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Syrian Jihadist Rebels Seize Jordan - Israeli Buffer Zone
Mar 24th, 2013
Daily News
INN - Chana Ya'ar
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

Syrian rebel forces have seized a 25-kilometer (15 mile) buffer zone stretching from the Jordanian border to the Golan Heights.

According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights watchdog agency, “Fighters loyal to Al Nusra Front, Al Yarmuk Brigade, Al Mutaz Billah Brigade and others took control of Al Rai military checkpoint” east of Sahem al-Golan, in the Dara'a province.

“The fighters seized the site after regime forces retreated,” the statement continued. “The 25-kilometer area located between the towns of Muzrib (near the Jordanian border) and Abdin (in the Golan Heights) is now out of regime control,” AFP reported.

The rebel forces referred to in the statement are part of the radical jihadist group known as the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Syria, which despises what it considers the rival Western-backed Syrian National Council, the larger opposition force.

The rebels on Saturday also seized a key air base in Dara'a after two weeks of fierce battles with troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, according to the Observatory.

On Sunday, Israel warned Syria the IDF would retaliate by destroying the source of any gunfire directed across its northern border, regardless of who fired. The warning came after two separate attacks within a 12 hour period aimed at IDF military vehicles, both of which hit and damaged the jeeps but did not injure any Israeli soldiers.

Let the Headlines Speak
Mar 24th, 2013
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Egypt's Islamist president warns he may be about to take measures to protect the nation
Egypt's president warns he may be about to take measures he did not specify to "protect this nation." Mohammed Morsi's warning came in a series of tweets posted on Sunday, two days after violent clashes between supporters of his Muslim Brotherhood and opposition protesters in Cairo. At least 200 people have been injured, some seriously, outside the Cairo headquarters of the Brotherhood, Egypt's most dominant political group.

Israeli military responds to fire from Syria
Israel's army said it fired a guided missile into Syria on Sunday, destroying a military post after gunfire flew across the border and struck an Israeli vehicle. The shooting along the frontier in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights was one of the most serious incidents between the countries since Syria's civil war erupted two years ago. -"The Syrian regime is responsible for every breach of sovereignty. We will not allow the Syrian army or any other groups to violate Israel's sovereignty in any way," Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said.

Cyprus facing ruin regardless of deal, islanders warn
Cyprus may be on the verge of hammering out a deal to address its chronic debt crisis but many Cypriots fear that the island’s economy is destined for ruin regardless. ...While the deal may stave off immediate disaster, many Cypriots said the measures will shatter confidence in the island’s...banking and financial services industry and lead to a massive exodus of investors, among them Russian tycoons and British retirees.

Severe U.S. storm brings heavy snow, baseball-sized hail
A major early spring storm brought heavy snow, severe thunderstorms and floods as it moved east across the United States on Saturday, closing highways, forcing flight cancellations and causing a pileup involving dozens of vehicles. ...The snow was expected to move east to Kansas City, St. Louis, Indianapolis and Columbus, Ohio, over the next 24 hours, before moving into the mid-Atlantic states, Kines said.

Meteor sightings reported from Florida to Massachusetts
A possible meteor has been spotted streaking through the sky over the East Coast, The American Meteor Society and Twitter users are reporting. "It basically looked like a super bright shooting star," said Robert Lunsford, fireball coordinator for the society, based on the reports coming in to the organization's website. "I saw some people mentioning fragments and naturally every color of the rainbow."

In Moscow, new Chinese leader Xi warns against meddling
Chinese President Xi Jinping warned against foreign interference in the affairs of other nations during a speech in Moscow on Saturday, sending a signal to the West and echoing a message often repeated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Permanent U.N. Security Council members with veto power, Russia and China have frequently teamed up diplomatically to blunt the influence of the United States...

Syria chemical weapons: finger pointed at jihadists
A Syrian Army source gives the first account of what is believed to have been a chemical attack - and it could mean that one of the West's biggest fears is about to come true. Channel 4's Alex Thomson reports. Whatever happened last week in the town of Khan al-Assal, west of Aleppo, it achieved something extraordinary in the Syrian civil war: unity among Washington, Moscow and Damascus.

