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Let the Headlines Speak
Apr 29th, 2013
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Jew hatred at UN schools
Information has recently come to light which suggests peace with Israel is not what they seek. In fact, their desire appears to be anything but.

NOAA forecasters estimate a 25% chance of M-class solar flares today. The likely source would be sunspot AR1731, which is almost directly facing Earth.

Atlantic Ocean Off Northeast Warmest in 150 Years
A deviation in average temperature by more than a degree is uncommon; this increase, from the average of 54.3 degrees F. over past 30 years to 57.2 degrees F. in the second half of last year is the highest jump measured. It is also an amount of warming not seen in any other ocean.

2013: the year of the comet – new comet discovery announced
Comet TENAGRA: Cbet nr. 3478, issued on 2013, April 19, announces the discovery of a apparently asteroidal object...

Deadly earthquakes strike around the world
A series of deadly earthquakes have struck many countries around the world, including China, Mexico, and Iran, in the last few weeks resulting in hundreds of injuries and deaths.

Americans fear government more than terror
According to a pair of recent polls, for the first time since the 9/11 terrorist hijackings, Americans are more fearful their government will abuse constitutional liberties than fail to keep its citizens safe. Even in the wake of the April 15 Boston Marathon bombing...the polls suggest Americans are hesitant to give up any further freedoms in exchange for increased “security.”

Small Earthquake Recorded in Southern Oklahoma
The USGS says a magnitude 3.3 quake was recorded at 10:06 p.m. Saturday near Dickson -- about 15 miles east of Ardmore in Carter County. The area is about 95 miles south of Oklahoma City. The USGS says no damage was reported.

Mad cow infected blood 'to kill 1,000’
Government experts believe there is still a risk of people contracting variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) through blood transfusions, as about 30,000 Britons are likely to be carrying the brain-wasting illness in a dormant form — double the previous estimate. ...Mr Dobson, the former Labour Health Secretary, said “everything humanly possible should be done to develop a blood test”.

Taliban marks start of 'monumental' spring offensive with deadly attack
It didn’t take long. Within hours of announcing the start of its annual spring offensive, the Taliban in Afghanistan claimed responsibility for an early-morning attack in the eastern part of the country that killed at least three police officers. "In addition to suicide bombings, insurgents warned of coordinating ‘insider’ attacks against ‘foreign transgressors’," the Taliban said in a statement on Sunday.

Russian Scientists: ‘We Could Face Cooling Period For 200-250 Years’
‘We could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years. The period of low solar activity could start in 2030-2040.’ Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well.

US health leader warns of human-to-human H7N9 bird flu
There is no evidence that the deadly H7N9 bird flu has yet spread between humans in China but health authorities must be ready for the virus to mutate at any time, a top US virologist has warned. ...National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), said officials in China had studied more than 1,000 close contacts of confirmed cases and not found any evidence of human-to-human transmission.

Japan PM Abe in Russia for talks on territorial row, energy
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is in Russia for the two nations' first top-level talks in a decade. Discussions are set to focus on energy deals and a territorial row unresolved since the end of World War II. Ahead of the visit, Mr Abe said he wanted to build "a trusted personal relationship" with President Vladimir Putin.

Parasite 'resistant to malaria drug artemisinin'
New drug-resistant strains of the parasite that causes malaria have been identified by scientists. Researchers found parasites in western Cambodia that are genetically different from other strains around the world. These organisms are able to withstand treatment by artemisinin - a frontline drug in the fight against malaria.

PM convenes security cabinet amid Syria concerns
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu convened his security cabinet Sunday for an in-depth discussion of the situation in Syria. The meeting was believed to be the first in-depth discussion on the matter by the new security cabinet since the new government was formed in mid-March, and reportedly dealt with different scenarios the country had to prepare for.

Syrian PM escapes Damascus bomb attack on his convoy
Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halki survived a bomb attack on his convoy in Damascus on Monday, state media and activists said, as rebels struck in the heart of President Bashar al-Assad's capital. The explosion shook the Mezze neighbourhood shortly after 9 a.m. (0600 GMT), sending a plume of thick black smoke into the sky, Internet footage posted by opposition activists showed.

Manchin says he's working to get another Senate vote on gun background check
West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin said Sunday he’s not finished with his effort to expand background checks for gun buyers, despite the proposal’s defeat and other key senators appearing to now move beyond the issue.

Last Pieces of New World Trade Center Are Rising
One World Trade Center already is New York's tallest building. And when the last pieces of its spire rise to the roof — weather permitting — the 104-floor skyscraper that replaces the fallen twin towers will be just feet from becoming the highest in the Western Hemisphere.

Obama: Pass My Budget or Suffer More 'Pain'
In his weekly address, Pres. Obama threatened Americans with more sequester "pain" if they don't convince Congress to pass his budget.

Iraq suspends Al Jazeera, other networks for ‘promoting violence’
Iraq has suspended Qatar-based Al Jazeera and nine other satellite TV channels from broadcast, citing "unprofessional reporting” that generated inter-ethnic strife in the war-torn country.

