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Jul 28th, 2020
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Categories: Contemporary Issues

The Old Black Book
Jul 28th, 2020
Author Unknown
Categories: Meditation

The Old Black Book reveals the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers.
Read It to be wise, believe It to be safe, and practice It to be holy.
It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you.
It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's sword, and the Christian's charter.
Here, too, heaven is opened, and the gates of hell disclosed.
Jesus Christ is Its grand subject, our good Its design, and the glory of God Its end.
It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet.
Read It slowly, frequently, prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure.
It is given you in life, will be opened at the judgement, and be remembered forever. It involves highest responsibility, will reward the greatest labor, and condemn all who trifle with Its sacred contents.
Owned in riches; studied in wisdom; trusted in salvation; loved it is character; and obeyed it is power.

Revelation 10: 7 - Exploring Revelation
Jul 28th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Book Study;Prophecy

"But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished,..." We now have the happy announcement that the mystery of God should be finished.

First we need to find out what this mystery is! Understand that mystery in the New Testament is something previously unrevealed. There are a number of New Testmant mysteries.

There is the "MYSTERY OF INIQUITY". Why God allowed sin in the first place? Why God allows it to continue? That mystery will one day be revealed.

There is the "MYSTERY OF ISRAEL". Why Israel is so blind to the gospel, Paul sheds much light on this in Romans 11. Someday the blindness of Israel to the gospel will be lifted. Rom. 11: 25-26

There is "MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT", The mother of harlots and abominations of the earth, the great apostate church of Christendom. That mystery will be revealed in the tribulation period.

The mystery of Revelation 10:7 is "THE MYSTERY OF GOD". This mystery is to be brought to an end, "in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound".

What is this mystery? It is revealed in Revelation 11:15. "And the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever". What kingdom is that? It is the millenial kingdom. Therefore the Mystery of God has to do with when the millenial kingdom will be established upon the earth.

The disciples once came to Jesus to ask Him about this mystery of God. Mt. 24:3, "...Tell us, when these things shall be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and the end of the world (age)?" In the rest of the chapter and in chapter 25 the answer is recorded. Basically at the end of the tribulation period. However the disciples remained confused and after the crucifixation, just before the ascension they again asked Jesus the same question in Acts 1:6. "....Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?" For forty days Jesus had been teaching them about the things pertaining to the kingdom of God (verse 3). That's why they naturally asked the question. Look at Christ's answer in verse 7, "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power". God is holding the answer to Himself!

Matthew adds to this answer, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels in heaven, but my Father only." We know that our Lord was speaking here about the rapture, once the tribulation period begins everyone will be able to recognize the exact date of the second coming. For example; the second coming will take place exactly 7 years after the peace treaty is signed (Dan. 9:27). We know that the second coming will take place 3 1/2 years after the abomination of desolations (Dan. 12:11).

Notice what Matthew said, you cannot know the day or the hour, Mt. 24:36, but notce what he adds in verse 33, "So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors".

God is holding this answer to himself, when the mystery of God should be finished and the kingdom will come.

Go back to Rev. 10:6, "there should be time (delay) no longer". The time is come! So when the seventh trumpet is sounded, at that time the kingdom of God will be set up, the mystery of God will come to an end.

BUT UNDERSTAND, the seventh trumpet contains the vial judgments, so when the seventh vial judgment is poured out upon the earth, then Christ will come immediately and set up the kingdom.

The Lord taught us to pray, "Thy kingdom come", at long last that prayer will be answered.

Let the Headlines Speak
Jul 28th, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

Viral Video of Doctors’ Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference
The press conference featured Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) and frontline doctors sharing their views and opinions on coronavirus and the medical response to the pandemic.

Jews Allowed Access to Running Water on Temple Mt Bringing them Closer to Temple Service
While the US is rocked by anti-racism protests, a situation exists in Jerusalem that is even more racist than the US before the civil rights movement. The water fountains on the Temple Mount were reserved for the exclusive use of Muslims while Jews were not permitted to drink at all. But thanks to a group of determined Jews, that situation is slowly changing.

Trying to Appease Muslims, Biden Inadvertently Calls for Jihad
Last Friday, Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden gave a virtual speech to Emgage Action, a Muslim advocacy group. Two experts on Islam analyzed Biden’s pre-written speech and both concluded that it gave a disturbing message the former VP (hopefully) did not intend.

