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Saudis High on Speed, According to Drug Abuse Report
Jul 25th, 2010
Arutz Sheva - Hana Levi Julian
Categories: Today's Headlines;Warning

Saudis 'High on Speed' The lion's share of amphetamines being consumed in the Middle East is seized in Saudi Arabia, according to the latest global drug abuse report.

It is forbidden by Islam to ingest any intoxicant, or even to smoke tobacco – and in deeply conservative Saudi Arabia, “respectable” women are expected to cover themselves from head to toe if they set foot out the door. Nor do they generally walk through the streets without a male escort.
Whether it is despite or because of the restrictions on drinking and smoking, the 2010 World Drug Report, published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, shows that Saudi authorities seized nearly 13 metric tons of amphetamines in 2008, out of a total of 15.3 metric tons in the entire Middle East.

The total amount of amphetamines seized throughout the world that year was 24.3 metric tons.

Matthew Nice, a UNODC amphetamine-type stimulants expert, told CNN on Friday, “I can't emphasize enough the size of this. Fifteen metric tons is absolutely huge. It's absolutely phenomenal. We're really struggling because the information base is so limited. It's definitely just the tip of the iceberg.”

One of the stimulants at the top of the seizure list is the pharmaceutical stimulant Captagon, which contains the synthetic stimulant fenetylline. It was invented in 1963 for use in treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy, and in some cases, depression as well. The product was taken off the market in 1986 after being listed by the World Health Organization under the Convention on Psychotropic Substances.

Narcotics producers in southeastern Europe have apparently been producing counterfeit Captagon tablets since the real thing was taken off the market in the 1980s. The fake, which also bears the Captagon logo, contains amphetamine mixed with caffeine and who-knows-what-else.

Not Just Amphetamines
However, it is not just amphetamines that are the problem, according to Professor Jallal Toufiq, founder of the Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association.

Toufiq told CNN that all kinds of drugs are being abused in the region, and that abuse is growing. The problem, he said, is the lack of research and information.

“In the Middle East and North Africa region there's a huge void in terms of data and information,” he said. “For many countries there is a lack of political willingness because people just don't want to deal with this.”

Obama Names Medicaid Chief Who Backs Anti - Israel Doctors
Jul 25th, 2010
Arutz Sheva - Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Categories: Today's Headlines;Warning

Obama’s Anti-Israel Health Chief Republicans, and some Democrats, are in an uproar over U.S. President Barack Obama’s naming a Medicare chief who backs socialized medicine—and an anti-Israel physicians’ group.

The appointment of Donald Berwick, who is heavily involved in the anti-Israel Physicians for Human Rights organization, was made without going through the usual process of securing confirmation by the Senate. Opposition to his appointment was strengthened after it was discovered that Dr. Berwick said in a speech two years ago that the British system of socialized medicine is superior to the American health system.

Republican senators accused President Obama of bypassing the Senate to hide Berwick’s views, but White House spokesman Robert Gibbs responded, "There are aspects of the health care law that have to be implemented on a timeline that I'm sure many who oppose Dr. Berwick for political reasons didn't want to see implemented.”

However, even some Democrats are against the appointment of Berwick as the administrator for Medicare, including Senate Finance Committee chairman Sen. Max Baucus of Montana. Senate confirmation "is an essential process prescribed by the Constitution that serves as a check on executive power and protects Montanans and all Americans by ensuring that crucial questions are asked of the nominee -- and answered," he said.

Berwick’s backing of the Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) group dates back to the year 2000, when he donated thousands of dollars to the organization after the outbreak of the Second Intifada, also known as the Oslo War.

Part of PHR’s mission was to conduct “a medical and forensic investigation in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank [Judea and Samaria] from October 20-27, 2000 to investigate allegations of excessive use of force, including the use of prohibited ammunition in the current conflict between Israeli forces and Palestinian demonstrators and authorities."

In its probe of the IDF’s counter terrorist operation in Jenin in 2002, the physicians’ group issued seven reports critical of Israel while totally ignoring the fact that the civilians were asked to leave Jenin and that 11 IDF soldiers were killed in hand to hand combat in a residential area infested by snipers. This heavy price was paid as the IDF refrained from prior bombing so as to avoid civilian casualties. They also made no mention of human rights violations in Iran and Iraq. PHR also gav an award to a Gaza activist who justified bombings of Israelis afterwards.

