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One Jesus, Who Was Dead, Whom Paul Affirmed to be Alive - Acts 25:19
Feb 25th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

Festus talked lightly enough about Jesus. It was only a question in his mind of some Jewish superstition hardly worth debating. What did it matter to him or his imperial master whether Jesus were alive or dead? And was it not a fActs that He was dead, crucified under Pontius Pilate? How little Festus realized the importance of that death, not to the Jews alone, but to himself! How little he understood that his own continued life was due to that death of which he spoke so lightly! Generations of luxury and years of self-indulgence had blunted his perception: as for all religious questions - they were mere superstition! And with respect to religious enthusiasm, as it appeared in Paul, he could find in his own history nothing that could account for or explain it.

Contrast with this sated worldling - a flatterer, an office-seeker, prepared to sell his soul for gold, the noble apostle whose character stands out in unsullied light. Though Christ had died, according to the Scriptures, he knew that He had risen, and was alive forevermore. His faith did not go back to the cross, but rose perpetually to the throne. He who was dead, was living forevermore; sharing His servant's sorrows, and supplying hourly grace for his every need.

He affirmed that He was alive. On the abundant testimony of those who had spoken with Him after His resurrection; on the strength of his own vision when Jesus had laid an arrest on him hard by Damascus; because of the mighty works that emanated from his hand; because of the daily fellowship which brought him into the presence of his Lord, in spite of clanking chain and iron bar - he affirmed that Jesus was alive.

Lgbt Lobby Pressuring Public Advocacy Litmus Test for Corporations
Feb 25th, 2020
Categories: Contemporary Issues

The latest edition of the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index was released last month, rating more than a thousand of the largest corporations in the U.S. for their "commitment to LGBTQ equality and inclusion."

In their press release, the HRC, which is the largest LGBTQ lobbying firm in the country and the self-appointed authority over corporate compliance to standards they created, excitedly announced that a record 686 of America's leading companies and law firms now rigorously protect LGBTQ people.

Nearly half the world's Fortune 500 companies earned a 100 rating--the highest possible--while more than half of the top 200 law firms in the United States received the same score.

It's ironic how often orthodox Christians are accused of being obsessed with sex these days. After all, what's more obsessive than investigating thousands of businesses to determine whether they're "kind" and "inclusive" only to those who engage in certain types of sexual behavior, and not to anyone else?

It would be one thing if HRC kept this obsession to themselves, but they've successfully weaponized the Equality Index as a formidable force of their obsession. Corporations clamor to get a good score. They wear this new "good housekeeping seal of approval" proudly and loudly, joining marches and decorating their offices and social media feeds.

And, becoming "HRC approved" is no small task. The Index not only measures whether or not businesses "support an inclusive culture...," but also whether or not a business has sufficiently demonstrated "a public commitment to LGBTQ equality."

In other words, companies must publicly advocate for LGBTQ equality to a degree acceptable to HRC ideologues. Companies know that failing to meet the ever-higher standards of inclusion and advocacy are put on another list: the acceptable targets of scorn and bullying list.

Such tactics work, as is evidenced by an entire sector of American culture bowing to self-appointed experts. The larger social pressure to conform that we all feel as individuals now applies to businesses small and large, such as Chick-fil-A's corporate decision to not only drop support for certain Christian charities who were noticeably on the wrong side of the HRC, but also to publicly announce that decision.

The same pressure has also effectively leveraged state political bodies to take legal action against small businesses like Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado, or Arlene's Flowers in Washington, both of which served LGBTQ customers but failed to pass muster because they refused to participate in same-sex weddings.

Give HRC and like-minded LGBTQ allies credit: Their work has been incredibly effective, largely bending not only corporate America to their will, but also city halls, state houses, and Congress. It's essential we understand the ramifications if what they've achieved through social and economic pressure is then further enshrined into law.

Specifically, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (or SOGI) laws would place sexual orientation and gender identity on par with race and religion as protected classes under the Civil Rights Act. The cultural transformation would then be complete.