Doctors Ignoring Hydroxychloroquine ‘Good Nazis’ says Doctor
One of the doctors, Dr. Stella Emmanuel has treated over 300 COVID patients and the U.S based Nigerian born doctor says there is a cure for COVID-19 – hydroxychloroquine. She says that she has received several threats to revoke her license but insists she would not let Americans die. Dr. Emmanuel called doctors who remain silent regarding the covid sure “good Nazis.”

Louie Gohmert Urges House to Ban Democratic Party for Supporting Slavery
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) introduced a privileged resolution on Thursday that calls upon Congress to ban the Democratic Party for supporting slavery and the Confederate States of America, Breitbart News has learned exclusively. Therefore, Gohmert argued, that because leftists now demand that the country must eliminate “entities symbols, and reminders” of America’s past, then the Democratic Party must change to recognize its “loathsome and bigoted past.”

Polls: More black voters choosing ‘racist’ Trump
U.S. Sen. Tim Scott, a black Republican who represents South Carolina, has said it is “game over” for Democrats if 14 percent of black voters choose President Trump. A second poll cited in the Examiner story, conducted by Rasmussen, found 21 percent of black voters support President Trump’s re-election. The same polling firm reported support for Trump has grown in recent months despite the virus-wrecked economy, civil unrest in major cities, and poll numbers that show him trailing Joe Biden

Firearm Ownership Surging Among Black Americans amid Nationwide Run on Firearms
National African American Gun Owners’ Association (NAAGA) president Philip Smith has seen as many as 2,000 new members a day since coronavirus warnings and shutdowns began impacting the country earlier this year. That rush in membership only continued following the May 25, 2020, death of George Floyd. Smith intimated that the very onset of the coronavirus made some black Americans give gun ownership serious thought for the first time: “If you have a half a brain in your head even saying, ‘Oh, this might get serious, let me plan accordingly.’” His group “has grown to more than 30,000 members” this year and has nearly 90,000 online followers.

US government outlines plans for “unhackable” national quantum internet
Advances towards a quantum internet are speeding up. And now, the United States government is outlining its own plans to develop a national quantum internet. The blueprint was developed at a meeting in February by the DOE National Laboratories, various universities and industry.

DOJ Announces First Federal Arrests in Chicago Under ‘Operation Legend’
Three people were federally charged last week with offenses related to illegally possessing guns or ammunition in Chicago—the first arrests made in the city in connection with the Justice Department’s (DOJ) “Operation Legend,” officials said. The arrests followed the Trump administration’s announcement on July 22 the expansion of the department’s program aimed to reduce violent crimes in Chicago and other cities around the nation.

Abbas congratulates Erdoğan on converting Hagia Sophia cathedral into a mosque
Mahmoud Abbas phoned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Sunday to congratulate him for turning Istanbul’s iconic cathedral Hagia Sophia into a mosque,

Violent Crime Explosion Forces Minneapolis Residents to Form Militias
“Minneapolis residents in some areas still recovering from rioting and unrest are forming community watch and security groups, some bearing firearms, to fight a surge of crime,” So what we have now, in a major America city, are desperate residents constructing barriers to keep out people who, in their opinion, do not belong… first priority of government is to protect our God-given rights from being violated, most especially by others. We have a God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the government has no higher purpose than to see to it those rights are not interfered with. To say the Democrat-run city of Minneapolis is failing on this point would be an understatement.

Over 30 Shot, 10 Killed, as Violence Surges in de Blasio’s NYC
Over 30 people were shot, with ten killed, over the weekend as violence continues to surge in Mayor Bill de Blasio’s (D) New York City. One of the fatal shooting victims was a 16-year-old boy who sustained a bullet wound to the head “

Report: 59 Shot, 3 Killed, over Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago
Late Sunday night NBC 5 reported at least 49 people had been shot, two fatally. By Monday morning the Chicago Sun-Times reported nearly 60 shot with three fatalities.

Tim Murtaugh: National Polls Actively Trying to Suppress Trump Voter Enthusiasm
National polls on the 2020 presidential race are meant to “suppress the enthusiasm” of President Trump’s voters,

MSNBC Historian Warns: Many Trump Voters ‘Not Going to Tell Pollsters’
A majority of Pennsylvania voters, for instance, recently said there are “secret Trump voters” in their communities. In addition, numerous polls have found that Trump outperforms his polling numbers when voters are asked if they think Trump is going to win the election instead of whether they support Trump.

