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Let the Headlines Speak
Feb 23rd, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

180 Israeli students quarantined after coronavirus exposure
180 Israeli students are now in isolation after being exposed to South Korean tourists who tested positive for the coronavirus… The South Koreans returned home on February 15 from an eight-day visit to Israel. While it’s unknown whether the group contracted the virus before or after their return to South Korea, the Health Ministry is operating on the assumption that they arrived in Israel as carriers of the virus…

Millions of Chinese Firms Face Collapse If Banks Don’t Act Fast
Brigita, a director at one of China’s largest car dealers, is running out of options. Her firm’s 100 outlets have been closed for about a month because of the coronavirus, cash reserves are dwindling and banks are reluctant to extend deadlines on billions of yuan in debt coming due over the next few months. There are also other creditors to think about.

Coronavirus: Italy imposes strict lockdown in outbreak hotspots
Italy has introduced “extraordinary measures” to tackle the spread of the biggest outbreak of the new coronavirus in Europe. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced the emergency plan late as the number of cases rose to more than 100. The measures were imposed after two Italian citizens were confirmed to have died from the virus.

Earthquake kills at least 8 in Turkey, injuries many in Iran
At least eight people including three children are dead in eastern Turkey after an earthquake with its epicentre in neighbouring Iran. At least 21 people were injured after houses collapsed, Turkey’s interior minister said. The magnitude-5.7 quake centred on the Iranian border village of Habash-e Olya.

Pope cautions against ‘unfair’ Middle East peace plans
Pope Francis has cautioned against “unfair” solutions aimed at ending the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. In a speech Sunday during a visit to the Italian southern port city of Bari to reflect on peace in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, Francis lamented the many areas of war and conflict, including in the Middle East and Northern Africa.

UN warns of ‘bloodbath’ as Syria fighting escalates
The United Nations warned on Friday that escalating fighting in northwest Syria could end in a “bloodbath” as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan phoned Russia’s leader to discuss the quickly deteriorating situation. The Kremlin said Russian President Vladimir Putin and Erdogan agreed to intensify talks on Syria’s Idlib region to reduce tensions and implement a ceasefire.

Hindu extremists attack 70 Christians traveling home from conference on praying for peace in India
Hindu extremists brutally attacked a group of about 70 Christians, including children, as they traveled home from a national congress focused on praying for peace in India amid escalating persecution.

Trump admin. creates new advisory board to expose research using aborted baby body parts
The Trump administration announced this week that a new ethics board has been formed to investigate the use of fetal body parts in scientific research.

Internet SHUTDOWN begins in Wuhan, China to stop the spread of truth and hide the severity of the outbreak from the world
During an interview Friday, former U.S. Army infantry officer, combat vet, and current U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton reiterated his view that the Chinese government is not being transparent about the severity of the Wuhan coronavirus  (COVID-19) outbreak.

UNREAL: Hawaii has tested exactly ZERO people for coronavirus… still waiting for test kits from the CDC
Now we know why Hawaii hasn’t reported any coronavirus infections even though numerous infected people seem to be identified after flying through the Honolulu airport: Hawaii hasn’t tested anyone yet.

The DNC Has Now Become The Democratic Socialist Workers Party As Comrade Bernie Sanders Forces Hard Left Turn Into Political Fantasyland
As a student of history, I have spent a long time, over 40 years, watching endless movies, television shows and documentaries about the rise of fascist movements in places like Europe, Russia, China, Cuba, South America and around the world. They all have one thing in common, they target a mark known as “the workers” and they want them to “unite”, it never changes.

The Jewish history of America’s most famous ice creams
While the branding might not reveal it, the average American’s favorite brand of frozen treat was probably founded by Jews — regardless of which top company it may be

Incessant heavy rains submerge several provinces in northern Argentina
Heavy downpour continues to batter Argentina, affecting several northern provinces, including Chaco, La Rioja, Salta, and Tucuman. More than a hundred families have been evacuated due to widespread flooding on February 20, 2020.

7 NWO Agendas Accompanying the Coronavirus Outbreak
While the coronavirus epidemic continues, with people debating on both sides whether it is being overplayed or underplayed, it is worthwhile pausing to consider what agendas – and I mean which NWO agendas – are being rolled out using the epidemic as a cover or pretext.

Trump furious Americans infected with coronavirus flew back to US without his permission: report
President Trump was furious that 14 Americans infected with the coronavirus returned to the United States without his permission rather than remain in quarantine overseas, according to a new report.

