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U.S. to Abandon Israel, Warns Israeli Mk
May 20th, 2009
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel;Warning

Outspoken right-wing Israeli Knesset Member Aryeh Eldad said that what he took away from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting with US President Barack Obama on Monday was that America is on its way to abandoning the Jewish state.

Speaking to Israel National News, Eldad stressed that Obama had insisted on a deadline-free negotiating process with Iran, despite Netanyahu explaining that a nuclear-armed Iran poses a very real existential threat that Israel cannot accept.

Obama’s position essentially means that while the US would prefer for Iran not to go nuclear, it is willing to accept that outcome, said Eldad, adding, “Israel will have no choice but to destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities with all the means at its disposal, be the price what it may.”

Netanyahu had hoped to convince Obama that while the Israeli-Arab conflict had been going on for decades, the Iranian nuclear crisis is a game-changing issue that must be dealt with independently and immediately.

Israeli experts fear that Obama is betting on a change in the Iranian leadership when Iranians go to the polls in June, resulting in a halt to the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program in line with international demands.

But senior Israeli defense officials told The Jerusalem Post that their intelligence indicates Iran’s nuclear program will steam ahead regardless of who wins the election, and that Iran will be able to field a nuclear weapon within 18 months.

They noted that depending on who wins the presidential election this summer, Iran may not actually use a nuclear bomb, but will use its possession of such weapons to exert dominance over the region.

Tuning Piano's
May 20th, 2009
A. W. Tozer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational

Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow.

So one hundred worshippers meeting together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be were they to become "unity" conscious and turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer fellowship. Social religion is perfected when private religion is purified.

The Hidden Agenda Behind Cap - And-trade
May 20th, 2009
Daily News
OneNewsNow - Pete Chagnon
Categories: Warning

Americans for Prosperity has launched a new website aimed at exposing the hidden agenda behind climate legislation.

The website seeks to expose the hidden tax in the so-called "cap-and-trade" bill in Congress and other climate legislation. Peggy Venable is the director of the Texas branch of Americans for Prosperity.
"[Cap-and-trade] truly is a tax because it will impose a higher cost of doing business on everything -- and not just electricity and gasoline at the gas pump, but also in anything that we purchase that is transported, everything from food to any goods or services," she explains.
Venable says the website is loaded with information on cap-and-trade. She adds many politicians have signed a pledge on the website that basically states they will not support any type of climate tax.
The Americans for Prosperity spokeswoman hopes that as the truth gets out, cap-and-trade legislation will be abandoned.

The former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld used passages from the Bible on White House intelligence briefings
May 20th, 2009
News Update
Jimmy DeYoung
Categories: Jimmy DeYoung News

It has been reported that former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld routinely used militaristic passages from the Bible on the cover pages of White House intelligence documents to curry favor with President George W. Bush despite the concerns about the incendiary impact on Islamic opinion if they were made public.

These passages of Scripture appeared on the front page of top secret intelligence summaries prepared by the Pentagon for President Bush and the briefing documents were so sensitive that they were often hand delivered by Rumsfeld to the White House.

Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News

The use of Biblical passages on the covers of intelligence reports for the White House would have been proper if they had used the appropriate passages from Bible prophecy.

The recent report that former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld used biblical passages as the cover page to White House intelligence briefing documents could have caused a massive uproar among the Islamic world if it had been revealed during the war in Iraq under President Bush.

One example of what we are talking about would be the passage from I Peter stating, "It is God's will that by doing good, you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men", this passage was included with a photo of Saddam Hussein delivering a speech. Another image showing tanks roaring through the dessert to topple Saddam's regime had a passage from Ephesians which stated that we should put on the whole armor of God to stand against evil.

From the pages of Bible prophecy, there are indeed passages that relate to the destruction of modern day Iraq, biblical Babylon. These passages include Isaiah 13-14 and Jeremiah 50-51. In Revelation 18 it says that Babylon, modern day Iraq, will be destroyed in one hour, Revelation 18:10, 17, 19. Interestingly, Revelation 17:17 says God will put into the hearts of world leaders to take actions that will accomplish His will.

All of the aforementioned prophecy passages will have fulfillment in the coming seven year Tribulation period, but rest assured Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Senators Urge Obama to See Israel’s Point of View
May 20th, 2009
Daily News
Israel Today
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel;Peace Process

Seventy-six out of 100 US senators this week signed a letter urging President Barack Obama to carefully weigh the risks to Israel’s security before pushing his new Middle East peace initiative.

The letter was sent to the president one day after his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during which Obama pressed his guest to grasp hold of the “historic opportunity” to make peace by surrendering his people’s ancient lands.

In their letter, the senators appeared to side with Netanyahu’s view that Israel cannot even consider a Palestinian state until the Palestinians honor their commitments to halt all terrorism against the Jewish state.

“We must also continue to insist on the absolute Palestinian commitment to ending terrorist violence,” they wrote. “The more capable and responsible Palestinian forces become, the more they demonstrate the ability to govern and to maintain security, the easier it will be for them to reach an accord with Israel.”

