hurt you. You are turning away from the water of life and you will die and go to hell forever. Come to Christ in repentance and faith right now before it is forever too late.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.". (John 3:16),

As America's Economic Suffering Grows, the Calls for More Socialism Grow Louder
Jul 23rd, 2020
Categories: Warning

News Image 

It is during moments of great crisis that we find out who we really are, and that is why the governmental response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been so heartbreaking. 

Instead of rallying around our founding principles, Democrats and Republicans have both gravitated toward "solutions" that are in the exact opposite direction. 

Bigger government programs, more government tyranny and huge socialist transfer payments have all been greatly welcomed by the mainstream media and by large portions of the U.S. population, and at the same time very few voices are warning us that these measures are eroding our fundamental rights, exploding the size of our national debt and setting extremely dangerous precedents for the future.

Once people become accustomed to receiving money directly from the federal government, it is exceedingly difficult to ever cut those payments off.  If you think back through our history, it is difficult to name a single major transfer payment program that was ever rolled back.

Over time, our federal government has just gotten bigger and bigger and bigger, and it is now the biggest government that anyone has ever seen in the history of the entire planet.

Yes, tens of millions of Americans are deeply hurting right now.  Over the past 17 weeks, a total of 51.3 million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits, and that represents the most dramatic spike in unemployment that the U.S. has ever experienced.

And since most Americans were just barely scraping by financially coming into this year, we are facing a future in which millions upon millions of our fellow citizens aren't going to be able to pay their bills.  In a recent article, USA Today featured the tragic story of a 35-year-old hair stylist named Chelsie Caudle...

The mother of two has run into delays applying for unemployment and food stamps in Portland, Oregon, after Grace Salon, a hair salon that specializes in cutting and coloring, was forced to shutter in March when the coronavirus pandemic hit.

Caudle, who is self-employed, sublet a spot at Grace Salon to run her own business called Benjamin LLC. But with no income coming in for months, bills piled up, making it hard for her to afford groceries for her family, she says.

I think that most of us can identify with what she is going through, because nearly all of us have experienced the same thing at some point in our lives.

In order to relieve the suffering of those that found themselves suddenly unemployed, Congress approved $600 a week unemployment bonuses as part of the 2.2 trillion dollar CARES Act that it passed in March... 

The $600 weekly payments from the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program were put in place as part of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act that Congress passed in late March amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Americans who are eligible for unemployment insurance receive an extra $600 on top of what they normally claim under their state's benefits. Yet this boost is scheduled to end for all states except New York, on Saturday July 25, 2020. New York's end date is Sunday, July 26, according to the Department of Labor.

For a while, it sounded like the Republicans were actually against extending the extra unemployment benefits, but now it appears that they just hope to reduce them a bit...

On Sunday, The Washington Post reported that in light of the enhanced $600 per week federal unemployment benefits poised to run out in less than a week, the White House and top Senate Republicans are considering measures including extending a smaller-scale weekly federal enhanced unemployment benefit of $200 or $400 per week or means-testing future federal unemployment benefits.

In the end, the Republican socialists in Congress will probably fold like a 20 dollar suit like they always do, and so the Democratic socialists in Congress will likely end up with most (or all) of what they want in this next "stimulus bill".

And very few people will even talk about the fact that this new "stimulus bill" will steal trillions of more dollars from future generations of Americans.

This is what socialism always does.  It steals money from one group and gives it to another.

In our case, we have been stealing from future generations for so long that we have absolutely obliterated the bright future that they were supposed to have.

Meanwhile, the calls for "a second stimulus check" are becoming louder as well.

In fact, one recent survey found that a lot of Americans want the next "stimulus check" to be even bigger than the last one...

More than two-thirds of Americans say they still need a second stimulus check from the government to help make ends meet, according to recent data from tax preparer Jackson Hewitt.

And about a third of that group said the $1,200 checks needed to be more than the previous round. Only about a quarter of them say they wouldn't need another emergency payment.

When the first round of stimulus checks went out, I warned that this was setting a very dangerous precedent and that people would soon want more checks, and I was precisely correct.

There are a lot of good conservatives out there that felt guilty about taking the first round of stimulus checks because they recognized that the checks represented a giant step toward socialism.

I can definitely understand why people were feeling conflicted, but my advice is to accept whatever checks the government sends to you.

Because at this point what we are facing is a battle for survival.  We are entering a truly nightmarish chapter in American history, and our entire system is going to fail.  If a little bit of extra money can help you and your family get prepared for what is coming, that is a good thing.

However, it is also appropriate to mourn for what has been lost.  At one time, America was a beacon of hope in a world where billions were living under socialist tyranny. 

But now we are racing toward full-blown socialism at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking, and nearly all of our politicians have completely abandoned our founding principles.

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