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Muslim Extremist to Queen Elizabeth: 'Off with Your Head'
Aug 3rd, 2009
Daily News - Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Categories: Today's Headlines;Warning

British Muslim hate preacher Anjem Choudary has called for prosecuting Queen Elizabeth for genocide because “she is the one who applauds her sons and daughters to go out and massacre hundreds and thousands of innocent people.”

The preacher, who is not a British citizen, declared that the Queen should be tried for “the extermination of a nation,” the London Sun reported. Labor party Member of Parliament Andrew Dismore responded that Choudary himself should be prosecuted. “It’s about time he was busted,” he added.

The House of Commons Counterterrorism sub-committee chairman, MP Patrick Mercer, said the preacher’s statements are “weapons being wielded by Al-Qaeda and the Taliban."

Choudary said last September that Britain will become a Muslim country in the future. Last year, he praised the terrorist attack in Mumbai and previously has called for stoning homosexuals and for assassinating the Pope.

Choudary has founded two Muslim groups that the British government later banned as being terrorist organizations. He has threatened British Jews who support Israel, stating that it is an "Islamic obligation upon Muslims everywhere to support the Jihad against those who fight Muslims anywhere in the world or who occupy Muslim land. He added that financial supporters of Israel “will become part of the conflict.”

He also organized a “camping trip” for Muslims who allegedly were to listen to lectures on Islam and enjoy playing soccer and paintball. Police searched the camp, located on the grounds of a school that allegedly was used by Al-Qaeda to recruit and train terrorists.

Media misleading on Jews evicting Arabs from Jerusalem
Aug 3rd, 2009
Daily News
WND - Aaron Klein
Categories: Today's Headlines;Anti-Israel

Aaron Klein: 'Painting picture that could not be further from the truth'

JERUSALEM – The U.S. and international media are rife with misleading stories of club-wielding Israeli police evicting Palestinians from homes in Jerusalem, failing to provide proper background information while painting a picture of Jewish expansionist activity that could not be further from the truth.

A BBC article entitled, "Palestinians evicted from Jerusalem," tells of Israeli police who evicted nine Palestinian families living in two houses in "occupied East Jerusalem."

"Jewish settlers moved into the houses almost immediately. The U.S. has urged Israel to abandon plans for a building project in the area," reported the British outlet.

An AFP report, "Israel evicts Palestinians from Jerusalem homes," begins with a scene of intimidating Jews removing peaceful Arabs from their apartments.

"Israeli riot police wielding clubs kicked out two Palestinian families from their homes in occupied east Jerusalem on Sunday, defying international protests over Jewish settlement activity in the area," reported AFP.

"I was born in this house and so were my children," Maher Hanoun, one of the evictees, was quoted as stating. "Now we are on the streets. We have become refugees."

Reuters reported that Israeli police "evicted two Palestinian families on Sunday from homes in Arab East Jerusalem, and Jews moved in, despite pressure from Israel's main ally, the United States, to freeze settlements."

Scores of other news outlets featured similar pieces. Most of the articles focused almost exclusively on international condemnation of the Israeli moves. The pieces did not provide much background on just why these Arabs were being evicted other than one sentence in each article stating an Israeli court ruled the Arabs should be removed.

Most of the pieces did not cite the justification for the court ruling, with the exception of Reuters, which wrongly claimed the decision was based solely on "19th century documents."

Now, let's reveal what is really happening.

The housing complex in question is located in the Sheik Jarra neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem. The home was originally Jewish, but its Jewish occupants were chased out during countrywide anti-Jewish Arab riots in 1929. Arabs then squatted on the property, with one family, the Hejazi family, becoming the de facto occupants despite never having purchased the property.

Even though documentation proves the complex is owned by Jews and that Arabs have been squatting on it illegally for almost a century, Jewish groups still legally re-purchased the property from the Hejazi family. Following pressure from the Palestinian Authority, however, the family later denied selling the complex back to the Jews despite documentation and other evidence showing the sale went through.