As our friends at the Alliance Defending Freedom warn us, these laws, like the so-called "Equality Act" now in Congress, would finally enshrine LGBTQ ideology in schools and libraries; in public and private restrooms, homeless shelters, and havens for victims of abuse.

"Creative professionals" would lose the ability to live out their faith in their work. Christian organizations that provide public services, like foster care facilities and adoption agencies, would be forced to choose between their convictions and their existence.

While some have sought to mitigate these sorts of consequences by proposing various compromises and exemptions, the substance and the influence of HRC's corporate scorecard makes something perfectly clear: Compromise is not on the table for them.

Which leaves two important points all Christians must begin to consider. First, elections matter. Second, it's more than likely the pressure, whether social or corporate or cultural or familial, will test our convictions. We should decide now where we must stand.

Let the Headlines Speak
Feb 25th, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

Researchers Find 61.5% Of Coronavirus Patients With Severe Pneumonia Won’t Survive
According to a study published in the Lancet on Friday, patients who are especially vulnerable to severe COVID-19 infections – a group that includes the very old, very young and those with co-occurring conditions – die at a higher rate from COVID-19 than they did from SARS and MERS.

Jordanian MP: ‘I Dare any Lawyer, Engineer or Doctor to say Hello to a Jew!’
Jordan’s trade unions, said Saud, were “very strict when it comes to normalization. I dare any lawyer, engineer, or doctor to say hello to a Jew. This is something that we reject completely.”

COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak, Cases, Deaths, & Recovered
The charts above are updated after the close of the day in GMT+0. Latest data is provisional, pending delayed reporting and adjustments from China’s NHC.

Deadly Wave of Earthquakes Hits Enemies of Israel: Iran and Turkey
A Magnitude 5.7 earthquake struck the Turkey-Iran border region early Sunday morning at a very shallow depth of 3 miles and affected at least 43 villages in Turkey and in Iran. At least eight people were killed and 37 more injured, nine of them are in critical condition. Four of the dead were children. Many more are believed to be still buried under an estimated 1,066 collapsed buildings.

Netanyahu Heads to Abraham’s Tomb to Ask God for Israel’s Salvation
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the Cave of the Patriarchs on Sunday with his wife, Sara, and several of his ministers. They took the opportunity to recite Psalms and to pray for the sake of the State of Israel.

TSA bans employees from using TikTok
In an attempt to assuage lawmaker concerns over the security of the app, TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, announced that it was seeking to hire an American CEO based in Washington, DC. The company is also looking to hire a DC-based director of content moderation policy,

Recovered Coronavirus Patients Who Have Traces of COVID-19 in Their Bodies Could Infect Others, Doctor Warns
Traces of COVID-19—the new coronavirus that has been diagnosed in tens of thousands of people—have been detected in recovered patients, leading a Chinese expert to raise concerns they could still be contagious even after their symptoms have passed. “This is dangerous. Where do you put these patients? You can’t send them home because they might infect others, but you can’t put them in hospital as resources are stretched,” SCMP quotes him as saying.

Hysteria over coronavirus in Italy is reminiscent of the black death
The largest European outbreak of coronavirus is now in Italy, where it has infected more than 150 people, and killed six. In response, the government has quarantined 11 towns, shuttered schools, called off football games, and advised citizens to avoid leaving home altogether. Frantic citizens preparing for the worst have emptied grocery stores. Alarm over the disease is fueling hysteria and discrimination. A panicked search for the so-called patient zero—the first to bring the virus into the country—is being described by the Italian media as a “hunt.”

AI system discovers powerful new antibiotic to tackle superbugs
“We wanted to develop a platform that would allow us to harness the power of artificial intelligence to usher in a new age of antibiotic drug discovery,” says James Collins, senior author of the study. “Our approach revealed this amazing molecule which is arguably one of the more powerful antibiotics that has been discovered.” The molecule in question has been named halicin, after the AI system HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey. No doubt it’s a tip of the hat to the method used to discover the new drug, but we can’t help but feel that it sounds oddly ominous.

