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Palestinian Hamas Lends Syrian Rebels Tunneling Expertise
Apr 11th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

According to the London Times, Hamas has been helping Syrian rebels in digging a tunnel beneath Damascus in preparation for an attack on the city. Hamas is famous for its network of tunnels dug for smuggling supplies and arms from Egypt into the Gaza Strip.

Let the Headlines Speak
Apr 11th, 2013
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Ancient site unearthed in Iraqi home of Abraham
British archaeologists said Thursday they have unearthed a sprawling complex near the ancient city of Ur in southern Iraq, home of the biblical Abraham. The structure, thought to be about 4,000 years old, probably served as an administrative center for Ur, around the time Abraham would have lived there before leaving for Canaan, according to the Bible.

Japan Ready to Defend Against North Korean Nuclear Missiles
Japan is preparing for a potential North Korean nuclear missile attack – or a missile test. Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera ordered installation of a Patriot anti-missile defense missile battery on the grounds of the country’s defense ministry in central Tokyo on Tuesday.

Rare Second Temple Ritual Purity Pool Discovered in Jerusalem
According to Israel Antiquities Authority excavation director Benyamin Storchan, “Numerous ritual baths have been excavated in Jerusalem in recent years, but the water supply system that we exposed in this excavation is unique and unusual. The pool consists of an underground chamber entered by way of steps. The mikveh received the rainwater from three collecting basins (otzar) that were hewn on the roof of the bath, and the pure water was conveyed onside the chamber through channels.

'It was a sign': Lapsed Catholics lured back by Pope Francis
After years of disenchantment with the church's hierarchy and teachings, former members of the flock say they are willing to give the Vatican a second chance under new leadership. "It was a sign," Rosa, 57, said of the Argentine Jesuit's election as pontiff last month. "It was like a miracle."

Why Kerry could succeed at securing Israeli-Palestinian peace
To be sure, there is widespread cynicism on both sides about whether Mr. Kerry can actually bring about concrete results. But Kerry appears poised to get negotiations under way even before the two sides agree to meet by serving as a mediator and providing bridging proposals.

5.8-magnitude earthquake rocks northern Philippines: USGS
The quake hit at 4:20 am (local time yesterday) at a shallow depth of just 4.2 kilometres, 29 km east of Itbayat, the US Geological Survey said. The USGS initially measured the quake at 6.1. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said the quake was felt in some parts of the sparsely populated and remote region and it had recorded two aftershocks, though no damage was expected.

Top Syrian Rebel Group Merges With Al-Qaeda in Iraq
One of the most prominent and powerful rebel factions fighting on behalf of the Obama administration-backed “regime change” operation in Syria formally announced that it was merging with al-Qaeda in Iraq,

The American Flu
A Chinese Air Force officer on Saturday accused the U.S. government of creating the new strain of bird flu now afflicting parts of China as a biological warfare attack. People’s Liberation Army Sr. Col. Dai Xu said the United States released the H7N9 bird flu virus into China in an act of biological warfare, according to a posting on his blog on Saturday.

Iran vows to defend North Korea in any war with the U.S. – UK to upgrade nuclear deterrent
The deputy chief of staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Major General Masood Jazayeri announced that Iran will stand by North Korea and defend it in a war between the United States and North Korea.

One-third of Air Force including Blue Angels grounded by sequester
A top general says federal budget cuts that will ground one-third of the U.S. Air Force’s active-duty force of combat planes including fighters and bombers means “accepting the risk that combat airpower may not be ready to respond immediately to new contingencies as they occur.” Gen. Mike Hostage, commander of Air Combat Command at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Virginia, issued the warning Tuesday as the Pentagon braces for more effects of the automatic spending cuts triggered by the lack of a budget agreement in Washington.

Missile spotted in ‘launch position’, United States and South Korean armed forces placed at ‘vital alert’ Watchcon 2
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov of Russia, which maintains close ties to North Korea's key ally China, warned after talks with Kerry on Wednesday against exacerbating tensions with military manoeuvres.

North Korea shifts missile locations ahead of imminent launch
As South Korea and the United States brace for a possible missile launch by North Korea, the communist nation appears to be moving several missiles repeatedly on its east coast in an apparent attempt to interfere with intelligence monitoring, sources familiar with the matter said Thursday.

Egypt's Mursi drops complaints against journalists
Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi has ordered the withdrawal of legal complaints filed by the presidency against journalists, in a move that appeared aimed at fending off accusations of a crackdown on dissent by the Islamist-led authorities.

North Korea close to 'dangerous line', US warns
"North Korea has been, with its bellicose rhetoric, its action, ... skating very close to a dangerous line," Mr Hagel said at a Pentagon press conference. "Their actions and words have not helped defuse a combustible situation." Mr Hagel's words came after South Korea raised its national alert level to "vital threat" and gave warning that a missile test by the North could be imminent...

IRS: We can read emails without warrant
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has claimed that agents do not need warrants to read people's emails, text messages and other private electronic communications, according to internal agency documents. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which obtained the documents through a Freedom of Information Act request, released the information on Wednesday.

U.N. talks with Syria on chemical arms probe at impasse
Discussions between the United Nations and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government on a possible investigation into the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria have reached an impasse, U.N. diplomats said on Wednesday.

US rice imports 'contain harmful levels of lead'
Analysis of commercially available rice imported into the US has revealed it contains levels of lead far higher than regulations suggest are safe. Some samples exceeded the "provisional total tolerable intake" (PTTI) set by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by a factor of 120. The report at the American Chemical Society Meeting adds to the already well-known issue of arsenic in rice.

Cyprus to sell gold reserves to help fund bailout
Cyprus is to sell off much of its gold reserves to help finance part of its bailout. An assessment by the European Commission says Cyprus must sell about 400m euros (£341m) worth of gold. The country has already been forced to wind down one of its largest banks in order to qualify for a 10bn euro lifeline from international lenders.

Korea and Syria high on agenda at London G8 talks
The Korean and Syrian crises will be high on the agenda for foreign ministers from the G8 group of nations, as their talks began in London. Correspondents say Japan, present at the talks, is looking for a strong statement of solidarity over Korea. North Korea has been making bellicose threats against South Korea, Japan and US bases in the region.

Uruguay Congress approves gay marriage bill
Congress in Uruguay has voted overwhelmingly to legalise gay marriage, becoming the second country in Latin America to do so, after Argentina. The bill was approved by more than two-thirds of the lower chamber, despite opposition from the Catholic Church. The proposal has already been backed by the upper house. It is expected to be signed into law within two weeks.

Two senators strike bipartisan 'deal' on gun checks
Two US senators have brokered a bipartisan deal to expand background checks on gun buyers, boosting White House hopes for a firearms control law. Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat, and Senator Pat Toomey, a Republican, unveiled their plans in Washington DC. The proposal would expand criminal background checks for buyers to include gun shows and online sales.

Budget Cuts Ground U.S. Air Force Front Line Combat Units
Apr 11th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Seventeen squadrons belonging to the various U.S. Air Force commands are affected by the stand down order to save 44,000 flying hours – one third of the total (worth $591 m), according to Air Force Times. Some squadrons will remain combat ready or are expected to keep a reduced readiness level called “basic mission capable” until the end of the Fiscal Year 2013. Some will be immediately grounded, others will be forced down as soon as they come back from their overseas deployment. DEBKAfile: The reduction in US Air Force activity also reduces its combat readiness for rapid deployment in emergency situations.

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