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Let the Headlines Speak
Feb 2nd, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

Kremlin: ‘Deal of the Century’ contradicts UN decisions
The Middle East peace plan presented by US President Donald Trump contravenes several United Nations resolutions, Russian news agencies cited a Kremlin spokesman as saying on Sunday, questioning the plan’s feasibility. The Palestinian Authority has cut all ties with the United States and Israel, including those relating to security, after rejecting the Middle East peace plan put forward by Trump.

Netanyahu approves Litzman plan for vaccine factory due to coronavirus
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved a plan on Sunday proposed by Health Minister Yaakov Litzman to create a vaccine factory in the country in the wake of the coronavirus epidemic, which has slowly traveled across the globe from China… Litzman proposed the plan during an emergency meeting called with several Health, Finance, Foreign and Justice Ministry leaders to discuss the coronavirus.

Israel strikes Gaza targets, places embargo on cement going into Strip
The Israeli Air Force attacked targets in the northern Gaza Strip on Saturday night in retaliation for weekend rockets, including a rocket that was launched from the Strip late Saturday night. That rocket was fired in the direction of Israel and fell in open territory in the Negev Regional Council. Among the targets was underground infrastructure for Hamas’s military arm, the IDF spokesman said.

UMass Boston student first confirmed case of coronavirus in Massachusetts
A UMass Boston student returning to school from Wuhan, China, is the first confirmed case of the potentially deadly novel coronavirus in Massachusetts. The student, a male in his 20s, landed at Logan International Airport on Jan. 28 with a runny nose. He sought medical treatment on Jan. 29, public health officials said.

Democrats Vow Trump Probes to Go On After Impeachment Trial Ends
“The investigations and oversight will continue,” said Representative Carolyn Maloney of New York, head of the Oversight and Reform Committee, the lead investigative panel in the House. “We’ve got several cases.” Democratic-led committees in the House will keep seeking a wide range of evidence and testimony as they look into Trump’s administration, his policies and his businesses and finances.

Tanzania church stampede kills at least 20 worshippers
At least 20 people have been killed and others injured in a stampede during an outdoor religious service in Tanzania. Worshippers were attending a Pentecostal service at a stadium in the northern town of Moshi on Saturday evening when the incident occurred. Moshi district commissioner Kippi Warioba said attendees rushed forward to be anointed with blessed oil.

Brexit: Britain ‘will not be aligning with EU rules’ – Raab
Britain will “not be aligning with EU rules” in any post-Brexit trade deal, the foreign secretary has said. Dominic Raab argued agreeing to stick strongly with EU regulations would “defeat the point of Brexit”. But Irish PM Leo Varadkar said the UK needed to commit to a level playing field to get a free trade deal.

Palestinians cut ties with Israel, U.S. after rejecting Trump peace plan
The Palestinian Authority has cut all ties with the United States and Israel, including those relating to security, after rejecting a Middle East peace plan presented by U.S. President Donald Trump, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Saturday. Abbas was in Cairo to address the Arab League, which backed the Palestinians in their opposition to Trump’s plan.

Russia-backed Syrian forces intensify attacks in Idlib, Aleppo
Syria’s government and Russian forces are intensifying air attacks and a ground offensive in the cities of Idlib and Aleppo. The bombardment is forcing many to flee towards the Turkish border.

Japanese warship Takanami departs for Gulf to patrol oil lifeline
A Japanese destroyer left for the Gulf of Oman on Sunday amid simmering Middle East tension to guard sea lanes that supply nearly all the oil that powers the world’s third-biggest economy. “Thousands of Japanese ships ply those waters every year including vessels carrying nine tenths of our oil. It is Japan’s lifeline,” Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told the crew at Yokosuka naval base near Tokyo…

Protesters outside US Embassy in Lebanon decry Trump plan
More than 200 Lebanese and Palestinians held a protest Sunday near the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon against a White House plan for ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Protesters waving Palestinian flags gathered on a road leading to the embassy northeast of Beirut amid tight security by Lebanese troops and riot police.

