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Let the Headlines Speak
Apr 12th, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

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Please read these news items with discernment. We do not endorse or verify these news items, we simply present them as news reports.

“This Should Trouble Us Deeply” – Chilling Documentary Maps Out Likely Origin Of COVID-19
The Epoch Times began publishing reports of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus on Jan. 2, … One important thing to understand is they talk about war without morals. They talk about ‘unrestricted warfare’: war that does not take into account any concept of human rights, human dignity, human life. It is victory by any means. There is nothing they will not do, and we see the same thing in many parts of their system, including the medical system where altering the human genome is not a big deal to them,” Philipp said. … this is a nation that currently holds at least 1 million of its own people in concentration camps.

DOJ: ‘Expect action’ on government regulation of religious services amid COVID-19 outbreak
The Justice Department (DOJ) may take action next week against local governments that have cracked down on religious services as widespread parts of the country are shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic, a DOJ spokesperson said Saturday. “While social distancing policies are appropriate during this emergency, they must be applied evenhandedly [and] not single out religious [organizations],” DOJ Director of Communications Kerri Kupec tweeted.

UN envoys: ‘Guns of war’ must be silenced so world can combat COVID-19
“At a time like this, partisanship and narrow interests must yield to the greater cause and the good of the people,” the envoys said in a statement. UN envoys in the Middle East called Saturday for a global cease-fire to allow for united action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Volcanic region active after 800 years, previous eruption lasted 300 years
A volcanic region in the Reykjanes peninsula, south-west of Iceland’s capital, that has been dormant for over 800 years has been showing activity over the past two months, according to scientists. The last time the volcanoes in the region erupted in the 10th century, fountains of lava sporadically spewed out of the crater vents over the course of 300 years. According to the Guardian, beginning on January 21, the peninsula region has suffered over 8,000 earthquakes due to magma shifting under the ground beneath the volcanic system.

Israelis stranded in New York, New Jersey after flights banned
Some 60 Israelis are currently stuck in New Jersey and 70 more in New York, all of whom were due to return home from the US on Saturday night but became stranded until Monday due to Israel placing a temporary ban on all flight arrivals. Evelyne Diaz Araque, a student at Clark University, told The Jerusalem Post that she was supposed to take off from Newark on Saturday night.

Shock moment passenger is ‘dragged off Philadelphia bus by 10 cops for not wearing a face mask’
A PASSENGER was left angry and humiliated after he was filmed being dragged off a bus by cops apparently for not wearing a face mask. The bus driver, who himself was not wearing a mask, had ordered the passenger to leave the bus in Philadelphia on Friday as he did not have a face mask on – but the man refused. The “rule” had been put up as an unenforceable suggestion on the SEPTA website just the night before, leaving most passengers completely unaware.

This Pandemic Will Lead to Social Revolutions
The most misleading cliche about the coronavirus is that it treats us all the same. It doesn’t, neither medically nor economically, socially or psychologically. In particular, Covid-19 exacerbates preexisting conditions of inequality wherever it arrives. Before long, this will cause social turmoil, up to and including uprisings and revolutions. Social unrest had already been increasing around the world before SARS-CoV-2 began its journey.

China’s U.S. envoy says trade deal being implemented, hopes for coordinated response
China is still implementing the first phase of a Sino-U.S. trade pact, its ambassador to the United States said, but hoped the two could work together to assess the changing situation and coordinate their response, the Global Times said on Sunday. The world’s two biggest economies signed the tentative deal to pause a damaging tariff war in January, before the coronavirus pandemic spread, threatening a global economic depression.

Britain’s NHS working with Google, Apple on app to track coronavirus contact: Sunday Times
The technology arm of Britain’s National Health Service has been working on a mobile phone app with Alphabet Inc’s Google and iPhone maker Apple that the government hopes will help in ending the coronavirus lockdown… The system will use Bluetooth technology to alert those who have the app if they have been in close proximity with someone who has been tested positive for COVID-19, the newspaper reported, citing senior sources.

Yemen’s Houthi rebels sentence four journalists to death
A court run by Yemen’s Houthi rebels sentenced four journalists to death for “treason” and espionage, a judicial official and their lawyer have said. The four were among a group of 10 journalists who were detained by the Iran-backed rebels and accused of “collaborating with the enemy,” in reference to the Saudi-led coalition that has been at war with the Houthis since 2015, lawyer Abdel-Majeed Sabra said on Saturday.

Strong eruption at Anak Krakatau, ash up to 14.3 km (47 000 feet) a.s.l., Indonesia
A strong magmatic eruption with volcanic ash reaching 14.3 km (47 000 feet) above sea level took place at Anak Krakatau volcano in Sunda Strait, Indonesia on April 10, 2020. This is the strongest activity at the volcano since the violent eruption, partial collapse of the volcano and deadly tsunami on December 22, 2018.