Lebanon PM: Israel assaulted sovereignty in dangerous military escalation
As Israel’s military remains on high alert along its northern border, Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab warned that Israel had “assaulted Lebanon’s soverignty again” in a “dangerous military escalation” on Tuesday, following a failed infiltration attempt by Hezbollah terrorists on Monday. Israel is “seeking to amend the tasks of UNIFIL and the rules of engagement with us,” added Diab.

Russia sends Su-27 fighter jet to intercept US spy plane over Black Sea
The Russian defense ministry said it had sent a Su-27 fighter plane on Monday to intercept a US surveillance plane over the Black Sea that it said was approaching the Russian border. The US plane, identified as a P-8 Poseidon, has changed course to move away from the Russian border, the ministry added.

Miami Police Setting Up ‘Mask Traps,’ Issuing $100 Fines to People Wearing Masks Improperly
It’s been less than two weeks since Miami-Dade County announced it would be fining people for not wearing masks in public. Already, Florida media outlets are filled with stories of people cited for wearing masks improperly, lowering masks to sip a drink, or removing their face coverings once outside of a store.

Six U.S. mayors urge Congress to block Trump federal deployment
Six U.S. mayors, all Democrats, urged Congress…to halt President Donald Trump’s deployment of federal forces to their cities, saying the move has escalated tensions at anti-racism protests spreading across the country. The request came on the same day the U.S. attorney for Oregon announced the arrest of 22 people on charges stemming from clashes with federal and local police at the federal courthouse in Portland.

Israel’s nightmare: The dissolution of the Palestinian Authority
Amid the anticipation of Israeli annexation of large parts of the occupied West Bank, there have been significant developments on the Palestinian political scene. It seems that there is an increasing likelihood that the Palestinian Authority (PA) will be dissolved, or at the very least, its powers greatly reduced.

Iran fires missile at mock aircraft carrier amid US tensions
Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard fired a missile from a helicopter targeting a replica aircraft carrier in the strategic Strait of Hormuz on Tuesday, state television reported, an exercise aimed at threatening the U.S. amid tensions between Tehran and Washington. Iranian commandos also fast-roped down from a helicopter onto the replica in the footage from an exercise called “Great Prophet 14.”

China collecting DNA from millions of men and boys for large-scale genetic surveillance project
We’ve known for several years that Chinese authorities collect DNA samples from their people, but they’ve recently ramped up their efforts in a way that is concerning observers around the world.

Cover-Up: NIH Removes 5G-Coronavirus Study From Website Following Infowars Exposé
The National Institute of Health (NIH) removed a study from its website linking 5G radiation with the coronavirus after Infowars first brought attention to it.

Violence Is Spreading City to City! Soon All Americans Living In Democratic Party Run Cities Will Be On Their Own
Under President Eisenhower, he endorsed the original Continuity of Government provisions. His motivation was, in part, due to his belief that Joe McCarthy (despite having serious professional and personal shortcomings) was correct about communist infiltration into America.

Major Breaking Story! UN Orders Trump to Withdraw Federal Agents From Portland
Major Breaking Story! UN Orders Trump to Withdraw Federal Agents From Portland

Time for Civil Disobedience is NOW!
In a 5-4 Decision the United States Supreme Court has determined that California restricting church gatherings is not unconstitutional, and does not violate the “free exercise clause of the First Amendment.”  The Ninth Circuit Judges, regarding restrictions against churches regarding the free exercise of their religion, and more specifically, worship services, said, “constitutional standards that would normally govern our review of a Free Exercise claim should not be applied.”  The last time I checked, the First Amendment does not say, “Freedom of Religion, unless there’s a virus.”

Hurricane Douglas expected to remain near hurricane intensity as it moves over parts of Hawaii
Hurricane Douglas continued to maintain its intensity as it nears the Hawaiian islands.

Law Forces Ohio Minister to Officiate Same-Sex Wedding or Face $5,000 Fine
An Ohio Christian business owner and ordained minister filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against Cuyahoga County over a law that requires her to officiate same-sex weddings in violation of her religious beliefs.

