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The Building Backlash Against 'the Woke Nation'
Jul 25th, 2020
Categories: Today's Headlines

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First it was pancake syrup and Paw Patrol. Now, even Scrabble isn't safe. You can forget the triple word score on at least 236 "slurs" the North American players association is stripping from the group's lexicon. The goal, these gamers say, is to make the game "friendlier" for all types of people.

Of course, no one has seen the official list of "potentially offensive" words -- leaving many to wonder if this new vocabulary is just W-O-K-E.

George Orwell used to say that if you control the language, you control the people. And the fringe has certainly taken that advice to heart, putting a bullseye on phrases as pedestrian as "peanut gallery," "no can do" and the ever-inflammatory "eenie meenie miney moe."

A grammarian, writing for the Philadelphia Inquirer, argued that all of these phrases are linguistic bigotry and should be blacklisted. (Actually, he didn't use that word, since it's almost certainly offensive too.) The point, NRO's David Harsanyi warns, is that "attempting to dictate what words we use is another way to exert power over how we think."

But is it working? New polling says no. If anything, a growing number of Americans -- including an impressive number of prominent liberals -- think the cancel culture has worn out its welcome.

In an astonishing turn, 153 of them, including well-known authors, intellectuals, and public figures, signed on to an open letter in Harper's magazine, calling for an end to the "public shaming and ostracism" and a new tolerance for "opposing views."

"The free exchange of information and ideas, the lifeblood of a liberal society, is daily becoming more constricted... There is a new tendency to dissolve complex policy issues in a blinding moral certainty. We uphold the value of robust and even caustic counter-speech from all quarters.

But it is now all too common to hear calls for swift and severe retribution in response to perceived transgressions of speech and thought... This stifling atmosphere... invariably hurts those who lack power and makes everyone less capable of democratic participation."

Signed by a collection of people who no one would mistake for conservatives, the mainstream pushback was just one of the signs that the honeymoon with the mob is over. Even more telling is the surprising shift of public opinion away from groups like Black Lives Matter -- which, 70 percent of Americans insist -- isn't improving race relations.

In fact, many believe the movement has done more harm (38 percent) than good (26 percent). That decline in public approval has been especially steep over the last month, as more Americans realize George Floyd's death was just an excuse for radicals to hijack the conversation.

"Some 40 percent of Republicans in early June thought the 'underlying anger of the protesters' was fully justified after the killing of Floyd," Liz Peek explains. "Later in the month, only 18 percent thought so."

The woke crowd is on shaky ground, Mark Hemingway agrees. Friday, on "Washington Watch" with Sarah Perry, he warned that a lot more people in this country care about free speech than the media would like to admit.

"And they're getting frustrated," he said, pointing to the open rebellion of letters like Harper's. If you want to blame someone for this unrest, Mark insisted, try academia. It's our colleges and universities who created this chaos by allowing certain Marxist theories to take hold of U.S. campuses.

"In the last 20 years, it's reached critical mass," he pointed out. So much so that "the point of education is now to rectify injustice and to create activists, not to impart knowledge.

And I definitely think that that has taken hold among younger people that haven't really even, frankly, been that well educated on competing ideas regarding basic things like free speech or free enterprise. And that's a problem. They've been taught that only one set of ideas only is correct."

If we want to save our country and stop these forces from remaking America, then we've got to reassess education. Obviously, Mark points out, public schools and universities aren't going away any time soon. "But I think people care about their kids learning some basic ideas that have made Western civilization, such a belief in absolute and transcendent truth.

The belief that the way to be prosperous and happy is to engage in the free exchange of ideas... And I think if you can inculcate that in a future generation, or -- at the very least -- create enough of a sizable group of people that exists outside of this current dominant thinking, in 10 or 20 years then you might have something."

We've seen the homeschooling movement start to drive that counterculture, along with uncompromising Christian colleges, parents, and churches. It will take all of them to undo what the far-Left have done to the one thing we should all have in common: freedom.

