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USGS Increases Earthquake Risk Along New Madrid Fault
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- The midwest region is preparing for earthquakes that are bigger and more powerful than ever believed imaginable.

The U.S. Geological Survey updated their seismic hazards map last week, and in it, Kentucky is listed as one of 16 states at highest risk of earthquakes.

USGS says the New Madrid Fault, which runs through a number of midwestern states, has been identified as an area that has potential for larger and more powerful quakes than previously thought.

Far Western Kentucky is highlighted on the map as being an area of "high risk." Geoscientists say if a major earthquake hits along the New Madrid Fault, damage and possibly even fatalities could reach as far as Louisville, Ky.

"If you do get a very high magnitude earthquake--and it's very possible at any time without any warning--then we would have deaths in Louisville," said Dr. Gerald Ruth, a geo scientist and professor at Indiana University Southeast.

Ruth adds that if a big quake hits the region, there will be plenty of aftershocks. He said unlike California, which experiences little tremors all the time, tension is built up in the midwest.

"In California, earthquakes are very common and the release of tectonic activity is quick and fast and the time for aftershocks is limited," said Ruth. "If we had a significant earthquake here, aftershocks would linger for months."

High school science teacher Bob Rollings ran the seismometer at Floyd Central High School until retiring last year. He says the region has been due for a big quake for some time.

Some seismologists, he says, believe that a major event--much like the magnitude 7 or 8 quakes that shook New Madrid in 1811--is due to hit every 200 years.

"The further away you get the less damage you would see," but he says the structure of the ground below you also plays a roll. "Where we are located right now, in Floyd Knobs, we are less likely to see damage here than down in New Albany which is the type of geology likely to suffer damage. And that would include the metropolitan area of Louisville."

The updated seismic hazard maps expanded areas and level of risk thanks to new research and more accurate data.

The Insanity of War - Why the Israel/hamas War Could Have Been very Different
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
Prophecy New Watch
Categories: Today's Headlines;Commentary

It has never happened in the history of wars, other than the ones fought by the Israeli Jews in defense of their homeland and their lives. The conduct of Hamas and certain media outlets is overwhelmingly insane. It is a unique phenomenon.

The list below is by no means complete. Readers are free to complement it with their own observations.

Insanity 1: The Iron Dome missile defense system—developed and deployed by Israel to protect its citizens from Hamas rocket fire—has been saving hundreds of Palestinian Arab lives. Had Hamas been successful in inflicting massive casualties and property damage on the Jewish State, the Israeli response would have been much less restrained. It would have comprised an early land invasion accompanied by considerably more aggressive bombing resulting in many more Palestinian casualties.

Insanity 2: Israel has been warning Palestinian civilians in Gaza of an oncoming attack, telling them—by a phone calls followed by a warning shot—to move away from the intended target so that they would not get hurt. Now, Hamas complains that in some instances the phone calls did not get through, or that the warning shot was not loud enough. 

They did not mention that they have exploited some of these warnings to beef up and cover their fighters and rockets with added human shield.

Insanity 3: Israel is not immune from the general insanity. As rocket fire, aimed at the civilian population, has been raining on Israeli towns, the Jews continued to deliver electricity, fuel, building materials, food, water and many other essentials to those who try to kill them, facilitating and enabling their lethal aggression. Palestinian rockets have hit two electricity lines that feed Gaza.

Come on Jew-boys. Don’t you want to risk your lives, fix these lines under fire; provide these terrorists with the luxury of electric power? Are you not sufficiently insane?

Insanity 4: Over a week ago Hamas was shooting rockets at Israel while the Netanyahu government was reluctant to respond aggressively. “Quiet will be met with quiet,” Israel claimed. But to no avail. Egypt’s proposed a ceasefire arrangement was accepted by Israel; rejected by Hamas. And they still refer to Israel as the aggressor.

Insanity 5: Hamas’s rocket attack has proved ineffective in the face of the Iron Dome defense system. It played like a high school date—all promise but no delivery. At the same time, Israeli response inflicted casualties and caused massive damage to Hamas infrastructure. Still, Hamas refuses to accept a ceasefire proposal. They seem to live in a vast and unceasing crescendo.

They act like a compulsive gambler who continues to place bets hoping to recover his earlier massive losses, only to fall deeper and grow to be more broke. They are the loser of this escalation, but they keep playing the macho game, placing aggressive and outrageous demands in front of any potential ceasefire deal. They must not have reconciled to the new reality—they have not won this war.

Insanity 6: (Quoting Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu),”Israel uses their missiles to protect their children. Hamas uses their children to [shield and] protect their missiles.”

