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Revelation 5:7-9 - Exploring Revelation
Jun 22nd, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

"He came and took", Rev.5:7, the Lord Jesus comes forward and takes the book out of the right of the Father. This is one of the most climactic acts in all of history. This assures that all that has been lost, will be regained. Satan had usurped control over the earth when Adam sinned, and the utopian kingdom God had intended has been utterly destroyed. Now the rightful owner and king is about to restore His creation.

Christ, instead of being an intercesser for the church, now begins to act as a judge. He will exercise his complete authority in judging before His Second Coming.

"When He had taken the book", vs. 8. This is a tremendous scene of worship and praise. The Church (Elders) and the Cherubim fall down in worship and praise before the Lamb. Notice the two things which mark this scene, FIRST, HARPS, Worship and Praise of the Lord always finds expression in music. A heart overflowing with Love and Praise will break out in song.

In Ephesians 5:19, the natural result of being filled with the Spirit is a song in your heart. If we have no song or praise and worship, we are not living as God intended us to live, something is wrong! We are not ready for heaven because that will be our eternal occupation. That song is the expression of our love for the Lord. Are you in love with the Lord?

The SECOND thing that marks the scene is PRAYER, "golden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of the Saints." The truly worshipping heart cries out to the Lord in confidence and joy, knowing his desires and needs will be met. Prayer is the natural expression of the heart that loves God.

Go back to phrase, "when he had taken the Book,". In verse 1 we saw that the Book was a prepared Book. This reminds us of the O.T. Law of the Kinsman Redeemer, there is a parallel between these two situations.

The law of the Kinsman Redeemer held a plan for the redemption of a family property which had been lost. This Law of Redemption was very simple, yet profound! If a family's property had been confiscated because of a debt or if it had been sold, or if it had been lost through death, this provision to retrieve it had been made. On the inside of the scroll were ascribed the title deed to the property, its dimensions, its location, its description, also included was an indication of the value of the property.

The scroll was then sealed - on the outside of the scroll the names of all of the kinsmen (family members) were written. The scroll was then placed in the Priest's hand.

If the family property was sold or lost through debt, an individual who wanted to buy back the property could check the outside of the scroll to see if his name was recorded there. If it was, he qualified, he could open the scroll and meet the conditions to buy back the family's inheritance and return it to them.

What a tremendous picture of Christ redeeming both man, and the home of man, (the earth) the home which had been lost to Satan because of man's sin and rebellion against God.

There were three conditions that had to be met, to redeem, buy back a family inheritance. FIRST the Redeemer had to be a near-relative. SECOND, He had to be willing to act. THIRD he had to be able to pay the price.

There is a beautiful old testament illustration of this Law of Redemption. It is found in the story of Boaz and Ruth. Naomi had gone with her husband and two sons to Moab in a time of famine. The family farm had been abandoned or sold. The story takes a tragic turn, her two sons married and then her two sons and her husband died.

At last Naomi returns to Israel, to Bethlehem with one of her daughters-in-law, Ruth. The family farm had been sold. Naomi faces the problem of how to get the family farm back.

A Kinsman Redeemer had to be found, and Boaz was that man. He met the first condition, he was a near relative. That is a picture or Christ, our Kinsman Redeemer. He was able to redeem us because he became one of us. He became a man. Today there is a man seated at the right hand of God in Heaven.

That's why a denial of the Virgin Birth is a denial of the Gospel.

In the case of Naomi, when Boaz was found to be a kinsman, he had to be willing to act. Boaz was willing to act and he did redeem the farm for Naomi. So to, Christ our Kinsman Redeemer had to be willing to act. He proved to be willing and left heaven voluntarily.

In the case of Naomi and Boaz, there was a closer relative to Naomi than Boaz, but he was unwilling to act.

The THIRD condition was the ability to pay the price. He had to have the money, and the resources. Boaz was a wealthy man and was well able to pay the price. Again, we see a picture of Christ, He was able to pay the price to redeem us from sin. How was it that Christ was able to pay such an infinite price? Because He Was, and Is, the Infinite Creator and Eternal God, Holy and without sin. He could pay the price and He did!

What a Redeemer we have in Jesus Christ,

But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law. To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. (Gal. 4: 4,5.)

Jesus Christ is our Kinsman Redeemer, He Met The Three Conditions. (See 1 Peter 1:18, 19)

Now in Revelation 5:7 Christ, about to act in mighty power, to redeem man's home (the earth) Rev. 6: - 18 is the record of That Future Event.

He Was Marvellously Helped, Till He Was Strong. 2 Chronicles 26:15,16
Jun 22nd, 2020
Morning Meditation
F.B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

GREAT and marvelous are thy works, O God; that our soul knoweth quite well. Thou hast showed marvelous loving‑kindness. We must sing to Thee; for Thou hast done marvelous things. It is marvelous that Thou shouldst have set thy love upon us; that Thou shouldst have watched over our interests with unwearied care; that our sins, or unbelief, or declensions, have never diverted thy love from us. "Marvelous " is the only word we can use, as we think of the condescension of the well‑beloved Son to the manger‑bed; of the agony and bloody‑sweat; of the cross and passion ‑‑ and all for us who were his enemies. But it is most marvelous of all that Thou least made us children, heirs, arid joint‑heirs with Christ. To think that we shall shine as the sun in thy kingdom, that we are to sit upon his throne, and be included in that circle of love and life of which the throne of God and the Lamb is the center! Surely the marvels of thy grace will only seem the greater when eternity with its boundless ages gives us time to explore them.

The danger, however, is that we should become strong in our own conceit, and credit ourselves with the position which is due to the grace of God alone. Oh for the truly humble spirit of the little child, that we may never vaunt ourselves! The laden ship sinks in the water; the fruit‑burdened bough stoops to the ground; the truest scientist is the humblest disciple. Oh to be submerged and abashed for the marvelous help of God!

God cannot trust some of us with prosperity and success, because our nature could not stand them. We must tug at the oar, instead of spreading the sail, because we have not enough ballast

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