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Revelation 8 :3-5 - Exploring Revelation
Jul 16th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

Last week we thought about awesome trumpet judgments that were about to be poured upon a rebellious sinful world. We had considered, "The silent pause" and last week the "The solemn preparations". Today we want to think about, "The saints prayer".

"And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with all the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne". Who are these saints? They are the martyred tribulation saints who have arrived in heaven, possibly as disembodied spirits.

"And another angel came and stood at the altar", Some say that this is the Lord Jesus Christ, no Christ is seated on the throne at this point. "And the smoke of the incense", This represents the prayers of the saints. These prayers are recorded in Rev. 6:9-11. They have cried out to God as the enemies of God have slaughtered the them and there fellow believers. The utter injustice of the whole thing has overwhelmed them. "How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?" They have prayed and waited and now the answer is about to come! These prayers of chapter six are about to be answered in chapter eight.

"And the angel took the censer", this is the special angel of verses 3-4. This angel had the privelege of doing God's bidding, what a priveledge! We to have opportunities to do God's bidding, what could possibly be more wonderful? When such an opportunity comes, be ready, don't miss it. "And filled it with fire of the altar", the altar that brought salvation now brings judgment upon the Christ rejecting world. This is a solemn reality, "For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that perish; To the one we are the savour of death untp death; and to the other the savour life unto life...." 2 Cor. 2:15-16. No wonder we give out the gospel with hearts that are broken for the lost! These are two aspects of the wonderful plan of salvation. See Heb. 10: 29-30

"And filled it with fire of the altar", people of the tribulation period who reject the death of Christ for the judgment of their sins, must bear the judgment for their sin. FIRST, they will bear the judgment in their bodies on earth. SECOND, at the great white throne judgment they will be cast into the lake of fire to be tormented forever. "And cast it into the earth:" now the out pouring of God's wrath against sin continues as the prayers of the martyred saints are answered.

Noah Was Just, Perfect, Walked With God - Genesis 6:9
Jul 16th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

The eyes of God went to and fro over the ancient world, where sin reigned unchecked, to discover one grateful spectacle. But they were doomed to disappointment, till they lighted on Noah. He found grace in the eyes of the Lord, because him only had God seen to be righteous in all his generation. Like Antipas, he dwelt where Satan's seat was, held fast the Divine name, and was God's faithful witness. Be thou loyal to God, my soul, though thou stand alone. There are three characteristics in the man who finds grace in the eyes of the Lord.

In himself he is Just. - Not faultless, as judged by the white light of eternity; but blameless, so far as his own consciousness is concerned. He wears ever the white flower of a blameless life. His strength is as the strength of ten, because his heart is pure. He exercises himself to have always a conscience void of offence toward God and man. This condition is only possible to faith, that opens the door of the heart to receive the life of God. Wouldst thou be just, welcome that Just One. Let Him live within thee.

Toward man he is Upright. - He does not keep his eyes bowing down to the ground in shame, or furtively looking around to gain a secret advantage; he looks the whole world in the face. His eyes reflect the integrity and purity of his soul; they beam with sincerity, unselfishness, and love.

With respect to God, he abides in Perpetual Fellowship. - This were worth our getting, though we parted with all our jewels to win it. To be tuned into one deep accord with the Divine nature; to answer to Him with one full, responsive chord; to be always found where God is, and never where He is not - that were life indeed.

Israeli Mk: We are One Step from Total Anarchy
Jul 16th, 2020
Categories: The Nation Of Israel

Addressing the demonstration Tuesday night outside the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem, during which some 50 protesters were arrested following clashes with police, Knesset Minister David Amsalem told the Knesset plenum on Wednesday “I believe that last night we witnessed one of the most shameful and degrading sights in the history of Israeli democracy in the State of Israel. We saw last night the images from Jerusalem. We saw barricades flying at police officers, eggs thrown at security forces, rioting, severe physical violence as well as verbal violence – some of the most severe we have ever seen in these parts.”

He said hundreds of protesters did not wear masks or adhere to the social distancing regulations, adding that “what the anarchist left is doing over the past few days is not an expression of distress due to the corona (pandemic); it is not the distress of businesses that are in (financial difficulty). What we saw (last night) and have seen in the past few days is criminality and violence with the sole purpose of overthrowing a prime minister in the State of Israel in any way, just not in the democratic way.”

“This violence stems from the fact that the left has been unable to replace in the election campaigns the right-wing government in the State of Israel, and therefore it is redirecting its frustration to most violent channels,” Minister Amsalem stated.

“We are one small step from total anarchy that is being led by the violent and criminal left in the State of Israel.”

Editor’s Note: That is the very same tactic being used by the leftists in Israel as is being used in America.

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