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The Rise of Homeschooling - the Battle Over Education is Just Getting Started
Jun 6th, 2020
Categories: Contemporary Issues

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It didn't look like recess. It looked like an elementary school jail. Instead of carefree children running around outside, the images from French journalists are almost tragic: little boys and girls, each sitting glumly in their own chalk-outlined box. To some parents, it was a sobering picture of what public education might look like in the fall. But to millions of others, it was confirmation -- the time to homeschool is now.

There's very little about life that the coronavirus hasn't changed. For everyone in the world, it's been a transformative time -- but for parents of school-aged children, it's been especially disruptive. And while having these routines turned upside down has been challenging, it's not necessarily been negative.

Moms and dads have had a chance to look at the traditional learning model and consider: is this really the best option for our kids? For all the frustrations about being stuck at home, it's finally forcing parents who might never have thought about public school alternatives to take stock of what their children are being taught and how well they're performing.

And guess what? The longer this goes on, the more parents seem convinced that at-home learning is better. In at least three new polls, anywhere from 15-40 percent of families say they're ready to make the switch to homeschooling after the lockdown is over.

Now, maybe that's health driven, Mike Donnelly, senior counsel at Home School Legal Defense Fund (HSLDA) says, or maybe families have really started to embrace the flexibility and autonomy of learning at home. Either way, he told Sarah Perry on "Washington Watch," America could be looking at a "500 percent increase in the number of people homeschooling in the fall, which could top 10 million kids." The numbers, he agrees, "are stunning."

For a lot of parents, the uncertainty about what the school setting could look like in the fall is concerning. They've been told things are about to get more complicated with block schedules or half-days on, half-days off. "Add that to the mandatory sanitizing every 30 seconds," Mike points out, and it's all just a headache waiting to happen. It's all helping to drive surveys like RealClear Opinion Research, where the swell of people who support educational choice is exploding across every demographic.

Of the 40 percent of families who said they'd be more likely to homeschool or virtual school after the country re-opened, a slim majority -- believe it or not -- were Democrats. A lot of people, Mike agrees, have mistakenly thought of homeschooling as a "traditionally conservative model."

But that hasn't been the case for a long time. If anything, school choice is becoming a more unifying issue. In this same poll, almost 60 percent of Democrats sided with Republicans in their overwhelming support of school choice. Asked if the consensus surprised him, Mike responded, "maybe a little bit."

"What we found over the years is that the homeschooling movement has diversified broadly. It's diversifying across income, ethnicity, philosophical [and] religious beliefs. You're seeing a transformation happening in this coronavirus.

It seems like it's accelerating [the support]. And we're excited about that. I know that... there are people struggling for a lot of reasons right now... But, you know, this is a time when families can come together and become families. And I'm seeing that even with my own homeschool family, we're together a lot more than we ever have been."

Over the years, there've been a lot of misconceptions about homeschooling that HSLDA is trying to debunk. Before the pandemic, Mike points out, most people thought homeschooling was just about that: staying home. "That's just not true. We're as busy -- maybe busier -- than others."

There's a whole three-dimensional level of learning with co-ops, outdoor activities, sports, and field trips that he hopes people will begin to see as part of the homeschool platform once some of the restrictions are lifted. Add that to the ability to control the messaging on hot-button topics like sex ed, biology, gender, creation, and sexuality, and it's no wonder homeschooling is winning every popularity contest.

For the far-Left, who's desperately trying to keep kids in the grip of their radical curriculum, the surge in homeschooling is their worst-case scenario. They know as well as we do: the future of the liberal agenda depends on generations of children living under the daily drumbeat of extreme indoctrination.

"Public education remains the single biggest monopoly in America," Cal Thomas warns. At least in this sense, the rise of homeschooling, "the coronavirus might be a blessing in disguise."

The Church of Philadelphia pt.#1 - Exploring Revelation
Jun 6th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

INTRODUCTION - The Church of Thyatira (Rome) held sway in the world for 1000 years, A.D.500 to 1517. During those Dark Ages, Thyatira so corruped itself with false doctrine that the truth of the Gospel was largely hidden from the world.

