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The Divine Summons
Jun 7th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Meditation;Inspirational;Book Study

"Walk before Me, and be thou perfect." Men have sadly stumbled over that word. They have not erred, when they have taught that there is an experience, denoted by the phrase, which is possible to men. But they have sadly erred in pressing their own significance into the word, and in then asserting that men are expected to fulfil it, or that they have themselves attained it.

"Perfection" is often supposed to denote sinlessness of moral character, which at the best is only a negative conception, and fails to bring out the positive force of this mighty word. Surely perfection means more than -- sinlessness. And if this be admitted, and the further admission be made, that it contains the thought of moral completeness, then it becomes yet more absurd for any mortal to assert it of himself. The very assertion shows the lack of any such thing, and reveals but slender knowledge of the inner life and of the nature of sin. ABSOLUTE SINLESSNESS is surely impossible for us so long as we have not perfect knowledge; for as our light is growing constantly, so are we constantly discovering evil in things which once we allowed without compunction: and if those who assert their sinlessness live but a few years longer, and continue to grow, they will be compelled to admit, if they are true to themselves, that there was evil in things which they now deem to be harmless. But whether they admit it or not, their shortcomings are not less sinful in the sight of the holy God, although undetected by their own fallible judgment. And as to MORAL COMPLETENESS, it is enough to compare the best man whom we ever knew with the perfect beauty of God incarnate, to feel how monstrous such an assumption is. Surely the language of the Apostle Paul better becomes our lips, as he cries, "Not as though I had already attained, or were already perfect; but I follow after." Perhaps in the dateless noon of eternity such words will still best become our lips.

The church of Philadelphia pt.#2 - Exploration Revelation
Jun 7th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

Today we want to look more closely at the characteristics of Philadelphia. This could help you to determine if you are a Philadelphian or if your church is Philadelphian. It's not enough to say you are Philadelphian, or that you desire to be Philadelphian, you must possess the characteristics of Philadelphians in order to be one!



"Philadelphia" means brotherly love, one who loves his brother. One of the characteristics of this church is LOVE! - Love for Christ - Love for the lost - Love for one another. It is a church which has never lost its first love. Demonstrated in Jn. 13:35, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." How are you making out so far?

LOVE is the key to a church being what God expects it to be. LOVE is to the church what water is to the lake. You cannot have one without the other. If we do not have this kind of love in our fellowship, we are on the way to losing our candlestick, to being de-commissioned as a church.


"and has kept My word," Rev.3:8. God's Word was the supreme and final and only authority in their lives, in their homes, and in their church. God's Word was preached, taught, believed, practiced, obeyed and loved.

The liberals said, "you stupid Fundamentalists, what you need is an education. You're so simple and naive, you believe the Bible literally, while all of modern scholarship shows the Bible is not to be taken literally."But God's true believers just keep on trusting God and His Word as their only rule of faith and practice.

Dr. Graham Scroggie, when challenged about God's Word said, - "I have been reading the Bible for years, and the Bible claims to be the Word of God," - "The Bible appears to be the Word of God," - "whenever I put it to the test, it proves to be the Word of God." He went on to say: "I need the Bible in my head, my home, my heart, my hands and in my habits."

In the period from about 1800 to 1950, the Philadelphian Church was in its ascendency. Bible Churches, Methodist Churches, Brethren Assemblies and Fundamental Baptist Churches loved God's Word and held to it tenaciously, they preached and practiced it. The Philadelphian Church is still in the world today, but along about 1950 with the advent of Ecumenical Evangelism and Neo Evangelicalism, Philadelphia lost its predominance to a form of Evangelicalism. (Laodicean)


"And hast not denied My name" Rev.3:8 They were in love with the name of Jesus. They could not stop talking about Him, teaching about Him, preaching about Him, studying about Him and witnessing about Him.They revelled in His Deity, His Holiness, His Glory, His Sovereignty, His Eternality and His Great Love. They would not stand to see the name of Christ dishonored - the Deity of Christ rejected - and the Efficacy of His Blood denied.