Report claims two-thirds of global coronavirus cases have gone undetected
A new report from a WHO infectious disease modeling team based at Imperial College London is estimating about two-thirds of Covid-19 cases worldwide have gone undetected. The analysis suggests the global spread of the novel coronavirus is significantly greater than the current volume of confirmed cases.

Is AOC About To Lose Her Job?
The fact that Nancy Pelosi and her fellow establishment Dems aren’t too fond of AOC and her ‘squad’ of female leftist ideologues is hardly news. And now that AOC has launched the first Democratic Socialist Super PAC (whoever thought we’d be writing such a sentence five years ago?) to back ‘progressive’ primary candidates, oftentimes against candidates backed by the DNC, including several longtime lawmakers.

‘What Coverup?’: WHO Refuses To Acknowledge China’s Early Censorship Of Outbreak
For the most part, the WHO briefing on its visit was everything we feared it would be: Nothing revelatory, just long, boring droning and lukewarm praise about China’s response to the outbreak, without once mentioning any kind of coverup. One reporter apparently felt empowered to challenge the Chinese censors and ask about the cover-up, to which the WHO responded: ‘What coverup?’

As terrorists fire 80+ rockets at Israel, Sen. Bernie Sanders says he’s boycotting AIPAC conference, will cut military aid to Israel, will give the money to Hamas in Gaza.
More than 80 rockets have been fired at Israel from Gaza since Sunday morning — there has also been a spike in terror attacks in Jerusalem this month — including an attack that wounded 14 Israelis, one critically…

Globalists Look To Exploit Coronavirus In Push For Global Government
Once you understand the globalist mindset, almost everything they do becomes rather robotic and predictable. It should not be surprising that the World Health Organization (WHO), a branch of the United Nations, has been so aggressive in cheerleading for the Chinese government and its response to the coronavirus outbreak. After all, China’s communist surveillance state model is a beta test for the type of centralization that the UN wants for the entire planet. They certainly aren’t going to point out that it was China’s totalitarian system that allowed the outbreak to spread from the very beginning.

Erdogan Gives “Final Warning” Before Launching Gog-Magog War Against “Edom” Russia
After failed talks with Russian officials over the intensifying military conflict in Syria, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyib Erdogan issued his “final warnings” to Moscow. “We are making our final warnings,” Erdogan said on Wednesday. “We did not reach the desired results in our talks (with Russia) . . . . A (Turkish) offensive in Idlib is only a matter of time.” “Erdogan’s aggression towards mega-power Russia is, on its face, illogical,” Rabbi Winston said. “Everything is from Hashem (God, literally, ‘the name’) but when world leaders begin to act illogically, that is Hashem playing an even larger direct role in events.”

Biblical Hasmonean Site Taken Over by PA
Shomrim Al Hanetzach‎, an Israeli group dedicated to protecting antiquities, recently discovered that Tel Aruma, the northernmost fortress of the Jewish state during the Hasmonean period, had been taken over by the Palestinian Authority and artifacts were being systematically destroyed.

Ceasefire with Gaza maintained so far, but for how long?
All the roads around the Gaza border were opened on Tuesday after more than 50 rockets were fired by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) at Israel in the past two days, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit reported. The PIJ announced a unilateral ceasefire starting at 11 p.m. on Monday night, and after the calm was maintained, the routes were opened on Tuesday morning, and the train line from Ashkelon began operating.

Belgian city of Aalst says anti-Semitic parade ‘just fun’
A Belgian city has defended as “just fun” a carnival featuring caricatures of Orthodox Jews wearing huge fur hats, long fake noses and ant costumes. Israel, Jewish groups and Belgian Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès were among many who strongly condemned the costumes in Sunday’s parade in Aalst. Some critics said likening Jews to ants was similar to Nazi anti-Semitism, which persecuted Jews as “vermin”.