Hurricane “Hanna” makes historic landfall in Texas as first rapidly intensifying named storm of 2020
Category 1 Hurricane “Hanna” made landfall on Padre Island, Texas, at around 22:00 UTC (17:00 LT) on July 25, 2020, as the first rapidly-intensifying named storm of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season. The state now has 9 hurricane landfalls in July since 1851, which is more than any other state in the U.S. As of 21:00 UTC on July 26, the storm has weakened into a depression with maximum sustained winds of about 56 km/h (35 mph). Its center was located near Monterrey, Mexico.

The First Group Of 30,000 Planned Volunteers Receive Untested And Unproven COVID-19 Vaccine In World’s Largest Coronavirus Trials
Remember back in March and April, when everyone was wide awake and ready to not fall into the clutches of Bill Gates and Big Pharma? That seems like a quaint and distant memory now as tens of thousands of COVID vaccine volunteers are signing up to be injected with untested and unproven vaccines, rushed through with little if any oversight. Bill Gates couldn’t be happier. I wonder if these thousands of volunteers will also be signing up for the ID2020 Immunity Passport? Rhetorical question, please don’t bother actually trying to answer it.

Media Credibility Decimated After Yale Epidemiologist Report On Hydroxycholoquine 
A Yale professor of epidemiology is claiming that the key to beating the coronavirus is hydroxychloroquine, the drug that the media has moved heaven and earth to discredit.

Get Ready For Google ‘SkinMarks’, A Smart Tattoo That Will Turn Your Skin Into A Digital Touchpad To Control Your Devices Via Embedded Sensors
Google may have had a rare miss with the Smart Glasses but they are spending endless millions of dollars to create a collection of wearable technology like SkinMarks, which has become a multi-billion dollar business here in the days for the end of the Church Age and the arrival of Antichrist.

President Trump and HUD Secretary Ben Carson Quietly Eliminate Obama’s Actions Forcing Suburbs to Pay for the Cities
Last night, Stanley Kurtz was interviewed by Mark Levin at FOX News on Life, Liberty and Levin about recent actions taken by President Trump and his brilliant Secretary Ben Carson that help the suburbs.  They did this by eliminating a massive rule similar to Obamacare taken by former President Obama that radically undercut the independence of local suburbs.

REPORT: Soros Pouring a Personal Record $50 Million into the 2020 Election
According to a new report from FreeBeacon, billionaire and activist George Soros is pouring a personal record $50 million into the 2020 election.

The Global Elites Are Laughing With Delight As They Watch Americans Going Insane Over Face Mask Regulations
All over America, in city after city including my own of Saint Augustine, we are being subjected to mandatory mask wearing and if we do not comply, bad things will happen to us. It starts with being denied access to basic necessities like food and clothing, all the way up to massive fines and imprisonment. This is America in 2020, and it is only going to get worse, a whole lot worse as we get closer to the election in November.

Irreversible Damage to An Entire Generation of Girls: a Warning We Can't Ignore
Jul 28th, 2020
Categories: Warning

News Image

One by one, they started calling. These weren't conservative parents or even particularly religious ones -- some were liberal, progressive, "open-minded" moms and dads desperate for help. Their stories, Abigail would find out, were eerily the same. Their daughters had started hanging out with friends who'd decided to come out as transgender together.

Suddenly, these sweet teenage girls -- who'd never shown a hint of gender confusion -- were demanding breast reduction, hormone treatments, new names and pronouns -- and their parents were beside themselves for someone to intervene. No one, they found out quickly, would.

Abigail hadn't planned on telling their stories. That all changed when a mom tracked her down at the Wall Street Journal and said, "I can't get any journalists to take this on, but my daughter... decided with her friends out of nowhere that she was transgender. And they're all pursuing hormones and surgeries together.

It doesn't seem right. I'm a progressive person, but this doesn't seem like it fits her at all. She had no childhood history." Abigail tried, initially, to get another investigative journalist to cover it. She couldn't. So she started looking into it herself and found out that this mother was right -- there were thousands of parents all across the country who were experiencing the same thing: girls coming out with their friends under social media's influence.

When she wrote a column about it, Abigail told "Washington Watch's" Sarah Perry, "It sort of exploded. It was the biggest article in the mainstream media about this phenomenon. And all of the sudden, parents from all over the country and actually all over the Western world were writing to me to tell me that this was happening to their daughters, too."

