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Volunteer Who Opposed Dutch Hitler Admirers in Hiding
Mar 11th, 2013
Daily News
Arytz Sheva - Satff
Categories: Today's Headlines;Antisemitism

The Dutch daily NRC writes that Mehmet Sahin, a doctoral student, has had to go into hiding with his family. The Mayor of Arnhem, Pauline Krikke, advised him to do so after he received death threats. Sahin is a volunteer who tries to re-educate street youths in Arnhem.

A few weeks ago, he interviewed several Dutch-Turkish youngsters on the Nederland 2 TV station. They said that they admired Hitler and the Holocaust and regretted that Hitler had not finished exterminating the Jews. Sahin reprimanded them. Apparently, people in the neighborhood where he lives are collecting signatures to make Sahin leave the area. The municipality has announced that the prosecution is investigating the matter.

Labor Party parliamentarian Ahmed Marcouch said that he will ask parliamentary questions about the threats. He remarked: “It is horrible that someone has to be afraid because he has done something that we all should do – teach children not to hate.”

Unprecedented: Firebombs on Temple Mount
Mar 11th, 2013
Daily News
INN - Gil Ronen
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

wish Temple organizations demanded Sunday that the Prime Minister immediately establish an official commission of inquiry into Friday's events on the Temple Mount and the way the Temple Mount police handled them.

Friday's events were worse even than those that took place during the Great Terror War that began in 2000, the groups said. For the first time ever, they said, fire bombs were thrown at police on the Mount, and one policeman caught fire and miraculously suffered only slight wounds.

Police knew in advance of the intention to carry out severe violence but did not limit the age of worshipers allowed to enter or stay on the Mount, even after violence had broken out, the groups charged.

Videos posted by Muslims show police refraining from quelling the violence, the Temple groups said. In private conversations, policemen described feelings of humiliation and betrayal by their commanding officers, the temple activists added.

Troubling Decision: Our Judges Have Treated the Charter As Their Licence to Socially Engineer Canada
Mar 11th, 2013
London Free Press - ROBERT MARTIN, QMI Agency
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

If there remain any Canadians who cherish the Rule of Law and freedom of expression, they should be deeply concerned by the Supreme Court of Canada’s recent decision in a case called Saskatchewan v. Whatcott.

In this decision, the Supreme Court gave its approval to the role which “Human Rights” Commissions play in the vanguard of our overweening thought control sector.

William Whatcott’s sin was to have expressed public criticism of homosexual activists attempting to engage in proselytisation in the public schools. Whatcott was punished for this behaviour by the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission.

The province’s Court of Appeal struck down the decision of the Human Rights Commission which appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada, where it was successful.

How, one might ask, do things like this happen in a country which has both a constitution and a Charter of Rights and Freedoms which purports to guarantee freedom of expression?

The simple answer is to be found in the unusual, if not perverse, manner in which the Supreme Court has interpreted the Charter.

Documents like the Charter have a profound and simple purpose, which is to protect the citizen against the state.

Our judges, led by the Supreme Court, have disregarded this noble purpose and treated the Charter as their licence to socially engineer Canada to make it conform to their own ideological priorities.

As much as I dislike and disagree with the decision in Whatcott, it does afford me a degree of personal satisfaction, since it affirms the central theses of both my recent books: The Most Dangerous Branch: How the Supreme Court of Canada has undermined our Law and our Democracy, 2003 and Free Expression in Canada: Surrendered to Diversity and Multiculturalism, 2012.

The 2003 book argued that the judges of the Supreme Court of Canada have surrendered their independence and their intellectual integrity to a postmodern orthodoxy, which, rather than the law or the constitution, determines the outcome of cases before them.

The 2012 book argued that Canada today can best be understood as a “totalitarian theocracy,” a country completely in the grip of a secular state religion of equality which defines the behaviour of all state organs, including the courts, to such a degree that all other considerations, including free expression, must give way to the relentless pursuit of equality.

This book contains considerable critical analysis of “human rights” commissions and attempts (pp. 412-413) to set out a series of propositions to describe the state of free expression after the depredations of these bodies.

The Whatcott decision appears to confirm the accuracy of the third of these propositions: “No heterosexual person may publically disagree with or criticize or say anything that might, in any way, offend or annoy a homosexual person.”

Having studied the Supreme Court of Canada for several decades, the result in Whatcott did not surprise me. I was surprised and even a little disturbed by the fact that the decision was unanimous.

