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We've Figured Him Out
Jul 29th, 2009
The American Spectator - Ben Stein
Categories: Commentary;Contemporary Issues

Why is President Barack Obama in such a hurry to get his socialized medicine bill passed?

Because he and his cunning circle realize some basic truths:

The American people in their unimaginable kindness and trust voted for a pig in a poke in 2008. They wanted so much to believe Barack Obama was somehow better and different from other ultra-leftists that they simply took him on faith.

They ignored his anti-white writings in his books. They ignored his quiet acceptance of hysterical anti-American diatribes by his minister, Jeremiah Wright.

They ignored his refusal to explain years at a time of his life as a student. They ignored his ultra-left record as a "community organizer," Illinois state legislator, and Senator.

The American people ignored his total zero of an academic record as a student and teacher, his complete lack of scholarship when he was being touted as a scholar.

Now, the American people are starting to wake up to the truth. Barack Obama is a super likeable super leftist, not a fan of this country, way, way too cozy with the terrorist leaders in the Middle East, way beyond naïveté, all the way into active destruction of our interests and our allies and our future.

The American people have already awakened to the truth that the stimulus bill -- a great idea in theory -- was really an immense bribe to Democrat interest groups, and in no way an effort to help all Americans.

Now, Americans are waking up to the truth that ObamaCare basically means that every time you are sick or injured, you will have a clerk from the Department of Motor Vehicles telling your doctor what he can and cannot do.

The American people already know that Mr. Obama's plan to lower health costs while expanding coverage and bureaucracy is a myth, a promise of something that never was and never will be -- a bureaucracy lowering costs in a free society. Either the costs go up or the free society goes away.

These are perilous times. Mrs. Hillary Clinton, our Secretary of State, has given Iran the go-ahead to have nuclear weapons, an unqualified betrayal of the nation. Now, we face a devastating loss of freedom at home in health care. It will be joined by controls on our lives to "protect us" from global warming, itself largely a fraud if believed to be caused by man.

Mr. Obama knows Americans are getting wise and will stop him if he delays at all in taking away our freedoms.

There is his urgency and our opportunity. Once freedom is lost, America is lost. Wake up, beloved America.

US hands Palestinians $200 million
Jul 29th, 2009
Daily News
Israel Today
Categories: Today's Headlines;Anti-Israel

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the weekend said Washington had transferred $200 million in US taxpayers' money to the Palestinian Authority to help cover what she called budget shortfalls.

The transfer is only part of a $900 million package Clinton pledged to the Palestinians at a donors conference in March.

Many Americans who actively observe the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have long complained that their tax dollars are being far too liberally spent to prop up a Palestinian Authority rife with corruption and mismanagement.

Clinton tried to soften the news of so much more money being given to the Palestinians by saying that the peace process was very close to getting back on track. That claim has been tossed out by senior US officials for several years in their efforts to justify continuing down the path of the failed land-for-peace process.

The Knesset, Israel's legislative body, has in recent days focused on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
Jul 29th, 2009
News Update
Jimmy DeYoung
Categories: Jimmy DeYoung News

The annual day of mourning for the destruction of the two Jewish Temples that once stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem focuses all Jews on the Temple Mount, but has also recently been the subject of discussions by Israeli Knesset members as they met to talk about the Temple, it's role in Jewish life and Israel's approach to the Temple Mount.

An expert on the subject, Dr. Mordechai Keidar, discussed the political implications of Israel's stance on the Temple Mount and said the struggle for Jerusalem is not territorial, it is theological and he downplayed the Palestinian claim for the Temple Mount since Jerusalem is not mentioned even once in the Koran.

The Moslem view of Judaism is the root of the PA's refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish nation and they firmly reject all Jewish claim to the Temple Mount while at the same time they reject that the Temple Mount is Judaism's most holy site.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

Judaism's claim that the Temple Mount is their most holy site and the rejection of that claim by the PA is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Dr. Mordechai Keidar speaking at the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, made a very profound statement that the struggle for Jerusalem is not territorial, but it is theological. The statement by the Moslem world that Judaism is no longer relevant will not make the controversy surrounding the Temple Mount go away.