Israel's court system, not exactly a friend of Jewish "settlers," twice ruled now the property undoubtedly belongs to Jews.

Many of the articles on the home use the terms "occupied" and "East Jerusalem." Reuters called it "occupied Arab East Jerusalem."

According to the United Nations, eastern sections of Jerusalem are not "occupied" but "disputed." Referring to the area as "Arab East Jerusalem" presupposes the outcome of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that have yet to take place and ignores British documentation that authenticates Jews outnumbered Arabs in eastern Jerusalem from the 1800's until Jews were expelled by Arabs in 1929.

Now let's talk about "East Jerusalem."

Historically, there was never any separation between eastern and western Jerusalem. The terminology came after Jordan occupied the eastern section of the city, including the Temple Mount, from 1947 until it used the territory to attack the Jewish state in 1967. Israel reunited Jerusalem when it won the 1967 Six Day War, although the Palestinians claim eastern sections for a future capital.

Palestinians never maintained any state or official national entity in Jerusalem. Demographics from the late 1800's show Jews actually outnumbered Arabs in Jerusalem at the time.

The eviction of squatting Arabs from a Jewish-owned property in Jerusalem follows recent U.S. demands for Israel to halt all "settlement activity," meaning Jewish construction, in Jerusalem and the strategic West Bank.

Last month, Israel's ambassador to Washington was summoned by the State Department to demand a Jewish construction project in eastern Jerusalem be immediately halted.

The construction project at the center of attention, a hotel financed by Miami Beach philanthropist Irving Moskowitz, is located just meters from Israel's national police headquarters and other government ministries. It is a few blocks from the country's prestigious Hebrew University, underscoring the centrality of the Jewish real estate being condemned by the U.S.

Moskowitz's housing project, legally purchased, formerly was the house of the infamous mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who spent the war years in Berlin as a close ally of Adolf Hitler, aiding and abetting the Nazi extermination of Jews.

Al-Husseini was also linked to the 1929 massacre of Jews in Jerusalem and Hebron and to other acts of incitement that resulted in death and destruction in what was then called Palestine. Some Palestinians have expressed a desire to preserve the building as a tribute to Husseini.

Jews Detained for Kneeling on Temple Mount
Aug 3rd, 2009
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Anti-Israel

Two Jews were detained by police and held for hours on Sunday morning for the simple act of kneeling while on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The two, Yosef Ben-Avraham of Shilo and Yekutiel ben-Yaakov of Kfar Tapuach, were on the Mount as part of the Holy Temple Festival held in Samaria beginning on Saturday night.

While Jews are allowed to visit certain areas of the Temple Mount under strict police supervision, they are not allowed to pray or to make any visible gestures expressing their Jewish belief, for fear of inciting Muslim riots. Yekutiel Ben-Yaakov spoke to Israel National News following his release from custody and explained that it was the feeling of humiliation caused by this rule that ultimately led to his decision to defy regulations.

1997: activist Yehudah Etzion attempts to enter Temple Mount. Israel news photo: (Flash 90).

After waiting for an hour to enter the Temple Mount, the group was finally allowed in, only to see Muslim and Christian tourists wandering freely while they were restricted and closely watched, Ben-Yaakov recalled. The discrimination against Jews was “the type of thing that we would call blatant anti-Semitism if it took place in a foreign country... I felt like a worm,” he said.

The feeling of humiliation led to a spontaneous decision to “do some basic, simple act that shows my support for the holy place,” he continued. He kneeled quickly, and kissed the ground.

Detained for kneeling
Police immediately removed him, and fellow worshipper Ben-Avraham. The two were taken from the Temple Mount to a nearby police station without being given a moment to put on their shoes, which they had left at the entrance.

Ben-Yaakov said he does not blame police for what happened. “They are forced to implement a horrible galut [exile] mentality... The problem is with the government, that is geographically out of the exile, but mentally is deeply rooted in the exile,” he stated.

Ben-Yaakov was banned from the Temple Mount for 15 days, a decision he plans to appeal on principle. His visit Sunday was his first in 20 years.