Suicide car bomb kills 17 Pakistani soldiers
A car packed with explosives exploded next to a pair of fuel tankers at an army check post in northwestern Pakistan, killing 17 soldiers and wounding dozens, officials said Sunday. The attack Saturday night occurred in the North Waziristan tribal area, the main sanctuary for Taliban and al-Qaida militants along Pakistan's restive border with Afghanistan.

Russian Oligarch and Critic of Putin Dies in Britain
Boris A. Berezovsky, once the richest and most powerful of the so-called oligarchs who dominated post-Soviet Russia, and a close ally of Boris N. Yeltsin who helped install Vladimir V. Putin as president but later exiled himself to London after a bitter falling out with the Kremlin, died Saturday.

Clashes near Syria-Israel frontier add to concerns
Syrian regime forces routed rebels in fighting on the edge of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights last week, leaving at least 35 dead, activists said Saturday, as the country's civil war reached the doorstep of the strategic plateau.

China's Xi wants strong military ties with Russia
The new Chinese president met with Russia's military leaders to reinforce the main message of his trip that the two countries must work together more closely if they want to counter rising US influence in Asia.

North Dakota lawmakers move to ban abortion
North Dakota lawmakers moved Friday to outlaw abortion in the state by passing a resolution defining life as starting at conception. The measure, which has to be approved by voters, is one of a series of anti-abortion resolutions the Republican-controlled Legislature has passed this year despite critics' insistence that they are unconstitutional and violate the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion until a fetus is considered viable, which is usually at 22 to 24 weeks.

Experts: NKorea training teams of 'cyber warriors'
Investigators have yet to pinpoint the culprit behind a synchronized cyberattack in South Korea last week. But in Seoul, the focus remains fixed on North Korea, where South Korean security experts say Pyongyang has been training a team of computer-savvy "cyber warriors" as cyberspace becomes a fertile battleground in the standoff between the two Koreas.

Euro zone finance ministers to meet on Sunday over Cyprus
Euro zone finance ministers will meet on Sunday evening to discuss a possible rescue package for Cyprus, the head of the Eurogroup said in tweet. "Tomorrow 6pm #eurogroup on #cyprus," read a tweet from Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who is Dutch minister of finance and president of the Eurogroup - the 17 euro-zone national finance ministers.

Israel Scrambles to Prepare the Fish in Final Passover Rush
Mar 24th, 2013
Daily News
INN - Hannah Levi Julian
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

When Jews sit down to the seder table this year on Monday night, some of their fish will be swimming in chametz-free ponds, at least in one community in southern Israel. Others will join their guests at the table.

Passover preparations in Israel have been in process for weeks, but are reaching a crescendo as the holiday fast approaches. Accommodations are being made even for the animal population.

More than a month ago, at least 200 IDF rabbis were called up to carry out the annual process of kashering (making kosher) for Pesach the hundreds of kitchens at bases around the nation. The Oketz K-9 Special Forces Unit is included, with the canines and other animals in the service, including llamas, no less, provided special food produced from kitniyot – corn, which is a non-wheat item considered permissible to Sephardic Jews by Torah law.

Likewise pet store owners have been stocking up on “kosher for Passover” food for Israel's pet population.

At 'Sharon's Jungle' in Arad, owner Sharon Aloush has made a name for himself among the locals for his experience in dealing with the minutiae of Jewish pet care. The IDF armored tank corps reservist goes as far as obtaining a Pesach kashrut certificate for the appropriate pet food.

In this small northern Negev city, Aloush is also the guru of choice for high-end homeowners with fish ponds; in the past week alone, Aloush told Arutz Sheva he was double-shifting just to cover the store and the “extra” services he provides to his special clients.