In 2008, Dr. Berwick joined the board of PHR, joining Richard Goldstone, who later authored the United Nations report accusing Israel of war crimes in the three-week Operation Cast Lead against the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza in the winter of 2008-2009, while barely mentioning the prior nine years of rocket attacks on Israeli civilians.

A statement by the PHR was part of the basis of the Goldstone Report. PHR director Frank Donaghue stated about Gaza, ignoring the traumatized children of the Israeli town of Sderot and the Israeli communities near Gaza, "The parties to this horrific conflict are choking an entire population -- threatening access to food, shelter, medical care, and creating daily terror and insecurity. No military objectives can justify this."

It's Freedom of 'Religion,' Mr. President
Jul 25th, 2010
WND - Bob Unruh
Categories: Today's Headlines;Warning

Commander-in-chief's term 'gross departure from the intent of 1st Amendment'

It's just one more "fiber" of the U.S. Constitution, but if enough are torn, the document itself will unravel, according to a Washington-based faith organization that is chiding Barack Obama for repeatedly referring to the "freedom of worship" in the United States, when the Constitution actually calls for "freedom of religion."

Officials with the Faith and Freedom Institute have dispatched a letter to the president, asking that he correct himself.

"While some may deem the words 'worship' and 'religion' to be synonymous, and thus interchangeable, they are most definitely not!" said the letter from Faith and Freedom Institute President Gary Dull, Vice President Dave Kistler and historian Don Kistler.

"The First Amendment of the United States Constitution uses the word 'religion' and states unequivocally that Congress cannot prohibit the 'free exercise' of said 'religion,'" the letter continues.

"Your use of the word 'worship' implies that we have freedom ONLY within the confines of structures set aside for religious expression (i.e. churches, synagogues, etc.). This is not only a gross departure from the original intent of the First Amendment, but is also the first step toward eliminating faith expression in the public marketplace."

The organization, which says its purpose is to provide educational support for the moral, spiritual, political and biblical foundations of the U.S., argued words have meaning.

"To some, that may not appear to be a great issue, but it steals away the language of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and gives a different meaning to the freedom to practice our religion as we determine," the organization said.

Dull told WND the change in terminology is significant. "Worship" usually is done behind the walls and closed doors of a building set aside for that purpose. "Religion," on the other hand, includes the biblically mandated activity of declaring the Gospel to all nations.

Freedom of religion, he said, "actually means that we can practice religion in public space. Freedom of worship is more personal and often behind the doors of a church."

Dull said the institute staff first noticed the change in terminology at the November 2009 address by Obama in memory of the victims of a radicalized Islamic officer in the U.S. military who shot up a military base.

Since then, it's been a recurring statement, he said his staff has found. Besides Obama, the Democrat administration's use of it also has been spotted in Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's addresses.

It implies, Dull said, that Christians or those of other faiths should "keep inside your church buildings."

The letter asks Obama to "retract all past use of this incorrect and misleading phrase, 'freedom of worship,' and cease all future use of the same. We also call on you to acknowledge America's Christian heritage as is clearly evidenced in our Founding documents and the overwhelming abundance of statements from our Founding Fathers."

Dull warned what one generation tolerates, the next generation promotes.

The idea that Christianity is perfectly fine behind closed doors of a church building – but not really acceptably any longer in the public square – is a recurring theme in the myriad lawsuits that have sprung up in recent years over statements of faith by public officials, ceremonial prayers in public meetings, Christian student groups at schools and colleges and other places and times when the nation's Christian heritage traditionally has been recognized.

The issue also has arisen in the arguments over "hate crimes." Legislation was signed by Obama last year that created penalties for making members of groups – specifically homosexuals – feel bad.

A well-known atheist once told him, Dull reported to WND, that he had no objection to Christians or people of other faiths practicing their religion as long as they remained behind closed doors.

Israel, U.S. Sign Arrow 3 Agreement
Jul 25th, 2010
Arutz Sheva
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

The Defense Ministry and the United States Department of Defense signed an agreement Sunday afternoon for cooperation in the development and integration of the Arrow 3 missile interception system into the Israeli defense system.

The Arrow 3 is designed to protect against long-range ballistic missiles and intercept weapons of mass destruction outside the atmosphere

Is America in Prophecy?
Jul 25th, 2010
Weekly Commentary
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy

There are a number of nations referred to in the scriptures in relation to end time prophecy.

