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What Destination ?
Jan 30th, 2020
Art Sadlier
Categories: Bible Salvation

When you head your car out onto the highway you must choose which way you are going to go, your destination is determined by the way you choose to travel. It is the same with nations, they chart a course and they arrive at their destination, prosperity and blessing or destruction, that is the story of history.

America has been charting a course for some time now. Think of the course the American courts and government have been choosing. Some years ago the courts decided to legalize abortion, since that time 50 million babies have been slaughtered in their mother's wombs. Long ago the government controlled school system decided to teach evolution and deny that there is a God that created heaven and earth as God's Word is clearly states. The courts, the politicians and the media have laboured mightily to legalize homosexuality and same sex marriage, again this involved a rejection of God and His word.

Long ago America chose the direction it desired to go and they chose it over the objections of multitudes of other Americans. A few years ago President Obama confirmed that the nation had arrived at the destination they set out for. Obama announced in his inaugural address that America is no longer a "Christian nation." An opinion poll taken days before showed that a majority of Americans no longer believe Christianity is the main religion of America.

Two court rulings had just confirm this fact. Some time ago the courts ruled prayer in schools was unconstitutional and it was banned. A judge in Illinois has ruled that a moment of silence in the classroom cannot be allowed just in case the children may have thoughts of God. In the  new America that is intolerable.

In another ruling by the Supreme Court, a law that protected children from pornography on the internet was struck down as being unconstitutional. Do you not think the Lord in heaven is taking note that the leaders of America are exposing children to the destructive, corrupting influence of pornography and preventing children from praying to Him or even perchance having thoughts about Him?

The next move by Obama was to pass a law against hate crime, a law which in other countries has facilitated the prosecution of pastors and believers for teaching and preaching what God says in His Word about homosexuality.

America now has a new President, a man who is not a Christian but a man who is seeking to reverse some of America's moves against the the Word of God. In response, the media, the Democratic Party and much of America is furiously and ferociously trying to stop him.

America as a nation has turned away from God. If the media and the vast host of anti-God progressives and one world advocates have their way, should we be surprised if the judgment of God falls on America, and when it does it will be what the nation has chosen.

Some may argue that for the sake of the remnant of believers in America God will hold back His judgment as in the days of Lot. What if the rapture of the church were to take place? What would hold back God's judgment then?

My friend if you are not saved now is the time to forsake the world and the judgment that is certain to come.

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever" (1 John 2:15-17).

"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him" (John 3:36).

Somebody Hath Touched Me - Luke 8:46
Jan 30th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F.B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

Amid the pressure of the crowd that crushed on Him from all sides, Jesus detected the light touch of one thin hand, which drew from Him healing virtue. We may be very near Christ, and throng Him, without touching; but no one can touch Him, however lightly, without deriving the very grace needed.

We think of Jesus to-day amid the thronging crowds of angels and spirits of the just made perfect. Amid their voices will ours be heard? Amid the pressure of their attendance on His sacred person will He stay to recognize our poor trembling touch? Amid the vast interests that depend on Him, the government of the universe, the holding together and consistence of all things, is there any likelihood of our need asserting itself successfully? See, He is hastening on to raise the dead; there is the daughter of many a Jairus waiting for His summons, in the cemeteries and sleeping places of the dead. Will He stay for me? Yes, always.

There is the touch of prayer and faith. Thou canst never exercise it, however simply, without eliciting an immediate response. The conductor can detect the tiny note of a piccolo in an orchestra; and Christ is moved by a whisper, a sigh, a tear, a touch. There may be a good deal of mistake and superstition, as there was in this woman, who seemed to have thought that virtue clung to His robes; but He will distinguish the soul of holy trust amid many false ingredients. There is also the touch of affection. He knew when the woman crept to kiss His feet. He did not instantly speak of it, but said afterward, "From the time I came in she hath not ceased to kiss My feet." Not one loving expression from thy heart to His is lost on Him!

Behold, There Talked With Him Two Men, Which Were Moses and Elijah - Luke 9:30
Jan 30th, 2020
Morning Meditation
F.B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

What a spectacle was this, on the slopes of Lebanon, with light transcending that of the moonlight shining in the upper heights! And what converse! Possibly that transfiguration was an example of the way in which Adam and all his race might have passed into heaven, had not death come on us all through sin; and therefore it was the greater proof of the love of our dear Lord, when He deliberately turned from all the radiant light and took the way of the cross. His death is here called an exodus: such is the Greek word rendered decease. How much these two great souls, Moses and Elijah, had to say about it: the one representing the law; the other the prophets.

Moses would remind Him of the lamb that would be slain before the children of Israel could escape from Egypt; of the rock that must be smitten, before the water could flow forth for the thirsty crowds; of the serpent that must be fixed on the pole, before the dying Israelites could look and live.

Elijah would remind the Lord of Psalm 22., beginning with a wail and ending with praise; of Isa 53:1-12., finishing with a burst of triumph; and many another sacred and familiar passage.

And after all it was only an exodus, the going forth of His spirit from the Time-sphere to the Eternal; from contact with a very weary world to victory and joy-mending. Lighted by the Shechinah glory; following through the Red Sea of Blood; hastening to the morning, with its vision of enemies strewn dead on the seashore. The memory of this talk so far robbed death of its terror, in the heart of one of the disciples at least, that afterward he described his own death as an exodus (2Pe 1:15).

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