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When the Lord Saw Her, He Had Compassion on Her, and Said Unto Her, Weep not - Luke 7:13
Jul 6th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

No widow stands by the bier of her only son, no mother by the empty cot of her babe, no lover beside the fading beauty of his beloved - but the Son of Man, unseen but glorious, is at hand, seeing, understanding, touched with compassion, and saying, in His tenderest tones, Weep not!

Weep not: Love is eternal. - Hast thou forgotten that there are three things which abide forevermore, the greatest of which is love? Is it likely that those blessed ties which have woven us to others can be snapped by death, which can only touch the body, but is not able to reach the soul? Is not love of God - and can God's love change, and pass away? No; though severed from your sight, the dear ones that are gone are thine to-day, and have not forgotten, but love thee still. Without us they cannot be made perfect.

Weep not: recognition of the beloved dead is certain. - Did not Mary and the women, Peter and five hundred more, recognize Jesus after His resurrection? Is He not the same Man? Are we not to be like Him? Recognition went so far, in His case, that the Magdalene recognized the very tones of His voice, when He said Mary, and she answered Rabboni. Yes, though refined and purified, the face thou hast loved shall smile, and the tones that have made thy heart-music shall speak again. Weep not!

Weep not: they shall rise again, nevermore to be separated. - The Lord raised this youth to life; but there had to be another parting, when his mother or he died. But when thy dear ones are reunited to thee, there will be no more partings. There shall be no more sea. Thy heart shall find its mate. Thou and he shall go no more out.

Revelation 6: 12-17 pt.# 3 - Exploring Revelation
Jul 6th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

We have been considering the opening of the sixth seal. We have suggested that the sixth seal is parellel with the war of Ezek. 38-39. Let me give you an overview of how I believe the sixth seal will unfold.

The rapture takes, their is not a living believer on the face of the earth. The first seal represents the great false peace treaty of antichrist. Very rapidly following is the second seal, the red horse which represents war (the war of Ezek.38-39). In 1 Thess. 5:3, Paul indicates that this war will quickly follow the false peace.

In Ezek. 38-39, God sends a great earthquake, and he sends fire down upon Russia and her allies, both on the battle field and in their homelands,(Ezek.39:6) five of every six in this vast army are killed in a great slaughter.(see Ezek. 38:21-23; 39:2)

Notice God's purpose in this outpouring of judgment, "Thus will I magnify myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord". Ezek. 38:23

It is my understanding that at the very beginning of the tribulation period (very early therein) God will shock the world with such an out pouring of judgment and wrath (Rev. 6:17;) that men everywhere will be arrested. That is like our God, before He brings the tribulation judgement upon the world, He gives a witness to the world, that men may know there is a God.

I believe this is preparartion for the preaching of the gospel by the two witnesses throughout the entire earth. From this point on the world will be divided into those who will respond to the Lord in repentence and faith and be saved and those who will harden their hearts.

Notice the response in Rev. 6:17, multitudes of men and women will harden their hearts, they would rather die than repent, that is why hell is forever.

So at this very early point in the tribualation period, an appeal goes out from the Lord, a witness to the world as to the reality of God and His wrath against sin. From this point on a line is drawn throughout the world, multitudes who will repent and be saved and multitudes who will harden their hearts against God, and persecute those who turn to the Lord. That is the underlying story of the tribulation period.

We are reminded of the words of Habakkuk, "in wrath remember mercy".

It is Russia and her Muslim allies that are today so persistently and vilently opposing Israel and trying to destroy them and drive them off the land God has promised to them. Notice God's response to them, Ezek. 38:18, "my fury shall come up in my face"

Israel's present enemies, Islam and Russia will not be a factor from that point on. It is in fact antichrist that first protects Israel and then turns to destroy her. Today, Russia and Islam are in the way of the biblical endtime scenario, they are soon to be set aside.

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