“Some of the people with fish ponds want to clean them out for Passover,” Aloush said in an interview on Sunday. “I've been swamped.” The process is not simple, requiring complete dismantling of man-made pools and removing the fish to scrub the bottom and sides of the ponds in order to empty out the offending chametz from otherwise regular year-round fish food.

“It does look beautiful when it's done,” Aloush admits. “Pesach cleaning … “

Water has other uses for Pesach around the country, sometimes at temperatures hot enough to cook the fish that swim around in the pools Aloush supplies.

In every community, at least one location features a site where large vats of boiling water are made available for “hagalah” – the process by which metal utensils can be kashered. Men with blow torches are standing by as well, ready to kasher by fire those items that cannot be made kosher by boiling water.

Local mikveh buildings where the ritual pools of purifying waters are located also are busy with the “mikveh keilim” – the purification pool in which to immerse kitchen utensils – in use around the clock .

By Monday morning -- when all chametz must be burned and no longer available for consumption -- the Ministry of Agriculture estimates that 1,000 tons of carp, 80 tons of Mousht fish and 300 tons of mullet will have been sold to families to grind into the delectable balls of gefilte fish that grace almost every Ashkenazi Jewish seder table, and the spicy slices and fillets favored by their Sephardic peers.

By Monday night, when Jews around the world sit down at the seder table to declare freedom from slavery as we do each year at the start of the Passover holiday, some of the fish will be swimming in chametz-free ponds with sparkling water; others will be spending the night at the table with the chef.

America: #1 in Fear, Stress, Anger, Divorce, Obesity, Anti - Depressants,
Mar 24th, 2013
Daily News
Categories: Commentary;Contemporary Issues

The United States is a deeply unhappy place. We are a nation that is absolutely consumed by fear, stress, anger and depression. It isn't just our economy that is falling apart - the very fabric of society is starting to come apart at the seams and it is because of what is happening to us on the inside.

The facts and statistics that I am going to share with you in this article are quite startling. They are clear evidence that America is a nation that is an advanced state of decline. We are overwhelmed by fear, stress and anxiety, and much of the time the ways that we choose to deal with those emotions lead to some very self-destructive behaviors.

Americans have experienced a standard of living far beyond the wildest dreams of most societies throughout human history, and yet we are an absolutely miserable people. Why is this? Why is America #1 in so many negative categories? Why are we constantly looking for ways to escape the pain of our own lives? Why are our families falling apart? There is vast material wealth all around us. So why can't we be happy?

Just look around you. Are most of the people around you teeming with happiness and joy? Sadly, the truth is that most Americans are terribly stressed out. Yeah, many of them may be able to manage to come up with a smile when they greet you, but most of the time they are consumed by internal struggles that are eating away at them like cancer.

So why is this happening? Is modern life structured in a way that is fundamentally unhealthy?

Below I have posted a short excerpt from a message that one of Charles Hugh Smith's readers named Kenneth Daigle recently sent to him. I think that it does a good job of describing the incredible stress that many people contend with on a daily basis...

Think about how our culture is now structured for the average adult: STRESS, everywhere you look--commuting in horrible traffic, as you want to scream in frustration--money stress, to pay rent/house note, tuition, utilities, gas, insurances, vacations, cable bill, rising food costs, and on and on and on--stress from family problems, divorce, delinquency, drugs, crime, infidelity, keeping up with the Jones, etc.

People have too high an expectation of what they should have out of life, and get overly stressed over it all. How does all of this manifest itself? A prescription drug culture (Zoloft, Xanax, etc.) that tricks people into thinking a pill will knock back the stress, when these drugs, in my opinion, only make things worse.

I am hearing more and more that people just want to drop out from it all, as they are reaching a breaking point, and have decided less income and dependency on entitlements will reduce their stress, and is not so humiliating, so giving up working becomes more acceptable, to KEEP ONE’S SANITY.

I know I am correct, from the feedback I hear every day, and the financial media does not see this like I hear it every day. People don't want to admit that they are too weak to deal with stress, so the financial pundits are not aware of this critical factor because they don't talk to Joe Sixpack.

