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Revelation 11: 1-2 Pt. #2 - Exploring Revelation
Aug 15th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary

In verse 1 John is referring to the third temple, the tribulation temple which will be built early in the tribulation period. All of the plans and preparations for that temple are ready, a model is complete, all of the instruments and utensils have been made, hundreds of priests have been trained and equipped. The menorah and the brazen laver have been made, the crown for the high priest has been fashioned of Gold. The Priestly garments have been tailored and the red heifer is available. The working bluprints are being finalized for the actual construction of the temple.

We know that at the beginning of the tribulation period Israel will sign a seven year peace treaty with anti-christ. That treaty will promise Israel peace and safety. It will also allow Israel to build the temple, which evidently they will do quickly.The temple worship will be re-established but the whole system will be ritualistic only. There will be no spiritual reality to the worship, it will be outer form only, that is what verse 1, is all about.

Just Christ examined the temple the first time He came, He comes to the temple this time also (through John) to evaluate Israel to see if they are ready and worthy for His blessing. And just as He found Israel unfit the first time, here also Israel is found unworthy of His blessing. The lord is checking Israel's worship to see if it is genuine, they have returned to the land, they are worshipping in the temple, but it is a sham there is no spiritual reality to it.

And so the time of Jacob's trouble must follow, Israel must be chastened one last time before their hearts are truly be turned to the Lord. Zech. 1:8-9

In verse 2, our Lord says don't measure the outer court, the outer redcourt is known as the "Court of the Gentiles'', God is only measuring Israel in these verses.

"..for it is given unto the gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months". This ties in with other prophecy, anti-christ will break his covenant after 3 1/2 years and set up his image in the temple to be worshipped. See Daniel 9:27 Mt,24:15-18 2 Thess. 2:3-5

At this midpoint of the tribulation period a great change takes for Israel, they had been dwelling safely in their own land. Now they are scattered by the rage and fury of anti-christ.

Let the Headlines Speak
Aug 15th, 2020
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

For The Full Story Click on the Individual News Item

California Orders First Rolling Blackouts Since 2001 Crisis
California utilities are carrying out rolling blackouts across the state for the first time since the 2001 U.S. energy crisis as a prolonged and extreme heat wave threatens to blanket much of the state through the middle of next week.

China’s flood season leaves 219 fatalities, more than 4 million evacuated and 63 million affected
Severe flooding from this year’s rainy season in China has left a total of 219 fatalities and more than 63 million people affected, the Ministry of Emergency Management (MEM) said in a press conference on Thursday, August 13, 2020. Over the past two months, more than four million have been evacuated amid historically heavy rains, with further deluge expected to continue in the weeks ahead.

Unusual triple comet flies past the Sun
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spotted an unusual object identified as a triple comet flying past the Sun in early August. Although the satellite captures comets all the time– most of which are Kreutz sungrazers– the particular object is not a member of the said family, making it a rare find.

Brazil gripped by historic August cold, another round of cold blast to hit next week
Residents in Brazil are grappling with historically cold August, resulting in intense frost sweeping through many areas in Santa Catarina. Another round of extreme cold blast is set to hit next week, affecting a large portion of the southern region.

Lake Fire explodes to more than 4 450 ha (11 000 acres) in just 2 days, California
A wildfire sparked at the Angeles National Forest in California at around 22:38 UTC (15:38 LT) on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, has spread to 4 450 ha (11 000 acres) by 22:45 UTC on August 13 and is only 5 percent contained.

Two Kids with Lemonade Stand Robbed at Gunpoint, Police Say. Neighbors Band Together To Help
On Aug. 7, Jude Peterson was selling lemonade with a friend in Peoria, Illinois. It was a regular Friday for them, as they’d spent Fridays during the summer selling lemonade on a street corner.

The New Zealand Story: First They Take Your Guns – Then They Set Up Mandatory Coronavirus Quarantine Camps
In March 2019 New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern passed gun-grabbing legislation following a mass shooting at Christchurch mosque.