However, when you turn to God's prophetic Word, we can see what the Lord has planned for this sacred site. The Psalmist wrote in Psalm 132:13-14 that God has chosen Jerusalem and especially the Temple Mount to dwell among His people, the Jewish people forever. The Lord made a covenant with the second Jewish king, King David, that one day He would bring all of the Jewish people to this spot and give them the land forever, II Samuel 7:10. On the Temple Mount one day there will be built a Temple where the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will rule and reign forever, Zechariah 6:13. In fact, Jesus will build that Temple, Zechariah 6:12.

If the discussions in the Israeli Knesset do not include these passages of Scripture, they are wasting their time.

Pastor's conviction for preaching challenged
Jul 29th, 2009
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Persecution

The case against an American arrested for talking in public about Jesus in Norway has been appealed to the European Court of Human Rights by an attorney who says the resulting decision will have a major impact on the rights of freedom and expression.

Joel Thornton, with the International Human Rights Group, said the recent filing came on behalf of Larry Keffer, who works through the Biblical Research Center in Tampa, Fla.

Keffer was arrested with Norwegian evangelist Petar Keseljevic for sharing the Gospel along a parade route in Oslo, Norway.

"Here is what happened: Twice in less than a year police officers in Oslo arrested evangelists for sharing their Christian faith in public," Thornton explained. "Petar Keseljevic, also an IHRG client, and Larry Keffer were in public areas in Oslo on May 17, 2008, sharing their faith calmly and quietly during the Norwegian Independence Day Celebration. Part of the celebration was a parade.

"Initially, police officers told Larry and Petar that they could share their faith anywhere in Oslo except in front of the Royal Palace. Deciding to work with the police so they could get their message out, the two evangelists moved to a location along the parade route away from the palace and continued to share their faith in conversations with those who passed by them," Thornton said.

"It did not take long for the police to come to this location and demand that Larry and Petar leave. When Larry and Petar insisted that they did not understand what law they were breaking the officers arrested the two of them. They were taken to the police station, processed, and released," he said.

Thornton later represented Keffer at trial in Norway but was not surprised when both men were convicted.

"In Norway freedom of speech means that you are free to speak some times," he said. "Much like what we seem to be headed toward here in the states."

He said since Keseljevic already has a case pending before the European Court, lawyers decided to appeal only Keffer's case from this dispute.

Thornton reported that with the help of Håkon Juell Hassel, a Norwegian attorney working with the law firm Elden DA in Oslo, the petition was filed with the court in Strasbourg, France.

Thornton said Norwegian and European laws support the rights of individuals to share their faith in public.

Moderate Palestinians Refuse to Meet with Israel
Jul 29th, 2009
Categories: Commentary;The Nation Of Israel;Peace Process

Chances are you haven't seen that headline--I made it up. But it refers to something that really happened...Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas told reporters in Ramallah that talks with the Netanyahu government are no-go until it accepts the two-state solution and freezes all construction in West Bank settlements. 

That may seem strange, since Netanyahu has said he now accepts the two-state solution, both in a speech on June 14 and in a cabinet session on July 5. (That move did get wide publicity.) Netanyahu's foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, has also spoken positively of a Palestinian state, and his defense minister, Ehud Barak, is a longtime dove who offered a Palestinian state to Yasser Arafat in 2000.

Abbas's insistence on a total construction freeze also seems strange, since he held intensive talks with the previous government of Ehud Olmert, even as construction was continuing in larger settlements.

Indeed, Abbas's "nay" came in response to Netanyahu's call to him that same day to "make peace, both diplomatic and economic. There is no reason why we can't meet anywhere in Israel." Netanyahu also stressed the Palestinians' "basic right to live in peace, security and prosperity" and the fact that his government has "made great efforts in recent weeks to ease their lives"-among other things, removing numerous West Bank roadblocks and improving conditions at the Israeli-Jordanian border.

Some say, of course, that Netanyahu has cleverly turned the tables on Abbas and put him in a box by stressing the demilitarization of the Palestinian state and the fact that Abbas's "moderate" government refuses to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. It's also said that Abbas is counting on the Obama administration to "deliver" Israel in any case and sees no point in resuming negotiations now. Abbas, competing for popularity with Hamas, may also not want to be perceived as "weak" by holding talks with what is still considered a "right-wing" government.