World Health Organization Official Dr. Michael Ryan, Who Attended Event 201, Calls For Coronavirus Victims To Be Forcibly Removed From Their Homes
It is impossible to extricate the World Health Organization from the Bill and Melinda Foundation, as the WHO has been bought and paid for by endowments from Bill Gates himself. Over the past decade, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been the largest private donor to the WHO. If you have enough money, anything can be done. This is how Bill Gates has established himself as an ‘epidemiologist’ when in fact he has zero medical or scientific training of any kind. But if you listen to the media, Gates is now a ‘recognized expert’ on infectious diseases. Hmm.

In Mass On April 8, Pope Francis Says That Judas Was A ‘Friend To Jesus’ And That It’s A ‘Mystery’ As To Whether Or Not Judas Went To Heaven
Imagine creating a religion where you steal a name for God found in John 17, set yourself up as the ‘holy father‘, and you start telling people that you are the physical representation of Jesus Christ on the face of this earth. How awesome, how powerful, how intimidating that would be…if it were true. But it’s not.

The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope Is Named ‘Lucifer’ And Is Housed In Their Own Observatory Located On Mount Graham In Arizona
This story is not new, goes all the way back to 2010, but seeing as we have been spending some time talking about Judas, the betrayer of Jesus, I thought we should take a look at the counterfeit church that is also powered by Satan, the Roman Catholic Church. All through the Catholic church’s 1,695 year history they have maintained an unbreakable connection to Lucifer. Did you know that at Easter, the Catholic Church celebrates by singing a song dedicated to Lucifer? It’s called the Exsultet, more on that in a moment.

DOJ threatens to take action against pandemic crackdowns on religious ceremonies
The Justice Department signaled Saturday night it may intervene against local governments that are cracking down on religious ceremonies during the pandemic, warning that action could come as early as next week.

Coronavirus Jailbreak: Eight Sex Offenders Freed in Cuomo’s New York
Eight sex offenders, three of which were convicted for raping children, were released in the state of New York as a statewide initiative led by Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) to empty prisons in fear that inmates will contract the Chinese coronavirus.

EXCLUSIVE: VP Pence’s Message to Pastors Still Holding Church in Pews: ‘Where Two or More are Gathered, There He is Also’
In an exclusive interview with CBN News on Good Friday, Vice President Mike Pence says for the small number of pastors who are thinking of holding church services this Easter during the coronavirus pandemic, he has a direct biblical message.

World Health Organization Official Dr. Michael Ryan, Who Attended Event 201, Calls For Coronavirus Victims To Be Forcibly Removed From Their Homes
It is impossible to extricate the World Health Organization from the Bill and Melinda Foundation, as the WHO has been bought and paid for by endowments from Bill Gates himself. Over the past decade, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been the largest private donor to the WHO. If you have enough money, anything can be done. This is how Bill Gates has established himself as an ‘epidemiologist’ when in fact he has zero medical or scientific training of any kind. But if you listen to the media, Gates is now a ‘recognized expert’ on infectious diseases. Hmm.

Illinois State Police Warn Worshippers Who Attend Church On Easter Sunday Could Face Charges, Including ‘Reckless Conduct’
..The police said that they will not be storming churches that violate the governor’s stay-at-home order, but that charges could come “down the line.”

Number of fatal overdoses spike amid COVID-19 pandemic
Rensselaer County is reporting eight fatal overdoses in the last two weeks, which is more than the amount of deaths the county has seen that are linked to COVID-19.

Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates’ Vaccine Dictatorship Plan – cites Gates’ twisted ‘Messiah Complex’
..Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.

AG Barr Opposes Bill Gates Proposal for COVID-19 Vaccine Certificates
Attorney General William Barr came out in opposition to a proposal floated by Bill Gates for people to eventually gain certificates for being vaccinated against the CCP virus.

The Strange Reported Symptoms Of Coronavirus Infection Like ‘Fizzing’ And “Electric Shocks’ Are Making The 5G Conspiracy Theories Sound Credible
As the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic continues to rage across the globe, one thing is rapidly becoming clearer. Whatever this thing really is, whatever its true origins, it is not just deadly but it’s perhaps the strangest illness we have ever seen, and getting stranger by the day. Fizzing, electric sensations, heart attacks, and a drowning sensation are only a few of the extremely unorthodox manifestations of COVID-19. So much so that it presents less like a virus and more like radiation poisoning you would get from 5G or a Directed Energy Weapon.

But the Eternal Purpose Does not Exhaust the Marvels of This Revelation (Ephesians 2:10)
Apr 12th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Meditation;Inspirational;Book Study

"We were created in Christ Jesus." It is as if the conception of the Man Christ Jesus, the Head, with the redeemed as his body, were an eternal thought in the mind of God. It is as if they were created in the thought and purpose of God, long ages ere they took shape in mortal form. It is as if the new creation were already accomplished in the intention of Him who calls things that are not as though they were. In his book all Christ's members were written when as yet there was none of them.

In Him we paid the debt in Him we lay in the grave, and broke from death, and sped on the heavenly track home to the bosom of God. In Him we sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on High, and sit there still.

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