What Jesus said of the leaders of Israel in His day (Mt.23:13) became true of Rome, and it is still true of Rome today. You can't believe what Rome teaches and be saved - Rome teaches Salvation by Works.

When Martin Luther nailed his 95 protests to the door of the Wittenburg Church, it was the beginning of the end of the absolute domination of Rome over all of Christendom.

The church of Sardis was born in the Reformation that followed. The Great Biblical Truth was rediscovered, "The Just Shall Live By Faith." Rome had taught, and still does, that you earn salvation by good works plus Faith or you buy it through indulgences. God's Word which had been hidden by Rome was opened again to the people. The Church of Sardis emerged out of Thyatira. SARDIS = The Escaping Ones". Multitudes escaped from the darkness and tyrany of Rome.

However, we learned that Sardis did not go far enough! "For I have not found thy works perfect before God." (Rev. 3:2) PERFECT = FINISHED OR COMPLETE. Sardis did not finish what they had begun, they turned away from much false doctrine, but thy still held on to some wrong doctrine.

They still held to Infant Baptism, as a result unsaved people eventally took over the church.

They still held to State Churches, they replaced the Universal Church of Rome with National State Churches. This gave the State an opportunity to influence these churches.

Now in approximately 1750, out of Sardis came a little remnant of believers who returned to God's Word as their only rule of Faith and Life. that was Philadelphia. Philadelphia finished what Sardis had only begun, a complete return to God's Word.

As Sardis came out of Thyatira as a protest against it, Philadelphia came out of Sardis as a protest against it. So Philadelphia was born, a church that returned to the fundamentals of the faith.

Two facts about Philadelphia. FIRST - they are a small group, they have been called the Church of the Feeble Few. "Thou hast a little strength" (vs. 8) "Strength" = the greek word "Dunamin" = Dynamite, You are a little Dynamo."

They were weak in the eyes of the world, but mighty with God. They were few in number compared to the Monolithic Structure of Christendom, compared to Rome and Sardis and today Laodicea. Thyatira (Rome) which is still in the world and numbers about one billion, makes Philadelphia look small. Sardis is still in the world in the form of the MAINLINE CHURCHES, which also dwarfs Philadelphia, Laodicea (modern day evangelicalism) also dwarfs the little Philadelphian churches of our day.

The Philadelpian church was and still is weak and despised in the eyes of the world. Little assemblies scattered over the countryside. They began in storefronts and rented halls in basement churches, and in homes. they had no ecclesiastical hierarchy, just a humble pastor and deacons. They did not have many wealthy members. they had, and still have, little influence or social standing in the world.

From the call of Abraham, to the present hour, God's true people have always been a remnant, a feeble appearing few in the world. small, but mighty with with God, little dynamos. Jesus described His own beautifully in Luke 12:32, "Fear Not Little Flock; for it is your Father's good purpose to give you the Kingdom." After three years of Christ's Ministry there were only 120 in that little flock. As the end of the Apostolic era, though the church had grown, yet they were still an insignificant minority in the world.

Today in this Laodicean Age, if an Evangelical Church doesn't have numbers and programs and beautiful buildings, it is sometimes even depised by Christians. Watch Out! When the church is popular and acclaimed by the world. We can err in evaluating a church. Let us evaluate our church according to the pattern of the Philadelphian Church.

The Philadelphian church, along with Smyrna, the suffering church, were the only churches to receive only commendations and no condemnation from the Lord.

FACT NUMBER TWO, Philadelphia would continue in the world until the Lord comes for them in the Rapture. (see Rev. 3:10) "THE HOUR OF TEMPTATION, WHICH SHALL COME UPON ALL THE WORLD," that is clearly the Tribulation Period. the Lord made a promise to Philadelphia, He said: "I, ALSO WILL KEEP THEE FROM THE HOUR." They will not be kept in the hour, but "from" the hour, they won't be present. As Noah was lifted up above the judgment that came upon the men of this world, so the church will be caught up above, as the judgment falls upon the nations and upon the apostate church. Christ's promise to the true church is that it will not go through the Tribulation Period. If the rapture occurs after the tribulation period, then the Promise of Christ will be unfulfilled.

