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There Stood By Me This Night An Angel of God, Saying, Fear Not, Paul! - Acts 27:23,24
Feb 28th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

Yes, the angels of God can find their way through the murkiest air, and alight on the most weather-beaten vessel that ever ploughed its difficult way through the stormy seas. Wheresoever thou art, O child of God, God's angels have their eyes fixed lovingly on thee; and in a moment, if it were God's will to give thee eyes, thou wouldest behold them.

"How oft do they their silver bowers leave,
To come to succor us that succor want!
How oft do they with golden pinions cleave
The flitting skyes, like flying pursuivant,
Against fowle feandes to ayd us militant!
They for us fight, they watch and dewly ward,
And their bright squadrons round about us plant!
And all for love, and nothing for reward:
Oh, why should Heavenly God to men have such regard?"

But if, like Paul, we would have the angel ministry, with their assurances against fear, like him we must be able to comply with two conditions - of being owned and being loyal.

Whose I am. - We are His by creation, by purchase, by consecration. That sentiment of being owned, which in the case of slaves is inimical to the highest development, is the elementary condition of our truest growth and well-being. We belong to One who is infinitely worthy. We cannot do as we would with ourselves. We may not take our own course.

Whom I serve. - The word rendered serve is the deepest and most expressive term that Paul could employ of the prostration of the soul at the feet of God. It is employed of the glorified, who serve Him day and night in His temple, and of whom it is said that His servants shall do Him service. The heavenly life begins here; and following its course, angels minister to us, and the stars in their courses fight for us.

Let the Headlines Speak
Feb 28th, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

Thanks to Trump: Pascal Lamb could be Sacrificed on Temple Mount for first Time in 2,000 Years
As per Trump’s Deal of the Century, the Sanhedrin petitioned the Israeli government, filing to receive permits that would allow priests to perform the ritual of the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice temporary altar that will be transported to the temple mount and removed immediately after the ceremony. If the government grants the permits, as it should, based on Israeli and international law, this will be the first time since the destruction of the Second Temple that an altar has stood in its proper place on Judaism’s holiest site: the threshing floor purchased by King David.

Netanyahu’s Offer from Political Rival: Remove Jordanian Waqf from Temple Mount and Get all My Votes
But on Wednesday, Ben Gvir held a press conference that many anticipated was going to be an announcement of resignation. Instead, he offered to quit the election race if Netanyahu agrees to several demands, among them – The removal of the Waqf’s authority on the Temple Mount. The entire list of demands are as follows:

Pope Francis sick a day after supporting coronavirus sufferers
Pope Francis has come down with a “slight indisposition,” forcing him to cancel a planned Mass in Rome, just a day after he expressed his solidarity with coronavirus sufferers around the world — and as the disease continues to spread across Italy.

Harvey Weinstein to get special treatment as officials fear an ‘Epstein incident’
Still reeling from the uproar after pedophile Jeffrey Epstein managed to hang himself in his Manhattan lockup last year, jail officials are taking extraordinary steps to monitor their newest high-profile inmate. Weinstein will always have his own cell, will constantly have a dedicated team of correction officers with him — and could even be shipped to a facility outside the city, sources said.

Really Big News About The Coronavirus In The United States Just Dropped
The CDC has announced that there is a newly confirmed coronavirus case in northern California, and authorities have no idea how the victim was exposed to the virus. This particular individual had not traveled to a foreign country lately and also had not had any contact with a known infected patient.

Netanyahu’s Offer from Political Rival: Remove Jordanian Waqf from Temple Mount and Get all My Votes
But on Wednesday, Ben Gvir held a press conference that many anticipated was going to be an announcement of resignation. Instead, he offered to quit the election race if Netanyahu agrees to several demands, among them – The removal of the Waqf’s authority on the Temple Mount. The entire list of demands are as follows:

Floods, Coronavirus, Locusts, and Earthquakes: Pre-Purim Wave of Natural Catastrophes Hits Iran
While western Iran is coping with floods, southern Iran is bracing for an infestation of locusts. The swarms are rampaging across Africa, taking on Biblical proportions that have not been seen in several decades. Many populations already suffering from food shortages are being hard hit. The swarm is spreading and is already at the border of China and now threaten Iran as well. According to the official IRNA news agency, Mohammad Reza Dargahi, the head of the Plant Protection Organization of Iran, has also warned that failure in controlling the locusts will jeopardize billions of dollars of Iranian agricultural products. These natural catastrophes come in the wake of a Magnitude 5.7 earthquake struck the Turkey-Iran border …

God Help Us: 41 Dem Senators Vote Against Protecting Already Born Babies from Being Legally Murdered.
In a shocking move Tuesday, nearly every Democratic senator voted against requiring that medical care be provided to babies who survive abortions.

Martin Gould reports for The Daily Mail: “Ilhan Omar DID marry her brother and said she would ‘do what she had to do to get him “papers” to keep him in U.S.’, reveals Somali community leader.” Maybe word will get out now that it has been reported in the most widely read English-language news site in the world.

New Bill Would Allow Gun Permit Holders to Sue if Harmed after Being Banned from Legally Carrying
A new bill introduced in the Minnesota legislature would allow lawfully permitted gun carriers to sue business or property owners if they are harmed or suffer losses as result of an incident that could have been prevented had they not been banned from lawfully carrying their firearm.

Republicans Celebrate After Special Election Flips Kentucky Seat Held by Democrats for 33 Years
“BIG WIN in Kentucky House District 99,” McDaniel tweeted. “It’s a district Democrats held for 33 YEARS, where Democrats outnumber Republicans by double digits, and one the Democrat governor carried in 2019. But tonight, Republicans flipped the seat!”