Pentagon Adopts New Ethical Principles for Using AI in War
The Pentagon is adopting new ethical principles as it prepares to accelerate its use of artificial intelligence technology on the battlefield. The new principles call for people to “exercise appropriate levels of judgment and care” when deploying and using AI systems, such as those that scan aerial imagery to look for targets.

Inside the fight over FBI surveillance powers
Over the past year, President Trump has told senior administration officials, including Attorney General Bill Barr, that he wants a major overhaul of national security surveillance powers and the secret court that approves them…In one such discussion…Trump went so far as to say he’d rather get rid of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) altogether.

Inside Delhi’s night of horror
Several people have died and dozens were injured after fresh protests over a controversial new citizenship law turned violent in the Indian capital, Delhi. Vehicles and buildings were also targeted in the clashes in three Muslim-majority neighbourhoods in the north-east of the city. The clashes have seen protesters firmly split along religious lines, with both sides blaming each other for starting the violence.

Gun control legislation advances in Virginia’s legislature
Seven of eight gun control measures being pushed by Virginia’s Democratic Governor Ralph Northam made it out of a state Senate committee on Monday… Northam vowed to push through new gun control laws and backed a package of eight bills…universal background checks, a “red flag” law, restrictions on gun ownership for those convicted of domestic abuse and a limit of handgun sales to one per month for an individual.

UN calls for ‘two state’ solution to be respected in Middle East
The UN Security Council made a rare show of unity Monday when it called on all parties to maintain their support for a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. “Council Members reiterated their support for a negotiated two-state solution … where two democratic states, Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace within secure and recognized borders,” said a statement released by Belgium…

IDF strikes Palestinian Islamic Jihad targets in Gaza, Syria
The IDF struck numerous targets belonging to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror group in Syria and throughout the Gaza Strip following rocket fire towards southern Israel…Israeli Air Force fighter jets struck PIJ targets south of the capital of Damascus, including a compound which was “used as a hub of Islamic Jihad’s activity in Syria” as well as dozens of terror targets belonging to the group across in the Strip.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad bombards South after clash near Gaza border
The IDF began attacking terror targets in the Gaza Strip in response to over 21 rockets were fired towards southern Israel communities on Sunday in several rocket barrages after Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) threatened to avenge the death of a terrorist by the IDF after he tried to plant explosives along the Gaza border fence.

Massive sandstorm hits Canary Islands, authorities describe it as the worst in 40 years
A massive sandstorm with winds up to 120 km/h (75 mph) hit the Canary Islands over the weekend and continued into Monday, February 24, 2020. The storm caused severe disruptions and exacerbated wildfires which forced about 2 000 residents to evacuate. The regional president called it the worst storm to hit the islands in 40 years.

Violent mudflows and raging flash floods hit southern Peru
Non-stop intense downpour has triggered violent mudflows and raging flash floods across Peru’s southern region, bringing the death toll to nine as of Monday, February 24, 2020. Red warnings for heavy rains, thunderstorms, and strong winds were issued for central regions in the country’s south as the severe weather is expected to persist from February 25.

Tropical Cyclone “Esther” hits northern Australia, another storm intensifies off WA coast
Tropical Cyclone “Esther” made landfall near the border of Northern Territory and Queensland as a Category 1 system on Monday, February 24, 2020. The storm had sustained winds near the core of 60 km/h (37 mph) with gusts to 95 km/h (59 mph), moving west at 14 km/h (9 mph). According to a bulletin issued by the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) at 09:28 UTC, the storm has now weakened into a tropical low while another tropical cyclone was seen strengthening off the coast of Western Australia.

Australia spy chief warns of unprecedented foreign espionage threat
Australia is under an “unprecedented” threat of foreign espionage and interference, one of the country’s most senior spy chiefs said in a rare speech, citing the case of a “sleeper agent” who spent years building business links.

Washington State releases hundreds of people from “public health supervision” over the coronavirus; tests NONE of them for the virus
This tells you everything you need to know about how U.S. states plan to handle the coronavirus outbreak: Refrain from testing anyone and then report “zero community outbreaks.”