One Day After Trump Announces ‘Abraham Accord’ Emmanuel Macron Gives Himself A Seat At The Middle East Table Making A League With Russia
The article we did yesterday on Trump’s ‘Abraham Accord‘ announcement ended with these words “Now let’s see how Macron will fit into all of this, that will be the truly fascinating part.” Well, we sure didn’t have to wait very long. Emmanuel Macron broke out of the gate this afternoon absolutely roaring like the end times lion that he is, making a league with Russia in the Middle East, and inserting himself right into the middle of the Abraham Accord. Yep, like a rat drawn irresistibly to the cheese. We see you, Macron, boy do we ever.

BREAKING: Oregon State Police abandon Portland after local left-wing D.A. refuses to pursue criminal charges against rioters who attack law enforcement
BREAKING: Portland, Oregon now stands on the verge of collapse into total lawlessness and anarchy, all by design, as Oregon State Police are pulling out of the city following the decision of the local district attorney to drop nearly all charges against rioters who violently assault law enforcement officials.

Mystery Masks from China Arrive At Florida Addresses — Unsolicited
Some residents in the Tampa Bay area have been receiving unsolicited masks from China at their homes.

Minneapolis Forcing Owners of Destroyed Businesses to Pay Full 2020 Property Tax Before Rebuilding
After being robbed by looters, Minneapolis’ business owners are now finding themselves extorted by the city itself.

Since The COVID Pandemic Began, Tech Billionaires Saw Their Wealth Skyrocket As 40 Million Americans Forced On Unemployment, Food Lines
While lines at food pantries across America stretched out over a mile long, America’s tech titans were piling up their cash reserves at rates nearly unimaginable to the average person. While some of you received a COVID ‘stimulus check’ for $1,200, people like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk got the much larger slice of that 2 trillion dollar pie.

Court Grants Mother Full Say in Transitioning 8-Year-Old Son to Girl
A Dallas judge ruled Tuesday that the mother of an eight-year-old boy may have sole decision-making power in pursuit of “transitioning” him to a girl named “Luna.”

BREAKING: Oregon State Police abandon Portland after local left-wing D.A. refuses to pursue criminal charges against rioters who attack law enforcement 
BREAKING: Portland, Oregon now stands on the verge of collapse into total lawlessness and anarchy, all by design, as Oregon State Police are pulling out of the city following the decision of the local district attorney to drop nearly all charges against rioters who violently assault law enforcement officials.

In That Day - John 16:23-26
Aug 15th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

Thrice in these closing words the Master refers to that day (see John 14:20). Without doubt He refers to the Day of Pentecost, and the era it would introduce.

The Holy Spirit reveals the relation between the Father and the Son (John 14:20). - And this not as a matter of speculation merely, but for our holy living. The model of our union with Jesus is His union with the Father. As He is in His Father in perpetual and most blessed union, so are we to be in Him.

The Holy Spirit's presence answers our questions.-" Ye shall ask Me no question" (John 16:23,). Whilst the Lord was with them, they were constantly breaking in on Him with their questions: "Lord, are there few that be saved?" "Wilt Thou at this time restore the kingdom?" "When shall these things be?" This is always the symptom of the earliest stage of the religious life - perpetual questioning and worrying. But when the Spirit comes, His presence is the sufficient answer. He does not teach our intellects to know the truth, but gives the truth to our hearts. We need not question, because we see; we possess; we can taste and handle for ourselves.

The Holy Spirit's indwelling teaches us how to pray. - " In that day, ye shall ask in My name" (John 16:26). To pray in Christ's name is to let His nature pray in and through our lips. Of course such prayer prevails. The one condition of successful prayer is to bring yourself into a line with the thoughts of God, to breathe His spirit, to be swayed by His impulses; this is only possible through the gracious operation of the Spirit of God. Has the blessed Day of Pentecost broken upon you? Do you live in its light? Have you received all it was meant to bring you?

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