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Introduction to the seven Churches Exploring Revelation
Apr 26th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

As we come to Revelation Two and Three, we have letters written to seven churches which are representative churches. These letters present God's truth to us from several different perspectives.

FIRST these churches existed in the First Century. These churches were chosen by the Lord, because the message they would hear would be of great value to churches all down through the Church Age. They contain a message for churches of every period. They also contain a spiritual message for individual believers.

These seven churches also present to us Church History in seven different stages or time periods.

Another significant message is the message of apostasy in the church. This apostasy began in the early days of the church, (Acts 20:29, 30) and will be consummated in the world after the church is raptured. We see Satan constantly whitttling away at individual churches. He cuts away at that which makes a church, a church, until finally the church becomes an arm of apostasy.

Apostasy is turning away from truth, an abandoning of what one once professed to believe. This is the greatest challenge that faces each and every church.

The decline of faith can be traced from the seven churches, right on down to the great apostate church of Revelation 17.

Apostates are those who were once inside the church, they had professed faith in Christ, were baptized and joined the church, but had never truly been born again! (see Mt. 7:21-23) Sometimes they leave the church and sometimes they remain in the church. Down over the centuries the church has gradually been infiltrated with unsaved people, and as time goes on, the more apostates there are, until, many professing churches have no truly saved people in them. So, an appropriate title of chapters two and three might be, "The Great Apostasy Of The Last Days traced from the beginning of the Churches' history."

Remember these two chapters were prophetic in John's Day, but are now almost all history. Church history is portrayed, in that each letter to a specific church describes a specific Era of church history. Today we can look back over church history and see how these letters prophesied events ,exactly as they have happened.

THE LETTER TO EPHESUS reveals a picture of the powerful, dynamic, apostolic church of the first century.

THE LETTER TO SMYRNA describes the second and third centuries with the martyredom and persecution of the church of that period.

THE LETTER TO PERGAMOS reveals the compromise and corruption of Christian testimomy, by the union of church and state under Constantine.

THE LETTER TO THYATIRA reveals the period of the Dark Ages from the sixth to the fifteenth centuries, under Catholicism.

THE LETTER TO SARDIS tells about the rise of Protestanism, and its ultimate corruption.

The last two churches are PHILADELPHIA and LAODICEA. Many believe that these two churches are found running side by side in the world, in the years immediately preceding the Rapture. Philadelphia came first and was the church that was pleasing to the Lord, a church which received no condemnation, but only commendation. Piladelphia was promised that it would not go into the tribulation period (Rev. 3:10). Laodicea , seems to have come out of Philadelphia,and through its lukewarmness and compromise,will ultimately to be lost in the apostate harlot church in the tribulation period.

When we look at Christendom today, we see that the great apostasy is upon us, with Christ and His Word dishonored by those who profess to be a part of the Church of Jesus Christ!

Behold, There Appeared Unto Them Moses and Elias Talking With Him - Matthew 17:3
Apr 26th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F.B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

Luke tells us that they "spoke of His decease which He should accomplish at Jerusalem." Moses, as representing the Law, would remind Him that if as God's Lamb He must die, yet as God's Lamb He would redeem countless myriads. Elijah, as representative of the prophets, would dwell on the glory that would accrue to the Father. These thoughts were familiar enough to the mind of our blessed Master; yet they must have gladdened and strengthened Him, as they fell from other lips: the more so when they conversed together on the certain splendor of the resurrection morning that should follow His decease.

And where could there have been found greater subjects than this wondrous death, and His glorious resurrection? Here the attributes of God find their most complete and most harmonious exemplification. Here the problems of human sin and salvation are met and solved. Here the travail of Creation meets with its answer and key. Here are sown the seeds of the new heavens and earth, in which shall dwell righteousness and peace. Here is the point of unity between all ages, all dispensations, all beings, all worlds. Here blend men and angels; departed spirits and the denizens of other spheres; Peter, James, and John, with Moses and Elijah, and all with the great God Himself, whose voice is heard falling in benediction from the opened heaven.

We, too, must often climb the mount of transfiguration in holy reverie; for the nearer we get to the Cross, and the more we meditate upon the decease accomplished at Jerusalem, the closer we shall come into the centre of things; the deeper will be our harmony with ourselves and all other noble spirits and with God Himself.

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