Said I not Unto Thee, That, If Thou Wouldest Believe, Thou Shouldest See the Glory of God? - John 11
Jul 25th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

Yes, we shall see the glory of God. We shall see the graves give up their dead - not only at the last day, but now. Thousands around us are dead in trespasses and sins, in which they walk according to the course of this world. Alas! more than this, they stink in the putridity of their lives and speech. Around their graves gather their friends and relatives, bathed in tears, but unable to arrest the progress of decay. But, if we will believe, we shall see the glory of God.

But how shall we believe for this? It seems easy for some to believe. The Marys who sit at the Lord's feet, feeding on His words, find the life and light of faith in His beloved presence. But others, like Martha, are distracted with so many things, that faith seems impossible. And this is the very point where this story is so abundantly helpful. Jesus must have the cooperation and sympathy of some one's faith before this miracle could be wrought - and these He found, not in Mary, as we might have expected, but in Martha, the harassed housewife.

In educating Martha to this stupendous act of faith,

(1) The Lord gave her a distinct promise : "Thy brother shall rise again."

(2) He drew her attention from Jaris wards to Himself, who lay beneath and behind them: "I am the Resurrection and the Life."

(3) He forced her to confess her faith. To express it would confirm and increase it: "Believest thou this?"

(4) He compelled her to act on the faith He had created, by allowing the bystanders to remove the stone. All her soul woke up as she remarked these preparations for her brother's resurrection. She believed; and in her faith gave the Lord the pivot on which His leverage might rest.

Revelation 9:16-21 - Exzploring Revelation
Jul 25th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

Last week we saw the second woe begin. We saw four angels which had been bound in the Euphrates river loosed. They had a mission, to slay a third of the earth's population. God uses satan at times to bring judgment on men. Satan goes about his work not knowing that God is using him to accomplish His purposes.

The command is given in verse 15, to loose the four angels, these four angels are wicked angels, demons. Their release turns loose a tide of destruction on the earth.

We read in verse 16, "And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: (200 million). This is a supernatural army but it is not of God! This is an army of demons!

This is a terrifying scene, a scene of destruction that is yet to come and may not be very far away. Verse 17:,"And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone". Verse 18 says, "By these three (fire-brimstone-smoke) the third part of men were killed". We can hardly imagine that awful scene, one out of every three alive on earth will be killed in this savage attack.

As we read verse 18: we can not add to the scene, this a horror story that is above and beyond anything we can imagine, and yet it is soon to unfold!

What we are told in verses 20 and 21 give us an understanding as to why hell is forever. It is only by the power of God's Spirit that men and women are enlightened, and have the opportunity to repent and turn from their sin and be saved. When they reject the opportunity to repent and turn to Christ, at some the Spirit of God withdraws the enlightenment and the possibility of salvation is gone forever. This shows that fear alone is not enough to drive a person to God. The word of God says, "Behold now is the day of salvation". My unsaved friend, if God's Spirit is drawing you to Christ, do not delay, come to Christ now.

After the pleasures of life are o'er, After you stand, face to the shore

Of the dim land of evermore, Careless soul, what then?

After the pulses shall cease to beat, When at the throne of the Lord you meet,

Waiting your doom at the judgment seat, Careless soul, what then?

After your heart is hushed and still, After the death-dews, damp and chill,

Over your frame of mortality thrill, Carless soul what then?

After the trumpet's awful blast, After the judgment shall be past,

When you have come to your doom at last, Careless soul what then?

Lgbt Heresy - Hunters Now Targeting Christian Politicians
Jul 25th, 2020
Categories: Warning

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One of the perverse things about today's progressives is not simply that they are so often wrong, but that they often mean precisely the opposite of what they are saying but do not realize it. The promoters of "diversity" and "tolerance," for example, make the witch-burners look positively relaxed as they ruthlessly hunt heretics and hound them from their jobs.