SPOILER ALERT: New Pixar Movie ‘Onward’ Launching On March 6th Introduces First-Ever LGBTQ+ Disney Character With Promise Of Many More
Remember when a production by Disney meant high-quality wholesome family entertainment? Wow, you must be pretty old because it’s been a long time since anything from Disney could be considered wholesome. To that point, their new movie ‘Onward’ due out in just 2 weeks on March 6, and it will feature the first-ever LGBTQ+ Disney character. Her name is Officer Specter, she has a girlfriend, and Disney Pixar is excited to get your children thinking in that direction.

The Vatican Announces It Will Open Its Archive On Pope Pius XII Who Allowed Nazi Germany To Kill Millions Of Jews And Did Nothing To Stop It
Aren’t you glad that, as a regular reader of NTEB, you know the truth well in advance of the mainstream media who may or may not decide to give it to you? We told you last year how Pope Pius XII worked to enable Adolf Hitler to carry out his demonic plan to kill the entire race of Jews in Europe

NASA Cameras At The International Space Station Film UFO That Follows Them For Over 20 Minutes In Astonishing Video They Cannot Explain
We showed you all last year how the UFO went mainstream with NASA and other government agencies no longer trying to hide them or cover them up. Now comes a video taken by NASA at the International Space Station tracking an obvious UFO for over 20 minutes before it takes off and out of sight.

Fighter Tyson Fury Stuns Crowd At WBC Heavyweight Boxing Championship Saturday By Licking Blood Off Deontay Wilder Like An Animal In Heat
Organized professional sports in America in the 21st century bear little resemblance to their original roots as games of skill, honor and respect. To see what I mean, just go to YouTube and watch some basketball or baseball games from the 1970’s, they all look like skinny children running around. Nothing like the overly-muscled, PED-fueledcartoon creatures they look like today.

Watch False Teacher And End Times Heretic Heidi Baker Imparting Demons And Casting Spells At Bethel Church In Redding California
Heidi Baker is a rising star in the Prosperity Movement, and she is connected with Bethel Church in Redding, California. She has a global ministry that takes in millions and millions of dollars every year and like most Prosperity Gospel performers, she lives the good life.

Fairview Developmental Center near Los Angeles, where US govt. tried to house up to 50 infected coronavirus patients, has zero isolation rooms, no viral containment facilities and no training for BSL-4 biohazards
 The Fairview Development Center in Costa Mesa, California, where the US government just tried to quietly house 35-50 infected coronavirus patients, is a state-run facility for the mentally disabled, with a “shadow staff” of 200 people but only six patients according to official records.

China’s economy continues to collapse as domestic car sales plunge a whopping 92% on spread of Wuhan coronavirus
Chinese President Xi Jinping finally made a public statement about the rapid, uncontrolled spread of the Wuhan coronavirus over the weekend, and it wasn’t optimistic.

Globalists Look to Exploit Coronavirus in Push for Global Government
Feb 25th, 2020
Categories: Warning

News Image

Once you understand the globalist mindset, almost everything they do becomes rather robotic and predictable.  It should not be surprising that the World Health Organization (WHO), a branch of the United Nations, has been so aggressive in cheerleading for the Chinese government and its response to the coronavirus outbreak.

 After all, China's communist surveillance state model is a beta test for the type of centralization that the UN wants for the entire planet. They certainly aren't going to point out that it was China's totalitarian system that allowed the outbreak to spread from the very beginning.

Even now Xi Jinping is trying to rewrite history, claiming that he had been swift in responding to the crisis more than a month before he actually did.  The lie that the coronavirus mutated naturally in a food and animal market in Wuhan continues to be peddled by the mainstream media even though no evidence supporting this claim exists. 

And China is still releasing rigged death and infection numbers while they have over 600 million people under martial law lockdown and their crematoriums continue pumping out the fumes of the dead 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Brave health workers like Li Wenliang, who was punished by the government for warning about the virus in December, have died in the process of trying to fight against the centralized behemoth just to get vital information to the world, but that never happened, right? 

