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Revelation 5:9-12 - Exploring Revelation
Jun 24th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
A. Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

In these verses we see the Saints worship the Lamb and we see that prayer is a part of worship.

These prayers are significant because they are the prayers of the Saints of the Church Age. Prayers in which they have requested over the long Church Age, that deliverance on earth from sin and the curse might come. That judgment might come upon sin and evil. That Christ's Glorious Kingdom might come to earth.

In verse 11, John suddenly realizes that a mighty Host of heaven's angels have joined the songs of praise to the Lamb "Who Is Worthy."

The thought is of an innumerable number of Angels and the great host of church saints. You and I will be there! What a marvelous, awesome time that will be! What a prospect we have! What does it matter that we have trials and troubles in the here and now!

In verse 12, we have a sevenfold proclamation of the Glory of the Lamb. POWER - Jesus said "All power is given unto Me." Now He is about to exercise that power in the tribulation period. Power to defeat His enemies, and to claim the earth as His rightful possession.

RICHES, "All things were created by Him and for Him." The cattle on a thousand hills are His, the wealth in every mine and all of the riches of heaven, and, He is about to reclaim the earth and all of its riches. Believer you are a Joint-Heir with Christ, How rich You Are!

WISDOM, "He is the All-Knowing One." He is about to show His wisdom in His dealings with a rebel world and a diabolical satan.

STRENGTH, "He upholdeth all things with the Word of His power." He is about to demonstrate His strength in judging the world.

HONOR, "Every knee shall bow," That will happen when He has triumphed and the Millenial Kingdom begins.

GLORY, to whom be praise and dominion forever." That dominion will begin when the tribulation period is over. The pouring out of His Judgment will bring it about. "And He shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth" Psalms 72:8

BLESSING. "He is the source of all blessing" and what He is about to do will bring great blessing to the earth and to the saints. The blessing of a restored Eden will be the portion of those who dwell in the Millenial Kingdom.

BELIEVERS, we stand on the threshold of that fearsome time when our Lord Jesus will move in judgment upon the world of lost men and women. We need to have compassion on those around us who do not know Christ as Savior. We need to share the message of the Gospel with a sense of urgency.

Jotham Became Mighty, Because He Prepared His Ways. 2 Chronicles 27:6
Jun 24th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F.B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

THERE is a lower sense in which this holds good in daily and business life. You can hardly imagine a really successful man being untidy and disorderly. Method is the law of success; and a truly holy soul is sure to be orderly. I do not remember ever meeting one who really walked with God who did not make orderliness one of the first principles of life.

The Lord Jesus would have the men sit down in rows before He broke the bread; and He wrapped together his grave‑clothes before He left the sepulcher. It was, therefore, in keeping with the whole tenor of his example when the apostle prescribed that all things should be done decently and in order.

Clear handwriting, especially the direction of an envelope, to give the postman as little trouble as possible; the careful folding of our cast‑off garments, to save the maids needless work; the leaving our room that we have been occupying as little disturbed in its arrangements as may be; the gathering up of luncheon fragments from the green banks, where we have sat to view the entrancing prospect; the arrangement of papers, and accounts, and magazines, so that we can readily lay our hand upon whatever is required; the adopting of mental order in prayer and conversation, and in the thinking out of plans and purposes; neatness in dress ‑‑ these are all part of the right ordering of life which makes for its success and comfort, and greatly for peace in the home. They are the habits of the soul that walks before God, and which is accustomed to think of Him as seeing in secret, and as considering all our ways. In this way we may become mighty, and by being faithful in that which is least come to great charges.

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