The world turns a blind eye to Hamas’s double war crime. Oh, I must have missed it. Palestinians are excused. It must be that a Palestinian-committed war crime is not a war crime. Their intent to commit genocide, to kill Israeli civilians, to hide behind their own folks is what they call “Resistance…”

Insanity 7: It was not intended as a joke, and I'm not kidding. Hamas accused Israel of agreeing to Tuesday's short-lived cease-fire in order to legitimize further air strikes on Gaza after Hamas rejected the plan. 

Al Jazeera discussed how the Gaza bombardment further traumatized Palestinian children suffering from PTSD without mentioning the fact that Hamas has been inflicting the same suffering on Israeli children. What’s more, al Jazeera has claimed that Hamas continued to retaliate for Israeli attacks rather than the fact that Hamas initiated these hostilities. The simple word “retaliate” is a premeditated implication suggesting that Israel is the aggressor in this war.

On the other hand, another al Jazeera reporter has compared Israel’s careful and considerate conduct of war—when it comes to caring for civilian lives— to the ones exercised by the Syrian regime. The reporter dared its Arab readers to go and learn from the Israelis.

Insanity 8: Panel discussions on the Sunday talk shows across all of American major TV networks revolved around the war in Gaza. Several panelists blamed the eruption (of rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas) on the breakdown in the two-state solution peace negotiations.

Their brains must have been operating at half speed. Their ignorance prevented these panelists from seeing that Hamas was never a party to negotiations, has never been interested in a two-state solution; the terrorist organization’s sole objective has always been a single state, cleansed of Jews. Hamas got what they wanted out of the breakdown in the peace negotiations. There was no reason for them to go insane in consequence.

Or, it may be that this is what insanity is all about.

Insanity 9: Referring to Israel's “Occupation” is a term designed to mislead. On the one hand it implies that Gaza is an Israeli occupied land—it is NOT! Israel left Gaza in 2005. On the other hand it reassures the Palestinians since it underlines the false promise of homecoming a.k.a. the right of return to their non-existent homes in Israel.

Insanity 10: It’s not about the 1967 6-day war. It’s about the 1948 war of independence (also known by Hamas as the Nakba). It is not about "occupation"; it is about anti-Semitism. It is not about happier lives, better economy, or better standard of living for the Palestinians; it’s about culture.

Hamas believes that vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide. They consider music dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in their clothing. They have nothing against women and think every man should own at least one.

Insanity 11: It is an unprecedented phenomenon of world history of wars and refugees. 66 years after Israel’s war of independence Hamas and the world still refer to Gaza neighborhoods as refugee camps. The Palestinians pretend to refuse settling down, investing and improving their standard of living. It’s almost as if their sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

Insanity 12: They are shooting rockets at Jerusalem; Luckily, Iron Dome might have prevented a hit on their cherished al Aqsa Mosque, and on some Palestinian neighborhoods. They are shooting rockets at Hevron, a Palestinian city, while its Arab residents, instead of running for shelter, stand outside and cheer. They have shot rockets at Beer Sheba and finally scored—two Bedouin Arab girls were wounded in the attack.

Insanity 13: Many who oppose Israel’s arms blockade of Gaza claim that the territory is “an open-air prison” and “the most densely populated place on earth.” Fact is—population density in Gaza is 4600 per square km. Population density in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem is over 7500 and 6000 per square km respectively. Population density in Manhattan is over 26,000 people per square km.

That first lie concerning the "most densely populated place" is preceded by the “open-air prison” lie. Gazans hold the keys to the so-called “prison” gates. Once they change their attitude and try to live in peace with Israel, there will be no need for imposing an arms blockade; they will enjoy free movement; they will be allowed to build an international airport and a seaport on their territory. It’s not a prison if you can open the gates with your own keys. It is a self-imposed segregation.

Insanity 14: Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas prime minister, is possibly an Israeli spy. How else can you explain the fact that his house is still standing, whereas most Hamas’s leaders’ houses have turned into rubble; how can you explain that his mother in-law, and then granddaughter were admitted to Israeli hospitals in critical conditions, that Israel gets the drift of every move around him? Yes. His nephews were killed by an Israeli bomb, but what you don’t know is that they might have been up on their uncle’s dual personality. Haniyeh served time in Israeli prison for several disjoined periods. While there, he had close and personal contact with Israeli security agents. Go figure.

Parental Rights in Bull's - Eye of Senate Fight
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Dire warnings issued as supporters try to advance 'disabilities' treaty


Remember Justina Pelletier’s predicament? Taken into “custody” more or less by doctors who changed her own physician’s diagnosis of a health concern, threw her parents to the wind, and said they – and only they – would be determining her treatment and future.

All in the name of what was in the “best interest” of Justina Pelletier.

It was nearly two years and many court hearings before she was free to return to her home and get the medical help that she and her parents found she really needed.

That, according to an organization that is opposing the move, is what would result more and more often should the U.S. Senate adopt the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.”