He called on other Jews to visit the Temple Mount as well, despite the segregation they may face. “Visit the Mount, visit our holiest site... We've returned to the land, let's return to the Mount,” he said.

While he refrained from suggesting that all Jews should disobey regulations on the Temple Mount, Ben-Yaakov did call on activists to demonstrate faith, as they ask Israel's leaders to do. “We say to Bibi [Netanyahu] 'Have faith in God, don't give in to American dictates.' What are we willing to do on a personal level?”

Jews Turned Away on Tisha B'Av
On Thursday of last week, Jews marked Tisha B'Av, the annual day of mourning over the destruction of the Temple. Many hoped to visit the Temple Mount on the occasion.

However, even those who arrived at 7:30 a.m. and waited for up to four hours were told that there was no time for them to go onto the Mount. The would-be visitors were turned away, disappointed.

Forget the Great In Britain
Aug 3rd, 2009
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines

Its fall was inevitable, but the economic crisis will shrink the last pretenses of empire faster than anyone expected.

Even in the decades after it lost its empire, Britain strode the world like a pocket superpower. Its economic strength and cultural heft, its nuclear-backed military might, its extraordinary relationship with America—all these things helped this small island nation to punch well above its weight class. Now all that is changing as the bills come due on Britain's role in last year's financial meltdown, the rescue of the banks, and the ensuing recession. Suddenly, the sun that once never set on the British Empire is casting long shadows over what's left of Britain's imperial ambitions, and the country is having to rethink its role in the world—perhaps as Little Britain, certainly as a lesser Britain.

This is a watershed moment for the United Kingdom. The country's public debt is soaring, possibly doubling to a record high of 100 percent of GDP over the next five years, according to the International Monetary Fund. The National Institute for Economic and Social Research forecasts that it will take six years for per capita income to reach early-2008 levels again. The effects will cascade across government. Budgets will be slashed at the Ministry of Defense and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, affecting Britain's ability to project power, hard and soft. And there's little that can be done to reverse the trend, either by Prime Minister Gordon Brown or by the incoming government of David Cameron's Conservatives, assuming they win a general election that must be held within the next 10 months. As William Hague, Cameron's deputy and shadow foreign secretary, said in a recent speech: "It will become more difficult over time for Britain to exert on world affairs the influence which we are used to."

History has been closing in on Britain for some time. The rise of giant emerging economies like China and India always meant that Britain would have a smaller seat at the increasingly crowded top table of nations. It also meant that the United States would recalibrate the so-called special relationship as it sought new partners and alliances, inevitably shrinking the disproportionate role Britain has long played in world affairs. Brown's predecessor, Tony Blair, made a final stab at greatness with what amounted to a 51st-state strategy: by locking Britain into America's wars—on terror, in Afghanistan, and in Iraq—London achieved an importance it hadn't had since Churchill and the war. But whatever advantage Britain gained in the short term was wiped out by the political damage Blair's strategy caused at home. Ordinary Britons and even members of the British establishment grew increasingly critical of what they saw as London's subservient relationship with Washington. Blair's authority was diminished, his political agenda at home suffered as a result, and it became clear that Britain's geopolitical default setting would no longer be to automatically follow America's lead. In fact, Blair may merely have postponed the inevitable: a lesser Britain is a consequence of world events, not unlike the slow relative decline of the United States, which finds itself today where Britain was at its apogee.What makes the British case stand out even more is that it is the only country of its size in recent history that has sought such a disproportionately large role on the world stage. During the Cold War, Margaret Thatcher saw herself as second only to Ronald Reagan as a leader who helped to bring down the Soviet Union and make the world safe for capitalism. During Blair's decade in office, from 1997 to 2007, Britain fought three wars—in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq—in which its military participation was right behind that of the United States. Now that's changing. "Although we are a relatively wealthy country and we have a seat on the U.N. Security Council, we are a power in decline," says Ian Kearns of the Institute for Public Policy Research, which recently conducted a British security review. Paddy Ashdown, a former leader of the Liberal Democrats who took part in the IPPR study, recalled the gibe by the late U.S. secretary of state Dean Acheson in 1962: "Great Britain has lost an empire and has not yet found a role." Britain found its footing for a while, but Acheson's words sting again today. "If you were to say we haven't found a role," says Lord Ashdown, "it's true."