So they came out of mainline churches, Pastors and people who gathered around the Name of Jesus and the Word of God. They came together with hearts aflame with love for Christ and the Bible in their hands; and God smiled on them and blessed them!


"Behold I have set before thee an open door," Rev.3:8

'An open door' is an opportunity to preach the gospel. Paul used the term that way over and over again. With the beginning of the Nineteenth Century, the greatest missionary movement since the first century began.The Gospel was proclaimed around the globe for the first time. Great revivals broke out in Great Britain and America. One of the dominant characteristics of Philadelpnia is a love for the lost. How are you making out?


"Because Thou hast kept the Word of my patience" Rev.3:10

This is the "patient" waiting on Christ's Coming for His own. (2 Thess. 3:5)It is a fact that the doctrine of the Rapture of the church has come again to the foreground in the last 150 years, with the rise of Philadelphia. The first time since the early days of the church.

The farmer sows his seed and keeps on cultivating and watering with patience waiting for the harvest. So these Philadelphians sowed the gospel seed and kept on sowing and working while they waited for the Lord of the Harvest to come. (see Ja. 5:7) They looked for and loved the thourght of Christ's coming for them.The Lord encouraged that expectation in Rev. 3:11, "Behold I come Quickly (suddenly)." Keep on waiting and watching while you work. It was this stressing of the Lord's expected, sudden return that filled the church with missionary zeal to evangelize the world.


"Hold that fast which thou hast." A Christian 'cannot' lose his, or her, salvation. A Christian 'can' lose His reward, His crown. How sad to have a crown already won and to lose it before you get to heaven. Hold on to what you have, that no man take thy crown." Rev. 3:11, "Don't Lose Your Reward!"

Why did the Lord say that? I believe there is a special reason. Understand, there is a period in which the Philadelphian Church and the Laodicean Church would be on the scene simultaneously, that's today! There is a great deceptive similarity between these two churches. The only real difference is an inward difference.THE ONE is flaming white hot in zeal, fanatical in love and devotion to Christ. THE OTHER is lukewarm and indifferent.

The warning is that if a Philadelphian loses his zeal he becomes Laodicean and as a result loses his crown or reward.

Let the Headlines Speak
Jun 7th, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

Please read these news items with discernment. We do not endorse or verify these news items, we simply present them as news reports.

Russia can now use nukes if attacked with non-nuclear weapons
The nuclear deterrent policy allows Russia to use nuclear weapons in response to aggression involving conventional weapons that “threatens the very existence of the state.” It also reaffirms the nation’s right to respond with nuclear weapons if it attacked with one, the Associated Press reported.

Mayor Frey Asks Trump for Help After Minneapolis Rioters Cause Millions in Damage
Mayor Jacob Frey (D) is seeking federal aid to help Minneapolis recover from the protests and riots that have wrecked the area. “With at least $55 million in estimated damage and far more to come, Minneapolis will need state and federal aid as it attempts to rebuild hundreds of structures after the riots following George Floyd’s death,

Poll: Black voter approval for Trump 41%
The conventional wisdom is that the racial turmoil of the past two weeks is damaging President Trump’s support among blacks, but the latest Rasmussen poll of likely voters shows a remarkable 41% of blacks approve of his performance.

Annexation now, perhaps peace later
Even if Israel only controls 30% of the West Bank, it is a message to the world – both allies and enemies – that the Jewish state is here to stay and it will no longer evacuate legal settlements and those who lawfully live in them.

Kneeling for George Floyd is grotesque Western infantility
Kneeling is a central rite in Western culture. Kneeling for George Floyd is the expression of a grotesque Western infantility. There, I said it, although I know that those who do not kneel are considered amoral monsters these days. Everyone kneels, the prime ministers, the journalists, the parliamentarians, the police… Four policemen did it. Thousands of people in Britain went out on the streets, falling on their knees, as if hallucinating.

