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North Korea Reportedly Warns Tokyo Would be First Target of Nuclear Attack
Apr 12th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Today's Headlines

US and Japanese sources reported Friday, April 12, that North Korea has warned Japan that Tokyo would be the first target if Pyongyang decided to launch a nuclear attack. This was in response to Japan’s orders to its armed forces to shoot down any North Korean missile that heads toward its territory. Taking the threat seriously, Japan has deployed Patriot interceptors around its capital.
Japanese defense officials refused to confirm reports about their naval alert saying they do not want to “show their cards” to North Korea.
On arrival in Seoul Friday, US Secretary of State John Kerry said: “We will stand with South Korea and Japan against these threats. And we will defend ourselves," he said. He rejected the Pentagon's assessment that Pyongyang had probably developed nuclear weapons which could be mounted on ballistic missiles, saying that North Korea had still not developed or fully tested the nuclear capabilities needed for this step.

The White House again insisted Friday that North Korea had not demonstrated a capability to deploy a nuclear-armed missile, evidently intent on having the last word in the debate with the Pentagon on this matter.

debkafile reported earlier Friday:

Friday, April 12, the US raised its nuclear alert status to DEFCON 3, Condition Yellow (out of 5 levels), stating “There are currently no imminent nuclear threats against the United States at this time, however the situation is considered fluid and can change rapidly.” Many believe that North Korea will launch their test missile on or about April 15. Japan has instructed its armed forces to shoot down any North Korean missile that heads toward its territory.

Contrary to comments from the White House Thursday, the Pentagon reported that “North Korea probably has nuclear weapons that can be mounted on ballistic missiles.” This is a very significant admission by the United States and a dangerous change to the Korean situation.

China has mobilized its military and is massing near the border with North Korea. This step was taken after North Korea placed a mid-range Musudan missile ready to launch on its east coast and its “dedication of more facilities at the Yongbon complex to nuclear weapons work.”

According to some sources in Washington, the Chinese military mobilization is not directed at deterring Pyongyang but as support for North Korea’s steps.
Late Thursday, Representative Doug Lamborn, a Colorado Republican, made a disquieting disclosure. He quoted an excerpt from a Defense Intelligence Agency report expressing “moderate confidence” in the finding that North Korea has nuclear weapons capable of delivery by ballistic missiles whose “reliability will be low.”
This disclosure raised a furor in the United States, bringing forth a White House response. The director of national intelligence, James Clapper, released a statement saying that the assessment did not represent a consensus of the nation’s intelligence community [16 agencies in all] and that “North Korea has not yet demonstrated the full range of capabilities necessary for a nuclear armed missile.”

Pentagon press secretary George Little backed him up by saying: “It would be inaccurate to suggest that the North Korean regime has fully tested, developed or demonstrated the kinds of nuclear capabilities referenced in the passage.”

US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Seoul Friday. After meeting South Korean leaders, he travels next to Beijing and Tokyo.

 In his first comment on the Korean crisis, President Barack Obama said Thursday that now is the time for North Korea to end its belligerence. He said the United States will take ‘‘all necessary steps’’ to protect its people. But Obama also says that no one wants to see a conflict on the Korean Peninsula and would explore all diplomatic options for resolving the crisis.

Obama spoke alongside UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon after the two met in the Oval Office.

Let the Headlines Speak
Apr 12th, 2013
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

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Austrian FM: We may pull Golan peacekeepers
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‘Consumed in nuclear flames’: N. Korea threatens strike on Tokyo
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Turkey says terrorists planned to bomb US Embassy, synagogue
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North Korea 'inputs target coordinates into warheads'
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Kerry lands amid 'reckless' rhetoric
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Kerry: U.S. will not Accept a Nuclear - Armed North Korea
Apr 12th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

The US Secretary of State John Kerry made this statement on arrival in Seoul Friday as intelligence from Japan, US and South Korea indicated Friday that a North Korean missile test may be imminent. DEBKAfile reported earlier that the US had raised its nuclear alert status to DEFCON 3, Condition Yellow (out of 5 levels) and China had mobilized its army and was massing troops along its border with North Korea.

US president Barack Obama Thursday called on North Korea to abandon belligerence. He added that the United States will take ‘‘all necessary steps’’ to protect its people. But Obama also said that no one wants to see a conflict on the Korean Peninsula.

Israel Tank, Missile Fire Responds to Syrian Shots Across Golan Border
Apr 12th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Light arms and artillery fire came near an Israeli army patrol on the Golan from a Syrian position across the border Friday night. There were no casualties. Israel responded with artillery fire and Tamuz rocket which hit the Syrian position.

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