It was actually president Xi and the CPC that saved the day. The WHO and the CPC say so. You'll never hear the UN praise the efforts of Li Wenliang; they want his name to disappear down the memory hole as much as the Chinese government does.

The developing narrative is a familiar one - Local officials "stifled" the response to the outbreak while the centralized national leadership put things back on track with extreme control measures that have turned the Hubei province into a veritable internment camp. 

Whatever you do, don't point out that it was the national government's habit of imprisoning health officials that release "false information" that led to the delayed reaction on the coronavirus. 

Also, don't point out that ground zero for the outbreak is just down the road from the largest Level 4 Biohazard Lab in Asia, because that would make you a "conspiracy theorist".

The message being pounded into the public consciousness is clear: "Shut up and accept that Centralization works". Even when it fails miserably, it is still the answer to all our problems. All we have to do is "adjust" the historical record a little bit every time the system breaks and then institute even MORE centralization in response.

In other words, if the interdependent and draconian top-down structure of the globalist state leads to crisis, then it is because it was not centralized ENOUGH. Centralization always begets more centralization.

The financial fascist system of central banking and corporate oligarchy leads to the socialist welfare state, and the socialist welfare state leads to the surveillance state, the surveillance state leads to the martial law state, and the martial law state leads to full-on global governance; an endless elitist empire.

The failings of centralization have caused numerous problems long before it led to a potential pandemic. The pandemic simply clarifies the issue. For example, the breakdown in the global supply chain is becoming a bigger threat by the day.  The Baltic Dry Index a measure of shipping rates as well as global demand for goods, has essentially collapsed.  

This should have been the first warning sign that the supply chain was in trouble, but the mainstream doesn't pay attention to the fundamentals, only stock markets.  Enter Apple, one of the largest companies in the world, which has now abandoned its projections for 2020 and finally admitted that the shutdown of Chinese factories may just be a problem. 

Some mentally challenged people out there are scoffing sarcastically at this issue, saying "Oh no, whatever will we do without iPhones...?".  They don't grasp the wider implications.  If Apple's production is going down because of the supply chain disruption then this is a signal that multiple companies and most of the economy are also going down because of supply chain disruptions. It's not about iPhones, it's about the bigger picture.

Globalism has led to interdependent economies and nation states that no longer have redundancies in production. We have been forced to rely on production centers on the other side of the world for a vast majority of our goods.

When China shuts down, the US economy loses almost 20% of its supply chain. When Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Vietnam shut down from the virus, you can add another 10% to 15% on top of that. Retailers in the US represent around 70% of GDP. Cut off the supply chain in Asia and retailers lose a vast array of goods to sell. The US economy eventually shuts down also, even if the virus never spreads here.

Some people will argue that we don't need all the "cheap plastic crap" from Asia anyway, and this situation is a "good thing". Sorry to break it to you, but America's economy is built on the selling of cheap plastic crap (along with the selling of the fiat dollar as the world reserve currency).

Walmart (Chinamart if you discount agricultural products) is the largest employer in the US and the world, after all. Right or wrong, our economic system is so globalized that the fall of the Chinese dominoes will eventually knock down our own dominoes.

But when this disaster occurs and numerous national economies suffer from enforced globalist integration, guess what will happen next? The globalists will ride to our "rescue" with even greater centralization. This was their agenda all along.

Many people in the liberty movement are now aware of the Event 201 simulation, a war game run by globalists in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum on a "theoretical" coronavirus pandemic that kills 65 million people.

This simulation took place only a couple of months before the real thing exploded in China in December. But hey, maybe that's all just amazing coincidence.

What concerns me even more is the solution that was presented at the end of Event 201 - the creation of a centralized global financial body that would manage the international response to the outbreak.

Isn't it amazing how every major catastrophe caused by globalism seems to lead to more globalism? One might start to wonder if some of these events were triggered by incompetence, or if they were deliberately engineered.

