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They will be the Most Hunted People on the Planet
Sep 16th, 2013
Daily News
Dave Hodges
Categories: Commentary;Persecution

It is becoming apparent that Christians, and American Christians, in particular, will soon become the most hunted people on the face of the earth. The coming persecution will make the Romans persecution of the Christians seem tame compared to what is coming. DHS policies and their subsequent actions have become an effective barometer from which to judge the direction of the tyrannical takeover of our government by the central bankers and what it will ultimately mean for Christians.

DHS is lining itself up against Christians. The Army is lining up against Christians. Obama has always been against Christians. As Supreme Commander of the military, Obama has encouraged/permitted the United States military to participate in the persecution of Christians. 

A recent Army briefing, given by Lt. Col. Jack Rich, to a reserve unit in Pennsylvania, identified several organizations and movements as extremist groups.  First on the list of his slides presented in the briefing listed evangelical Christians and the list also included Catholics, Hamas, al-Qaeda, Nation of Islam and the Ku Klux Klan. Isn’t it comforting to realize that your government sees Catholic and evangelical Christians in the same light as Hamas, al-Qaeda and the Klan?

Lt. Col. Richwarned his subordinates to not back down from “bad Christian behavior” for “when they see behaviors which are inconsistent with Army values, don’t just walk by. Do the right thing before it becomes a problem.” What exactly constitutes “bad Christian behavior?” Is praying a bad Christian behavior?

Further, the warning has been given to flag Christians and put them on no buy lists for guns. Rich’s briefing dovetails with the same kind of anti-Christian rhetoric recently presented to Colorado law enforcement officials in La Junta, Colorado in which Christians were prominently displayed in as domestic terrorists if they take the Bible too literally. Of course Christians take the Bible literally, this is why Christians read and study the Bible. The word of God is not a comic book, it is the Bible. And as such, all Christians have just been declared to be enemies of the state. Below is a screen shot of a page out of Rich’s anti-Christian PowerPoint presentation (not shown). Please note the repeated references to various types of Christians. Interestingly, I did not see the official religion of the United Nations, GAIA, listed as a domestic terror group.

Look at the last item on the list, “Islamaphobia.” Isn’t it telling that “Christianphobia” is not listed as an area of concern thus, making it clear that the government only sees Christians as the problem and never the potential victim. This is precisely the point. At the risk of beating a dead horse, your central banker hijacked government has just told you that you Christians are an identified enemy of the state. You Christians are not an enemy of the state because you might plant an IED in a public place. You Christians are not an enemy of the state because you support terrorism. You Christians are an enemy of the state, because you are Christians and you possess spiritual weapons which could dismantle the entire New World Order.

The Consequence for Being An Enemy of the State

In Egypt, Libya and Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood was installed as the new leadership, or rebel leadership with the help of the Obama administration. These groups are also aligned with al-Qaeda. These groups are killing Christians by the thousands in all three countries. Presently, the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda are persecuting Egyptian Coptic Christiansin horrific ways and Obama “hears no evil, and sees no evil.” It is notable that the Coptic Christian presence in Egypt predates the Muslim. However, to the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, the CIA and apparently President Obama, Christians are now persona non grata and it does not matter what country the Christians are from.

Coptic children are forcibly being taken from their families and forced to convert to Islam. Is this a foreshadowing of a future CPS field manual which will do the same here in America? Do you think this hyperbole? Then you must not be familiar with the new CPS manualwhich will be used to enforce “child welfare” under Obamacare. Under Obamacare, parents can lose custody of their children if their child gets a bad grade, is absent for more than 5 days in any 30 day period, if the parent has beer in the house or if the parent is a gun owner. Therefore, how far-fetched is it for American Christians to look at themselves as the next Coptic Christians and realize that the CPS could one day come for their children merely because they are Christians?

Why Christians?

Humanity is locked in a spiritual war. Although it is true that we must meet the enemy at the gate if we are to survive and that entails some use of physical countermeasures. However, physical realm countermeasures can only delay the inevitable. Spiritual warfare demands spiritual solutions. Rather than repeat myself, I would refer the reader to previously identified spiritual strategies in two articles I recently authored, Harnessing Quantum Entanglement is Humanity’s Secret Weapon and Humanity’s Ultimate Weapon. The concepts are scientifically verifiable and simple enough to understand. And more importantly, they work!