SWAMP STENCH: The FBI deep state is hard at work trying to bury the Burisma evidence that incriminates Joe Biden and the Obama administration
Most American foreign policy experts and diplomats know that Ukraine is a deeply corrupt country and has been for decades since the breakup of the Soviet Union — not that Moscow’s Communist government was much better.

US bars foreigners coming from China for now over virus fear
The United States on Friday declared a public health emergency and took drastic steps to significantly restrict entry into the country because of a new virus that hit China and has spread to other nations.

Social Media Networks Vow To Censor “Misinformation” About Coronavirus
…don’t worry, friends. “Independent fact-checkers” from the Ministry of Truth will protect you from conspiracy theories and false claims…

Forensic science – Fingerprints can now be dated to within a day of when they were made | Science and technology
Since the first use of fingerprints to identify and convict a murderer, in 1892, detectives the world over have come to rely heavily on print evidence to build their cases against suspects. One limit on the value of fingerprints, though, is that it is hard to work out how old they are.

Arab League Holds Emergency Vote Today Rejected Trump Peace Plan As Palestinian Leader Abbas Cuts All Ties With United States And Israel
For ten years now we have been telling you that the main conflict between Israel and the Palestinians centers almost exclusively around who has the right to control Jerusalem. This is because God in the Bible says Jerusalem is where He has placed His name, and Satan has declared that he will take what God has. This has been the endless struggle all the way since Job 1. Here in 2020, we find this to be the exact reason why Abbas and the Palestinians are rejecting Trump’s peace plan. That little glimmer of light of Arabs siding with Trump peace plan evaporated quickly.

BRUTAL: Chinese Leaders to Sacrifice Coronavirus-Infected Cities to Save 11 Others; Prepared to Accept Millions of Fatalities
Brutal Chinese leaders have made a decision to sacrifice entire cities of their own citizens in order to save 11 “protected” cities elsewhere, according to a bombshell leak acquired by Hong Kong media professional Stephen Shiu Yeuk-yuen.

W.H.O. Warns Countries of the World: Coronavirus Pandemic Set to GO GLOBAL
With an 8th coronavirus infection patient now confirmed in the United States, the coronavirus pandemic looks on track to break containment in multiple countries and become a global pandemic.

Does America Need A NORTHERN Wall? Canada Now Taking in 1 Million Immigrants Per Year
Not many people talk about the threat coming from the Northern Border, but it needs to be a national discussion and it needs to happen soon.

On The Decline In US Strategic Thinking And The Creation Of False Stereotypes
In early Jan, the RAND Corporation published its latest Russia report… By the headings alone, it is clearly positioned to show Russia as a political entity is aggressive…and it is therefore vital to prevent such aggression in a variety of ways.

I Have Poured Out My Soul Before the Lord - 1 Samuel 1:15
Feb 2nd, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

HANNAH'S soul was fall of complaint and grief, which flowed over into her face and made it sorrowful. But when she had poured out her soul before the Lord, emptying out all its bitterness, the peace of God took the place of her soul‑anguish, she went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad. What a glad exchange! How great the contrast! How much the better for herself, and for her home!

Is your face darkened by the bitterness of your soul? Perhaps the enemy has been vexing you sorely; or there is an unrealized hope, an unfulfilled purpose. in your life; or, perchance, the Lord seems to have forgotten you. Poor sufferer, there is nothing for it but to pour out your soul before the Lord. Empty out its contents in confession and prayer. God knows it all; yet tell Him, as if He knew nothing. "Ye people, pour out your hearts before Him. God is a refuge for us." "In everything, by prayer and supplication make your requests known unto God."

As we pour out our bitterness, God pours in his peace. Weeping goes out of one door whilst joy enters at another. We transmit the cup of tears to the Man of Sorrows, and He hands it back to us filled with the blessings of the new covenant. Some day you will come to the spot where you wept and prayed, bringing your offering of praise and thanksgiving.

Arab Patience With Palestinians is Running Out As They Yet Again Reject a Middle East Peace Plan
Feb 2nd, 2020
Charles Gardner
Categories: Peace Process

Will President Trump’s long-awaited ‘Deal of the Century’ bring peace to the Middle East?

Most critics are bound to write it off as a dead letter before the ink has dried, but I’m not so sure.