At the very least, crisis events have been allowed to fester unchecked by organizations like the WHO as they continue to write off the coronavirus as a non-issue that is "well under control" by a Chinese government that caused it to spread in the first place.

So here is what is going to happen next:

Best case scenario is that the Western world is mostly unscathed by the virus itself but the economic supply chain suffers major setbacks. The global economy, which was already crashing over the past year due to historic levels of corporate and consumer debt, not to mention faltering exports and freight, is finally tipped over the edge.

The massive Everything Bubble, fueled by a decade of inflationary central bank stimulus, implodes. Governments respond with totalitarian measures in the name of "protecting the public".

Globalist institutions like the IMF step in and suggest that frail national monetary systems come under the management of their Special Drawing Rights basket in order to mitigate the debt crisis. Essentially, this is the first step to global governance.

Worst case scenario, the virus spreads throughout the US and Europe and governments respond the same way China's government has; martial law and full-blown concentration camp culture. This would lead to civil war in the US because we are armed and many people will shoot anyone trying to put us into quarantine camps. Europe is mostly screwed.

The establishment then suggests that paper money be removed from the system because it is a viral spreader. China is already pushing this solution now. Magically, we find ourselves in a cashless society in a matter of a year or two; which is what the globalists have been demanding for years. Everything goes digital, and thus even local economies become completely centralized as private trade dies.

Again, this might be an engineered event, or it might simply be that the globalists are exploiting a natural outbreak. Either way, they are not going to let a good crisis go to waste. Whether or not they succeed is dependent on several factors, but mostly, its dependent on us.

How many people will buy into the notion that centralization is the answer to out problems? How many people will realize that centralization is the CAUSE of all our problems? And how many people will fight to prevent ultimate centralization under a psychopathic globalist cult?

A viral outbreak is a significant danger to us all, but an even greater threat is the supposed cure. Trading our economic and social freedom in the name of stopping the coronavirus?  No matter how deadly the bug, it's just not worth it.

Global Food Production At Risk After Convergence of Disasters
Feb 25th, 2020
Categories: Warning

News Image

Global food production is being hit from seemingly every side.  Thanks to absolutely crazy weather patterns, giant locust armies in Africa and the Middle East, and an unprecedented outbreak of African Swine Fever in China, a lot less food is being produced around the world than originally anticipated.  

Even during the best of years we really struggle to feed everyone on the planet, and so a lot of people are wondering what is going to happen as global food supplies become tighter and tighter.  

The mainstream media in the United States is so obsessed with politics right now that they haven't been paying much attention to this emerging crisis, but the truth is that this growing nightmare is only going to intensify in the months ahead.

In Australia, conditions have been extremely hot and extremely dry, and that helped to fuel the horrific wildfires that we recently witnessed.

And everyone knew that agricultural production in Australia was going to be disappointing this year, but it turns out that it is actually going to be the worst ever recorded...

Australia's hottest and driest year on record has slashed crop production, with summer output expected to fall to the lowest levels on record, according to official projections released Tuesday.

The country's agriculture department said it expects production of crops like sorghum, cotton and rice to fall 66 percent -- the lowest levels since records began in 1980-81.

The continent of Australia is considered to be one of the breadbaskets of the world.  According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in 2018/19 Australia exported over 9 million tons of wheat to the rest of the world.

But thanks to relentless crop failures, Australia has started to import wheat, and that is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.

So instead of helping to feed the rest of the world, Australia is now relying on the rest of us to help feed them.

And what is happening this year didn't just barely break the old records.  In fact, one senior economist says that this will be the worst summer crop production the country has ever seen "by a large margin"...

"It is the lowest summer crop production in this period by a large margin," Peter Collins, a senior economist with the department's statistical body ABARES told AFP.

Of course if the rest of the world was doing great we could certainly survive a downturn in Australia.

Unfortunately, that is definitely not the case.

Right now, billions upon billions of locusts are voraciously devouring farms in eastern Africa and the Middle East.  As I detailed the other day, giant armies of locusts the size of large cities are traveling up to 100 miles per day as they search for food.  