After reading about the spiritual weapons that mankind has at its disposal, it should be obvious as to why Christians are being targeted and being attacked with such a vengeance.

 The ultimate enemy of humanity is not al-Qaeda, the Russians, the central bankers and not even Obama himself. The ultimate enemy of humanity is Satan, the great destroyer and the aforementioned groups merely serve him. These forces of evil have conscripted vast resources in the march toward enslaving and depopulating humanity. They control the physical realm. Humanity cannot defeat these forces of evil on the physical battlefield.

Humanity is approaching its metaphorical Lexington and Concord. The central bankers are seeking to disarm humanity by eradicating the Christian threat to their agenda. You see, the dark side already knows what most of us don’t yet realize, Christians have the spiritual weapons to defeat those who are destroying humanity. It’s up to you, up to me and up to all of us, to invoke the use of these spiritual weapons.

Some articles write their own conclusion and this is one of those times…

Livni 'willing to Cede Control of Jordan Valley'
Sep 16th, 2013
Daily News
INN - Gil Ronen
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

Sources close to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu are once again expressing concern that Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, who heads the Israeli negotiating team with the Palestinian Authority (PA), is undermining the prime minister's positions in the talks.

Daily newspaper Maariv quoted sources close to Netanyahu who said that Livni's positions differ from those of Netanyahu on the key issues of Jerusalem, eviction of Jewish communities and Israel's security arrangements in the Jordan Valley.

According to the report, Livni - who heads the left-wing Hatnua political party - is willing to pull out the IDF from the Jordan Valley which guards Israel's long eastern border, and let an international force take its place. Netanyahu vigorously opposes this, citing the region's crucial strategic importance.

In addition, Livni has agreed to divide Jerusalem between Israel and a future state of “Palestine” in Judea and Samaria, as well as a large scale eviction of Jews from communities in Judea and Samaria – whereas Netanyahu believes that communities need to remain under Palestinian sovereignty, with proper security arrangements.

Maariv reported three weeks ago that Livni has been making various generous offers in contacts with the PA and US representatives, while Netanyahu thinks that Israel should not give up its best cards in the early stages of negotiations, as it is not clear what the PA is willing to cede in terms of security arrangements.

“In Netanyahu's vicinity,” the newspaper explained, “there is a feeling that the Americans, whom Israel is making every effort not to bring into the negotiations room, are eagerly using Livni's statements in their conversations with the Palestinians and thus weakening Israel's position in the talks."

There is widespread consensus among experts that ceding control of the Jordan Valley to any force but the IDF will make it extremely likely that missiles and other military hardware will be smuggled into Judea and Samaria, from where it could be used to target Tel Aviv with ease.

If a Palestinian state were to be established in all or the majority of Judea and Samaria, experts say such an arrangement would leave central Israel as narrow as 8 miles at some points, placing approximately 70% of Israel's population within firing-range of deadly mortars and rocket fire, and without the "strategic depth" to successfully defend against invasion.

Other sources close to the Prime Minister told Maariv that they were not aware of the aforementioned concerns regarding Livni.

Let the Headlines Speak
Sep 16th, 2013
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Israel hails Syria chemical weapons deal
Israel today welcomed a US-Russia agreement that, if implemented, would result in the removal or destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons and its ability to produce them. The US-Russia agreement on a framework to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons stockpile comes ahead of the expected release of a UN report tomorrow that is likely to confirm that chemical weapons were used outside Damascus on Aug. 21 but probably won't make a determination of who was responsible.  

Armed EPA raid in Alaska sheds light on 70 fed agencies with armed divisions
The recent uproar over armed EPA agents descending on a tiny Alaska mining town is shedding light on the fact that 40 federal agencies – including nearly a dozen typically not associated with law enforcement -- have armed divisions. The agencies employ about 120,000 full-time officers authorized to carry guns and make arrests, according to a June 2012 Justice Department report.  