Diversity is acceptable only within the narrowest of lanes -- you can, for example, support the LGBTQIA2S agenda, but nobody will get too fussed if you just say you support the LGBTQ agenda, because it is presumed that you mean the same thing. Any indication that you do not support whatever the newest thing is, however, will not be tolerated.

The latest would-be victim of the heresy-hunters is British Columbian politician Laurie Throness, the MLA for the constituency of Chilliwack-Kent. Throness and several other MLAs, as it turns out, had run ads in a Christian publication that, to the horror of Chilliwack Progress editor Paul Henderson, apparently holds Christian views on sexuality:

The controversy started when it came to light that Throness and several other MLAs, including [Andrew] Wilkinson, used taxpayer dollars to advertise in "The Light Magazine," a Langley-based Christian publication that frequently runs articles that express antipathy towards the LGBTQ community in various ways.

Three MLAs have since apologized, and party leader Andrew Wilkinson tweeted out the required statement that there is no place for any anti-LGBT sentiment in the B.C. Liberal Party. The B.C. Liberals also announced that they would be reviewing their advertising policies to ensure that no ads were placed in such magazines. As CTV put it:

The Liberals had already pledged to review their advertising policy after critics pointed out ads for the party that ran in The Light Magazine, a Christian publication that has opposed B.C.'s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) policy in public schools.

Apparently, opposing BC's radical sex ed curriculum, which foists dangerous gender ideology on children, is beyond the pale. Throness, at least, has noted that he will continue to advertise in the magazine as he shares its "Biblical Christian values," noting that "Biblical Christians follow their Lord in their sexual practice.

They don't attack other people, they don't condemn other people, because Jesus did not condemn other people. They withdraw from sex outside of a marriage between a man and a woman. That has nothing to do with intolerance, it has everything to do with following their conscience and following their Lord."

To anyone familiar with what Christianity teaches, that's pretty standard stuff. But to progressives, this is genuinely offensive. NDP MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert sent a letter to the B.C. Liberal Party demanding that Throness be kicked out of caucus or fired from his job as opposition critic for the Ministry of Children and Family Development.

The Vancouver Pride Society even took the dramatic step of threatening to ban the B.C. Liberal Party from marching in the Pride Parade over the ads, stating that the magazine has "published articles elevating anti-trans and pro-conversion therapy rhetoric targeting LGBQAI2S+ people."

"Despite being reassured by the B.C. Liberal leader that that was no longer going to happen, they continue to invest in this magazine," Michelle Fortin, co-chair of the Vancouver Pride Society, noted ominously. "We've basically said to the Liberals until you take action and stop investing in that kind of publication, and until you deal with MLA Throness, you will not be allowed into the parade."

Fortin even gave the B.C. Liberal Party a deadline: the deadline for parade registration for the virtual parade being held on August 2. Throness must be "dealt with" before then. Like the NDP, the Pride Society wants Throness either evicted or fired from his critic role.

In short, they want a scalp. Throness is refusing to disavow Christian standards and will not disassociate himself from others who share those standards. Thus, he must be punished. "In 2020, a B.C. Liberal Party that still thinks it's OK to support transphobic or homophobic messaging[.] ... It's appalling," said Fortin.

Every political party will be forced to respond to such demands in the future. Organizations like the Pride Society are not demanding diversity or tolerance; they are demanding that politicians conform to their standards or else.

Media folks like Paul Henderson of the Chilliwack Progress, a bigot who spends much of his time fulminating on his editorial page about the wickedness of those who disagree with him on LGBT issues and abortion (that would include Christians, Orthodox Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, and Buddhists, just for starters), ensure that these non-stories get the coverage they need.

Thus, a Christian politician posting an ad in a Christian publication that frequently covers issues from a Christian perspective becomes a threat to civilized society in the minds of the progressive heresy-hunters.

Let the Headlines Speak
Jul 25th, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

IAF retaliates, strikes Syrian army posts
IAF attack helicopters struck several Syrian Arab Army targets on Friday night, including observation posts and intelligence facilities in bases near the town of Quientra… “The IDF sees the Syrian regime as responsible for the fire earlier today and will continue to act with determination, retaliating for every violation of the sovereignty of the State of Israel,” the military said in a statement.