One might have hoped that, out of nine judges, there could be even one sufficiently independent and with enough integrity, to follow the law and the constitution rather than the secular state religion.

Still, I do enjoy the fact that the highest court in the land has told me I’m right.

— Martin is Professor of Law, Emeritus, Western University

The Calm Before the Solar Storm? Nasa Warns 'Something Unexpected is Happening to the Sun'
Mar 11th, 2013
Daily News
mailonline - Mark Prigg
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

  • 2013 was due to be year of the 'solar maximum'
  • As this picture shows, in fact the sun is incredibly calm - baffling experts
  • 'Something unexpected' is happening on the Sun, Nasa has warned.

    This year was supposed to be the year of 'solar maximum,' the peak of the 11-year sunspot cycle.

    But as this image reveals, solar activity is relatively low.

    'Sunspot numbers are well below their values from 2011, and strong solar flares have been infrequent,' the space agency says.

    The image above shows the Earth-facing surface of the Sun on February 28, 2013, as observed by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.

    It observed just a few small sunspots on an otherwise clean face, which is usually riddled with many spots during peak solar activity.

    Experts have been baffled by the apparent lack of activity - with many wondering if NASA simply got it wrong.

    However, Solar physicist Dean Pesnell of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center believes he has a different explanation.

    'This is solar maximum,' he says.

    'But it looks different from what we expected because it is double-peaked.'

    'The last two solar maxima, around 1989 and 2001, had not one but two peaks.'

    Solar activity went up, dipped, then rose again, performing a mini-cycle that lasted about two years, he said.

    The same thing could be happening now, as sunspot counts jumped in 2011 and dipped in 2012, he believes.

    Pesnell expects them to rebound in 2013: 'I am comfortable in saying that another peak will happen in 2013 and possibly last into 2014.'

    He spotted a similarity between Solar Cycle 24 and Solar Cycle 14, which had a double-peak during the first decade of the 20th century.

    If the two cycles are twins, 'it would mean one peak in late 2013 and another in 2015'.

    String - Pulling Cadre Threatens America
    Mar 11th, 2013
    Daily News
    Charlie Daniels
    Categories: Commentary;Warning

    Have you ever wondered why, no matter which political party is in power nothing much meaningful ever seems to get done?

    Have you ever pondered the fact that in spite of the plentiful energy reserves in our nation, we continue to spend trillions of dollars buying oil from people who would like nothing better than to see America turned into a grease spot and blame our reticence to drill on a handful of environmental groups?

    Did you ever question why a gaggle of supposed public servants would vote for a multi-trillion-dollar piece of legislation they didn't even take the time to read?

    Why do some of the mineral-richest countries on Earth have the most destitute populations?

    Why are there politicians who are teflon as far as the media are concerned and others who resemble velcro when it comes to their coverage?

    Why, after 200 years of being a free and fiercely independent nation, would the U.S. even consider giving over our precious sovereignty to a corrupt anti-American, double-dealing bunch of losers like the United Nations?

    Why is our Southern border as porous as a colander, and why does it make sense to be able to vote without proper identification when you can't even check into a hotel room without it?

    Why would our money supply be determined by one man who can tighten up our currency or flood the world with cheap dollars that could trigger hyperinflation?

    "Behold a Pale Horse" explores these and other perplexing questions – and the answers may surprise you, tarnish some of your heroes, slaughter some of our sacred cows and pour some new wine into some very old wine skins.

    There are forces at work on planet Earth that are completely off the radar of mainstream America. They meet in secret, plan in secret and work both sides of the street politically, recruiting their disciples early on, from the best and the brightest, the mega wealthy and super powerful. A well-hidden organization which lurks in the shadows pulling the strings of those they can corrupt, with promises of wealth and high political office. A ruthless cadre of movers and shakers who will not settle for anything less than absolute global domination.

    You who read the Holy Bible know what is happening here. It is foretold in the Scriptures, a plot that is instigated in the very halls of hell.

    Paris Suburb Honors Israeli Minister's Assassin
    Mar 11th, 2013
    Daily News
    INN - Gil Ronen
    Categories: Today's Headlines;Anti-Israel

    The European Jewish Congress (EJC) has slammed the decision by Bezons, a suburb of Paris, to grant terrorist murderer Majdi al-Rimawi "honorary citizenship."