Iran, Russia, China, Turkey celebrate ‘collapse’ of US
Authoritarian regimes throughout the world are pushing narratives that appear to gloat over and celebrate that chaos unfolding in the United States. On Monday, Iran’s media pushed stories that highlighted the “collapse,” while quoting Russian sources portraying that the US is flailing about as its world order comes crashing down.

Trump administration argues adoption orgs. allowed to refuse LGBT couples
The Trump administration has filed a brief to the Supreme Court, arguing that a taxpayer-funded social services agency should be allowed to refuse to work with same-sex couples if it violates the agency’s religious beliefs, NBC News reported.

Cristobal’s Inland Track to Bring Heavy Rain, Possible Flooding From the Lower Mississippi Valley to the Midwest
Impacts from Tropical Storm Cristobal will not end after landfall since the system is likely to spread heavy rain through parts of the South and Midwest, where at least localized flash flooding could be a threat early in the coming week.

6.2-magnitude quake hits Kazakhstan — local dept. for emergencies
ALMATY, June 6 (Xinhua) — A 6.2-magnitude earthquake on Saturday hit Kazakhstan’s eastern Almaty region, said the regional department of emergencies. Enditem

Worst of locust swarms yet to come
We have four possible threats now. For starters, the nymphs and larvae from the eggs the locusts laid in Punjab will be a future threat. The locust swarms in Cholistan can also return from the desert,” he said. “Then there is the threat of new swarms that can enter Pakistan from Afghanistan or Iran.”

Iran Calls On World to Join in Destroying “the Lab-Created Virus: Israel”
“As scientists were making efforts to understand viruses, a dangerous epidemic and ‘virus’ had been taking form, and no one had been able to identify it. It gradually spread, and in 1948, it was recognized by the UN: COVID-1948.

Vast locust swarms in East Africa put almost 5 million people at risk of hunger and famine:
“A fourth generation of desert locusts up to 8,000 times larger than previous swarms could destroy crops at the start of the hunger season and leave millions facing food insecurity and famine,” explained the aid organization in a statement. “This the most serious desert locust outbreak seen in East Africa in 70 years, and compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, poses an unprecedented risk to the region.”

New biblical locust plague sees huge swarm devastate Pakistan – 25 million face famine
Tens of millions of people are set to face food shortages on the continent after a plague of locusts embarked on a path of destruction across India and Pakistan. In Pakistan, a national emergency has been declared after an outbreak of locusts’, on a biblical scale, wreaked havoc across farmland in the eastern Punjab, southern Sindh and southwestern Baluchistan provinces.

Dry conditions across Great Plains; extreme drought develops in Oklahoma Panhandle
This week, dry conditions were common across parts of the central and southern Great Plains, as well as parts of the northern Great Plains, particularly in North Dakota. Dry conditions were also common in much of the Intermountain West.

St. Louis: Soros Backed Prosecutor Releases All Looters, Rioters back into Streets
Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt revealed that every looter and rioter who was arrested in St. Louis was immediately released back into the streets. He also revealed that the person behind the decision was the Circuit Attorney for the City of St. Louis, Kim Gardner.

WHO Program of Sex Ed For Kids Under the Age of Four: Homosexuality, Pornography, and Masturbation With Others
The curriculum suggested by the United Nations health organization promotes aberrant sexuality for children, claiming their guidelines supersede those of the parents. This takes on chilling implications when considering the history of rape and pedophilia within the organization.

Iranian targets in Syria attacked by unidentified aircraft, 12 dead
A total of 12 members of a pro-Iranian militia in Syria were killed and Iranian targets were destroyed overnight in an airstrike by unidentified aircraft in the eastern Syrian city of Deir ez-Zur, according to the Syrian Human Rights Survey Center. Vehicles and ammunition were destroyed in the airstrike that targeted a militia reported to have reinforced its forces in the region three days prior.

