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Revelation 5: 2 - 4 Exploring Revelation
Jun 20th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

Last week we saw the Book in Revelation 5:1 appearing in Daniel 12:4. We discovered that, in this Book is recorded the events of the Tribulation Period as they relate to Israel. (Dan.10:14)

The Book is also the Title Deed to the Earth, and the events recorded in it are the events which lead to the restoration of the earth to its rightful owner.

God gave the earth to mankind to govern on His behalf, Psl.115:16, "The heaven even heavens, are the Lord's but the earth hath He given to the children of men." However, when Adam sinned and obeyed Satan rather than God, the earth, passed by the permissive will of God, to the control of Satan. (Jn. 14:30, Lu.4:5,6, 2 Cor. 4:4,)

So this Book contains the Plan of God to return the earth to its rightful owner. As the Book is opened, its plan is carried out to Rev. 6 - 19: We see the final results when the book is opened in Rev. 20:10 and Rev. 20:4. The earth is returned to its rightful owner, see Lu. 1:32, 33.

O listen, God has a marvelous plan for man! Man is the object of God's Love. You are the object of God's love. God wants to make you a part of His Plan. God wants to make you a part of His Family. God wants to pour out His Blessings upon you throughout all of eternity.

The question is - How can you be a part of God's wonderful plan for man? You have to be translated into the Kingdom of God's Son, Col, 1:13 Christ told Nicodemus how that had to happen. "Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven,"Jn. 3;3. In Jn.1: 12 we learn how that can happen, see also John 3:16, John 3:36.

Will you even now, receive Christ as your Savior and Lord.

Peter gives us an understanding of the gospel in 1 Peter 2:24 "Who His Own self (Christ) bare our sins in His Own Body on the Tree (Cross) that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed."

Rev.5:2 "And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice: "Who is worthy to open the Book, and to Loose the seals thereof?" This Book is also the title deed to the earth. Satan has usurped authority over this earth and now the time has come to remove him. Who is worthy? Who is able, To open the book, to break the seals, to pour out the judments upon the earth, the judgments that will remove satan from control over the earth. To pour out the judgmentw that will restore the earth to its rightful owner and King, Jesus Christ. To the one who will return the earth to the Utopia God intended it to be. Rom. 8:19-23.

Rev. 5:3 "And no man in Heaven, nor in Earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the Book, neither to look thereon." The Liberals can't! The Conservatives can't! The Republicans can't! The Democrats can't! The U.N. can't! Six thousand years of history has never produced a man that can restore the earth to God's Original Utopia.

The answer comes ringing down over the centuries, "No man in Heaven, nor in Earth," No one is able, no one is worthy No government leader no religious leader no military leader. No one in heaven, not even a mighty angel.

The philosophy of the world is and always has been, we can get along without God, because man can do everything. Man cannot govern the world, man cannot manage the planet. All man can do is corrupt, pollute, defile and destrroy, both his world and himself.

Satan has been given permission to manage the world to see if he can do a better job than God did prior to Adam's fall. By the time the Tribulation period is over the world will be in ashes, Satan will have proved himself a failure.

In Rev. 5:4, we see John's reaction, "And I wept much," The tense of the verb indicates he was continously weeping, "Why was John so moved by this situation?" John knew the significance of the seven sealed book. John knew that positionally man's salvation was accomplished. John also knew that the final phase of man's redemption had not yet been accomplished. The final redemption of man, of Israel, and of the earth had not yet been accomplished.

John looked down upon the earth and saw man continuing to live in sin, in spite of Calvary. He saw the earth corrupted, in spite of Calvary. John saw no home for Israel in spite Calvary. John looked down and saw the earth corupted.

John was overwhelmed with the realization that the seven sealed Book contained the program to bring about the rescue and redemption of the earth. but he also knew the program needed someone to carry it out.

Next week we will see the problem solved. My friend, today the earth is in a shambles, but God is about to redeem both Israel and the earth. Someday soon the Trumpet Will Sound, the church will go home, and God's wrath will consume rebellious men and women. If you are not saved - the time is short - Come To Christ NOW!

Replacement Theology
Jun 20th, 2020
Weekly Commentary
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;The Nation Of Israel

There is today a movement among those who call themselves Christians, a movement to dispense with Israel. A theology that says because of Israel's sin God is finished with the Nation of Israel.  

Satan hates Israel and has sought to destroy her. The Word of God declares that Christ will come and reign on the throne of David in Jerusalem. If that were to happen, Satan's ambition to rule this world would be terminated. God's program is to remove Satan from his present position as god of this world and to replace him with His Son who is the rightful king.

Satan rightly reasons that if he can destroy Israel, the plan of God will be defeated.

For over three thousand years Satan has worked through men and women to attempt to destroy Israel. He enters into their hearts and works through them to attempt this destruction.

History is filled with these attacks on Israel. Hitler is a modern example of these demonic attempts to annihilate God's chosen people. 

Those who would dismiss Israel, and declare that God is finished with Her are actually joining with Satan in his attempt to do away with Israel. They do not understand God's program and are denying God's Word, and fighting against God. They are doing this while claiming to speak for God.

This attempt is a distortion of God's Word and is based on faulty interpretation. God's Word is to be interpreted literally except where the scriptures clearly indicate it is using signs or figurative language.

Listen to what the Lord clearly stated to Israel through Amos the prophet.

"And I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel, And they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them.  And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall be no more pulled up out of their land which I gave them, saith the LORD thy GOD."  Amos 9: 14-15

That is a future day, that has not happened yet, but God's honour is at stake in that promise. Shame on those who claim to be God's children and make God a liar by denying His Word.

Today the whole world is determined to destroy Israel, motivated by Satan as he attempts to defeat the very purposes of God. The replacement theologian is a part of Satan's program, knowingly or unknowingly.

As Thou Art, so were They; Each One Resembled the Children of a King - Judges 8:8
Jun 20th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Meditation;Inspirational;Book Study

It was a magnificent tribute to the royal bearing of this illustrious family. All the children had the stamp of kingliness on them, which had impressed even these barbaric princes. Would that a similar confession could be extorted from those who behold the members of the royal house of Jesus!

The children of a king! It is within the reach of any who aspire to it. By the second birth we become the children of God, joint-heirs with Christ, and the Spirit witnesses to our sonship, teaching us to cry, Abba, Father. As children of the great King we should bear the sign of our high lineage in our bearing and walk.

Royalty of Demeanor. - There is an aristocratic bearing in the scions of noble houses among men. The head is lifted high, the mien is proud, the manner distant and reserved. But in the family of God, meekness and lowliness, humility and contriteness, are marks of family likeness. We walk as Jesus walked, of whom the Baptist said, "Behold the Lamb of God!"

Royally of Dress. - The king is marked by the brilliant orders glittering on his breast. Purple and ermine become those who date their descent from a line of kings. But the emblem of our family is the cross; our color is scarlet; our insignia is the towel and basin that speak of lowly service.

Royalty of Occupation. - The earthly king does nothing servile. He is waited on with lowly obeisance. But they who are of the same family as Jesus are found performing the lowliest acts of service, in jails, hospitals, and slums. In this they follow closely on the steps of Him who went about doing good.

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