    Al-Rimawi was sentenced by an Israeli court to life imprisonment plus 80 years for participating in the planning and murder of Israeli Minister Rechavam Zeevi in 2001. The inscription on the plaque prepared by the municipality of Bezons refers to Al-Rimawi as a "political prisoner."

    “This is an outrageous and horrific decision, not just to honor a murderer, but the murderer of an Israeli government cabinet minister,” EJC President, Dr. Moshe Kantor, said. “Today is exactly a year since the terrible and tragic murder of Jewish schoolchildren in Toulouse and the honoring of al-Rimawi in France demonstrates that murder and terrorism is being glorified when it should be condemned in all forms.”

    “We call on the French authorities to immediately remove this stain on the French landscape out of respect for a friendly government, the people of France and tolerance.”

    The Mayor of the city of Bezons, Dominique Lesparre, made a speech at the ceremony honoring Rimawi in which he justified the acts of the convicted terrorist murderer, calling him a "victim”.

    “It is inconceivable that an elected figure can be so ignorant to call a cold-blooded murderer a victim,” Kantor said. “This is the kind of ignorance which leads to people like Mohammed Merah perpetrating the murder of children because they are Jewish. This type of glorification of murder is sending a very ominous message to the next Merah.”

    Since the Toulouse murders a year ago, there has been an upswing in anti-Semitism in France with Jews physically assaulted across the country. The EJC said that it recognizes the strong reaction in the aftermath of last year’s Toulouse murders, and also commends the current government under President Hollande. However, more needs to be done to reduce anti-Semitic attacks in the year since the horrific events of March 11, 2012.

    New Wave of 'Superbugs' Poses Dire Threat, Says Chief Medical Officer
    Mar 11th, 2013
    Daily News
    The Guardian
    Categories: Today's Headlines;Warning

    Antibiotic-resistant bacteria with the potential to cause untreatable infections pose "a catastrophic threat" to the population, England's chief medical officer warns in a report calling for urgent action worldwide.

    If tough measures are not taken to restrict the use of antibiotics and no new ones are discovered, said Dame Sally Davies, "we will find ourselves in a health system not dissimilar to the early 19th century at some point".

    While antibiotics are failing, new bacterial diseases are on the rise. Although the "superbugs" MRSA and C difficile have been reduced to low numbers in hospitals, there has been an alarming increase in other types of bacteria including new strains of E coli and Klebsiella, which causes pneumonia.

    These so-called "gram negative" bacteria, which are found in the gut instead of on the skin, are highly dangerous to older and frailer people and few antibiotics remain effective against drug-resistant strains.

    As many as 5,000 patients die each year in the UK of gram negative sepsis – where the bacterium gets into the bloodstream – and in half the cases the bacterium is resistant to drugs.

    "Antimicrobial resistance poses a catastrophic threat," said Davies. "If we don't act now, any one of us could go into hospital in 20 years for minor surgery and die because of an ordinary infection that can't be treated by antibiotics. And routine operations like hip replacements or organ transplants could be deadly because of the risk of infection.

    "That's why governments and organisations across the world, including the World Health Organisation and G8, need to take this seriously."

    There has been an 85% reduction in MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), which has meant that many large, acute hospitals have no more than two or three cases a year. But there are now 50 to 100 cases of gram-negative bacteria infection for every MRSA case, according to Professor Mike Sharland of St George's hospital in London, an adviser to the Department of Health on the use of antimicrobials (antibiotics and antivirals) in children.

    "This is your own gut bugs turning on you. Between 10% and 20% are resistant to drugs. We do not yet know why they are on the rise, although some hospital procedures, such as the use of catheters, may be implicated. Many are in the very young or older population," he said.

    "There is a lot of work going on through Public Health England and the Department of Health to try to work out why it has suddenly risen." In the second volume of her annual report, Davies calls for politicians to treat the threat of the new bugs and the failing antibiotics as seriously as they did MRSA. She wants action across government departments – involving the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in particular – because of the use of antibiotics in farming.

    She is asking for the threat to be added to the government's strategic risk register, which will make it easier to raise as an issue abroad. Drug resistance is a global problem as the resistant strains of bacteria travel the world.

    Multi drug-resistant TB and even some cases of extremely drug-resistant TB (only treatable with difficulty and with last-line antibiotics) have come to Britain.