At that point, Abigail decided, she couldn't turn back. Two hundred interviews later, she's published a book: Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. And if its revelations don't rattle a reader's world, I'm not sure know what will.

She talks about researchers like Dr. Lisa Littman, an OB-GYN now working at Brown University. Littman, she said, is a "progressive, so she doesn't have a political axe to grind here... She just noticed as she was scrolling through her social media feed that it didn't make sense that so many adolescent girls were coming out as transgender with their friends."

She decided to investigate, since true gender dysphoria, she knew, was "a very, very rare condition of discomfort in one's biological sex. It's extremely rare -- .01 percent, so one hundredth of one percent." Turns out, her hunch was right. These girls weren't doubting their biological sex, they were "sharing and spreading their pain."

Littman's statistics, meanwhile, shocked everyone. In friend groups where one girl identified as transgender, the prevalence rate was 70 times what would be expected. "Which meant," Abigail explained, "that this was a lot more like anorexia."

In the same way eating disorders spread or cutting or other peer pressures this wasn't a gender issue. This was a social contagion. What they have, she said, "is a lot of anxiety and, in some cases depression... So the transition does not alleviate their distress." Which would explain the high levels of regret from them later on in life.

It's one of the reasons, Littman, Abigail, and others deep in this world of debate, are pleading with the medical and therapy communities to stop fast-tracking these radical interventions like puberty blockers. "These girls are self-indoctrinating," Abigail insists, "thinking that if they just try it, all their problems will go away."

And it's not just the medical community who are reinforcing that lie, she warns. It's the education system.

"The part of the book that I'm proudest of is my investigation into the California public school system," Abigail explains, "because I was able to learn that the gender identity indoctrination is so radical and so thorough -- it begins in kindergarten." California's activists, she warns, are very clever.

"They took gender identity out of sexual education curriculum, so your parents are not even aware it's there. It's not part of the curriculum they're allowed to opt out of. And they put it in anti-bullying curriculum. So, of course, most parents don't want to take their kids out of the anti-bullying program, and they can't."

She's talked to parents who've flat-out asked their schools, "'What's the policy if my kid were to decide she's a boy?' And at least in in California public schools -- and I've heard from New York and New Jersey parents -- the policy is not to inform the parents. And this applies to kids who are 12 years old.

So, very often, I will talk to parents who say that their daughter went a whole year being addressed as a boy and talked about as a boy and using the boys' bathroom at school, and the parent didn't even know."

Don't think it can't happen to your daughter, she says. It can. But there are things every parent can do. Pay attention to your kids' friend groups. "It becomes very trendy to come out as one of these exotic identifications and want to change your body.

Then, their friends are more likely to do it as well. But the thing to really look for is the social media indoctrination. That's a big one if they're spending a lot of time online. And the last thing is: find out what gender ideology is being pushed in your child's school."

Or, I would argue, reconsider if public school is even the right decision at all. With the virus forcing families to take a long hard look at learning, maybe now is the time to make a move away from these dangerous and destructive influences.

Here Comes Polyamory, Progressives Push for End to Marriage Between Two People
Jul 28th, 2020
Categories: Warning

News Image 

Let me totally clear at the outset. One of the purposes of this article is to say, "I told you so!" Or, more precisely, many of us have been predicting this moment for years.

As reported in a New York Times article titled "A Massachusetts City Decides to Recognize Polyamorous Relationships," "The city of Somerville has broadened the definition of domestic partnership to include relationships between three or more adults, expanding access to health care." Is anyone really surprised?

After all, if the winning mantras of the same-sex "marriage" movement have been "Love is love" and "Love wins" and "I have the right to marry the one I love," why limit that number to two? Isn't that discriminating against love? Isn't that simply carrying over the outdated, outmoded, limiting ways of the past?

To this day, in all my dialogue and debate with LGBTQ activists and their allies, I have yet to hear a reasonable explanation of why marriage should be limited to two people if any two people can marry.

Why limit the union to two people? Based on what? All the solid arguments for limiting marriage to two people are, ultimately, arguments for marriage being the union of a male and a female. All other arguments fall short. Very short.

When it comes to polyamory, which can include virtually any combination or number of men and women, on what basis should the government not recognize such relationships? Is not love still love? Does not love still win? And is not love the only thing that matters? So the argument goes.

As I asked in 2015, "If Love Is Love, Why Not Three Men 'Marrying'?" Why not?