The Degree of Coronavirus Censorship Is In Proportion to the Danger the Virus Poses to Humanity
How quickly and at what rate will the so-called Coronavirus spread? I say the “so-called” Coronavirus because many immunologists and virologists are baffled by our seemingly inability to get a firm handle on what we are dealing with. One expert privately stated the following:

Kansas City: Armed Forces trainee converts to Islam, plots jihad massacre at military base
Yet another convert to Islam somehow gets the crazy idea that his new, peaceful religion requires him to commit treason and mass murder. Authorities remain completely uninterested in this recurring phenomenon. If numerous converts to Christianity plotted to kill people in the name of their new religion, would law enforcement and intelligence officials be so blasé?

At The Council Of Trent In 1545, The Roman Catholic Church Declared Their Opposition To The Gospel Of The Grace Of God Preached By The Apostle Paul
Perhaps the most defining event of the Roman Catholic church since its inception in 325 AD was the Council of Trent which was the Vatican’s response to the then brand-new movement of something called the Protestant Reformation.

Scientists At MIT Creating An AI Gravitational Keyhole Solution To Prevent The Judgments Mentioned In Revelation From Destroying The Earth
Scientists and other unsaved intellectual are a curious lot of people, on one hand they are smart almost beyond measure, and on the other, dumb as a box of rocks. I say that with charity, and let me tell you why. When the God of the Bible begins to physically judge this fallen world, using literal asteroids and other atmospheric phenomena from the Outer Space He created, it’s going to shock the Hell out of the inhabitants of the Earth.

BREAKING: CDC caught lying? Costa Mesa files court document to block federal relocation of 35-50 INFECTED coronavirus patients to ill-prepared facility near millions of Californians
 Until two days ago, the CDC’s “official” numbers claimed 15 infections in the United States. With the return of other infected evacuees from the Diamond Princess cruise ship, that number jumped to 35. But now, we know the real number is much higher, possibly as high as 70 infected people in the United States, thanks to a court document filed by the city of Costa Mesa, California.

California rejects Trump effort to cut off federal funds over abortion
California on Friday fought back against a Trump administration threat to withhold federal funds for some health programs unless it stopped requiring health insurers to cover abortions, saying it would undermine the state’s authority to protect women’s reproductive rights.

He Shall Baptize You With the Holy Ghost, and With Fire - Luke 3:16
Feb 23rd, 2020
Morning Meditation
F.B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

They had received the negative, water; they were to receive the positive, fire. Water is not sufficient for natures such as ours. The Baptist pointed to a greater Baptist than himself. Jesus plunges the soul into a baptism of fire.

Fire cleanses. - Ore may be mingled with earthly ingredients from which it is imperative to free it. A chisel or pickaxe could not extricate it. But when it is plunged into the furnace, the metal runs out in a molten stream. So our characters are full of impurities and earthly ingredients; but as they are brought into contact with the power of the Holy Spirit, these are eliminated and drop away, and we attain degrees of purity and love which otherwise had made us unserviceable to our dear Lord. Do not seek to rid yourself of these things as a condition of His gracious cleansing, but seek the baptism of the Spirit, and He will free thee; for He is like a consuming fire.

Fire illuminates. - As the express-train hurries the traveller by night through a district where the smelting furnaces are in full blast, his eyes are arrested by their glow, and the very heavens are lurid with the light, reflected for miles. So when the Spirit comes in power to the soul, He teaches us to know God, and truth, and things hidden from the wise and prudent. The fires that sanctify, illuminate us.

Fire enkindles. - It is contagious. It will spread over an immense area, where inflammable material attracts it. A match may light up a bonfire that will burn for hours. So when the Spirit of God touches a soul, like an unlit candle, it begins to glow; and from it the blessed spark may pass from heart to heart, and church to church, till an entire continent may blaze with heavenly fire.

Go ye into all the World and Preach the Gospel
Feb 23rd, 2020
Categories: Warning

Our Lord's last words to His disciples involved an exhortation, "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

A hundred thousand souls a day, Are passing one by one away, In Christless guilt and gloom.

Without one ray of hope or light, With future dark as endless night, They're passing to their doom.

The gospel invitation goes out to all men.

Come, make thy choice - for life or death eternal, Christ or the world - The broad way or the narrow way:

The Father's home or the abode infernal, Unending joy or sorrow - choose today.

Come make thy choice! It may be now or never; 'Tis worse than madness longer to delay;

Now is the hinge of all the vast forever; To-morrow never cometh - "Choose today."

"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him" (John 3:36).

God loved the world of sinners lost, and ruined by the fall.

Salvation full, at highest cost, He offers free to all.

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