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Revelation 9: 1-4 - Exploring Revelation
Jul 22nd, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

All through the scriptures we see a tremendous contrast between God's wrath and his mercy. We see it in John 3:36, "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him". The alternative is your choice, if you receive Christ as your Savior and Lord you have nothing to fear. If you reject Christ and his provision for your sin, you will be the object of God's wrath in the lake of fire for all of eternity. In revelation 9 we see the wrath of God being poured out on a Christ rejecting world.

In chapter eight we saw the first four trumpet judgments poured out. The chapter concludes in verse 13, with the announcement of the last three trumpet judgments called woes. We have seen a rising crescendo of judgments. The first woe (5th. trumpet) is a dramatic event described in the first twelve verses.

Up until this point the great devestations have been directed againstthe physical world, affecting men only indirectly. Now the wrath of God is poured out directly upon rebellious, unbelieving men.

Verse 1, "And I saw a star fall from heaven", this star is Satan. We learn from scripture about four falls Satan has.

THE FIRST FALL--Satan fell from his exalted position as Cherub. He committed the first sin when he tried to exhalt himself above God. Isa. 14:12,13.

THE SECOND FALL--Satan fell from heaven. This is at the midpoint of the tribulation period and I believe it is the fall in our text. Rev. 12:7-9.

THE THIRD FALL--Satans fall into the bottomless pit. This occurs at the end of the tribulation period. Rev. 20:1-3

THE FOURTH FALL--Satans final fall into the lake of fire to be tormented forever. This occurs at the end of the millenium. Rev. 20:10 Also Luke 10:18, this verse confirms that this is Satan.

Back to verse 1, "And to him was given the key to the bottomless pit". The key actually belongs to Christ, see Rev. 1:18. The Lord Jesus here gives the key to Satan for a limited time and a limited purpose.

"Of the bottomless pit", the pit or abyss is the centre of the earth, with a great shaft descending into it. N.B. the earth is 3000 miles in diameter, so the shaft is 1500 miles straight down. This shafl is evidently under guard with a lock and key. This term appears nine times in the N.T.

Verse 2, "Like the smoke of a great furnace", the apostle John is trying to describe the scene in terms we can understand. Whatever came out, "the sun and the air were darkened" Verse 3, gives further revelation, "And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth", the locust are not are natural locust but they are literal creatures. They are demons who have taken the form of the description given to them. This is characteristic of demons, see Gen. 3:1 and Mark 5:12.

The locust of Rev. 9, are demons with animal like characterislics. They have a unique function to hurt men, but only those men who have not the seal of God in their foreheads, verse 4. That would include the 144,000 and also those whom the Lord knows are His, 2 Tim. 2:19.

We need to learn about God from these verses, God hates sin with an infinite hatred and that hatred will be poured out upon all unrepentant men and women everywhere. Satan is determined to deceive men into believing that God is a big marshmellow who will not punish sin, it is better that you learn the truth about God now than to learn it when it is forever too late.

Lord, It is Nonthing with Thee to Help. 2 Chronicles 14:11
Jul 22nd, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

REMIND God of his entire responsibility. ‑‑ "There is none beside thee to help." The odds against Asa were enormous. There were a million of men in arms against him, beside three hundred chariots. It seemed impossible to hold his own against that vast multitude. There were no allies who would come to his help: his only hope therefore was in God. There was none beside to help. It may be that your difficulties have been allowed to come to so alarming a pitch that you may be compelled to renounce all creature aid, to which in lesser trials you have had recourse, and cast yourself back on your Almighty Friend.

Put God between yourself and the foe. ‑‑ To Asa's faith, Jehovah seemed to stand between the might of Zerah and himself, as one who had no strength. Nor was he mistaken. We are told that the Ethiopians were destroyed before the Lord and before his host, as though celestial combatants flung themselves against the foe in Israel's behalf, and put the large host to rout, so that Israel had only to follow up and gather the spoil. Our God is Jehovah of Hosts, who can summon unexpected reinforcements at any moment to the aid of his people. Believe that He is there between you and your difficulty, and what baffles you will flee before Him, as clouds before the gale.