The EU is referred to in the sense that it is very evidently the infrastructure of the coming revived Roman Empire. Daniel tells us about the revival of the Roman Empire in the last days. Daniel 7:7 speaks about the old Roman Empire, and then he refers to the revived Roman Empire, he says, “And it had ten horns.”  Daniel 7:23 again speaks of the old Roman Empire, Daniel 7:24 identifies the revived Roman Empire with the old Roman Empire, it identifies it as 10 horns rising out of the head of the old Roman Empire.

Today, the EU adamantly declares that it is a revival of the Roman Empire. Daniel 7:24 identifies the antichrist as rising out of the R.R.E. Daniel 9:26-27 describes antichrist as a Roman ruler who will sign a seven year peace treaty with Israel and the nations.  Europe has a definite role to play in the end time scenario.

Israel is clearly designated to return to her land in the last days. We have watched with amazement as that event has unfolded before our very eyes.

Russia, Iran, Turkey, Ethiopia and Libya are designated as part of an alliance that will come against Israel in the early tribulation period, seeking to destroy her. We have watched in recent days as that very alliance has unfolded. It has come together with foretold purpose of destroying Israel.

We have a reference to the Kings of the East coming to Armageddon. This would seem to be China, India, Japan and possibly other Asian nations. In recent days the kings of the east have grown in power and purpose, ready to fulfil their role.

America is not found in Bible prophecy. That creates a problem! America has dominated the whole Mideast scenario for the last fifty years. At this point in time, American military and economic power totally dominates the world. As long as America continues in that role, it seems the last-days scenario cannot unfold.

We are not told about America in the last days, we only know that America is in the way of the unfolding of the biblical end-time scenario. It seems certain that America must be neutralized before the prophetic scenario unfolds. The troubling thing is that it is obvious that America is now standing on the brink of national catastrophe.

Steadily and with exacting detail the biblical end-time prophecies are coming together as foretold.

“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Luke 21:28

Crossing Over Jordan
Jul 25th, 2010
Thought for the Week
A.W. Tozer - (1897-1963)
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Exhortation

The prophets and the psalmists of the Old Testament wrestled as we do with the problem of evil in a divine
universe but their approach to God and nature was much more direct than ours. They did not interpose between
God and His world that opaque web we moderns call the "laws of nature." They could see God in a whirlwind
and hear Him in a storm and they did not hesitate to say so! There was about their lives an immediate
apprehension of the divine. Everything in heaven and on earth assured them that this is God's world and that
He rules over all. I heard a Methodist bishop tell of being called to the bedside of an elderly dying woman in his
early ministry. He said he was frightened; but the old saint was radiantly happy. When he tried to express the
sorrow he felt about her illness, she would not hear it. "Why, God bless you young man," she said cheerfully,
"there is nothing to be scared about. I am just going to cross over Jordan, where my Father owns the land on
both sides of the river!" She understood about the unity of all things in God's creation.

'Imported' Rocket used in Gaza Terror Attack on Israel
Jul 25th, 2010
Arutz Sheva - Hana Levi Julian
Categories: Today's Headlines;Anti-Israel

'Foreign' Rocket Fired at Israel Palestinian Authority terrorists in Gaza launched a number of rocket attacks on southern Israel on Saturday.

At least four rockets and mortars were fired at Jewish communities in the Gaza Belt region throughout the day, including one attack on Kibbutz Nachal Oz. Several rockets exploded in the Ashkelon Regional Council district.

No one was wounded in any of the attacks.

One of the missiles appeared to be a special “import” – a more advanced version than the missiles usually fired at Israel that had apparently been smuggled into the region.

The rocket, reported earlier in the day to have been a Kassam, failed to explode, according to police, who said that it appeared to be a newer model, one that it was possible to aim more accurately.

The missile, 115 mm in diameter, was taken to a police laboratory for analysis. Forensics experts later confirmed that the rocket had indeed been manufactured outside of the region.

Last year, PA sources claimed Iran had exported its rocket technology to Gaza terrorists, helping them to increase the range of their rockets to more than 20 kilometers. Israeli intelligence sources have since warned that ordnance has been "imported" into the region through the hundreds of smuggler tunnels that honeycomb the area under the border between Gaza and Egypt. Egypt has the ability to control the goods going through the tunnels.

Meanwhile, daily humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza, adequate to begin with, have increased even more since a decision by the cabinet last month, and are carried out despite rocket attacks fired from the region at Jewish communities on the Israeli side of the crossing. Israel is being criticized for continuing a marine blockade of Gaza, a move that is legal according to international law and which is aimed at preventing missiles and the raw materials for them from reaching the terrorist regime.

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