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Yaalon: Concessions Now Mean Disaster Later
Apr 15th, 2013
Daily News
INN - Gil Ronen
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon addressed the Remembrance Day Ceremony for the IDF's Fallen Soldiers Monday at the Kiryat Shaul Cemetery in Tel Aviv

"We are a peace seeking nation," he said. "Our hand reaches out to the world, and we will strive with all our might to make peace with our neighbors. We do not want to lose our sons and daughters. But unfortunately, there are still many who refuse to recognize our right to a Jewish national home in the land of Israel in any borders, forcing us to fight back and cut their intentions short. They are trying to harm us in multifaceted ways, challenging our powers of resistance as a society. These threats are not dwindling, they are merely diversifying."

"Terrorist attacks, the firing of rockets at civilian populations and delegitimization campaigns are the challenges which stand before us in the years to come, they will accompany us for the foreseeable future and they will force us to respond with a firm hand."

"The nuclear program of a country which glorifies Jew-hatred and the destruction of the State of Israel is taking shape, and if it is not dealt with, it will threaten Israel, the Middle East, and the entire world. The world cannot brush the problem of a nuclear Iran under the carpet, as history – both recent and ancient – has proven that concessions and a lack of determination now, are recipes for a lack of control and disaster in the years to come."

"The region is experiencing a shake-up, the like of which we have never experienced. The uncertainty is great, complex and parts of it are reaching our borders. We must identify the opportunities and stand determined to tackle these dangers with shrewd sobriety, responsibility, and careful consideration."

"Your heroism, dear families, symbolizes the perseverance capacity of Israeli society, which stands up to the test -- time after time -- in the face of all the challenges which are placed before it. The sorrow and grief which will accompany you, day by day, hour by hour, becomes the sorrow of all of us."

"It is impossible to understand the depth of the anguish of separation and longing. Every fallen hero is a world unto themselves; every bereaved family is a world unto themselves. Your wounds will forever struggle to heal. A sharp, permanent pain will accompany you all your days. The price you have paid for the sake of the continued existence of the State of Israel is unbearable; it is unimaginable."

Netanyahu: If We Must, We'll Go to War
Apr 15th, 2013
Daily News
INN - Gil Ronen
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

"Since our inception as a people, we had to fight for our freedom and our existence," Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said at a Sunday afternoon ceremony at Beit Yad Labanim in Jerusalem, marking the start of Memorial Day for the IDF's Fallen Soldiers.

"Today, too, there are those who threaten to annihilate us -- they haven't succeeded in the past, they won't ever succeed", he said.

Netanyahu seemed to be alluding to Iran, which Israel believes is working toward achieving military nuclear capabilities and has issued countless threats to annihilate the Jewish state.

"If we have no choice, we will grasp our swords and go to battle," Netanyahu said, in one of the more sternly worded warnings he has issued to date.

"We are not belligerent, we are not bloodthirsty. Our hand is extended in peace to all nations and states, far and near, but over the centuries we learned that only a strong defense force will ensure that we are not harmed."

President Shimon Peres, speaking at a memorial service at the Kotel, said that "Israel's existence is no longer in question. The IDF is ready for any scenario, against any enemy."

Speaking after Peres, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz said that "our sword is sharper than ever. Its lethal blade reaches every range. Whoever needs to know, knows -- there is no place or target that the IDF's long arm can't reach."

"If it seems that the enemy is no longer at our gate -- don't let that quiet mislead you," he said, because "a storm of developing threats and dangers is raging below the surface."

Let the Headlines Speak
Apr 15th, 2013
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Media-Enabled Psychopathic Elected Class Launches Full-On Assault
When members of the psychopathic elected class get busy mixing campaigning, legislating sop to their corporatist partners in crime, talking the Constitution out of existence and expanding tyranny from that sewage pit that is our Nation’s capital, the assaults on liberty can seem almost dizzying. Their goal is to overwhelm your senses and hit you from all sides, beating you down so that they can move the bar of tyranny gradually but inexorably leftward. They are content with incremental steps. They use gradualism in their self-created maelstrom of chaos.  

A coronal mass ejection (CME) swept past Earth on April 13th around 22:55 UT. The impact rattled Earth's magnetic field and induced electrical currents in the ground around the Arctic Circle.  

Key Parts of Tough NY Gun Law Begin
Key measures of New York's tough new gun law are set to kick in, with owners of guns now reclassified as assault weapons required to register the firearms and new limits on the number of bullets allowed in magazines. The law violates the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens "to keep commonly possessed firearms" at home for self-defense and for other lawful purposes...  