IDF ups alert in Northern Command over concerns of Hezbollah terror attack
The IDF on Friday upped its alert in the northern command and reinforced troops and artillery batteries out of concern of a terror attack by Hezbollah… Following a situational assessment and in accordance with the Northern Command’s defense plan, the military said it will be making changes to troop deployment and enhanced field intelligence in the area “with the goal of strengthening defenses along the northern border.”

China Is Harvesting DNA From Millions of People. Is This the Future of Policing?
For several years now, the police and other authorities in China have been collecting across the country DNA samples from millions of men and boys who aren’t suspected of having committed any crime. In a report published by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute last month, we exposed the extent of the Chinese government’s program of genetic surveillance…

Pentagon’s UFO hunting department was NOT disbanded in 2012…
The Pentagon’s once secret department that hunts and investigates UFOs has continued to operate over the past decade despite previous claims it was disbanded. The Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force has been tucked away inside the Office of Naval Intelligence, and is now being called on to reveal at least some of its findings to the public every six months, according to the New York Times.

South China Sea dispute: Australia says Beijing’s claims have no legal basis
Australia has formally rejected China’s territorial and maritime claims in the South China Sea, aligning itself more closely with the US as tensions rise. In a declaration to the United Nations, Australia said the claims, which take in the majority of the sea, had “no legal basis”. China has not reacted. It comes after the US called some of China’s actions in the area “unlawful”.

Lebanon’s future goes dark
Lebanon’s financial collapse is accelerating – and the old normal is fading, even down to the traffic lights. In a country where people were once able to pay just as easily with dollars as with local currency, many now can find neither.

Top US general visits Israel amid heightened border tension
America’s top general made an unannounced visit to Israel on Friday for talks on “Iran and regional security challenges,” Israel’s army said as it confirmed a reinforced presence on its northern border. General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, held talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, alternate premier and Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Israel’s army chief Aviv Kohavi.

US military: Russia ships more military supplies to Libya
The U.S. military accused Russia on Friday of supplying more weapons, air defense systems and mercenaries to Libya’s front lines to shape the outcome of the escalating proxy war in the North African country. The accusation comes as rival Libyan factions…prepare to face off over the strategic coastal city of Sirte, which sits next to Libya’s oil-expert terminals and fields.

Europe Panics as Worst Swarm of Locusts for 70 Years Invades Sardinia, Italy
In a situation reminiscent of a biblical plague, voracious locusts have stripped large areas of the island’s agricultural regions of crops, in what the World Bank has already been branded the most serious such invasion the world has faced in 70 years. The epicentre is formed by the municipalities of Orani, Ottana and Bolotana in the Tirso valley, with insects having arrived from the Middle East and Africa…

New Russian law means kids will be taught patriotism and respect for elders in schools
Russia’s parliament has approved a bill to boost ‘patriotism’ education in the school curriculum, designed to instill children with respect for…those who fought to defend the country, its laws and traditions. Aside from promoting respect to the nation, the amended law on education also obliges schools to teach kids to treasure Russia’s multicultural heritage and traditions, as well as nature and the environment.

Coin shortage in US has banks begging for spare change
Banks are begging you to break open your piggy bank, dig through your seat cushions and unload those coffee cans full of change sitting in the closet.  The COVID-19 change shortage has bankers all across the country asking customers to bring in rolled coins as a way to pump more pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters into circulation.

Nepal records highest number of fatal landslides in 15 years
The number of this year’s fatal landslides in Nepal has exceeded the average annual total over the last 15 years, according to data gathered by The Landslide Blog’s Dr. Dave Petley.

Powerful Hurricane “Douglas” entering the Central Pacific, heading toward Hawaii
Category 4 Hurricane “Douglas” is entering the Central Pacific on its way toward Hawaii. There are still no coastal watches or warnings in effect, but interests in the Hawaiian Islands should monitor its progress as watches could be issued on Friday, July 24 for a portion of the area.