Most Americans live lives of "quiet desperation" that are punctuated by moments of great crisis. We spend our prime years working for others (making them rich) in order to pay off debts that we have foolishly accumulated (thus making the banks even wealthier). When most Americans reach the end of their lives, they look back and wonder what they actually accomplished.

James Altucher published an incredible article the other day entitled "Why Do People Hate Their Jobs?" It did a great job of describing what life is like for the modern worker in America. The following are a few of the reasons that he says people tend to hate their jobs...

-Jobs are modern-day slavery. We are paid just enough to live and not more. You are punished if you ask for more.

-We are often verbally abused on the job and we take it because we think it’s normal that people would yell at us.

-The government gets up to 50% of your paycheck and then 10-20% of that goes to kill people on other parts of the planet, including our own children.

-From 7am to 7pm you are either A) going to work, B) at work, or C) coming back from work. Hence, the times when you can be most creative are garbage-compacted into your cubicle.

-When you are paranoid at a job, you are probably correct. THEY are, in fact, talking about you and backstabbing you right now.

-You realize that all the dollars you spent on degrees to get you a job that will make you happy were completely wasted. You were scammed but you can’t let the next generation know how stupid you were so now you become part of perpetuating the scam.

-Your spouse is tired of hearing about your job after six months. And you couldn’t care less about hers. Ten years later you wake up next to a total stranger. 40 years later you die next to one.

-When you were a kid you liked to draw, and read, and run, and laugh, and play, and imagine a magical world. You’re never going to do any of that again.

-Over time everyone is getting fired and being replaced by younger, cheaper, more temporary, more robotic, versions of you. You see this but are afraid to do anything about it.

And of course when we get home from work there is even more stress. In America today, we are witnessing a breakdown of the family unlike anything we have ever seen before. The United States leads the world in divorce and in single person households. We are having an increasingly difficult time relating to one another, and many of us drown our sorrows in our addictions.

We are addicted to pills, to alcohol, to food, to entertainment, to sex, to gambling, to shopping and to anything else that will make us feel good and forget about our problems for a while.

The following is a collection of facts and statistics that prove that America is being absolutely consumed by fear, stress, anger and depression...

-Suicide has now actually surpassed car accidents as the number one cause of "injury death" in the United States.

-More U.S. soldiers killed themselves than were killed in combat last year.

-As I mentioned in another article, Americans will spend more than 280 billion dollars on prescription drugs during 2013.

-Nearly one out of every four women in the United States are taking antidepressants.

-The percentage of women taking antidepressants in the U.S. is higher than in any other country in the world.

-In 2010, the average teen in the U.S. was taking 1.2 central nervous system drugs. Those are the kinds of drugs which treat conditions such as ADHD and depression.

-Children in the United States are three times more likely to be prescribed antidepressants as children in Europe are.

-According to a recent article by David Kupelian, "one-third of the nation’s employees suffer chronic debilitating stress, and more than half of all 'millennials' (18 to 33 year olds) experience a level of stress that keeps them awake at night, including large numbers diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorder."

-Tens of millions of Americans use alcohol and drugs to numb the pain that they are experiencing. In the United States today, there are about 28 million Americans with a drinking problem and about 22 million Americans use illegal drugs.

-More people have been diagnosed with mental disorders in America than anywhere else on earth.

-There are also tens of millions of Americans that try to deal with anxiety and stress by eating. Of all the major industrialized nations, America is the most obese. Mexico is #2.

-Back in 1962, only 13 percent of all Americans were obese. Today, approximately 36 percent of all Americans are obese.

-Many people try to escape from the pain of reality by getting lost in entertainment. Incredibly, the United States is tied with the UK for the highest average number of hours spent watching television each week.

-The United States has the highest divorce rate in the world by a good margin.

-The United States has the highest percentage of one person households on the entire planet.

-According to the Pew Research Center, only 51 percent of all American adults are currently married. Back in 1960, 72 percent of all adults in the United States were married.