Some say, it is not fair that some should go through tribulation in this life and others should escape the tribulation period. Some say it is not right to desire to escape the Tribulation Period, why should some suffer tribulation and others escape. The answer is that it has nothing to do with fairness, it has only to do with the Sovereign Program and purpose of God.

Let me give you an illustration from the lives of two committed christian men. The first man's name is Robert McClintock. This man came out from Ireland in the 1930's, he worked hard as a home builder and became a millionaire. He was one of the most committed christians I have ever known. He taught a Sunday School class of boys, he was a faithful witness, He gave much of his income to the Lord's Work. Because of his great material blessings, he lived in the best of homes, he drove the best of cars, ate in the finest restaurant and wore the finest clothes.

I want you to see a contrast between Robert McClintock and the second man in my illustration. This second man was a believer in Communist Russia. Because of his commitment to Christ, he was sent to the salt mines of Siberia. He was abused for his faith in Christ, he suffered hunger and privation and ultimately froze to death in that desparately cold place.

Both of these men were examples of commitment and faithfulness to Christ and yet there was a tremendous contrast in their lives. Let me ask you about fairness in the lives of these two men. You may say there was no fairness. The issue in their lives had nothing to do with fairness, but everything to do with purposes of God in each of their lives. For a biblical example you could compare the life experiences of Daniel with that of Jeremiah, was it fair, it has nothing to do with fairness, but everything to do with the purposes of God.

You cannot argue it is not fair that one generation of believers should not escape the Tribulation Period, while so many others have endured great tribulation. It has solely to do with the Plan and Purposes of God.

And so this little remnant of Philadelphian believers will continue until Christ comes for his True Church. They will continue along side the Monolithic Structures of Rome and Mainline Protestants (Thyatira and Sardis).They will continue as a faithful few as Laodicea (evangelicalism) continues to grow and expand all around them. They will continue as Laodicea goes on to develop into a lifeless, dead evangelical monolithic structure.

And so even in this Laodicean Age there is little Piladelphia, despised and rejected even by some evangelicals.


Let the Headlines Speak
Jun 6th, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

Please read these news items with discernment. We do not endorse or verify these news items, we simply present them as news reports.

Riots, like military org., ‘attack and dethrone God’ – Former FBI agent
Former FBI deputy counterterror director Terry Turchie told Fox News’s Laura Ingraham on Friday when speaking on the news that the riots occurring throughout the United States in response to the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police is not unlike the extreme leftist Weather Underground Organization (WUO), claiming one of its intentions was to “attack and dethrone God.”

All This Chaos Might Be Giving You ‘Crisis Fatigue’
When you’re faced with a threat, the adrenal glands…flood your body with the stress hormone cortisol…and adrenaline…But it can also be overwhelming…when our brains are being bombarded by an absolute onslaught of crises: the Covid-19 pandemic, economic distress, and nationwide civil unrest… You might at this point feel lost or numb, and that’s perfectly natural. Psychologists call it crisis fatigue…

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Are Coming to the U.S.
This summer, for the first time, genetically modified mosquitoes could be released in the U.S. On May 1, 2020, the company Oxitec received an experimental use permit from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to release millions of GM mosquitoes…every week over the next two years in Florida and Texas. Females of this mosquito species, Aedes aegypti, transmit dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever and Zika viruses.

Looters who hit L.A. stores explain what they did: ‘Get my portion!’
The young man flanked the shattered entry of a ransacked CVS in Santa Monica, where people had swept the shelves clean of everything from diapers to detergent. The man, who did not cover his face, admitted he was a looter. He did not apologize. “We’ve got no other way of showing people how angry we are,” he said. Out of the store ran another young man, this one holding a carton of eggs…“We’re doing it because we can,” he said.

Indigenous deaths in custody: Why Australians are seizing on US protests
Anger over the death of George Floyd has spread to Australia, with Black Lives Matter protests being held across the country. But Australian demonstrators are not just expressing solidarity. Many are using the moment to vent fury about indigenous deaths in custody in Australia. So what is the situation?