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee did vote on Tuesday to approve it, 12-6. But two years ago in the full Senate, the treaty failed, and its critics are working overtime now to persuade senators that the plan is full of opportunities for Americans’ rights to be diminished.

After the vote, committee Chairman Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said the U.S. needs to lead in raising “worldwide accessibility.”

He said, “The Disabilities Treaty is essential to improving the lives of over 1 billion people around the globe with disabilities, as well as the 58 million Americans with disabilities right here at home, including 5.5 million disabled American veterans.”

But while it has been signed by 146 countries, the U.S. is not one, and advocates for its defeat say there’s good reason to keep it that way.

The Home School Legal Defense Association has been fighting it since it appeared over the impact on parental rights and children that it could allow.

“The scope of the treaty is indefinite, because the treaty provides no definition of ‘disabilities,’ saying only that it is ‘an evolving concept,’” HSLDA said. “The CRPD requires each nation that adopts it to guarantee that it will provide political, civil, social, educational, and cultural rights for persons with disabilities.

“This requires the adopting nation to spend money sufficient to accomplish these purposes and requires regular reporting to the United Nations to ensure that sufficient funds are being expended and to ensure that the other legal requirements are being met.”

Homeschooling and parental rights are endangered, the group explains, because “it would override existing state laws, seriously damaging state’s rights. It would surrender our nation’s sovereignty to unelected U.N. bureaucrats. And it is unnecessary because of the strong protections for people with disabilities provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act and other U.S. laws.”

HSLDA Chairman Michael Farris long has urged members of the group to contact their senators and ask them to oppose the treaty. He is doing the same again, and the effort has made him a target for treaty supporters.

Politico reported this week on Sen. Bob Dole and his fight for the treaty, and against Farris.

“Dole, U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power, more than 700 disabilities, veterans and business groups and a bipartisan group of senators are pushing for the treaty …” the report said. “They know they’ve built a much bigger, more expansive coalition than Farris and his allies – but they don’t underestimate Farris’ devoted base and the sway homeschool and pro-life groups have with many Senate Republicans.”

The portrayal of the HSLDA as a heavyweight is amusing, suggested Will Estrada, a liaison and spokesman for the organization.

But the bottom line is serious.

“Remember Justina Pelletier?” he told WND. “That’s what happens when the ‘best interests’ of the child are used.”

He said such cases in the U.S. fortunately are isolated, but if the treaty is adopted, it would be standard practice.

WND columnist Matt Barber took up the case of Pelletier after WND has reported on her situation multiple times.

“It’s a sordid tale of governmental tyranny, child imprisonment and endangerment, harmful and unethical medical experimentation, as well as a number of gross conflicts of interest,” he write. “This is the story of a child, Justina Pelletier, who faced 16 long months of child abuse and incarceration at the hands of both Massachusetts government officials and callous medical personnel at Boston Children’s Hospital.

“Thankfully, due to the actions of Liberty Counsel, a Christian civil rights law firm, powerful media voices like Glenn Beck and tens of thousands of outraged and outspoken Americans, 16 year-old Justina is now home,” he said just weeks ago.

He said even Congress is getting to work on a solution, with a plan that would prevent such cases from recurring.

The HSLDA said the treaty simply would make U.S. laws “conform to U.N. mandates” and the U.S. already “is the world leader in protecting the rights of those with disabilities.”

The key problem, HSDLA said, is the treaty phrase, “In all actions concerning children with disabilities, the best interest of the child shall be a primary consideration.”

That means United Nations officials could override parental decisions about a child with a disability, under virtually any circumstances. And enforce their decision through the law.

“Other provisions of the UNCRPD threaten U.S. sovereignty and our fundamental right to govern ourselves. The treaty also promotes abortions and requires a national registry of all children with disabilities …” the report said. “Some Senate staff may argue that the UNCRPD isn’t dangerous because it can be amended with reservations, understandings, and declarations (‘RUDs).”

But at the vote on Tuesday, Democrat senators declined to allow such amendments to be discussed.

“The UNCRPD itself says in Article 46 ‘Reservations incompatible with the object and purpose of the present Convention shall not be permitted.’ Who decides whether RUDs are compatible? The U.N.? Some international law experts have even argued that any RUDs that alter a treaty are invalid. If the UNCRPD is ratified, we could see a case make its way before the U.S. Supreme Court as to whether RUDs are even valid. We cannot trust our freedom to five justices on the Supreme Court making the right ruling. In addition, a future Senate could withdraw RUDs,” the HSLDA report said.

Estrada said the word in the Senate was there are not enough senators, right now, in support of the measure to adopt it.

But he said it could be that political maneuvering would have it up for a vote during a lame-duck session when outgoing senators have little reason to fear a voter backlash.

His advice was to expect just about anything.

“They’re desperate to get it through,” he told WND. 