Palestinians advancing UN resolution condemning Israeli annexation
The Palestinian delegation to the United Nations (UN) has been advancing a resolution in recent days which condemns Israel’s intent to annex the Jordan Valley and key regions in the West Bank… The Palestinian delegation intends to bring the resolution to the table of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) because the US has veto powers in the Security Council which will ultimately block any decision against Israel.

Shtayyeh to EU: Impose sanctions on Israel, recognize Palestinian state
Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh has called on the European Union to impose sanctions on Israel to prevent it from extending its sovereignty to parts of the West Bank. He also called on the EU to recognize a Palestinian state on the pre-1967 lines, with east Jerusalem as its capital. Shtayyeh made his appeal during a phone conversation on Friday with EU President Charles Michel.

Analysis: White House, Pentagon tensions near breaking point
Tensions between the White House and Pentagon have stretched to near a breaking point over President Donald Trump’s threat to use military force against street protests triggered by George Floyd’s death. Friction in this relationship, historically, is not unusual. But in recent days, and for the second time in Trump’s term, it has raised a prospect of high-level resignations and the risk of lasting damage to the military’s reputation.

The pandemic led to ‘one of the greatest wealth transfers in history’
The coronavirus pandemic and corresponding lockdown made way for “one of the greatest wealth transfers in history,” CNBC’s Jim Cramer said Thursday. The stock market is rising as big business rebounds from state-ordered stoppage of nonessential activity, while small businesses drop like flies, the “Mad Money” host said.

Experts Sound Alarm Over Coronavirus Spread as U.S. Ramps Up Reopening, Prepares for More Protests
Experts and officials warned about a possible increase of coronavirus infections as U.S. states continued this week to ease restrictions and thousands of people took to the streets nationwide to protest against the killing of George Floyd in police custody. Nationally, there have been more than 1.87 million confirmed cases and more than 108,000 deaths from Covid-19, according to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University.

Coronavirus: Far-right Rome protest turns briefly violent
A rally by Italian far-right extremists and hardcore football fans over the government’s response to coronavirus has turned briefly violent. The clashes in the centre of the capital, Rome, started after a fight between demonstrators, reports say. Police responded with water cannon and tear gas, and made several arrests.

Huge protests against racism held across US
Huge peaceful rallies have taken place across the US against racism and police brutality on the 12th day of protests sparked by the death of George Floyd. Tens of thousands of people marched in Washington DC, in the city’s largest protest so far. Security forces blocked any approach to the White House. Crowds also demonstrated in New York, Chicago, LA and San Francisco.

Palestinian forces thwart attack against IDF troops in West Bank, officials claim
Palestinian security forces last week thwarted an attack against IDF troops in the West Bank, senior officials involved in the incident said Sunday. The move comes several weeks after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared that he is ending all security cooperation with Israel and the U.S. over plans to annex parts of the West Bank.

Russia hiring of Syrians to fight in Libya surges in May
A Russian drive to recruit Syrians to fight in Libya for renegade military commander Khalifa Haftar accelerated in May when hundreds of mercenaries were signed up, five Syrian opposition sources and a regional source familiar with the matter said. Private military contractor the Wagner Group is conducting the hiring with Russian army supervision, according to two senior Syrian opposition sources and the regional source.

Dozens wounded in clashes as hundreds of protesters flood Beirut
Protesters poured into the streets of the Lebanese capital Saturday to decry the collapse of the economy, as clashes erupted between supporters and opponents of the Iran-backed Shiite group Hezbollah. Hundreds filled the streets in and around the protest hub of Martyrs Square in the center of Beirut, with skirmishes also between protesters and security forces, who fired tear gas.