Trump ‘approves plan’ to withdraw US troops from Germany
US President Donald Trump has approved a plan to withdraw 9,500 American troops from bases in Germany by September, US media say. Mr Trump, who has long complained that European members of Nato should spend more on their own defence, reportedly wants US troop levels capped at 25,000. Troops would either be redeployed elsewhere or return home, US media report, citing a government official.

Towards a global intifada
The ongoing protests over the May 25 police killing of George Floyd and the United States political establishment’s heavy-handed response to them are seminal developments in modern American history. They not only expose the deep-rooted racism of the American society but also provide yet another refutation to American exceptionalism – the widely-held belief that the US is fundamentally different from and superior to other nations.

Syrian defences intercept Israeli missiles in Hama
Syrian air defences have intercepted an Israeli attack near a central town that caused explosions and a large fire in the area. Syrian news agency SANA said the Israeli air attack occurred near the town of Masyaf in the Hama countryside. There was no immediate word on casualties or damage. Residents in neighbouring Lebanon reported hearing the Israeli warplanes flying at low altitude…on their way to bomb Syria…

Northern Ireland under worst drought since 1976
Farmers in Northern Ireland are facing the worst drought since 1976. It came after an unusually dry spell and the sunniest spring ever, with records dating back to 1929. Allan Chambers, a member of the UFU’s Seeds and Cereals Committee, said the lack of rainfall placed farmers under a dire situation. According to Met Office, this year’s spring, which spans from March to May, was the sunniest on record for the region.

Russian-U.S. Tensions Rise in Syria as Moscow Expands Presence – Reports
Tensions flared between Russia and the United States as the Russian military reportedly seeks to expand its presence in U.S.-controlled northeastern Syria, news outlets reported this week. The latest flare-up follows the Russian military’s reported attempt to build a base near the Turkish and Iraqi borders last week.

Russia declares state of emergency after second largest oil spill in Arctic Circle
Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared a state of emergency in Norilsk, Siberia, on June 4, 2020, following a 20 000 tonne-oil spill in the Arctic Circle. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) described the disaster as the second largest in modern Russian history since the 1994 oil spill in the northwestern region of Komi. Meanwhile, Greenpeace Russia compared it to the 1989 Exxon Valdez tanker spill.

In Rare Statement, Soros Denies Paying Protesters To Riot
Following accusations that paid protesters are hijacking the George Floyd protests and inciting riots, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation has issued a rare statement claiming that he – nor anyone else, is funding the chaos.

May gun sales hit all-time record in face of COVID, riots 
Americans are in a better position to defend themselves and their families after another record month of gun sales.

D.C. mayor has ‘Black Lives Matter’ painted on street leading to White House
On Friday, photos and video went viral of the phrase “Black Lives Matter” being painted in giant yellow letters on a street in Washington, D.C., but the art project highlighted divisions between several of the key leaders in our nation’s capital, as President Donald Trump, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, and the D.C. Chapter of Black Lives Matter traded criticisms back and forth.

THUG LIFE: Pretend Christian Kanye West Joins Black Lives Matter Anti-Police Protests, Scrubs Twitter Feed Of Nearly All His ‘Sunday Service’ Tweets
Oh, it was such fun while it lasted, wasn’t it? Pretend Christian Kanye West deceived millions of biblically illiterate and lukewarm Laodicean Christians with his phony ‘Sunday Service’ garbage, where Ye was glorified and Jesus came in a close second. Remember how hard on me you were when I pointed out to you that he was deceiving you to make millions? Well, Kanye West made about $250 millions off of you people who bought his stuff. Remember you said that he was just a “baby Christian” and to give him time? Time’s up, welcome to reality.

Are You One Of the Spiritually Deceived And Mentally Deficient People Who Are Kneeling Before Black Lives Matter Repenting Of Your Whiteness?
That what I am writing about today is even a thing is beyond disturbing to me on not just many levels but on every level. As the end times insanity heats up, and ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists continue to loot, pillage, burn, steal and destroy, white Liberals have begun kneeling before their captors and asking to be forgiven of their “whiteness”, and their “white privilege”. Are you one of those weak, pathetic, deceived and virulently pusillanimous people engaging in such behaviour? If so, do you think such ridiculous efforts will “stop racism” in America and around the world? Let me give you a much-needed reality check.