    Antibiotics fail because bacteria develop resistance to the drugs over time. In the decades after the invention of penicillin it did not seem to be a problem because drug companies developed new versions. But no new classes of drugs have been discovered since 1987 and the pipeline has now dried up.

    Davies wants to find ways to give the pharmaceutical industry incentives to invest in finding new antibiotics. Most companies have given up because the search has become hard and, because resistance always develops, their lifespan is not long, so there is not much profit to be made.

    Libyan Islamists Kidnap and Torture Expat Egyptian Christians
    Mar 11th, 2013
    Daily News
    Categories: Today's Headlines;Persecution

    Libyan Islamists have rounded up hundreds of expatriate Egyptian Coptic Christians in Benghazi in the last month, subjecting them to extreme torture, the London Daily Telegraph reports. At least 50 victims were said taken hostage. Some were videotaped in “pitiable condition,” their heads shaven and facing abuse over the bibles and religious images sitting on the table in front of them. This atrocity was started by the Ansar al-Sharia, which led the assault on the American consulate in that city last September and murdered Ambassador Chris Steven and three of his staff. According to another report, the Libyan parliament has suspended operations after armed men stormed the building.

    Let the Headlines Speak
    Mar 11th, 2013
    Daily News
    From the Internet
    Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

    Hundreds of Christians Clash With Pakistani Police After Muslim Mob Torches 170 Homes
    Hundreds of Christians clashed with police across Pakistan on Sunday, a day after a Muslim mob burned dozens of homes owned by members of the minority religious group in retaliation for alleged insults against Islam’s Prophet Muhammad. Christians are often the target of Pakistan’s harsh blasphemy laws, which rights activists say are frequently used to persecute religious minorities or settle personal disputes.

    Cardinals gather for final pre-conclave discussions
    Global leaders of the Roman Catholic Church are meeting in the Vatican for their final group talks ahead of the election of Pope Benedict’s successor. More than 130 cardinals have spoken during the General Congregations held during the past week. On Tuesday, the 115 cardinal-electors, those aged under 80, will move into seclusion in a Vatican hotel ahead of the secret vote on the next pope.

    US-South Korea drills begin amid North Korea tensions
    The US and South Korea have begun annual military drills amid high tensions with North Korea in the wake of a UN sanctions vote. Pyongyang has strongly condemned the exercises, threatening to scrap the armistice that ended the Korean War. Seoul says North Korea also appears to have carried out a threat made last week to sever a cross-border hotline.

    Godless, churchless, faithless lifestyle weighing on women?
    "Women are not getting married. They are under far more stress than they used to be under, and the lifestyle that is so typical today -- that is godless and churchless and faithless -- is particularly hard on women," she submits. Crouse also points to the sexual promiscuity of today, including skyrocketing STDs. And she recalls that some leading thinkers in the country have suggested that what America needs is an old-fashioned John Wesley-type revival and another Great Awakening.

    Antibiotics resistance 'as big a risk as terrorism' - medical chief
    The danger posed by growing resistance to antibiotics should be ranked along with terrorism on a list of threats to the nation, the government's chief medical officer for England has said. Professor Dame Sally Davies described it as a "ticking time bomb". She warned that routine operations could become deadly in just 20 years if we lose the ability to fight infection.

    The calm before the solar storm? NASA warns 'something unexpected is happening to the Sun'
    'Something unexpected' is happening on the Sun, Nasa has warned. This year was supposed to be the year of 'solar maximum,' the peak of the 11-year sunspot cycle. But as this image reveals, solar activity is relatively low.

    Four Asteroids Buzz Earth in Single Week
    All four asteroid flybys occurred between March 4 and today (March 10). The asteroids were also all discovered this month, some just days ago. The biggest space rock encounter occurred Saturday (March 9), when the asteroid 2013 ET passed just inside 600,000 miles (965,606 kilometers) of Earth,

    CDC wants U.S. docs to look out for mysterious coronavirus from Middle East
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning U.S. doctors about a mysterious new coronavirus that's been claiming lives overseas. The CDC's new report...shows there have been a total of 14 confirmed cases of the novel infection reported to the World Health Organization (WHO), with eight deaths. The illnesses occurred in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, and the United Kingdom from April 2012 through February 2013.

    Authorities say light Alaska earthquake felt in Anchorage, towns to the northwest
    Authorities in Alaska say an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.0 was felt in Anchorage and areas to the northwest. The Alaska Earthquake Information Center reports that the quake struck shortly after 1 p.m. on Sunday. It was centered 28 miles northwest of Anchorage.