Predictably, it is regarded by the mainstream media as heavily tilted in favour of Israel, and the BBC were quick to point out that Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas hadn’t even been invited to the Washington unveiling.

What they didn’t say was that the Palestinians had denounced – and rejected – the plan long before its details emerged in spite of the huge financial incentives offered them. And you wouldn’t invite a guest to your party who had constantly, and publicly, rubbished your preparations ahead of time.

Nevertheless, the proposals “could be the last opportunity” for the Palestinian Authority to achieve its desire for statehood, Mr Trump has said. He thus presents “a realistic two-state solution” that does not compromise Israel’s security, something the international community has been promoting for a very long time.

The trouble, and the truth, is that a two-state solution is not really what the Palestinians want. They want all of the land – “from the river to the sea” – as their officials keep chanting, backed up by a chorus of Western supporters such as the British Labour Party’s hard-left.

But the Palestinians are in danger of missing out altogether as they are being increasingly marginalised by some of Israel’s more powerful Arab neighbours who are growing impatient with the PA’s lack of willingness to negotiate, along with the continued aggression of Hamas in Gaza. I am led to believe that three Arab nations were represented at the White House ceremony announcing the plan.

The reality is that the Saudis and other Arab states are forging new economic and diplomatic links with the Jewish state. And indeed the Sunni Muslims share a common defence interest with Israel against the aggression of Shi’ite Iran.

When all is said and done, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict boils down to the resentment of Arabs (on the whole) to the Jews returning to their ancient homeland over the past century or so in fulfilment of many Old Testament prophecies.

The United Nations tried to deal with this through their Partition Plan of 1947 – a two-state solution – but the Arabs rejected it outright and war broke out against the re-born Jewish state in 1948 when it came under attack from all sides.

Israel survived the ordeal, but Jordan illegally annexed Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem – territory taken back by Israel in the Six-Day War of 1967 when the Old City of Jerusalem came into Jewish hands for the first time in nearly 2,000 years. Were the “times of the Gentiles” thus fulfilled? (See Luke 21.24)

The media mantra referring to ‘Israeli-occupied’ territory is, therefore, a fallacy. It was certainly never Palestinian land (though it was part of the Ottoman Turkish empire prior to 1917), for Jews were more likely than Arabs to be known as ‘Palestinians’ in the early days of Jewish re-settlement.

A history lesson: In line with the expressed intention of Britain’s Balfour Declaration of 1917 promising a homeland in the region for the Jewish people, the post-World War I San Remo Treaty of 1920 confirmed the League of Nations’ (the UN’s predecessor) allocation of all the territory from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River, including Judea, Samaria and, of course, Jerusalem.

Simply put, Israel has not occupied any land except what is rightfully theirs, according not only to international law but to the promise of God to Abraham some 4,000 years ago when he said: “I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. The whole land of Canaan, where you now reside as a foreigner, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God.” (Gen 17.7f)

In light of this, and of the San Remo Treaty which has never been abrogated, the following sentence written by Daily Mail defence and security editor Larisa Brown is patently false: “Palestine has lost swathes of land to Israel since a 1947 UN resolution calling for the creation of independent Arab and Jewish states.”

Yet Mr Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are bending over backwards in an attempt to win peace by compromising on this issue and giving up land to allow a Palestinian state on their borders, even though it was never in the original plan, and would still potentially prove a security threat to Israel.

But this is not enough. It will never be enough, as far as Israel’s enemies are concerned, until the Jewish state is wiped off the map.

As for Jerusalem, the prophet Zechariah predicted that the city would become “a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling” and “an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.” (Zech 12.2f)

President Trump evidently concurs with the biblical warning that it is best to leave Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital. According to the prophet Joel, judgment will be meted out to those countries who scattered God’s people among the nations and divided up his land! (Joel 3.2)

On this point Mahmoud Abbas is right: “Jerusalem is not for sale…” But it doesn’t belong to him either.

Bearing in mind Mr Trump’s reference to his plan as “a new dawn” for the Middle East, along with last week’s multiple royal presence at the Holocaust Forum, Isaiah’s prediction is surely apt: “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” (Isa 60.3)

A new dawn indeed – the best realistic offer of peace for many years.

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