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The letter to pergomos pt.#2 - Exploring Revelation
May 25th, 2020
Exploring Revelation
Art. Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Prophecy;Book Study

Last week we began looking at the Church of Pergamos. We are told in the text (Rev. 2:12-17) that there were two grievious false doctrines held to and propigated in the church. False doctrine cannot be tolerated in the church. (see 2 Thess. 3:14)

The first false doctrine was Balaamism, vs. 14. We dealt with it last week. Now, we will deal with the second false doctrine found at Pergamos, "Nicolaitanism."

"The doctrine of the Nicolaitans" vs.15. "The second error began in Pergamos and continues in many sections of christendom until this day".

Arno C. Gabelein defines the word "Nicolaitans". He says that it is a Greek compound word. 'NIKAO' = to have the upper hand = to dominate. 'LAOS' = The people (English=Laity).

A priestly class had sprung up in the church dominating the people. This was a denial of the 'Priesthood of the Believer'. They proposed to go to God on behalf of the people, rather than the individual believer living in communion with God.

Notice what the Lord said about this concept, vs. 15, "which thing I hate". The christians at Pergamos were tolerating this thing. The Ephesians would not tolerate it, - see Rev. 2:6. The Lord stated twice that He hates this thing! It is a contradiction of His will for the church. This thing would rear its ugly head all down through the Church Age - Cardinals, Popes, and Priests, controlling, dominating, coming between God and His people - claiming the Right to forgive sins! Jesus said "it is wrong."

A pastor is on the same level as those he ministers to. Read Mt.20:25-27 and 1 Pe.5:1-3.

That does not mean a pastor, by virtue of his office and calling, should not lead and teach the flock.

The pastor is called to lead and feed the flock (Heb.13:17). Indeed he will give an account to the Lord in this matter. The pastor is to fulfil this duty in meekness and humility (1 Pe. 5:3) never getting between the Lord and the individual believer.

Now, the Lord's warning comes, vs.16 "Repent, or Else!" Repent of the sin of Balaam and of the sin of Nicolatanism. Their minds must be changed, they must turn from these evil practices.

It is the true believers He appeals to, they must exclude these false teachers from their fellowship.

The warning is emphasized, "I will come unto thee quickly." 'Quickly' = Suddenly, Unexpectedly, with quick, swift action. "And will fight against them with the sword of my mouth." That's a severe warning!! The Lord is serious about purifying and sanctifying His Church.

One of the ways the Lord judges the unsaved professers of Christ in a church, is to remove its true believers from the church and allow that professing group of unbelievers to continue in apostasy, without His Spirit in their midst.

"I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy lampstand out of its place." (to remove the Holy Spirit, to remove the truly saved ones.

There is an eschatalogical aspect to this judgment upon the professing church.

SOMETIMES when the Lord judges a church, it just ceases to exist on earth.

SOMETIMES when the Lord judges a church, it is the believers who are removed and it goes into apostasy and becomes a part of that great monolithic structure called 'Christendom'.

There are three churches, in particular, upon which this judgment is pronounced: Thyatira, Sardis, and Laodicea. All three are given over to apostasy, and consigned to continue in apostasy right into the Tribulation Period. In the Tribulation Period they will commit the ultimate apostasy, turning from professed faith in Christ, to allegiance to the false Christ - Antichrist! They will deny the gospel they have long pretended to believe. Instead of relying on the gospel to change the hearts of men, they will give themselves to political means of making the world a better place, that is the Social Gospel.

I believe the purpose-driven church movement is laying the groundwork for this Coming, Final, Great Apostasy.

Ultimately, this apostate Church will be destroyed at the Mid Trib point, see Rev. 17:1,2. and Rev. 17:16,17.

When we come to these three churches, we will identify who they are in the world today.

So Did not I, Because of the Fear of God. Nehemiah 5:15
May 25th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

THESE were great words. Nehemiah had a perfect right to take this money. Not a word could be said even by his critics, if he did. He was doing a priceless work, and might justly claim his maintenance. On the other hand, the people were very poor, and he would have a larger influence over them if he were prepared to stand on their level, and to share with them. It was just so that the Apostle argued in 1 Cor. ix. And from both we learn that often we must forego our evident rights and liberties in order to influence others for Christ. Do not always stand on your rights; but live for others, making any sacrifice in order to save some ‑‑ even as Christ loved us, and gave Himself for us.

If Nehemiah did so much for the holy fear of God, what ought not we to do for love? Love is more inexorable than law. Its exactions are more stringent and searching. Are we doing as much for love of Jesus as generations before did simply on the score of duty? It is much to be questioned if Jesus does not get less, of outward service at least, out of his followers, than Mehomet or Buddha does. But what He does get is infinitely sweet to Him, in so far as love prompts it.

All around you people are doing things that they say are perfectly legitimate; they call you narrow and bigoted because you do not join with them; they are always arguing with you to prove you are wrong. But your supreme law is your attitude to your Master. "I cannot do otherwise for the love of Jesus."

    "Not I, because of the fear of God."

    "Not I, but the grace of God that was with me."

    "Not I, but Christ liveth in me."

Free will is Demanded
May 25th, 2020
by Adam Clarke (b. 1760?1762)
Categories: Exhortation

There has been much spoken against the doctrine of what is called free will by persons who seem not to have understood the term. Will is a free principle. Free will is as absurd as bound will: it is not will if it be not free; and if it be bound, it is no will.

Volition is essential to the being of the soul, and to all rational and intellectual beings. This is the most essential discrimination between matter and spirit. Matter can have no choice, spirit has. Ratiocination [reasoning] is essential to intellect; and from these volition is inseparable. God uniformly treats man as a free agent; and on this principle the whole of divine revelation is constructed, as is also the doctrine of future rewards and punishments.

If a man be forced to believe, he believes not at all: it is the forcing power that believes, not the machine forced. If he be forced to obey, it is the forcing power that obeys; and he, as a machine, shows only the effect of this irresistible force. If a man be incapable of willing good and willing evil, he is incapable of being saved as a rational being; and if he acts only under an overwhelming compulsion, he is as incapable of being damned. [He is] is incapable of being moved, but as acted upon by foreign influence; or, as an intellectual being, to nonentity.

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