More Heavy Rains for Battered Colorado Flood Zone
Days of heavy rains and flooding have turned the state's Rocky Mountain foothills into high risk zones, with dozens of washed out roads and bridges turning entire communities into disaster areas short on supplies and services. At least four people were known dead by late Sunday, with two others officially missing and presumed dead.  

Earth's axial precession regulates life-supporting system of oceans
The finding that nitrogen fixation is determined by precession-driven upwelling appears to indicate that the ocean's fixed nitrogen reservoir is resilient and that the ocean biosphere can recover from even the most dramatic ecological changes, said second author Daniel Sigman, Princeton's Dusenbury Professor of Geological and Geophysical Sciences.  

Strong M 6.0 earthquake near Andreanof Islands, Alaska
Earthquake registered as M 6.0 (USGS) occurred near Andreanof Islands, Alaska at 16:21 UTC on September 15, 2013. The epicenter was at the sea, located 83 km SSW of Atka, Aleutian Arc, Alaska at coordinates 51.540°N 174.794°W. The depth was at 22.8 km (14.2 miles). EMSC registered M 5.9 at a depth of 10 km. This area is rattled with earthquake swarm since late August.  

Seismic data reveal 'hotspot' passed under United States
2011 Virginia earthquake points to scars from ancient mantle plume.  

Yellowstone jolted with small earthquake
The U.S. Geological Survey says the 3.6 magnitude temblor occurred just before 10 a.m. with the epicenter located about 6 miles north of Old Faithful, one of the park’s main attractions.  

Typhoon Man-yi hits Japan, 200 flights cancelled, fears for Fukushima plant
At least 200 domestic flights have been cancelled as Typhoon Man-yi hit southern Japan. With torrential rains expected on Monday, contaminated water is feared to seep into the groundwater at Fukushima nuclear plant. Typhoon Man-yi will hit direct southern parts of the main island Honshu on Monday morning, possibly around 9 am in Shizuoka prefecture, southwest of Tokyo, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency.  

No joke this time: Is the pope Catholic?
“Is the pope Catholic?” goes the quip most Catholic faithful thought they would never ask … at least not seriously. But with a series of recent pronouncements and decisions bucking papal tradition, Pope Francis has many Catholics wondering if the Catholic Church will survive his papacy. In recent days, the Pope has declared that non-believers – not just non-Catholics, but even atheists – can gain salvation and be admitted into heaven, while his new appointment to be secretary of State, the second most important position in the Vatican, has suggested the Vatican is ready to rethink celibacy and the clergy, suggesting priests and nuns might be allowed to get married.  

Syria: nearly half rebel fighters are jihadists or hardline Islamists, says IHS Jane's report
Nearly half the rebel fighters in Syria are now aligned to jihadist or hardline Islamist groups according to a new analysis of factions in the country's civil war. Opposition forces battling Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria now number around 100,000 fighters, but after more than two years of fighting they are fragmented into as many as 1,000 bands.  

US, France and UK to seek tough UN resolution on Syria
France, Britain and the United States agreed at a trilateral meeting in Paris on Monday to seek a "strong and robust" United Nations resolution that sets precise and binding deadlines on removal of Syria's chemical weapons, the office of French President Francois Hollande said.  

Nearly 6,000 villagers evacuated after volcano erupts in western Indonesia
Nearly 6,000 people have been evacuated from their villages following the eruption of Mount Sinabung in western Indonesia. The 2,600-meter (8,530-feet) volcano in North Sumatra province erupted early Sunday after being dormant for three years, sending thick ash into the sky with small rocks pelting neighboring villages.  

Obama: Syria Deal Could Influence Iran Nuclear Talks
U.S. President Barack Obama says he and new Iranian President Hassan Rouhani have exchanged letters about the situation in Syria, and that diplomacy backed by military threat is a model for negotiating with Tehran over its nuclear ambitions.  

Koreas restart operations at Kaesong industrial zone
South Korean workers have returned to the Kaesong industrial park in North Korea, five months after work was halted amid high political tension. Trucks and cars began crossing the border into North Korea at exactly 08:00 (23:00 GMT Sunday).  

