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Feb 18th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F.B. Meyer
Categories: Meditation;Inspirational;Book Study

Upon the yielded soul the blessed Spirit descends, bearing with Him the likeness of Jesus, which He imprints and fixes, as a stamp will leave its die upon the softened wax. Only melted gold is minted; only moistened clay is moulded; only softened wax receives the die; only broken and contrite hearts can take and keep the impress of heaven. If that is thy condition, wait beneath the pressure of the Holy Spirit; He shall leave the image of Jesus upon thee, and change thee into his likeness, from glory to glory.

This gracious operation is God's seal of authentication. It is as though by an act that could not be mistaken, He said: This soul is mine--redeemed and appropriated for my own possession; and it shall be mine in the day when I make up my jewels. We place our seal on that which is unmistakably our own, and deem to be of value; so the likeness of Jesus wrought on us by the Spirit is the sign that God counts us his, and reckons us to be his peculiar treasure.

It is also the earnest of our inheritance. The love, and joy, and peace, which are wrought in us by the Blessed Spirit, are fragrant with the scent and beautiful with the hues of Paradise. They are the grapes of Eshcol; the peaches and pomegranates of the Homeland; the first notes of angelic symphonies; the first flowers of the everlasting spring; the herald rays of a morning that shall rise to the meridian glory of a nightless day. We know that there is a land of pure delight, because we have tasted its fruits; just as Columbus knew that he was drawing near land, when the land-birds alighted on his ship, and the drift of the waves told of human habitations.

Nay, more: we know, as we experience the gracious work of the Holy Spirit, the quality, though not the infinite measure, of the blessedness of heaven. The Spirit's work is not only the pledge; it is the specimen of our inheritance.

Let the Headlines Speak
Feb 18th, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

Utah moves to decriminalize polygamy
The Utah Senate has moved to approve a bill that would reclassify polygamy among consenting adults from a felony offense to an infraction. The measure, which passed unanimously Friday, has one more Senate vote before it would head to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Iran: Magnitude 5.8 earthquake hits Qeshm island in Persian Gulf
A magnitude 5.8 earthquake hit near southern Iran’s Qeshm island in the Gulf on Sunday, the official IRNA news agency reported, but a local official said there were no reports of casualties and only minor damage.

Coronavirus cases confirmed in US doubles to 29 — where they are and what to know
The arrival of American evacuees from a virus-plagued cruise ship docked in Japan nearly doubled the number of coronavirus cases on U.S. soil to 29. All but one of the coronavirus-positive evacuees are at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.

Virginia Senate strikes down ‘assault weapons’ ban bill; won’t revisit for a year
Virginia’s state senate has voted down an effort to institute an “assault weapons” ban across the state. The vote on Monday reportedly drew cheers from gun rights activists who packed a Senate committee room to watch the vote. The results of the vote may come as a relief to gun rights activists throughout the state who have raised opposition to several gun control efforts proposed by the state’s newly Democratic majorities in both houses of its legislature.

Kanye West Brings His Sunday Service To NBA All-Star Game In Chicago and Preaches False Gospel To Fawning Idol Worshipping Audience
“With God on your side, everything is possible. With God on your side, everything is probable and nothing is impossible. That’s the gospel,” Kanye West said. and that is not the gospel of the grace of God in any respect or on any level. What he is preaching is what the Laodicean phonies like Joel Osteen preach, the blasphemous “love gospel”

Russia Has A New Stealthy Looking Spy Drone
Key point: The Hunter’s success also will depend on Moscow’s ability to continually finance it development, and production—not something to take for granted when other major Russian defense programs have repeatedly fallen far behind schedule.

In denial: Pelosi interrupts CNN anchor to falsely claim Trump wasn’t acquitted
Pelosi is in denial about President Donald Trump being acquitted of all charges in his impeachment trial. In a Saturday interview with CNN news anchor and international correspondent Christiane Amanpour in Munich, Germany, the House speaker said that the president was not acquitted because the trial was not conducted to her satisfaction. Pelosi’s point, of course, is a lie.

Utah GOP Considering Resolution Calling For Mitt Romney To ‘Immediately Resign’ From Office
According to local Salt Lake City news outlet 2KUTV, “the Utah Republican Party has pending resolutions on Romney: one that expresses support for Trump’s acquittal, another that supports legislation to recall a U.S Senator and a third that calls for Romney to ‘immediately resign’ from office.”

EU will respond to Trump plan after Israeli election
The European Union will not pass any official resolutions on US President Donald Trump’s peace plan for Israel and the Palestinian Arabs until “after Israeli elections,” the EU’s foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell said on Monday.