Identify your cause with his. ‑‑ "In thy name are we come. . . . . Let not man prevail against Thee." It is a great matter when a small State is so identified with a strong European power, as that an insult to one of its officials is deemed a casus belli by the more powerful Government; and whenever we are so delivered from selfish aims, as to be able to show that our cause and God's are one, we are invincible.

Let the Headlines Speak
Jul 22nd, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

Israeli Rabbi Reveals Date of Messiah’s Arrival according to Kabbalah
In a recent interview, renowned Israeli Rabbi Daniel Asor warned of a globalist takeover happening as we speak. “If Hitler is the Third Reich, then the New World Order is the fourth Reich. It is Amalek’s last meeting with us before the Messiah’s arrival” he said. Rabbi Asor reveals the dates that the Messiah will reveal himself. “We are very very close to redemption” Rabbi Asor said.
In the … year of Taf Shin Pey Bet (September 2021-September 2022), a year of the Yovel (Jubilee), on Yom Kippur 2021, the Messiah will reveal himself

‘One-world government’ just nutty talk until UN demands it
The influential and corrupt United Nations has been viewed for generations as the probable leader of a future one-world government, and now an eye-opening speech is laying out that power-grabbing vision for the world to see. End Times expert Jan Markell of “Understanding the Times” says the Bible clearly lays out what the world will look like. “We know that the Bible in Revelation, particularly [chapter] 13, even in Daniel, we can see that there’s coming a global government with a single leader and a one-world religion as well,”

2 Chinese state hackers charged with stealing hundreds of US secrets in 10-year campaign
The U.S. Department of Justice announced charges against two Chinese hackers working with the Chinese Ministry of State Security who engaged in a decade-long theft campaign from hundreds of organizations. Chinese citizens Li Xiaoyu and Dong Jiazhi are accused of engaging in a massive 10-year-long “sweeping global computer intrusion campaign” which involved the theft of “terabytes of data” from hundreds of targets in 10 countries.

State Dept.’s Krach and Hook call out China and Iran ‘Totalitarian Twins’ in WSJ op-ed
In their article, titled “Iran and China, the Totalitarian Twins,” Krach and Hook expressed skepticism at a recent strategic partnership announced by the two countries, but said the partnership highlights common traits among the two countries. The two senior U.S. State Department officials wrote, “Both governments are revolutionary relics known for lawless behavior, duplicity, bullying, domestic oppression and thought control, coercive economic practices and grave human-rights abuses.”

Trump says he might send ‘more federal law enforcement’ to other cities in wake of Portland protests
President Donald Trump said Monday he may send “more federal law enforcement” to cities such as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Detroit as he lauded the use of force by local and federal officers during protests in Portland, Ore., that have followed the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd. Federal officers in Portland have used tactics such as driving unmarked cars to detain demonstrators, according to accounts of protesters, videos circulated on social media and local media.

Baby found in trash now safe
A newborn’s life has been saved thanks to two women in North Carolina. Tamara Austin reportedly heard a woman shouting for help at her apartment complex in Wilmington, North Carolina. She ran to the scene a short distance away, where another woman had found a baby boy in a trash bin. Austin told Kentucky television station WKYT it was a shocking scene, and they immediately called for help.

Tropics pop with 3 systems to watch
Low chances of development doesn’t mean the tropics can be ignored. The central Atlantic is trying to tell us something. A restless Atlantic stirred awake Sunday after a more than week-long lull in tropical activity with the National Hurricane Center noting three areas of interest from the far reaches of cyclone alley to Texas’ doorstep.

Heat Index From 105°-110° Tomorrow
The famous Bermuda high, centered presently midway between Cape Hatteras and Bermuda, remains our dominate influence through tomorrow with mostly dry, hot, steamy weather and very few afternoon and early evening thunderstorms.