Tropical Storm “Hanna” forms in the Gulf of Mexico, landfall expected in Texas on Saturday, July 25
Tropical Storm “Hanna” formed in the Gulf of Mexico at 03:00 UTC on July 24, 2020, as the earliest 8th named storm formation in the Atlantic on record. The previous record was held by Harvey which formed on August 3, 2005. At the same time, Tropical Storm “Gonzalo” is heading toward the Windward Islands, marking the first simultaneous Atlantic July named storms since Beryl and Chris in 2018.

More Countries Ban Muslim Brotherhood 
The United States should join them. Then we can begin to prosecute Muslim Brotherhood terror-tied groups like CAIR, MAS, ISNA et al.

Supreme Court denies Nevada church’s appeal of attendance restriction amid coronavirus pandemic
Nevada has placed a 50-person cap on all places of worship, no matter the capacity of the building, as a part of the state’s coronavirus restrictions. But casinos, along with other businesses such as restaurants and movie theaters, may permit up to 50 percent capacity, allowing casinos to grant access to hundreds of patrons at a time.

Shocking! Another Florida News Station finds Deaths incorrectly attributed to COVID-19
Last week a news station in Orlando found several discrepancies in COVID 19 reporting. Several deaths that have nothing to do with COVID are appearing as COVID-19 deaths. Now in Palm Beach County it is the same story.

Former Concentration Camp Guard Convicted in Germany 
A German court on Thursday convicted a 93-year-old former SS private of being an accessory to murder at the Stutthof concentration camp, where he served as a guard in the final months of World War II. He was given a two-year suspended sentence.

China Now Forcing All Citizens To Activate Health Code On Smart Phones For Restaurant And Store Access, Only A Green Code Will Let Them in
Little by little, and inch by inch, the whole world is being brought under the control of the New World Order, and it’s being done under the guise of fighting a virus. China, the country that released this infection upon all of us, seems to be leading the way on all counts. After rolling out contact tracing on smart devices, now come the health codes that you device will generate to either let you in or keep you out of mainstream society in China. In a matter of months it will make its way here to America.

Wife of ABC News Hack George Stephanopoulos Says Parents Should Watch Porno with Their Young Kids
Ali Wentworth, wife of ABC News personality George Stephanopoulos, said during a recent podcast appearance that she believes parents should watch pornography with their young children.

Major League Baseball Opens With New York Yankees Kneeling And Boston Red Sox Unveiling Huge BLM Mural
America in 2020 is a nation that is hopelessly confused, we have removed God from our courtrooms and classrooms and as a result we are like blind men feeling our way through in the darkness. The religion of America is major league sports, it has been that way for some time now, Roger Goodell of the NFL famously said last year that the Super Bowl is the biggest holiday in the United States. Don’t get mad, her’s right. Did you know the word ‘holiday’ comes from ‘holy day’ meaning a day of worship? He’s right about that, too.

Gametime: Attorney General Barr Sets His Sights On George For Subverting Legal System and Causing “Increase in Violent Crime and More Victims”
…Well, most of us thought that George would probably never have a United States Attorney General who would even dare to utter George’s name, never mind to put him on notice that he is on the DOJ’s radar. William Barr appears to be the man with exactly what it takes to call out George, and all of the unrest he is accused of fostering around the nation, and the globe.

Washington, D.C., mandates face masks for the public, but exempts all lawmakers and government employees
Muriel Bowser, the mayor of Washington, D.C., has decreed that everyone present in the federal territory must wear a face mask, including three-year-olds, to supposedly help stop the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). But exempt from the order are all lawmakers and government employees, because they are apparently a different breed that is incapable of catching or spreading invisible germs.

185 Bodies Found in Cartel-Dug Mass Graves in One Mexican State
The number of bodies found in mass graves by Mexican authorities rose to 185 as the search continues. Authorities searched in one of three mass graves used by a ruthless drug cartel to dispose of their victims.

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