Turkey fears of Islamic challenge to secular state
Turkish pianist Fazil Say received a suspended 10-month jail term on Monday for mocking Islam on Twitter. Secular Turks have become increasingly concerned over what they see as the creeping Islamization of society.  

Afghanistan: high expectations of record opium crop
Twelve years after the fall of the Taliban, Afghanistan is heading for a near-record opium crop as instability pushes up the amount of land planted with illegal but lucrative poppies, according to a bleak UN report. The rapid growth of poppy farming as western troops head home reflects particularly badly on Britain, which was designated "lead nation" for counter-narcotics work over a decade ago.  

Machin-Toomey Background Check 'Compromise' Regulates Transportation of Firearms, Ammunition
The background check 'compromise' put forth by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Pat Toomey (R-PA) sets new rules for how individuals must transport firearms if taking them from one place to another.  

Doctor ‘beheaded’ 100 babies born alive during late-term abortions at clinic, former employee tells court
Horrifying details of the work inside an abortion clinic — allegations of babies born alive and then almost beheaded when their spinal cords were cut — have been told to a Philadelphia jury. This week, the “House of Horrors” murder trial of doctor Kermit Gosnell heard from one of his assistants, who said on five occasions she saw babies moving and breathing following abortions.  

North Koreans among 40 dead at Iran nuke plant
The bodies of 11 of the technicians and scientists are beyond recognition, a member of the security forces at the facility told WND. According to the source, 60 others are in critical condition and have been transferred to the central base of the 27th Division of Mohammad Rassool Allah. The base, between Tehran and Qom, is equipped with a modern medical facility.  

Iran warns of World War III
Iran ratcheted up its vitriol against Israel and the United States over the weekend, warning that an attack on the Islamic regime’s nuclear facilities could lead to global war. The rhetoric eerily matched that currently coming out of North Korea against its perceived enemies.  

Peres: Peace to prevail by Israel's 70th birthday
I do think that by the country's 70-year celebrations, there will be peace. I want to hope. It is not just optimism," he told Ynet.  

China H7N9 bird flu area spreads, two new deaths: govt (Update)
China's H7N9 bird flu spread west to the central province of Henan on Sunday, as government websites and state media reported two deaths and 11 new cases nationwide.  

H7N9 Bird Flu Cases Jump To 60 In China; Shanghai Reports Two New Deaths
Eleven new cases of the deadly bird flu H7N9 were found in China today, bringing the total in the country to 60, including 13 deaths, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.  

NSA data center front and center in debate over liberty, security and privacy
Twenty-five miles due south of Salt Lake City, a massive construction project is nearing completion. The heavily secured site belongs to the National Security Agency. "The spy center" -- that's what some of the locals..., told our Fox News team as part of an eight month investigation into data collection and privacy rights that will be broadcast Sunday at 9 p.m. ET called "Fox News Reporting: Your Secrets Out."  

Pope picks cardinals to advise on Vatican reform
The Catholic Church's new leader has appointed a group of top churchmen to advise him on how to reform the Vatican's often arcane bureaucracy. Pope Francis chose eight cardinals and a bishop who between them represent nearly every continent, and only one of whom is currently a Vatican official. The bureaucracy, or Curia, has been blamed for the Church's hesitant response to sex abuse and other crises.  

Chavez heir Maduro wins Venezuela presidential election
Socialist Nicolas Maduro, hand-picked successor of the late leader Hugo Chavez, has won a narrow victory in Venezuela's presidential poll. Mr Maduro won 50.7% of the vote against 49.1% for opposition candidate Henrique Capriles. Mr Capriles has demanded a recount, saying Mr Maduro was now "even more loaded with illegitimacy".  

'Turkey warns Israel against dirty bargaining'
Turkish officials are warning Israel that they should prepare to pay substantial compensation to the families of victims who were killed on the 2010 Mavi Marmara flotilla, and should avoid "horse trading or dirty bargaining," Turkish Hurriyet Daily News reported Monday.  

Abortion Doctor’s Murder Trial Sparks Media Debate   Some journalists are asking why the murder trial of a Philadelphia abortion doctor isn’t receiving more coverage. 

Nevada buses hundreds of mentally ill patients to cities around country    Over the past five years, Nevada's primary state psychiatric hospital has put hundreds of mentally ill patients on Greyhound buses and sent them to cities and towns across America.  

Syria conflict: Government air strikes 'kill 25'
At least 25 people, many of them children, have been killed in two Syrian government air strikes, activists say. The UK-based Syrian Observatory For Human Rights (SOHR) said one strike hit a rebellious Damascus suburb, killing at least nine children.  