But those interpretations aside, the fact remains: the Israeli prime minister has called for negotiations, and the Palestinian president has responded with a flat-out no. If it was the reverse--"Netanyahu Refuses to Meet with Palestinians"--it would mean big news, a crisis in U.S.-Israeli relations. But portraying Netanyahu as conciliatory and Abbas as intransigent-even if this is what has actually happened-goes so against the media grain, and the dominant political conceptions, that the contrast gets downplayed and generally ignored.

Israelis still see Gaza pullout as a mistake
Jul 29th, 2009
Daily News
Israel Today
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

A telephone poll marking the 4th anniversary of the Gaza "disengagement" earlier this week found that most Israelis now view the evacuation and destruction of Gaza's former Jewish communities as a grave error in judgement.

A 48 percent plurality of respondent said they had supported the pullout at the time, having been duped by claims that cleansing Gaza of Jews would bring greater security to Israelis living in the vicinity and would be a catalyst for advancing the peace process.

Since then, Gaza has fallen to the Hamas terrorist organization, rocket attacks on southern Israel increased necessitating a costly invasion this past January, and Israel and the Palestinians are no closer to peace than they were before the withdrawal.

Of the Israelis who said they originally supported the pullout, 68 percent told pollsters they now regret that position.

Most Israelis said they are also disgusted by the way the government has handled the evacuees from Gaza, most of whom have still not been provided permanent housing. Respondents said they think the plight of Gaza's Jews should be taught in Israeli schools so that what they went through is not forgotten.

Meanwhile, 2,000 former Gaza residents demonstrated on the Israeli side of the Gaza security fence on Tuesday, insisting that they are ready at a moment's notice to go retake their homes.

Israeli-made seaweed gel could prevent future heart attacks
Jul 29th, 2009
Daily News
Israel Today
Categories: Today's Headlines

Israeli company BioLineRx has developed a special seaweed-based gel that tests show helps regenerate heart muscle tissue following heart attacks.

The substance is created using typical brown seaweed. It is injected into the heart as a liquid and then hardens into a gel-like sheath protecting the heart and giving its tissue time to properly heal following a heart attack. By allowing the heart to fully heal, the gel significantly reduces the likelihood of repeat heart attacks.

The gel, dubbed BL-1040, was recently licensed by New Jersey-based Ikaria Holdings for $282.5 million.

Israeli, Lebanese armies face off on border
Jul 29th, 2009
Daily News
Israel Today
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

Israeli and Lebanese armed forces faced off along Israel's northern border near the disputed Har Dov region on Tuesday, according to Lebanese media.

The Lebanese army rushed troops to the area after four Israeli tanks reportedly entered a section of Har Dov that was supposed to remain demilitarized. The Lebanese also claimed that Israeli aircraft entered Lebanese airspace in the vicinity numerous times throughout the day.

Israeli military officials said they were monitoring the situation, but denied that there was any increase in tension along the border.

The incident comes just a week after Israeli officials complained to the UN that its peacekeepers in southern Lebanon were doing little or nothing to prevent Hizballah from reestablishing its power base there.

Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites
Jul 29th, 2009
Vancouver Sun - Jonathan Manthorpe
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Geologist Ian Plimer takes a contrary view, arguing that man-made climate change is a con trick perpetuated by environmentalists

Ian Plimer has outraged the ayatollahs of purist environmentalism, the Torquemadas of the doctrine of global warming, and he seems to relish the damnation they heap on him.

Plimer is a geologist, professor of mining geology at Adelaide University, and he may well be Australia's best-known and most notorious academic.

Plimer, you see, is an unremitting critic of "anthropogenic global warming" -- man-made climate change to you and me -- and the current environmental orthodoxy that if we change our polluting ways, global warming can be reversed.

It is, of course, not new to have a highly qualified scientist saying that global warming is an entirely natural phenomenon with many precedents in history. Many have made the argument, too, that it is rubbish to contend human behaviour is causing the current climate change. And it has often been well argued that it is totally ridiculous to suppose that changes in human behaviour -- cleaning up our act through expensive slight-of-hand taxation tricks -- can reverse the trend.

But most of these scientific and academic voices have fallen silent in the face of environmental Jacobinism. Purging humankind of its supposed sins of environmental degradation has become a religion with a fanatical and often intolerant priesthood, especially among the First World urban elites.

