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Obama cleans house in Bioethics Council
Jun 26th, 2009
Daily News
OneNewsNow - Charlie Butts
Categories: Today's Headlines;Moral Decline

The Obama administration has told members of the President's Council on Bioethics, which deals with the ethics of human embryo research, that they are no longer needed.

 According to The New York Times, the Council -- established by President George W. Bush in 2001 -- will be replaced by President Obama with a new panel that has a new mandate and "offers practical policy options." However, Dr. David Prentice of the Family Research Council (FRC) believes the president is interested in getting rid of any criticism -- and when making fresh appointments, to make sure they are rubber-stamped.
"The current President's Council on Bioethics, 10 of the 18 members, criticized his 'opening up' policy of the government for more embryo research and embryo destruction," explains the FRC spokesman.
That involves killing a tiny human being, Prentice explains.
"In the last eight years, the current council -- under Leon Kass and then Ed Pellegrino -- has done an excellent job of looking at all sides of the issue, trying to present them, [and] educate the public as well as policy makers," he shares. "It's been a very diverse group with lots of different opinions."
Prentice believes the new panel will be stacked with people with radical views on the subject who will simply side with the president's intentions and say they are ethical.

Israel and the Axis of Evil
Jun 26th, 2009
Daily News
Jewish world
Categories: Today's Headlines;Anti-Israel;Warning

Less than two years ago, on September 6, 2007, the IAF destroyed a North Korean-built plutonium production facility at Kibar, Syria. The destroyed installation was a virtual clone of North Korea's Yongbyon plutonium production facility.

This past March the Swiss daily *Neue Zuercher Zeitung* reported that Iranian defector Ali Reza Asghari, who before his March 2007 defection to the US served as a general in Iran's Revolutionary Guards and as deputy defense minister, divulged that Iran paid for the North Korean facility. Teheran viewed the installation in Syria as an extension of its own nuclear program. According to Israeli estimates, Teheran spent between a billion and two billion dollars for the project.

Aside from their chronological proximity, the main reason it makes sense to assume that Iran and North Korea coordinated their separate tests is because North Korea has played a central role in Iran's missile program. Although Western observers claim that Iran's Sejil-2 is based on Chinese technology transferred to Iran through Pakistan, the fact is that Iran owes much of its ballistic missile capacity to North Korea. The Shihab-3 missile for instance, which forms the backbone of Iran's strategic arm threatening to Israel and its Arab neighbors is simply an Iranian adaptation of North Korea's Nodong missile technology. Since at least the early 1990s, North Korea has been only too happy to proliferate that technology to whoever wants it. Like Iran, Syria owes much of its own massive missile arsenal to North Korean proliferation.

Beyond its impact on Iran's technological and hardware capabilities, North Korea's nuclear program has had a singular influence on Iran's political strategy for advancing its nuclear program diplomatically. North Korea has been a trailblazer in its utilization of a mix of diplomatic aggression and seeming accommodation to alternately intimidate and persuade its enemies to take no action against its nuclear program. Iran has followed Pyongyang's model assiduously. Moreover, Iran has used the international - and particularly the American response - to various North Korean provocations over the years to determine how to position itself at any given moment in order to advance its nuclear program.

During his press briefing with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu [May 18], Obama said the US would reassess its commitment to appeasing Iran at year's end. And early [the week of May 25] it was reported that Obama has instructed the Defense Department to prepare plans for attacking Iran. Moreover, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen has made several recent statements warning of the danger a nuclear-armed Iran will pose to global security -- and by extension, to US national security.

On the surface, all of this seems to indicate that the Obama administration may be willing to actually do something to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power. Unfortunately though, due to the timeline Obama has set, it is clear that before he will be ready to lift a finger against Iran, the mullocracy will have already become a nuclear power.

Hamas rejects Israel peace vision
Jun 26th, 2009
Daily News
BBC News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Anti-Israel

Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal has dismissed the terms for a demilitarised state laid out by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Mr Netanyahu offered "merely self-governance under the name of a country," Mr Meshaal said.

Speaking in Damascus, he described the demand that the Palestinians recognise Israel as a Jewish state as "racist".

But he hailed what he said was "new language" towards Hamas from US President Barack Obama.

The exiled leader of the Palestinian militant Islamist movement, which backs attacks on Israel, was speaking in the wake of key address by both Mr Obama and Mr Netanyahu.

Minimum demands

The US regards Hamas as a terrorist organisation and does not deal with it, but Mr Obama acknowledged that many Palestinians support the group.

Mr Netanyahu bowed to heavy US pressure to endorse the principle of a Palestinian state, but said it must have no military, no control of its air space and must recognise Israel as a Jewish state.

"The enemy's leaders call for a so-called Jewish state is a racist demand that is no different from calls by Italian Fascists and Hitler's Nazism," Mr Meshaal said.

He reiterated Hamas's position that its "minimum demands" are "the establishment of a Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital, that has full sovereignty on the borders of 4 June 1967... the removal of all settlements and the achievement of the right of return".

In his speech two weeks ago, Mr Netanyahu said Jerusalem should be the undivided capital of Israel and made clear that he wished to continue limited settlement activity in the West Bank and that he rejected the right Palestinian refugees want to return to Israel.

Mr Meshaal also welcomed Mr Obama's recent comments.

"We value Obama's new language towards Hamas. It is a first step in the right direction toward direct talks with no conditions," he said.

The international community is demanding that Hamas renounce violence and recognise Israel before it will hold direct talks with the group, which controls Gaza.

Unity talks to end the feud between Hamas and the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority have so far failed.