Russia’s ‘readiness’ drill involved 150k troops, 400 aircraft, 100 ships
Russia completed a massive combat readiness check on Tuesday after the snap drill was called for by President Vladimir Putin. The drills began on July 17 with the surprise decision. Units from the Southern and Western military districts, including marine infantry and Northern and Pacific fleets were all involved. Airborne forces were also deployed.

Turkey loses F-35s and gets pressured on Mediterranean drilling
Turkey, whose government attempts to create regional crises every month in order to stoke tensions from Libya to Armenia, is now running into increased pressure to stop its escalation of activities in the Mediterranean. It comes as the US Air Force agreed to acquire the F-35s that were meant for Turkey but which Ankara lost because it prefers Russia and Russian S-400s to working with US NATO members.

Iran’s maximum pressure on Iraq to remove US forces
In a tag team pressure campaign aimed at Iraq the Iranian leadership sent one after another of its heavies to meet Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Kadhimi during rounds of talks in Tehran this week. Kadhimi is a relatively new face in Baghdad, a former intelligence chief and activist who became Prime Minister this spring after Iraq failed twice to find another man to replace Adel Abdul Mahdi.

The Real Unemployment Rate Is 21%… And Heading Higher
As businesses, agencies and organizations recalibrate to the reality that the V-shaped recovery was nothing but a brief fantasy, 6 million additional jobs lost may be a best-case scenario rather than the worst-case scenario. It is somewhat less than reassuring that the “official” unemployment rate of around 12% is roughly half of the “real-world” unemployment rate.

Split societies, global chaos and World War Three: We could be in for the most tumultuous era in modern history
As we cross into the second half of 2020, there is little hope left that our misfortunes will end when this annus horribilis goes out. We may be entering one of the most cataclysmic and fateful periods in the history of humankind. There is the growing realization that humanity is in for an extremely rough ride that could last at least a decade.

US orders China to close Houston consulate
The US has ordered China to close its consulate in Houston, Texas, by Friday – a move described as “political provocation” by Beijing. The US State Department said the decision was taken “in order to protect American intellectual property”. But China’s foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said it was “outrageous and unjustified”.

Russia report: UK considers tougher security laws after criticism by MPs
Ministers are considering strengthening security laws after a report by MPs accused them of underestimating the threat of Russian interference. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said a new law requiring foreign agents to register in the UK was being looked at. He said the move would not be the “only solution” to security threats, but could make it easier to extradite spies.

Portland protests: US federal agents ‘will not retreat’, Chad Wolf says
US Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf has said federal agents “will not retreat” in their efforts to protect government buildings in Portland. “If you are a violent rioter looking to inflict damage to federal property or law enforcement officers, you need to find another line of work,” he said. US President Donald Trump sent federal agents to Portland in Oregon to end weeks of anti-racism protests there.

US report accuses China of ‘digital authoritarianism’
A US report accuses China of “digital authoritarianism” – using technology not only to track its own citizens but to exert power beyond its borders. It warns that China’s mounting influence on the digital sphere could soon overshadow that of the US and other democracies. And it expresses concern about its export of surveillance technology.

Israel uncovers Iran-backed terror cell posing as West Bank aid group
Israel has uncovered an Iranian-backed terror cell operating under the guise of a humanitarian aid agency in the Palestinian Authority-run West Bank, officials from the Shin Bet security service said Tuesday. The discovery of the cell by the Shin Bet and IDF prevented terror attacks planned for the West Bank, the officials said.

Alaska earthquake: Huge 7.8 magnitude tremor sparks tsunami warning for US
A tsunami warning was issued for part of the US coast after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake. The quake struck the Alaska peninsula at a depth of 10 km (6 miles), the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences said. The tsunami warning was issued from Kennedy Entrance to Unimak Pass in Alaska.

Trump Has To Spend $1.8 Trillion In The Next Three Months
Surely no president wants to leave USD1.8 trillion to a successor?