Analysis: House Republicans go for broke in fiscal battles
Another down-to-the-wire fight, potentially more toxic than usual, is rapidly shaping up in the U.S. Congress as conservatives prepare to exploit looming fiscal deadlines to derail President Barack Obama's signature healthcare reform law.  

Japan tells 300,000 homes to evacuate as typhoon hits
Typhoon Man-yi hit central Japan Monday, with almost 300,000 households told to evacuate and fears the storm could go on to hit the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant. The typhoon made landfall in Toyohashi, Aichi prefecture, shortly before 8:00 am (2300 GMT Sunday), packing gusts of up to 162 kilometres (100 miles) per hour, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.  

Abortion Clinics Closing at Record Rate
For Abby Johnson, the closing of a single Planned Parenthood center demonstrated her dramatic reversal from abortion clinic director to leading pro-life advocate. But for pro-lifers throughout the United States, it marked another exhibit in a hopeful trend—abortion centers are shutting down at an unprecedented rate. The total so far this year is 44, according to a pro-life organization that tracks clinic operations.

Abbas: Meet Our Conditions, Then We Can Have Peace
Sep 16th, 2013
Daily News
INN - Elad Benari
Categories: Today's Headlines;Peace Process

Israel’s “peace partner”, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, has once again outright rejected an Israeli demand to ensure a peace agreement that does not harm its security.

In a speech on Sunday to graduates of a university in Jericho, Abbas also clarified that unless all of the PA’s demands are met, there will not be a peace agreement with Israel.

Abbas told the graduates that the eastern border of the State of Palestine along the Dead Sea and the Jordan Valley will be with Jordan, thus essentially rejecting an Israeli demand for a special security arrangement in the Jordan Valley, that would allow IDF soldiers to remain in the region after the establishment of a Palestinian state.

In the past, Abbas indicated his willingness to allow an international UN presence in a future Palestinian state, but stressed that not a single Israeli – civilian or soldier - will be allowed in “Palestine”.

Abbas also told the students that the current negotiations between Israel and the PA are intended to reach a two-state solution based on the borders that existed before June 4, 1967, end “the occupation”, bring about the realization of the independence of the State of Palestine whose capital is Jerusalem, and bring a settlement to all final status issues, including releasing PA Arab terrorists from Israeli jails.

“Unless all the demands and rights of our people are realized" there will not be an arrangement, he stressed.

The speech in Jericho is the latest example of Abbas saying one thing when he speaks in English to Western officials or to Israelis, then turning around and telling his own people the opposite in Arabic.

Most recently, members of the Israeli leftist party Meretz who met with Abbas claimed that the PA Chairman had reassured them that if a peace agreement is reached with Israel, it would bring an end to his people’s demands of the Jewish state. He also assured the Meretz members that the PA would give up its demand for the “right of return”, which would see millions of Arabs who fled Israel in 1948 and their descendants flood Israel.

However, several days later an official statement from Abbas’s Fatah party made it clear that "the main goal of the negotiations with Israel is to establish an independent Palestinian state within the [pre-]1967 borders with its capital Al-Quds (Jerusalem -ed.), and the return of refugees in accordance with resolutions by international legitimate institutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.”

For years, the PA has demanded a state based on the borders that existed before the 1967 Six Day War. Israel refuses, as these borders, which were termed “Auschwitz borders” by the late former Foreign Minister Abba Eban, are indefensible and would guarantee its destruction.

Abbas agreed to resume negotiations with Israel in July after being pressured to do so by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

Kerry asked both sides to keep the details of the negotiations secret in order to give the process a chance to work and, while Israeli officials have remain tight-lipped about the talks, PA officials have made several leaks to the press.

In the most recent leak, a PA official said that during the negotiations, Israel agreed to a wholesale deportation of thousands of Jews from Judea and Samaria and the transfer of their property to PA Arabs. However, the PA official who reported on that Israeli offer added that the PA side had rejected it as not going far enough. 

In an earlier leak to the press, the PA's chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, told an Arabic radio station that the US has guaranteed the PA all of its key preconditions in advance of negotiations.

At the same time, PA officials have publicly stated that achieving peace with Israel was impossible, blaming the Jewish state and its “occupation” of Judea and Samaria for this.

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