Cap-and-trade would push economy to 'breaking point'
Jun 26th, 2009
Daily News
OneNewsNow - Pete Chagnon
Categories: Today's Headlines;Warning

American Solutions has launched a new ad attacking the Waxman-Markey Energy Bill.

 The Waxman-Markey legislation -- also known as carbon cap-and-trade -- could come up for a vote in the House as early as Friday. According to American Solutions for Winning the Future, the bill amounts to a massive energy tax on Americans. That is why they have launched an ad called "Breaking Point," which encourages citizens to contact their member of Congress to vote against the bill. The following is an excerpt from the ad:

 "The economic winds are blowing. We're losing our jobs, our homes, factories closing, businesses failing, families hurting. Now Congress is about to make things dramatically worse by passing a new national energy tax. We'll lose more jobs, pay more for gas and electricity -- pushing our economy to its breaking point."

Vince Haley, vice president for research and policy at American Solutions, comments on the Waxman-Markey bill.
"This is going to have an impact -- [a] family of four is going to be spending thousands of dollars more a year in energy costs to pay for this legislation over the next several years," he explains. "It's going to raise the price of electricity by some 74 percent -- the price of gas is going to go up by 55 percent."
Haley says that President Obama is mistaken by thinking that businesses will cover the extra cost. He says businesses typically pass costs onto the consumer.

An Israeli political leader says if elected prime minister, he will build the Jewish temple in Jerusalem
Jun 26th, 2009
News Update
Jimmy DeYoung
Categories: Jimmy DeYoung News

Moshe Feiglin, head of the Jewish Leadership Movement and a member of Prime Minister Netanyahu's Likud Party, said that if he was elected as Prime Minister of Israel, he will try to build the destroyed temple in Jerusalem - something that is the aspiration of every Jew. Feiglin said that he would take away control over the Temple Mount from the Islamic Trust that now has custodial responsibilities of this sacred spot and reinstate Jewish sovereignty over the entire mount and hopefully rebuild the temple. Feiglin said that Israeli political leaders since 1967 have missed the chance to realize every Jew's aspiration to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The statement by an Israeli political leader that, if elected prime minister, he would rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, has an interesting connection to Bible prophecy on the subject of the temple.

On a daily basis and three times every day, many religious Jews pray for the rebuilding of their temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Most Israeli political leaders shy away from any talk about the temple, realizing if there is to be a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that the Dome of the Rock, a Moslem commemorative building must be removed which assuredly would spark a major conflict in the Middle East. Now that for the first time an Israeli politician is saying that if elected prime minister he would rebuild the temple, the prospects increase for that major Jewish-Moslem conflict. What is so interesting is that Bible prophecy predicts both will happen. There will be a conflict over Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, and there will be a temple rebuilt on that sacred spot.

2500 years ago, the ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah wrote that Jerusalem, in the last days, would be the center of controversy (Zechariah 12:2-3). The prophet also said that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, would return and rebuild the temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (Zechariah 1:16, 6:12).

Whether an Israeli prime minister will ever have a part in building the temple on the Temple Mount or not, Messiah will rebuild the temple. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Abbas's Fatah Brags About Anti-Israel Terror
Jun 26th, 2009
Daily News
Arutz Sheva - Maayana miskin
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel;Anti-Israel

 Abbas's Fatah Proud of Terrorism
Members of Fatah put on a show recently boasting that Fatah leads other organizations, particularly Hamas, in anti-Israel terrorism. The event was attended by former Palestinian Authority leaders.

The performance was videotaped and shown on Fatah TV -- the television station cpntrolled by Mahmoud Abbas's Palestinian Authority, with which the U.S., U.N. and EU expect Israel to conduct negotiations. It was later translated by Palestinian Media Watch.

Among those present at the event were former head of PA security Mahmoud Dahlan and former head of PA foreign affairs Nasser al-Qidwa. The audience sang the PA anthem prior to the show.

In the pro-Fatah performance, actors portrayed a classroom setting in which pro-Fatah students debated their pro-Hamas classmates and teachers over which of the two groups deserved most credit for attacks on Israel. The play includes a segment in which pro-Fatah students criticize Hamas for failing to attack Israel more frequently since taking control of Gaza:

"Since Hamas seized power, we haven't heard of any martyrdom [sui operations,” a pro-Fatah student taunts.

"It's called 'fighter's rest,'” the teacher responds.

"Why, when Fatah stops fighting, [Hama says they're cowards, but when Hamas stops fighting you say it's 'fighter's rest'?” the student demands.

Loud applause and whistles

In another segment, pro-Fatah students brag that the Fatah-led Palestinian Liberation Organization was the first to carry out terrorist attacks on Israel. “The first shot was fired by the PLO, the first jihad was carried out by the PLO with all the other factions – but Hamas always opposed,” a student says to loud applause and whistles from the audience.

The pro-Fatah students also boast about the sadistic murder of two Israelis in Ramallah in 2000. Israeli reservists Vadim Nurzhitz and Yossi Avrahami were arrested by PA police and subsequently lynched by a mob, which beat the two to death, mutilated their bodies and dragged them through the street.

The students also express approval of the kidnapping of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, criticizing Hamas only due to the fact that it was not directly responsible for his capture.

"What do you say about the Hamas kidnapping of [Israe soldier Shalit,” the teacher in Fatah's play asks.

"Did Fatah ever capture a soldier?” the pro-Hamas character asks.

"[Othe brigades captured [Shali and sold him [to Hama,” a pro-Fatah student character responds to loud applause.

"Remember, in Ramallah, [ police arrested two soldiers. Have you forgotten, teacher?” A second pro-Fatah character adds.

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