Fayyad Proclaims Jerusalem Capital of 'Palestine'
Aug 3rd, 2009
Daily News
IsraelNN - Maayana Miskin
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel;Anti-Israel

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad proclaimed historic Jerusalem an Arab capital city in a speech given Saturday near Ramallah. Control of the city must be granted to a future PA state, he said.

"The future of the national project and the future of a comprehensive peace in the region are both dependent on protecting Jerusalem, its status, its history, and Palestinian rights in the city,” he declared.

"East Jerusalem is the capital of the Palestinian statehood and the state's sovereignty over its capital must be complete,” he added.

Similar statements were made by senior PA negotiator Saeb Erekat, who expressed fury Sunday over the implementation of a court order evicting two Arab families from Jewish-owned homes in Jerusalem where they had been squatting illegally for several years.

"East Jerusalem is, and always will be, Palestinian,” an angry Erekat said. Like Fayyad, he threatened that Israel's presence in the entire city of Jerusalem “threaten[s] the viability of a two-state solution.”

Erekat called on the international community to reject Jewish growth in historic Jerusalem, which he termed “a dangerous plan” to thwart Arab demands. “The international community must act decisively, in line with international law, against these Israeli measures... Nobody can say that they didn't see these outrageous actions coming,” he said.

PA leaders have repeatedly insisted that they be granted sovereignty over all areas of Jerusalem that were conquered by Jordan in 1948 and occupied until 1967, when Israel regained control over the eastern part of the city during the Six Day War.

Areas demanded by the PA included the Old City and the Temple Mount, historic Jewish neighborhoods such as Mei Shiloach (Silwan) and Shimon HaTzaddik (Sheikh Jarrah), as well as more recently-built neighborhoods such as Pisgat Ze'ev and Neve Yaakov that are home to a total of roughly 300,000 Israeli Jews.

The PA's demands have recently met with understanding in the United States, whose officials have begun pressuring Israel to halt building projects in some parts of the capital city. While Israeli leaders have publicly refused to do so, and have said that Jerusalem will remain Israel's undivided capital, recent reports suggest that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu may have given in to American demands and ordered a partial building freeze.

European Union countries have been sympathetic to PA demands as well, and several have provided funding for Israeli-based organizations such as Peace Now, B'Tselem and Ir Amim, which oppose the Jewish presence in historic Jerusalem

Claiming the Temple Mount
Aug 3rd, 2009
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;The Nation Of Israel

2600 years ago Ezekiel foretold of a coming day when the enemies of Israel would claim both the Temple Mount and the Land of Israel for their own, (see Ezekiel 36:2,5). For 2600 years that had never happened, a prophecy unfulfilled. Wonder of wonders in this present hour that prophecy is being fulfilled. The God of the Bible, the God of prophecy is the God who knows the end from the beginning. He writes history before it happens!

In todays news Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad proclaimed historic Jerusalem an Arab capital.  He stated that control of the city must be granted to a future PA state. On Sunday PA negotiator Saeb Erekat said angrily, East Jerusalem is, and always will be, Palestinian. He went on to state that the entire city must under PA control. This comes inspite of the undeniable fact that there has never been a Palestinian state on the land of Israel at any time in History.

As if to add insult to injury, the Jewish government has tried to limit and hinder Jews from going up on the Temple Mount. While Jews are allowed to visit certain areas of the Temple Mount, under police supervision they are not allowed to pray or make any gestures expressing their Jewish faith. These limitations are imposed by the Israel government. On Sunday two Jewish young men were aressted by Israeli authorties for breifly kneeling to pray on the Temple Mount.

We are seeing the prophecies of Ezekiel fulfilled today, if this prophecy and many others are being fulfilled in our day we know that the remaining unfufilled prophcies will also come to pass.

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