But Plimer shows no sign of giving way to this orthodoxy and has just published the latest of his six books and 60 academic papers on the subject of global warming. This book, Heaven and Earth -- Global Warming: The Missing Science, draws together much of his previous work. It springs especially from A Short History of Plant Earth, which was based on a decade of radio broadcasts in Australia.

That book, published in 2001, was a best-seller and won several prizes. But Plimer found it hard to find anyone willing to publish this latest book, so intimidating has the environmental lobby become.

But he did eventually find a small publishing house willing to take the gamble and the book has already sold about 30,000 copies in Australia. It seems also to be doing well in Britain and the United States in the first days of publication.

Plimer presents the proposition that anthropogenic global warming is little more than a con trick on the public perpetrated by fundamentalist environmentalists and callously adopted by politicians and government officials who love nothing more than an issue that causes public anxiety.

While environmentalists for the most part draw their conclusions based on climate information gathered in the last few hundred years, geologists, Plimer says, have a time frame stretching back many thousands of millions of years.

The dynamic and changing character of the Earth's climate has always been known by geologists. These changes are cyclical and random, he says. They are not caused or significantly affected by human behaviour.

Polar ice, for example, has been present on the Earth for less than 20 per cent of geological time, Plimer writes. Plus, animal extinctions are an entirely normal part of the Earth's evolution.

(Plimer, by the way, is also a vehement anti-creationist and has been hauled into court for disrupting meetings by religious leaders and evangelists who claim the Bible is literal truth.)

Plimer gets especially upset about carbon dioxide, its role in Earth's daily life and the supposed effects on climate of human manufacture of the gas. He says atmospheric carbon dioxide is now at the lowest levels it has been for 500 million years, and that atmospheric carbon dioxide is only 0.001 per cent of the total amount of the chemical held in the oceans, surface rocks, soils and various life forms. Indeed, Plimer says carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, but a plant food. Plants eat carbon dioxide and excrete oxygen. Human activity, he says, contributes only the tiniest fraction to even the atmospheric presence of carbon dioxide.

There is no problem with global warming, Plimer says repeatedly. He points out that for humans periods of global warming have been times of abundance when civilization made leaps forward. Ice ages, in contrast, have been times when human development slowed or even declined.

So global warming, says Plimer, is something humans should welcome and embrace as a harbinger of good times to come.

Jul 29th, 2009
Major Ian Thomas - TBC
Categories: Exhortation;Inspirational

"If the way you live your life as a Christian can be explained in terms of you, what have you to offer to the man who lives next door?

The way he lives his life can be explained in terms of him, and as far as he is concerned, you happen to be "religious"--but he is not! Christianity may be your hobby, but it is not his, and there is nothing about the way that you practice it which strikes him as at all remarkable.

There is nothing about you which leaves him guessing, and nothing commendable of which he does not feel himself equally capable without the inconvenience of becoming a Christian.

'Russia, Iran to hold naval maneuver'
Jul 29th, 2009
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Warning

For the first time, Russia and Iran will hold a joint naval maneuver in the Caspian Sea, The Iranian Mehr News Agency reported Wednesday.

According to the report, the maneuver will include 30 Russian and Iranian ships, as well as helicopters.

A senior official in the Iranian ports authority was quoted by the report as saying that the maneuver would increase the coordination between the two countries and focus on search and rescue operations and the prevention of pollution.

The Jerusalem Post could not confirm the report.

Russia enjoys extensive trade ties with Teheran and has been opposed to imposing further sanctions on Iran due to the Islamic Republic's refusal to fall in line with the international community's demand that it halt its uranium enrichment program.

Moscow is building Iran's first nuclear power plant in Bushehr, has provided Teheran with weapons and needs Iranian assistance on the Caspian and other regional issues.

In April Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov explained that Iran is "our neighbor, it's a country which can play a very important role in solving a number of acute international issues, such as the situation in Afghanistan, Iraq and different aspects of Mideast peace settlement."

In June a Russian news agency reported that the completion of Iran's first nuclear plant is being delayed by Russian banks refusing to work with Iran.

Iran is paying Russia more than $1 billion (€630 million) to build the light-water reactor and has already received several shipments of enriched uranium for its operation.

Art's Commentary.....Russia and Iran will form a military alliance to come against Israel early in the tribulation period, this seems to be preparation for Ezekiel 38-39.

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