Turkey Loses First Battle over Syria to Russia
Turkey has backed Al Qaeda in its expansionist push to dominate Syria but the anti-Assad forces are reportedly taking “catastrophic losses” in their push to take western Syria, putting the NATO member at odds with Russia in a military mess that could pull many more nations into the conflict.

Christian Pastor Faces Criminal Investigation For Booklet Opposing Homosexuality
The leader of a confessional Lutheran denomination in Finland was questioned by the police on 12 February about his responsibility in the distribution of “Male and Female He Created Them”, a 24-page booklet published back in 2004. The denomination, which holds to a traditional understanding of the Bible and to the 16th century Lutheran Confessions, had explained on its website that Juhana Pohjola “is under suspicion for distributing this material to the public and for keeping this material available online”.

New, detailed images of novel coronavirus released by US lab
A laboratory in the United States has produced the most detailed images to date of the novel coronavirus currently spreading across the globe. The digitally colorized images illustrate the crown-like appearance of the virus, now officially named SARS-CoV-2 due to its similarity to the 2002 SARS virus.

Airstrikes destroy IRGC Quds Force HQ, warehouse at Damascus airport
ImageSat International (ISI) reported…that heavy damage was inflicted upon Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) sites at Damascus International Airport on February 13. Airstrikes appear to have hit warehouses, a shelter, headquarters and infrastructure. The airstrikes were reported in regional media, such as Turkey’s Anadolu. Reports indicated that seven people were killed, including four Iranian officers.

Israel’s, PA’s allies press ICC on war crimes decision – who wins?
Israel is facing the greatest war-crimes challenge in its history from the ICC after the Office of the Prosecutor asked the judges on December 20 to approve a criminal probe of Israel and Hamas. Up until last week, the deck was stacked against Israel. Sure, the ICC Pretrial Chamber could reject ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda’s request to criminally probe Israel and Hamas for alleged war crimes.

Japan’s Economy Shrinks 6.3% as Sales-Tax Increase Cools Consumption
Following a dismal final quarter of 2019, Japan’s economy is facing the risk of a recession because the coronavirus outbreak is hurting tourism and production, while Germany’s central bank called on the government in Berlin to use its surplus to support growth as a broader danger of a slowdown builds.

China Uighurs: Detained for beards, veils and internet browsing
A document that appears to give the most powerful insight yet into how China determined the fate of hundreds of thousands of Muslims held in a network of internment camps has been seen by the BBC. Listing the personal details of more than 3,000 individuals from the far western region of Xinjiang, it sets out in intricate detail the most intimate aspects of their daily lives.

Libya conflict: EU agrees new patrols to stop arms flow
EU states have agreed to launch a new military mission off the Libyan coast to enforce a shaky UN arms embargo. The 27 governments still have to draft a legal text for the mission, after agreeing it in principle in Brussels. “The main objective is the arms embargo,” said Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn.

Mississippi floods appear to hit peak with parts of Jackson under water
The Pearl River rose to its third-highest point in recorded history after heavy rains last week filled the Ross Barnett Reservoir to capacity, forcing managers on Saturday to begin releasing water into the river just upstream from Jackson. The floods submerged streets in low-lying areas, prompting 16 search-and-rescue operations to pluck stranded people from their homes, Governor Tate Reeves said.

UAE issues operating licence for Arab world’s first nuclear plant
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) issued an operating licence for the first reactor at the Arab world’s first nuclear power plant, paving the way for it to start production later this year. The Barakah nuclear power plant in Abu Dhabi, which is being built by Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), was originally due to open in 2017 but the start-up of its first reactor has been delayed several times.

Coronavirus: Largest study suggests elderly and sick are most at risk
Health officials in China have published the first details of more than 44,000 cases of Covid-19, in the biggest study since the outbreak began. Data from the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) finds that more than 80% of the cases have been mild, with the sick and elderly most at risk. The research also points to the high risk to medical staff.

Ukraine conflict: Deadly flare-up on eastern front line
Ukraine’s military says its forces on the eastern frontline have come under heavy rebel shelling, with one soldier killed and four wounded. But Russian-backed rebels say troops tried to break through their lines and got caught in a minefield, with two killed and three wounded. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky is convening a meeting of his Security Council to assess the flare-up.

Gantz pledges to mend ties with Democrats if elected
Blue & White leader Benny Gantz said on Monday that if he becomes prime minister after the country’s third national elections in less than a year next month, he would work to mend ties with the Democratic Party in the United States. The former army chief of staff accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of neglecting bipartisan ties in favor of exclusive support from President Donald Trump’s Republican Party.