Lawmakers call for stronger U.S. action in Syria
Republican lawmakers are pressing for U.S. intervention in Syria's civil war, while Democrats call for increased aid but do not rule out military action. "If we keep this hands-off approach to Syria -- this indecisive action toward Syria, kind of not knowing what we're going to do next -- we're going to have a war with Iran because Iran's going to take our inaction in Syria as meaning we're not serious about their nuclear weapons program,"

Hizballah Loses Two High Officers in Major Defeat At Al - Qusayr Near Homs
Apr 29th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

debkafile’s military sources report that Hizballah’s elite Al Qods Brigade suffered a grinding defeat – its gravest since first intervening in the Syrian civil war - and heavy losses in the battle for al Qusayr in the Homs sector of northern Syria Monday, April 29. Among the dead were two high-ranking officers, the Al Qods Brigade commander, known as “Abu Ajib” and his lieutenant Hamza Ramloush, as well as dozens of dead and wounded.

The joint Hizballah-Syrian force abruptly broke off its assault on this front under attack from a mixed rebel force of local militias reinforced by radical Sunni Salafists from Lebanon.

Having just taken delivery of a large quantity of Grad rockets and launchers, these Lebanese radicals were able to catch the Hizballah brigade in a surprise artillery ambush and inflict heavy casualties.

At home, Hizballah and its leader Hassan Nasrallah will have to face the music. Apart from the effect of this defeat on his personal standing in Beirut, he will have to explain why he bowed to Iranian pressure during a secret visit to Tehran in the second week of April to increase the number of Hizballah combatants fighting for Bashar Assad beyond the 5,000-strong force already there.
Hizballah was already under the threat of Lebanese Sunni radicals to hit Hizballah hard unless it pulled out of the Syrian war. The voices raised quietly against his decision in his own movement will grow a lot louder now and put his authority at risk.
The Lebanese Salafists, for their part, will be encouraged by their triumph in Syria to tackle the weakened Hizballah on home ground.

The Syrian army has suffered reverses on additional fronts. Contrary to the reports circulating this week that the rebels were focusing much of their strength on capturing Syrian Air Force bases, debkafile’s military sources report they have turned their energy on seizing Syrian army’s short-range ground rocket bases. With their sights on Scud B and Fateh A-110 missiles, they this week attacked the Mount Kalmoon missile base in southern Damascus and the Mangh missile facility near the Syrian air force base outside Aleppo. They were counseled to go for those bases by their foreign advisers when those rockets began ramping up casualties, and have managed to demolish much of the Damascus missile base. This success has loosened Bashar Assad’s army’s hold on the capital.

With regard to the chemical weapon dispute, our military and Washington sources report that the Obama administration has lodged a strong complaint with the offices of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon over the claim published Monday by a senior Israeli official (unnamed) of “clear evidence based on raw, real and solid material” – not just assessments - that Bashar Assad is using chemical weapons against rebels.

He said this information is known to every concerned intelligence agency and none question it. The officer added that Israel should be concerned about chemical weapons leaking from Syria to Hizballah or other terrorist groups trying to reach the Israeli border. Their possible acquisition of chemical or even conventional weapons which they have never before laid hands on is of great concern to Israel.
In their complaint, US officials said they knew nothing of this evidence and US intelligence had not been made privy to such material.

Another Jesus 4 of 7
Apr 29th, 2013
Roger Oakland
Categories: Commentary;One World Church

Abbas: Palestinians Who Kill Jews Cannot be Punished
Apr 29th, 2013
Daily News
Israel Today - Ryan Jones
Categories: Today's Headlines;Anti-Israel

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, hailed the world over as a "moderate," again insisted last week that Palestinian Arabs who murder Israeli Jews cannot be punished for their crimes.

Abbas was hosting a two-day "Freedom and Dignity" conference in Ramallah to mark the 11th anniversary of Israel's arrest of Marwan Barghouti, a senior member of Abbas' own Fatah party who was convicted of directing numerous terrorist attacks against Israelis.

Polls show that a vast majority of Palestinians want to elect Barghouti as their president, if he is every freed by Israel.

At the event, Abbas declared that whether or not Israel frees the thousands of jailed Palestinian terrorists will determine its true commitment to peace.

Many of the Palestinians jailed by Israel took part in attacks that killed innocent Jewish men, women and children. And most of the rest were captured while trying to do so.

According to Abbas, these killers and would-be killers must not be held accountable for their crimes. After all, they were only trying to kill Jews.

Even more shocking than Abbas' position on this matter is the support it receives from America and Europe.

The Freedom and Dignity conference was graced by the presence of Isabelle Durant, vice president of the European Parliament, who Palestinian media reported is making "immense efforts" to win the freedom of the jailed terrorists.

Durant read a speech on behalf of the European Parliament president, Martin Schulz, who charged Israel with committing a human rights violation by imprisoning Palestinians who kill or try to kill Jews.

Former US President Jimmy Carter send a videotaped speech in which he stressed that setting the Palestinian terrorists free is a necessary condition for peace.

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