Marxist Revolution In Full-Swing In Portland As Thousands Of ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter Militants Face Federal Law Enforcement Agents
Portland has taken the crown of the Marxist Revolution from Seattle, as thousands of out-of work and non-working Liberals who seem to have all the time in the world to protest instead of working to pay bills. Oh, that’s right, their “job” is shopping with food stamps, claiming welfare and cashing unemployment checks, I forgot. These are the people that Lenin called the “useful idiots”, and boy, are they ever.

Forced masking of America paving the way for Bill Gates’ ‘Final Solution’
Bill Gates informed us early on in the pandemic that we would not be allowed to “return to normal until the entire world is vaccinated.” Adoring news reporters quoted him saying this as though they were talking to God himself.

Spiritual ‘Pandemic of Hope’ Grips Iran as Thousands Accept Jesus Christ Amidst COVID-19
Iran is facing a wave of internal turmoil and covert attacks that are undermining the radical regime’s nefarious plans. Even as the violence escalates, hope is rising among Iranian citizens who are finding salvation in Jesus Christ.

Planning to return to college this fall? You may be forced to get a flu shot, followed by a coronavirus shot
As many expected, the self-appointed gods of “higher education” have taken it upon themselves to dictate a whole new set of requirements for students intending to return back to class this fall. And one of them is that they be forcibly vaccinated both with the flu shot and any future vaccine that becomes available for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Locust plague spreads to Europe as Sardinia sees worst attack in 70 years, Italy
After ravaging countries in Africa, the Middle East, and India, swarms of locust have now made their way to Europe as the Italian region of Sardinia recently saw its worst attack in 70 years. Around 30 000 ha (74 000 acres) of crops have been affected in Nuoro City alone, according to the Italian Journalist Agency (AGI).

Northern Vietnam hit by deadly floods and landslides after longest heatwave in 49 years
Heavy rains have been affecting northern parts of Vietnam over the past three days, particularly the Ha Giang Province, causing severe floods and landslides that resulted in property damage and five casualties, as of Tuesday, July 21, 2020. The rains came after the region experienced its longest heatwave in 49 years, with temperatures up to 2.5 °C (4.5 °F) higher than average.

Swollen river inundates hundreds of homes, capital Kathmandu cut off as death toll surpasses 130, Nepal
At least 105 houses were flooded in Nepal’s Jhapa rural municipality after the Kankai River’s eastern embankment was breached due to heavy rains on July 20, 2020.  Several landslides hit Prithvi Highway on July 20 and 21, cutting off capital Kathmandu from most of the country. Since June, when the rainy season began in Nepal, more than 130 people were killed. 48 others remain missing.

Breaking | Trump Signs Executive Order Banning Illegals From 2020 Census Count For the Purpose of Congressional Representation
President Donald Trump signed a memorandum Tuesday that seeks to prevent illegal aliens from being counted in congressional reapportionment, a move that drew immediate criticism and promises of court challenges on constitutional grounds from the open border, anti-American activists.

Twitter bans Star of David images as ‘hateful’
Twitter is locking the accounts of users who display the Star of David in their profile image or header, deeming it “hateful imagery.”

CDC admits false positives are being “mistakenly” included in official coronavirus data
All day every day, the mainstream media continues to hammer home fear about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which supposedly is “spiking” all around the country. But according to new evidence, there are so many false positives being “mistakenly” reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by health officials that nobody can really say for sure what is actually true.

Concealment Will Be the Key to Surviving the Present Bolshevik Revolution-Robert
The Bolshevik Revolution participants will not allow you to stockpile food, water, guns, gold ammo, medicine (natural), and tools. They will search house to house for your resources. They will use food as a weapon. Christians will soon learn how hard it is going to be to follow Jesus.

Flaw in Manufacturer’s Testing System For Coronavirus Used by Labs Across the US Causing False Positives
A flaw in a manufacturer’s Coronavirus testing system used by labs across the US are causing false positives.

Auschwitz: Identifying inscriptions found in children’s shoes
Employees of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum discovered handwritten inscriptions in shoes belonging to children who were sent to the Nazi death camp in Poland.

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