King of Saudi Arabia Hosts Rabbi in his Palace for First Time
For the first time ever, the King of Saudi Arabia,King Salman, met and hosted a rabbi in his formal residence last week. The occasion was an annual meeting of the KAICIID inter-religious dialogue organization. Rabbi David Rosen of Jerusalem, a leading player in interfaith cooperation, was one of the eight members of the KAICIID board of governors representing Judaism. Being a citizen of Israel makes his visit even more historic.

Japan woman tests positive for virus after ‘recovery’
A woman in Japan who contracted the new coronavirus and was released from hospital after recovering has tested positive again, officials said Thursday. The case is the first time a patient apparently cleared of the virus has subsequently tested positive for it, a local official in Osaka said. The woman in her 40s was first confirmed as infected with the coronavirus on January 29.

Syria war: 33 Turkish soldiers killed in attack in Idlib
At least 33 Turkish soldiers have died in a Syrian government attack in opposition-held north-western Syria, in a major escalation of the conflict. Turkey, which backs the opposition, says it hit 200 government targets in response, “neutralising” 309 soldiers. Russia, Syria’s key military ally, says Turkish troops were attacked in Idlib province by Syrian forces while operating alongside jihadist fighters.

Telescopes detect ‘biggest explosion since Big Bang’
Scientists have detected evidence of a colossal explosion in space – five times bigger than anything observed before. The huge release of energy is thought to have emanated from a supermassive black hole some 390 million light years from Earth. The eruption is said to have left a giant dent in the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster.

New Study Shows Nearly Half of Mainline Protestant Pastors Support Gay Marriage
A new study by LifeWay Research says that forty-seven percent — nearly half — of all Mainline Protestant pastors now support same-sex marriage. This is up 15 percent from ten years ago.

Israeli scientists: ‘In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine’
Israeli scientists are on the cusp of developing the first vaccine against the novel coronavirus, according to Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis. If all goes as planned, the vaccine could be ready within a few weeks and available in 90 days, according to a release.

California bill would require gender-neutral toy, clothing aisles
If a California lawmaker has his way, children’s stores will be a gender-free zone, with nothing labeled as meant for boys or girls.

Israeli firm says it developed kit to diagnose coronavirus
An Israeli firm said it developed a kit to test for the coronavirus Thursday, sending its stocks soaring as the world hunts for an effective way to confirm who is carrying the fast-spreading contagion.

Schools tell pupils boys can have periods too in new guidelines on transgender issues
Primary school children will now be taught “all genders” can have periods in a bid to be more inclusive to transgender children, a council has revealed. Advice on menstruation will be issued to boys and girls after Brighton and Hove City Council (England) passed a motion to help minimise discrimination against the transgender community.

At least 22 dead or missing following severe flash floods and landslides in Colombia
Severe flash floods and landslides due to persistent heavy rain claimed at least eight lives and left 14 missing in central-north Colombia, national authorities reported on Wednesday, February 26, 2020. An orange alert has been issued for mudslides in the affected areas as moderate rain is expected to continue to Friday, February 28.

Massive glacier collapse and catastrophic mudflow near Machu Picchu, Peru
A massive glacier collapse took place near Machu Picchu (Cusco Region, Urubamba Province) on February 24, 2020, resulting in a catastrophic debris flow that claimed the lives of at least four people and left 13 others missing.

Bernie Sanders Attends ISNA Convention With Islamists Who Backed Killing Gay People
When ISNA, an Islamic group accused of supporting terrorists, announced a presidential forum for ISNACON 2019, the expectations were low. The Islamic Society of North America had been created by Muslim Brotherhood members and was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas Holy Land Foundation trial.

Nancy Pelosi Criticizes Trump Over Coronavirus, But Teeming Outdoor Homelessness In Her District In San Francisco May Just Become Ground Zero For Outbreak In United States
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is criticizing President Trump over his response to the coronavirus, but she needs to look a little closer to home to see where the real problem is. She is a congresswoman for San Francisco, an area that has a massive outdoor homeless tent city population, and an area of the country already teeming with diseases like the bubonic plague. The homeless there openly defecate on the streets amid the squalor of this once idyllic city by the bay. If the coronavirus comes to Nancy Pelosi’s district, cases will spread like wildfire.

History Was Made: They Hijacked Our Health, But It’s Not Lost
Those ruling the healthcare industry have hijacked our health, but it’s not lost. The Rockefellers spearheaded the healthcare industry, policies, institutes, and eugenics over a century ago. From vaccine cocktails to fertility suppression and control over agriculture, it was a mad scientist’s dream.

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? - Psalm 11:3
Feb 28th, 2020
Morning Meditation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Meditation

"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" - Psalm 11:3

We are living in an hour when the very moral foundations of our society are being torn apart. Rebellion against God and His word is bringing a flood of evil upon our land and our people. We are experiencing a moral free fall, each day seems to bring some new decline. It seems that we are powerless in and of ourselves to reverse the situation.

What can the righteous do? What is to be your attitude? The answer is found in the next verse, "The Lord is in His holy temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids try the children of men". The Lord is in control, He is allowing men to run their course to the full, He will have the last word. With this realization, we can rest in the Lord, we can do what he tells us to do, we can speak what He tells us to speak.

What can we say to men and women around us?

Come, make thy choice - for life or death eternal,

Christ or the world - The broad or the narrow way;

The father's home, or the abode infernal,

Unending joy or sorrow - Choose today.

Come make thy choice! It may be now or never;

'Tis worse than madness longer to delay;

Now is the hinge of all the vast 'forever';

Tomorrow never cometh - "Choose Today". - Unknown

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