Bombs hit cities across Iraq, at least 11 killed
At least 11 people were killed and dozens more wounded on Monday when explosions hit cities across Iraq, including multiple attacks in Baghdad and a suicide bomber in a car who targeted a police checkpoint, authorities said.  

Outrage after teacher assigns Nazi propaganda essay on why Jews were evil
A New York state high school English teacher who asked students to imagine they were Nazis and give reasons why Jews were evil could be reprimanded or dismissed, a school district superintendent said on Friday.

Earthquake: 3.4 quake strikes near Bishop
A shallow magnitude 3.4 earthquake was reported Sunday morning six miles from Dixon Lane-Meadow Creek -- a community just outside Bishop -- according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The temblor occurred at 5:02 a.m. Pacific time at a depth of 5.0 miles.  

Strong quake in Japan leaves 23 people injured
The magnitude - 6.3 quake left some homes with rooftop tiles broken and cracked walls, while goods fell off store shelves, according to the Meteorological Agency and Japanese TV news footage.  

Earthquake strikes off Papua New Guinea
A 6.6 magnitude earthquake has struck 74 kilometres west of Bougainville island in Papua New Guinea but there were no immediate reports of damage. The quake, originally registered at 6.7 magnitude, was 64km deep.

Israel Remembers Its Fallen, Celebrates Their Victory
Apr 15th, 2013
Daily News
Israel Today
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

As we do every year, Israelis on Monday made the incredible transition from deep mourning to bounding joy as we first marked the Memorial Day for our fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism before moving immediately into Independence Day.

Nationwide sirens on Sunday evening and Monday morning brought Israel to a standstill to remember 23,085 IDF soldiers who have fallen in the line of duty. Also remembered were the 2,493 Israelis who have been killed in acts of anti-Israel terrorism. Both sirens were followed by national and private Memorial Day ceremonies at cemeteries and war memorials across the country.

Israel's Ministry of Defense reports that there are 17,553 bereaved families of deceased security personnel in Israel, along with 2,324 orphans and 4,964 widows of the defense establishment.

Nearly every Israeli has lost a family member or friend to war or terrorism, meaning that for nearly every Israeli, Memorial Day is a very solemn time.

One interesting aspect of Israel's Memorial Day that is today lacking even in many Christian nations is the liberal referencing of the Bible by the nation's leaders. During the main national Memorial Day ceremony at the Western Wall on Sunday evening, Israeli President Shimon Peres, IDF chief Gen. Benny Gantz, Israel's chief rabbis and even the army emcee quoted repeatedly from the Bible and recited numerous prayers thanking God for His provision and blessing.

At sunset on Monday (remember that in Jewish tradition, days start at sunset), our mourning will turn to sudden joy as we burst into celebration over what the sacrifices of our loved ones has purchased - a safe and secure Jewish homeland after millennia of exile and persecution.

Tuesday's Independence Day events will include outdoor concerts at several venues, air and sea displays by Israel's military, tours of Israeli army bases, a ceremony for outstanding soldiers in Jerusalem, and the annual National Bible Quiz.

Grand Jury: Abortionist Murdered 'hundreds' of Children; M.E.: Adam Lanza Murdered 20
Apr 15th, 2013
Daily News - Terence P. Jeffrey
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Two recent cases of mass murder--one gaining a great deal of national media attention, the other very little--both specifically targeted children.

In Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14, 20-year-old Adam Lanza broke into the Sandy Hook Elementary School and, according to the Connecticut Medical Examiner, murdered 20 6- and 7-year-old first graders. He also murdered six adult staff at the school and shot his mother four times in the head as she slept in the home he shared with her.

In Philadelphia, Pa., over a course of decades, according to a Pennsylvania grand jury, Dr. Kermit Gosnell, a wealthy abortionist who specialized in terminating the lives of babies late in pregnancy, murdered "hundreds" of born babies by either suctioning out their brains or slitting the backs of their necks to sever their spinal cords.

Gosnell also deputized assistants to kill born babies for him.

Gosnell is now standing trial in Philadelphia for seven counts of murder for killing babies who survived his abortions. But the grand jury that charged him with these murders lamented that the Pennsylvania statute-of-limitations law prohibits someone from being charged with infanticide if the alleged killing of an infant occurred two or more years ago. They also lamented that Gosnell was able to destroy records that could have documented multitudinous acts of homicide his staff described in sworn testimony.

The grand jury concluded that the statute-of-limitations on infant-killing was helping Gosnell get away with killing hundreds of born babies.

"We recommend that the legislature amend the statute of limitations so that infanticide is treated as what it is--homicide," said the grand jury in its report.

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