-At this point, approximately one out of every three children in America lives in a home without a father.

-For women under the age of 30 living in the United States today, more than half of all babies are being born out of wedlock.

-The United States has the highest child abuse death rate in the developed world.

-In the United States today, it is estimated that one out of every four girls is sexually abused before they become adults.

-The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the world by a very wide margin.

-The United States produces more pornography than any other nation in the world.

-If you can believe it, there are 20 million new STD infections in the United States every single year.

-The U.S. has the highest STD infection rate in the entire industrialized world.

-It is estimated that about one out of every six Americans between the ages of 14 and 49 have genital herpes.

-Sadly, one out of every four teen girls in the U.S. has at least one sexually transmitted disease.

-The United States leads the world in eating disorder deaths.

-Nobody in the world gets more plastic surgery done than Americans do.

-Americans spend more time sitting in traffic than anyone else in the world.

-America has the highest incarceration rate and the largest total prison population in the entire world by a very wide margin.

Fear is one of the primary things that motivates the American people, and that is a very powerful weapon that can be used against us.

As I wrote about yesterday, those that commit acts of terror want to get attention and they want to create fear.

And that is exactly what the Boston Marathon bombing accomplished. It captured the attention of the nation for days on end, and it absolutely paralyzed the entire Boston area with fear.

When we allow ourselves to be terrorized, we actually encourage more terror attacks. When we give terrorists what they want, it just encourages more psychos to commit acts of terror. If you don't believe me, just check out the following links that I found posted on The Drudge Report on Monday...

*"3 Alabama hospitals evacuated after bomb threats"*

*"Connecticut Courthouse Evacuated After Bomb Threat"*

*"South Hills Village Evacuated After Bomb Threat"*

*"Rock Island neighborhood evacuated after bomb threat"*

*"Bomb threat forces evacuation of Seabreeze office building"*

The appropriate response to a terror attack is to refuse to be terrorized. Yes, we should also work to expose and punish the individuals, organizations and governments that are behind terror. But we should also not let terror change how we live our lives, and we should definitely not allow terror to be used as an excuse to rip our liberties and freedoms away.

Sadly, as Ron Paul has detailed, some of our politicians are already calling for "tighter security" in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing...

Sadly, I expect this week’s tragic attacks in Boston to be used to justify new restrictions on liberty. Within 48 hours of the attack in Boston, at least one Congressman was calling for increased use of surveillance cameras to expand the government’s ability to monitor our actions, while another Senator called for a federal law mandating background checks before Americans can buy “explosive powder.”

I would not be surprised if the Transportation Security Administration uses this tragedy to claim new authority to “screen” Americans before they can attend sporting or other public events. The Boston attack may also be used as another justification for creating a National ID Card tied to a federal database with “biometric” information. The only thing that will stop them is if the American people rediscover the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin that you cannot achieve security by allowing government to take their liberties.

But no matter how much liberty and freedom we give up, we will never be 100% safe. Bad people are always going to do bad things, and unfortunately we are probably going to see some pretty nightmarish things in the years ahead as the world becomes even more unstable.

If we allow the bad guys to get us so frightened that we throw out the U.S. Constitution and abandon our liberties and our freedoms, then we are the ones who lose.

Yes, the years ahead are going to be tough. The economic collapse is going to accelerate greatly, there will be tremendous natural disasters, there will be war in the Middle East and there will be other problems that we cannot even conceive of right now. At the same time, the American people will continue to become even angrier and even more frustrated.

According to a recent Pew Research survey, the percentage of Americans with a favorable view of the federal government is now at an all-time low. As the economy crumbles, there will likely be great civil unrest as people demand solutions. Unfortunately, our problems took decades to develop and they will not be solved overnight even if we did have good people in office.
Editors Note....Men and women were created to enjoy an intimate relationship with God. It is obvious that the majority of men and women do not have that relationship with God. Until man finds his enjoyment and rest in God he will never know real peace, joy and satisfaction. That relationship is found in knowing Christ as Saviour.

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