    No tsunami from 6.7 Papua New Guinea earthquake
    A strong magnitude-6.7 earthquake has struck Papua New Guinea but there are no immediate reports of damage and no regional tsunami alert. Chris McKee, the assistant director of the Geophysical Observatory in Port Moresby, said the earthquake's epicenter was relatively deep and some way offshore so it was unlikely to have caused major problems.

    Plague of pigs in Shanghai river raises concerns over drinking water safety
    More than 1,000 dead pigs have been found floating in Shanghai's main waterway, the Chinese city's government said Monday, as residents expressed fears over possible drinking water contamination. Workers in the south-western district of Songjiang fished more than 1,200 dead swine out of the Huangpu river, which goes on to cut through the commercial hub and create its waterfront Bund district.

    Egypt’s police strike spreads nationwide; Morsi deploys Army
    Egypt’s official Middle East News Agency said that at least 30 police stations have stopped working amid nationwide unrest. MENA said police shut down their facilities as part of their demand for the dismissal of Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim. They have declared a revolt against the policy of the Interior Ministry,” a police source said.

    Karzai Accuses U.S. of Collusion With Taliban
    Mar 11th, 2013
    Daily News
    Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

    In an unprecedented attack on the US, Afghan President Hamid Karzai marked Chuck Hagel’s first visit to Kabul as US defense secretary by accusing the US and Taliban of colluding in actions to destabilize the country and postpone the drawdown of US forces scheduled for late 2014. Their joint news conference for winding up the Hagel visit was consequently called off.

    Hundreds of UN Syrian Golan UN Observers Scramble to Safety in Israel
    Mar 11th, 2013
    Daily News
    Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

    The flight of hundreds of UN Disengagement and Observers Force (UNDOF) soldiers - Indian, Austrian and Filipino - in trucks and APCs from the Syrian side of Golan into Israel was in full swing early Monday, March 11. debkafile quotes them as telling Israeli officers manning the Israeli side of the enclave that their commanders urged them to get out when they could because “We can no longer vouch for your safety.”
    Many more UN troops are expected to make their way during the day to refuge in IDF camps across the border. Their officers, they said, had already placed their belongings aboard waiting vehicles ready to move across as soon as they received permission from their governments in Vienna, New Delhi and Manila or the UN Secretariat in New York.
    Our military sources report that this mass exit signals the breakup of the 1,000-strong UNDOF which for 39 years manned the 8 sq. km separation zone between Syria and Israel. It was set up in 1974 to end the war of attrition fought in the sequel to the Yom Kippur War between the IDF and Cuban armored brigades flown in from Angola by the Soviet Union to support the Syrian army.
    The UN force’s collapse began with the Croatian government’s recall of its 100 troops last week.

    As the peacemakers flee, Russia is today hardly likely to interfere with who gets to control the Golan separation zone which was split between Syria and Israel.

    debkafile reports three potential candidates are eying the sliver of land for different reasons:

    1. The Martyrs of Yarmuk Islamist militia force of the Syrian rebel movement, which staked its claim last week by kidnapping 21 blue-and-white helmeted Filipino observers on the Golan and later releasing them in Jordan.

    It is feared in Washington, Jerusalem and Amman, that Al Qaeda-associated forces will waste no time in overrunning the highly strategic patch of Golan borderland, armed with chemical weapons and even Scud D missiles captured from Syrian army bases. They may even be plotting an attack during President Barack Obama’s visits to Jerusalem and Amman, starting March 20.

    debkafile’s military sources report that in sync with the UN observers’ escape, Israeli military reinforcements are massing on the Golan Syrian border.
    2. US, Jordan and/or Israel may step in to keep the Islamists out, using either large special forces units for ground raids or a swarm of armed drones.
    3. Hizballah militia units were spotted Sunday night on the move from south Lebanon toward the Lebanese-Syrian border areas abutting on the Golan separation zone.

    Christians on Trial for 'action Against National Security'
    Mar 11th, 2013
    Daily News
    WND - Michael Carl
    Categories: Today's Headlines;Persecution

    Iran is now putting five Christians arrested in October on trial for “action against national security” in what some say is the Islamic republic’s all-out effort to stop the spread of Christianity.