Shocker! Economy gains 2.5 million jobs in May
The economy gained 2.5 million jobs in May lowering the unemployment rate to 13.3%, the Labor Department said Friday in an employment report.

At least 50 handguns stolen in overnight heist in California, police say
More than 50 handguns were stolen in an overnight looting spree in California, marking another escalation in nearly a week of protests seeking justice for George Floyd.

The Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine turned into laughing stocks as widely-touted hydroxychlorine study found to be based on fabricated data organized by science fiction writer and adult content model
Just as the mainstream media utterly destroyed its credibility in trying to remove President Trump from office, the medical establishment is committing credibility suicide in a mad rush to try to suppress the truth about hydroxychloroquine, an off-patent drug that can save patients from covid-19.

George Soros Uses Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA to Turn Minneapolis Into A War Zone
Right now the city of Minneapolis is besieged and under attack, but not from Muslim terrorists or some other foreign national group.

Amazon allies with communist-funded Antifa terrorism
If you were wondering where Amazon stands on all the looting and rioting taking place across America, the company has indicated that it is in full support of it.

Are Palestinians & Jordan Bluffing on Israeli Sovereignty Threats?
Jun 6th, 2020
Categories: The Nation Of Israel

News Image

With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushing ahead with plans to apply sovereignty to the Jordan Valley and parts of Judea and Samaria, there are concerns being raised that it could ignite tensions with the Palestinians and neighboring Jordanians. Both outcomes are extremely unlikely, however, according to former senior U.S. officials with vast experience in the Middle East.

"Both the Palestinians and Jordanians are showing weakness and instead of threatening Israel with something it cares about, they are busy taking themselves hostage," said David Wurmser, who served as a senior adviser on the Middle East to former Vice President Dick Cheney and is currently an executive at the Dephi Global Analysis Group, which he founded.

Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas threatened last month to cut ties with Israel, stop security cooperation and void past agreements if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues with his plan to apply Israeli law. Similarly, in an interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel in May, Jordan's King Abdullah warned Israel that violence could erupt if it continues with its sovereignty plan.

"What would happen if the Palestinian National Authority collapsed? There would be more chaos and extremism in the region. If Israel really annexed the West Bank in July, it would lead to a massive conflict with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan," Abdullah said, according to an AP report.

Wurmser explains that Arab leaders will often inflate their own value by warning that their populations will turn to chaos and violence should they lose power. And while there may indeed be chaos, he suggests the P.A. and the Jordanian regime need Israel and the United States much more than the other way around.

"The Jordanian leadership thinks it can buy quiet by yelling at Israel and letting its radicals blow off steam, but like in the past when it appeased radical forces, they [the Jordanians] will again turn to the U.S. and Israel to save them," said Wurmser.

If Jordan is going to condone radical anti-Israel forces and anchor its regime in appeasement of its large Palestinian population rather than its traditional national interest--namely, the preservation of a minority Hashemite regime backed by the Bedouin tribes--then it could lose its value from Israel's point of view.

Wurmser noted that Jordan's value as an ally is its ability to serve as a buffer and area of stability in a tumultuous region. But if Jordan abandons this historically rooted role, he said, that could "force a rethink" by Israel and the United States regarding the value of the relationship.

He adds that the P.A. is in a similar situation and has little to gain by inciting its populist base against Israel.

"The P.A. is entirely dependent on its cooperation with Israel to survive. We saw how long the P.A. lasted in Gaza before Hamas took over," he said.

According to Harold Rhode, a longtime former adviser on Islamic affairs within the U.S. Defense Department's Office of Net Assessment, Abbas's threat to cut off security cooperation and end agreements with Israel is empty since it is in Abbas's and other senior Palestinian officials' interest to continue the cooperation.

"History shows us that this is almost assuredly just bluster," Rhode said, calling Abbas's rhetoric the "hold me back or I'll commit suicide strategy."