Kanye West Brings His Sunday Service To NBA All-Star Game In Chicago and Preaches False Gospel To Fawning Idol Worshipping Audience
Kanye West has been gradually refining and perfecting his Sunday Service routine until it has finally become the kind of good vibes, feel-good machine that will continue to function as his virtual ATM for quite some time to come. The apostle Paul warned us about “ministers” in the end times who come at you will a “form of godliness” while denying its power, and Paul tells us to avoid these people at all costs. Especially when they come at you preaching a false gospel as Kanye West is doing right now.

China appoints new Hong Kong chief known for persecuting Christians
China has appointed a hardliner, who is known for removing hundreds of crosses from churches in the eastern province of Zhejiang, to take charge of its office overseeing matters in Hong Kong, which might raise concerns among pro-democracy protesters and residents in the semi-autonomous city.

Bomb cyclone storm rips across UK, spawns most flood warnings, alerts in England ‘than any other day on record’
An explosive winter storm roared across Britain on Sunday, packing high winds and heavy rain that prompted a record number of flood warnings in England.

Storm Dennis enters history books as the second-strongest North Atlantic extratropical cyclone, causes major flooding in the United Kingdom
Storm Dennis hit several western European countries over the weekend with very heavy rain and hurricane-force winds. Minimum central air pressure of 920 hPa was recorded on Saturday, February 15, making it the second-strongest North Atlantic extratropical cyclone since records began more than 150 years ago; just 7 hPa short of the all-time North Atlantic record, set by the Braer Storm of 1993.

Drugging ‘Transgender’ Children Results in Greater Risk of Suicide, According to New Analysis
One of the big lies told by the LGBT movement is that so-called “gender-affirming care” helps transgender individuals avoid the massively-elevated risk of suicide associated with the lifestyle.

A Look Inside the Coming Quarantine Camps Where “You Can Checkout but You Will Never Leave”
Nearly a year ago, I reported that major media was reporting that the United Nations began training the newly formed Mexican National Guard in “humanitarian activities”. As we now have the advantage of some retrospective consideration, it is clear that groups like the Mexican National Guard, with UN oversight, will be policing our soon-to-be medical martial law camps.

U.S. military preparing to implement medical martial law due to coronavirus pandemic
The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) has issued an executive order (EO) calling on the United States Northern Command to start preparing for a full-blown pandemic of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) here on American soil.

ROMANS 1: Marvel Comics New Movie ‘Eternals’ Premiering In November Will Feature ‘Deep And Passionate’ First Of Its Kind Man-On-Man Gay Kiss
Marvel Comics is proud of being the movie production company that will be the ones to bring the first man-on-man gay kiss to the big screen in their November release of ‘Eternals‘ later this year. And the ‘buzz’ is that is not going to be a quick peck, but a long, lingering romantic kiss. And because we are in the woke generation, it has to be a kiss not just between two men, but between a white man and a black man. I’m surprised one of them is not in a wheelchair. Is there no end to this? Nope, there isn’t.

Todd Starnes to CBN News: ‘Govt Sanctioned Pornography and Filth on a Publicly-Funded University Campus’
Indiana University holds a sex workshop in the name of education that most people would find hard to believe.

“The Situation Is Evolving” – Apple Cuts Guidance Due To Virus Disruptions
“…worldwide iPhone® supply will be temporarily constrained…and demand for our products within China has been affected.”

A Free Gift
Feb 18th, 2020
Berean Bible Society
Categories: Bible Salvation

It seems that everything is going up in cost these days. Nothing comes down; everything goes up — up — up. Wages too are going up, but not as fast as the cost of living, for our dollars are decreasing in value all the time. This is why former President Eisenhower suggested we begin calling them dollarettes!

We should thank God, though, that there is one thing that has never gone up in price — the salvation of precious souls. No price was ever put on this and none ever will be, for several good reasons:

  1. Because God is not impoverished; He does not need our money.
  2. Because if salvation could be bought, the rich would have an advantage over the poor.
  3. Salvation was fully paid for by God the Son on Calvary’s cross, and to charge one penny for it now would be to cast reflections on His finished work.

Even in Old Testament times God made it clear that sacrifices and good works could not buy His favor. In Isa. 55:1-3, the prophet cried:

“Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

“Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto Me, and eat that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

“Incline your ear, and come unto Me: Hear, and your soul shall live…”

Centuries later, after “the gospel of the grace of God” had been committed to Paul, he offered even better things to those who were willing to accept them. He declared that believers in Christ are…

“Justified freely by [God’s] grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 3:24).

“For the wages of sin is death, but the [free] gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:23).

“In whom we have redemption, through His blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace” (Eph. 1:7).

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