    Christian Solidarity Worldwide reported that Church of Iran members Mohammad Roghangir, Surush Saraie, Eskandar Rezaie, Shahin Lahooti and Massoud Rezaie will stand trial before the Revolutionary Court for disturbing public order, evangelizing, action against national security and Internet activity against the system.

    The Iranian Christian news site Mohabat News reported that in addition to the five arrested in October, four other Christian believers arrested more than a year ago are still being held in the Revolutionary Guard prison in Shiraz.

    Christian Solidarity Worldwide spokesman Kiri Kankhwende said his organization stands by the Iranian Christians.

    “We continue to advocate in the international arena for these and many other prisoners in Iran. The prisoners may well be imprisoned for longer, though they have already been detained for some time,” Kankhwende said.

    He said the Iranian government has one simple goal.

    “By sentencing Christians such as these, the Iranian government is looking to stop the spread of Christianity,” Kankhwende said.

    In a statement to the press, CSW Advocacy Director Andrew Johnston said by persecuting these Christians, Iran is violating its own law.

    “Once again Iranian Christians face charges couched in political terms that in reality stem from their choice of faith and desire to exercise the right to worship in community with others, as guaranteed in article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Iran is party,” Johnston said.

    ACLJ International Director Tiffany Barrans said this aggressive act of jailing and trying Christian leaders reflects the regime’s desperation in dealing with Christianity in advance of the approaching election.

    “In the lead up the Iranian elections, scheduled for June 14, 2013, it is abundantly clear that the Iranian Regime is terrorizing the Christian community and other minorities in an attempt to force Iranians into submission,” she said.

    The Iranian government has the wrong idea about Iranian Christians, Barrans argued.

    “What Iran does not realize with the Christian community is that the exercise of their faith is not based on politics or an attempt to undermine the government,” she said.

    Iran’s treatment of American pastor Saeed Abedini is an example of the regime’s anti-Christian hysteria, according to Barrans.

    At the same time, Iran is planning to put nine Church of Iran members on trial, American Center for Law and Justice spokesman Gene Kapp said his group presented pastor Abedini’s human rights case before the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.

    “In the oral presentation before the Human Rights Council, our attorney told the U.N. that the imprisonment of pastor Saeed, a U.S. citizen, is a violation of international law and called on Iran to release him,” Kapp said.

    “At the same time, the U.S. State Department expressed its concern again about the imprisonment of pastor Saeed and called for his release,” he said.

    Kapp noted that there is growing support for Abedini from the American public.

    “More than 420,000 people have signed on to a petition demanding his release,” Kapp said.

    Reports on the nine Church of Iran believers and Pastor Abedini are consistent with a recent trend in Iran toward more persecution of all religious minorities.

    International Christian Concern documents the plight of three other Christians who have been arrested and put on trial in the past three months.

    Charisma News confirms ICC’s reports. Charisma News reported in November that there is a wave of anti-Christian activity.

    “Reports of Iranian authorities arresting Christians for their faith are pouring in, indicating that the Islamic nation is running a massive campaign targeting house churches,” Charisma News reported.

    Also, a report from Iran claimed Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani had been executed.

    Assist News Service reported an Anglican cleric in Iraq said an Iranian news report claimed Nadarkhani had been put to death.

    Barrans said the report was an Internet rumor, and “several of our sources today talked directly with pastor Youcef himself.”

    In further confirmation, Islam activist Walid Shoebat said the rumor started from an Arabic source.

    “I can say that pastor Youcef is not dead,” Shoebat said. “All the Arabic sources I researched say that Nadarkhani is still alive.”

    However, Shoebat added, another man wasn’t so fortunate.

    “The man who was hanged is a Sunni dissident and not Nadarkhani,” he said.

    An Economic Pearl Harbor We Never Saw Coming!
    Mar 11th, 2013
    Daily News
    Jim Rickards:
    Categories: Commentary;Warning

    China has acquired 2,000 tons of gold, and need to acquire another 2,000 tons. China is converting large amounts of dollar derivatives contracts into physical gold.
    Tensions are rising between the US & China, and China is secretly stockpiling massive amounts of gold…

    As the currency wars were heating up, China wasn’t just stockpiling gold futures contracts. They also had their hedge funds take positions in a block of highly leveraged derivatives. Out of the blue China orders these hedge funds to sell these secret holdings-all at the same time. In 1 single day they dump the equivalent of the entire GDP of Canada, India, or Russia on Wall St.

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