Tropical Storm “Cristobal” (ex-Amanda) to make landfall in Louisiana, U.S. after killing at least 33 and affecting 500 000 in Central America
The center of Tropical Storm “Cristobal” will move northward over the central Gulf of Mexico today and tonight (LT), and will be near the northern Gulf of Mexico coast on Sunday, June 7, 2020.  Its center is forecast to move inland across Louisiana late Sunday through Monday morning (LT), and northward across Arkansas and Missouri Monday afternoon into Tuesday, June 9.

It’s Time To Open Your Eyes To The Fact That The Spirit Of Antichrist Is Now Here And That We Are At War Whether You Want To Be Or Not 
This is not an easy article for me to write to you today, but it is the latest installment of everything we have been talking about since the global COVID-19 crisis began back in mid-March. We have gone from bad, to worse, and soon to the unimaginable as the spirit of Antichrist is openly sweeping across the world at this very moment. Lest you think I employ hyperbole or am exaggerating, I will refer you to the videos below. They actual will tell you the story better than my words will. But a few thoughts before you start watching them.

BOWING DOWN: NFL Joins With Black Lives Matter As Denver Broncos In Protests Wear Shirts Saying ‘if You Ain’t With Us, You Against Us’ 
The idiocy and the lunacy surrounding the race riots fomented by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter is reaching new heights, and are themselves the very definition of what racism is. ANTIFA says they are “against fascism” and to prove it they will riot in packs and beat whoever opposes them with bricks and bats. That is fascism. In much the same fashion, Black Lives Matter say they are “against racism’ and will force you to bow down to them if you are white. That’s racism. Now this virus has infected the NFL, as we see today with the Denver Broncos.

U.S. Commander in Japan: China Using Virus to Push Sea Claims
The U.S. military has documented a “surge of maritime activity” by China in the South China Sea and the East China Sea since the coronavirus pandemic began, indicating that Beijing has been capitalizing on the global distraction caused by the crisis to bolster its illegal claims to territory in the waters, Reuters reported on Friday.

BREAKING: State Dept. Releases Phone Transcript Of Hillary Admitting She Knew Benghazi Was Planned Attack
“Benghazi matters.  Not just because Americans were murdered. Not just because terrorists attacked a U.S. consulate. But because the White House and the State Department have engaged in misdirection at the highest levels to cover up whatever happened there,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, wrote in U.S. News.

Black Lives Matter Racists And Fascist ANTIFA Rioters Are Slaughtering Blacks And Hispanics As Fake News Media Tells You About ‘Peaceful Protests’
The death of black man George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police is both a tragedy and a crime, and the four officers involved have been arrested, charged and are awaiting trial. That is how justice operates in America. But the riots that have sprung up to protest that, riots largely conducted by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists, have given birth to a virtual killing spree is over ten times that of the original crime.

National Guard in Washington D.C. are told NOT to carry guns or ammunition
The Pentagon has told Washington D.C.’s National Guard and guardsmen from other states who have are in the nation’s capital not to use guns or ammunition.

Man arrives at protest with trailer full of bees in case riots break out
As the protests that have flared throughout America came to Janesville, Wisconsin, this week, so did what one man dubbed his “riot control bees.”

Rioter douses police officer, sets him on fire as unrest spreads across globe
Inspired by riots across America that have led politicians to repudiate law enforcement, violent protesters are now attacking police around the globe.

CHD gives notice to FCC against 5G cell towers on homes – Ex-Parte letter receives over 15,000 signatures!
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) submitted an Ex-Parte letter to the FCC against the OTARD rule expansion which aims to allow 5G cell towers on homes.

Italian Doctor On COVID-19 Frontlines: ‘Virus Clinically No Longer Exists’
Some positive news for the world has emerged today from Italy. Reuters reported that the head of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan “in the northern region of Lombardy, which has borne the brunt of Italy’s coronavirus contagion” expressed optimism at the state of the virus. “In reality, the virus clinically no longer exists in Italy,” said Alberto Zangrillo

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