Not Hard to See It Coming ... and What's to Come

Today, we're talking about just one city in Massachusetts extending health benefits to polyamorous families. But one city is all that is needed to begin a trend. That's also why this is national news, even in the midst of an unrelenting, tumultuous news cycle.

As for warning about this for years, polyamory was mentioned frequently in my book A Queer Thing Happened to America, published in 2011, but with research for the book dating back to 2005.

In fact, in the book I drew attention to a polyamory seminar hosted by the Metropolitan Community Churches -- obviously, pro-LGBT churches -- back in 2005: "Yes, 'polyamory' -- in other words, having multiple sexual partners (loving, of course!) -- was also a topic of discussion

at the MCC conference, and church members were encouraged to come out of the closets with their ongoing, multiple sexual relationships."

Again, this was at a church conference in 2005. And even then, this trend had been building for years. We told you so!

In the book I also quoted polyamorous advocates who marched prominently in gay pride parades, stating, "We're 30 years behind the gay activist movement." They probably underestimated the timeline. (On a different but related front, I could point to articles like, "Here Come the Polygamists," dating back to 2012.)

In my 2015 book, Outlasting the Gay Revolution, I wrote, "Perhaps we should change the wedding vows to sound more like this (with the man speaking here): 'I take you as my wife, but probably not for life. I take you as my own, but not just you alone. I pledge myself to you, and perhaps to others too. I take you as my bride, although your name is Clyde.'

"Is this really so farfetched? If you can have a bride and a broom, if 'husbands' can be women and 'wives' can be men, if you can be married and dating and swinging and swapping, if you live together before marriage and end the marriage whenever it suits you best, then what does 'marriage' mean?"

Stating the Obvious Got Me Mocked

Back in 2015, Stephen Colbert mocked the idea of a slippery moral slope when it came to redefining marriage. The reality of the matter, as he likely knew, was that the mocking predictions he made had already come to pass. I illustrated all that in this video. You can mock, but you can't deny reality.

In saying all this, I am not saying that gay couples do not love each other or that gay couples will inevitably become polyamorous throuples and beyond. I'm simply stating the obvious: if two men or two women can "marry," then there is nothing sacrosanct about the number two. Any potential number will do, as long as the relationships are based on "love."

Already in March, 2016, Oliver Bateman wrote on, "When it comes to marriage, three is still a crowd. But that might be changing sooner than we think.

According to a 2015 Gallup poll, a small-yet-growing percentage of Americans report that they find the concept of plural marriage 'morally acceptable,' while polyamorous relationships are increasingly receiving mainstream media coverage.

A 2014 Newsweek article even estimates that there are more than 500,000 openly polyamorous families living in the United States today."

Did I say we told you so? Need I say more?

Elijah utters a rebuke
Jul 28th, 2020
Morning Meditation
Morning Meditation
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

"Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him" (1 Kings 18:21). To his clear faith, which was almost sight, there was no IF. He did not doubt for a moment that the LORD was God. But he wanted to show the people the absurdity of their position. Religions so diametrically opposed could not both be right. One of them must be wrong. As soon as the true one was discovered, the one shown to be false must be cast to the winds.

At present their position was illogical and absurd. Their course was like the limp of a man whose legs are uneven, or like the device of a servant employed to serve two masters -- doing his best for both and failing to please either. His sincere and simple soul had no patience with such egregious folly. No doubt they had drifted into it, as men often do drift into absurd and wrong positions. We are all liable to that drift of the stream. But the time had come for the nation to be arrested in its attempt to mingle the worship of Jehovah and Baal and compelled to choose between the two issues that presented themselves. Undoubtedly, the prophet felt that once his people were compelled to choose between the two and to say whether the Jehovah of their fathers, or Baal should be God, there should be no doubt as to their verdict.

The people seemed to have been stunned and ashamed that such alternatives should be presented to their choice, for "the people answered him not a word" (1 Kings 18:21). Oh, for the clear- sightedness of that faith which shall show men the unreasonableness of their position -- sweeping away the cobwebs of sophistry with a single movement of the hand and arraigning them at the bar of their own consciences, silent and condemned. It is needed in our day as much as ever. Everywhere men are trying to win the smile of the world and the "well done" of Christ. They crowd alike the temples of mammon and of God. They try to be popular in the court of Saul, and to stand well with the exiled David. - F. B. Meyer

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