According to reports in the US media, Obama is determined to push forward with the creation of a Palestinian Arab state at the earliest possible date, and will try to mitigate the risk to Israel by calling for that Palestinian state to be demilitarized.

There was no mention of what the consequences would be if and when the Palestinians rejected or violated that condition.

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hosted Netanyahu in Washington on Tuesday, and reiterated what Obama had told the Israeli leader a day earlier: the new US government is determined to succeed where its predecessors failed in playing midwife to “Palestine.”

Clinton demanded that Netanyahu halt all construction of Jewish home in Judea and Samaria, since, as she put it, “the Palestinians deserve a viable state,” and new Israeli construction on those biblical lands would make that impossible.

She also made the obligatory call for Palestinian terror groups to stop attacking Israelis

Palestinians: Obama to Give U.S. Jerusalem!
May 20th, 2009
Daily News
Israel Today
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel;Peace Process

Palestinian officials cited by Ynet on Wednesday said that US President Barack Obama intends to formally bequeath them the eastern half of Jerusalem when he unveils his new Middle East peace initiative in Cairo next month.

The Palestinian Authority officials said that Obama will go further than presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton in that he will prejudge the outcome of negotiations by calling for Israel to fully surrender those areas of Jerusalem that were illegally occupied by Jordan from 1948-1967.

America’s last two presidents refrained from calling for the redivision of Jerusalem, aware of how unpopular that option is with Israelis in general, and acknowledging that the current agreements between Israel and the Palestinians say that the future status of Jerusalem is a matter for bilateral negotiations.

The new Obama plan will also reportedly include a firm timetable for the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state that will not be adversely affected by ongoing Palestinian violence.

Netanyahu Holds Fast Against Patronizing Obama
May 20th, 2009
Daily News
Categories: One World Church;The Nation Of Israel;Peace Process

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won high marks from most for generally holding his own in Monday’s meeting with US President Barack Obama.

The White House talks were expected to be tense, as both leaders came in with divergent views regarding the creation of a Palestinian state, how to deal with the Iran nuclear crisis, and the linkage between the two issues.

In the post-meeting press conference, Netanyahu maintained his refusal to publicly endorse the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state, but repeated his long-held view that Israel has no desire to rule over millions of hostile Arabs.

Obama made the difference between his and Netanyahu’s views clear by telling reporters that his government will push hard for the birth of “Palestine,” and urging Netanyahu to grasp hold of this “historic opportunity.”

He also appeared to patronize Netanyahu by saying he knew the Israeli leader would eventually “rise to the occasion.”

In another perceived slight, Obama cooly noted that Netanyahu had been “very vocal in his concerns” regarding Iran, but insisted that he will not put a timetable on what have so far been pointless diplomatic efforts to halt Tehran’s pursuit of nuclear arms.

Obama was most adamant in his refusal to see the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Iran nuclear crisis as separate issues. He flatly rejected Netanyahu’s argument that if there is any link at all between the two issues, it is that Israel cannot possibly conclude a final status peace deal with the Palestinians while Iran is building nuclear bombs and emboldening Palestinian terror groups.

“If there is a linkage between Iran and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, I personally believe it actually runs the other way,” Obama said. “To the extent that we can make peace with the Palestinians - between the Palestinians and the Israelis - then I actually think it strengthens our hand in the international community in dealing with the potential Iranian threat.”

The one point of agreement between the two was Obama’s intention to push more Arab nations to directly join Israeli-Arab peace talks. The president indicated that he will unveil a new regional peace initiative when he visits Cairo next month.

Political spin doctors in both Washington and Jerusalem immediately went to work painting the meeting as a relaxed and friendly encounter, though the substance of what the two leaders told the press bespoke a far different reality beneath the surface.

'59 - State Solution' Workable in Middle East
May 20th, 2009
Daily News
OneNewsNow - Chad Groening
Categories: Today's Headlines;The Nation Of Israel

Major activists who support the Israel are organizing a grassroots effort to oppose attempts by the Obama administration to carve a Palestinian state out of Israel's covenant land.

Organizers say the purpose of the grassroots effort is to educate the world to the fact that the land of Israel has been connected to the Jewish people for more than three millennia, and no other people have a right to its land. In a news release, Jewish activists against a "two-state solution" also said that the Arabs are among those who invaded the land and have no legal rights to establish a sovereign nation within the borders of the land.
Rob Muchnick is the U.S. spokesman for Manhigut Yehudit, or The Jewish Leadership Movement, which is one of the groups taking part in the effort. He says there is already a 59-state solution.
"There's [sic] already 58 Muslim states and only one Jewish State. I think that's enough," he shares. "I think the two-state solution -- cutting up the one Jewish state into two pieces, making it militarily indefensible, and giving away our biblical heritage, our biblical heartland where 95 percent of our holy sites are -- is not the way to make peace."
Muchnick says the coalition of Jewish activists is calling on the Jewish people to oppose ceding any part of biblical Israel to any foreign nation.

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