He also notes that Abbas and other Arab leaders also say one thing to their constituents, who they have continuously taught to despise Israel, while taking a different tone when speaking to diplomats including their Israeli counterparts.

"Past history shows us that whatever they say in public, they will most likely find a way to cooperate in private," said Rhode. "Abbas and other senior officials are running a racket and the money for the Palestinians is going straight to their own foreign bank accounts, so they have the most to lose."

According to Rhode, Abbas's repeated threats trigger the same response each time "by the Western intelligentsia and the left-wing defense establishment in Israel," which "are always taking his threats seriously despite the fact that it never happens."

Rhode says the reason they fall for the Palestinian leader's bluff is that they do not understand Arab culture, which puts supreme value on personal honor and status, on the importance of family and clan over the greater good. Abbas knows that if he ends security cooperation with Israel "he is finished," said Rhode.

'The Arabs are sick and tired'

Hillel Frisch, a professor of Middle East studies at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan and a senior research associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, predicts that the P.A. will maintain security cooperation in order to protect its own interests.

"The P.A. may not rescue Israelis that stray into its territory, or may promote violence with regard to the Temple Mount, but it will keep up the cooperation in monitoring and apprehending Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists," he said.

Warnings from the P.A., Arab leaders and even Western leaders regarding the planned application of Israeli law in Judea and Samaria ring similar to the doomsday scenarios that were proclaimed prior to the Trump administration's transfer of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. The same rhetoric was also heard leading up to the annexation of the Golan Heights with U.S. support. Nothing happened in either case.

In particular, many opponents of Israel's upcoming move warn that applying sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria will negatively affect Israel's improving relations with much of the Arab world. Yet, Rhode suggests Israel's relations with Gulf States will continue to improve, while Palestinians are losing standing in the Arab world due to their never-ending conflict with a Jewish state they have no hopes of defeating.

"The Arabs are sick and tired of the Palestinians," said Rhode.

Such sentiments are being expressed openly throughout the Arab world. A Saudi writer recently told BBC Arabic in a May interview that the Saudi public no longer cares about the Palestinian cause.

Abdulhameed Al-Ghobain said the Palestinians "have lost," and that the Saudis care about their national, strategic and economic interests, which can all benefit from establishing relations with Israel.

"The Arab League issues statements that are worthless. We should deal with reality. The relations [with Israel] have gone beyond normalization," said Al-Ghobain. "The relations have become warm. It is no longer just about normalization. The relations have reached a very warm level."

As to the predicted outcome of Israel's sovereignty move, Wurmser said that "a resolution of the conflict or a Palestinian state are nowhere to be seen and any violence by the Palestinians will--like in the past--backfire and leave Israel in an even better position."

And for the Stranger That Sojourneth Among Them - Joshua 20:9
Jun 6th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Meditation;Inspirational;Book Study

It is interesting to note this provision, made in the Land of Promise, for the passing over of sins which were not sins of presumption. In this verse there is that great word "Whosoever." These cities of refuge were not for Hebrews only, but for whosoever had killed any person, without malice or forethought, but quite unintentionally, and had fled thither. Some poor Gentile might be sojourning among the chosen people, and suddenly find himself liable to the pursuit of the avenger of blood; but the gates of the refuge city were open to him, and the elders of the city were bound to give him a place that he might dwell among them (Jos 20:4), not only safely, but in rest and peace.

Herein there was a foreshadowing of the days when God should open the door of faith unto the Gentiles. "For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, since the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich unto all them that call upon Him."

There were two mysteries made known to the Apostle Paul: one he unfolds in the Epistle to the Ephesians, the other in the Epistle to the Colossians. First, he teaches us that the Gentiles may be fellow heirs and fellow members of the body, and fellow partakers of the promise of Christ through the Gospel. Next, he expatiates on the riches of the glory of this mystery, among the Gentiles, that the living Saviour is prepared to dwell in their hearts also, as the Hope of Glory. It is a serious question, how far we are participating in our inheritance. The gates of the promises made to Abraham and his seed are open for us to enter in and dwell there; but there is too much backwardness and hesitancy in us all. "Whosoever will, let him take."

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