When they descend on a farm, all the crops can be consumed literally within 30 seconds.  It is a nightmare of epic proportions, and UN officials are telling us that this crisis is only going to get worse over the next couple of months.

In Uganda, the army has been called out to help fight this locust plague, but it is making very little difference...

Under a warm morning sun scores of weary soldiers stare as millions of yellow locusts rise into the northern Ugandan sky, despite hours spent spraying vegetation with chemicals in an attempt to kill them.

From the tops of shea trees, fields of pea plants and tall grass savanna, the insects rise in a hypnotic murmuration, disappearing quickly to wreak devastation elsewhere.

The most effective way of fighting these locust swarms is to spray insecticide on them from the air, but even that only produces very limited results.

However, at least it is better than doing nothing.

The UN is trying to raise a lot more money to get more planes into the air, because if nothing is done the number of locusts "could grow up to 500 times by June"...

The U.N. has said $76 million is needed immediately. On Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during a visit to Ethiopia said the U.S. would donate another $8 million to the effort. That follows an earlier $800,000.

The number of overall locusts could grow up to 500 times by June, when drier weather begins, experts have said. Until then, the fear is that more rains in the coming weeks will bring fresh vegetation to feed a new generation of the voracious insects.

When they descend on a farm, all the crops can be consumed literally within 30 seconds.  It is a nightmare of epic proportions, and UN officials are telling us that this crisis is only going to get worse over the next couple of months.

In Uganda, the army has been called out to help fight this locust plague, but it is making very little difference...

Under a warm morning sun scores of weary soldiers stare as millions of yellow locusts rise into the northern Ugandan sky, despite hours spent spraying vegetation with chemicals in an attempt to kill them.

From the tops of shea trees, fields of pea plants and tall grass savanna, the insects rise in a hypnotic murmuration, disappearing quickly to wreak devastation elsewhere.

The most effective way of fighting these locust swarms is to spray insecticide on them from the air, but even that only produces very limited results.

However, at least it is better than doing nothing.

The UN is trying to raise a lot more money to get more planes into the air, because if nothing is done the number of locusts "could grow up to 500 times by June"...

The U.N. has said $76 million is needed immediately. On Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during a visit to Ethiopia said the U.S. would donate another $8 million to the effort. That follows an earlier $800,000.

The number of overall locusts could grow up to 500 times by June, when drier weather begins, experts have said. Until then, the fear is that more rains in the coming weeks will bring fresh vegetation to feed a new generation of the voracious insects.

Overall, these locusts are affecting nations "with a combined population of nearly 2 billion", and the amount of food that these locusts are destroying is unprecedented.

Meanwhile, China has been dealing with the worst outbreak of African Swine Fever in history.

African Swine Fever does not affect humans, but it sweeps through herds of pigs like wildfire.  There is no vaccine, there is no cure, and once African Swine Fever starts infecting pigs in a certain area the only thing that can be done is to kill the rest of the pigs to keep it from spreading anywhere else.

Unfortunately, China has not been able to get this outbreak under control, and the losses have been staggering.

According to the New York Times, the number of pigs that have been wiped out in China already is equivalent to "nearly one-quarter of all the world's pigs"...

The disease was first reported in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, in early August 2018. By the end of August 2019, the entire pig population of China had dropped by about 40 percent. China accounted for more than half of the global pig population in 2018, and the epidemic there alone has killed nearly one-quarter of all the world's pigs.

But of course China is not the only one dealing with African Swine Fever.

In fact, cases of African Swine Fever have now been identified "in 50 countries", and U.S. pig farmers are deathly afraid of what would happen if this disease starts spreading here.

As a result of this crisis, pork prices in China have gone through the roof, and many families are no longer able to eat pork at all.

Never before in the modern era have we seen so many major threats to global food production emerge simultaneously.

There are more than 7 billion people living on our planet today, and we need to be able to grow enough food to feed everyone.

If we aren't able to do that, food prices will start to get really high, and people in the poorest areas simply will not have enough food to feed their families.

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