Palestinians Initiate UN War Crimes Probe Against Israel
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

The UN Human Rights Council in Geneva is setting up a special commission to probe harsh charges of war crimes brought against Israel by the Palestinian Authority at the initiative of its Chairman Mahmoud Abbas

LNG Terminals in Britain and the Continent Currently Operating At Just 20pc of Full Capacity
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
The Telegraph
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

An Employee of a Slovak gas company checks a gas meter in a border delivery gas station
The showdown with Russian president Vladimir Putin comes at moment of surging global supplies of LNG Photo: Getty Images

Europe has enough spare capacity in liquefied natural gas (LNG) to meet a large part of the region’s needs if Russia retaliates against the latest EU sanctions by restricting gas supplies.

The showdown with Russian president Vladimir Putin comes at moment of surging global supplies of LNG, which can be diverted to European markets and reduce the Kremlin’s political leverage. The price of LNG in Asia has crashed from $20 to $11 per million British thermal unit (BTU) since February.

The pan-EU group Gas Infrastructure Europe said the network of LNG terminals in Britain and the Continent is currently operating at just 20pc of its full capacity. It could in theory boost flows by 160bn cubic metres (BCM), if there is available gas.

This is more than Russia’s entire shipments, which reached 155 BCM last year. The European network of pipelines does not cover every region and would leave pockets in eastern Europe without supply.

“We have a lot of free capacity in LNG in Europe. It would be extremely difficult to replace Russian gas in a just a few months but it is possible to raise supply,” said one official.

Analysts say Russia is highly unlikely to cut off gas supplies because this would trigger a fiscal crisis in Russia itself and cause Europe to switch permanently to other sources. Yet the political temperature is rising.

Europe’s foreign ministers agreed on Tuesday to draw up plans for “further significant restrictive measures” if Russia continues to supply weapons to the rebels in eastern Ukraine. These include “access to capital markets, defence, dual-use goods and sensitive technologies, including in the energy sector".

Poland’s foreign minister, Radek Sikorski, a hardliner on sanctions, said the agreement "should make President Putin realise this is for real". The European Commission will flesh out the plans for EU ambassadors on Thursday, most likely followed by a summit of EU leaders.

The restrictions on capital markets are unlikely to go as far as US measures unveiled last week, which cut off long-term US funding for Rosneft, Novatek and Gasprombank, and effectively shuts the Russian energy industry out of the global markets. The chief importance is symbolic, closing much of the political gap between Europe and America on how to handle the Putin regime.

Russia’s former finance minister Alexey Kudrin said the situation is becoming critical, warning that full “tier 3” sanctions against the financial and energy sectors could lead to economic collapse, slashing income by up to 20pc.

One LNG analyst said there is enough spare gas worldwide to plug some gaps in Europe in a crisis, but not nearly enough if Mr Putin were to cut off supplies altogether. “The gas price would go through the roof. It would be a massive shock,” he said.

Even so, Europe is in an unusually strong position. The warm winter has left inventories high at 76pc of capacity. A glut of LNG in Korea and Japan has driven Asian prices to a three-year low.

Qatar has been diverting some of its shipments to Britain, where eight cargoes are being delivered in July. The UK price has tumbled to $6.50, far below the price of Russian pipeline gas in Europe. Roughly 20 BCM is currently being funnelled to the rest of Europe from Britain’s terminal through the Interconnector.

Germany relies on Russia for 30pc of its gas, but the importance of this is often overstated. Most of its power comes from renewables, coal and, for the time being, nuclear reactors. A mix of LNG and coal could allow German electricity utilities to weather any cut-off in supplies.

Liberman to Ban: Returning Missiles to Hamas Unacceptable
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
Arutz Sheva
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman met this morning in Jerusalem with UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. At the meeting, Lieberman said that Israel was very concerned over the Hamas rockets hidden in UNRWA schools. "UNRWA schools were established to provide education for children in Gaza, but instead they provide hiding places for missiles designed to kill children in Israel," Lieberman said.

Liberman placed emphasis on the fact that UNWRA was returning the missiles to Hamas was totally unacceptable behavior.

Let the Headlines Speak
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
From the internet
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues


Purged by ISIS, Iraq's Christians appeal to world for help
Iraqi Christians are begging for help from the civilized world after Mosul, the northern city where they have lived and worshiped for 2,000 years, was purged of non-Muslims by ISIS, the jihadist terror group that claims to have established its own nation in the region.  

Sierra Leone chief Ebola doctor infected
The doctor leading the fight against Ebola in Sierra Leone is now being treated for the deadly virus, a statement from the presidency has said.

Tale of the Tapes: IRS head confirms investigators have found backup tapes in Lerner probe
The head of the IRS confirmed Wednesday that investigators looking into missing emails from ex-agency official Lois Lerner have found and are reviewing "backup tapes" -- despite earlier IRS claims that the tapes had been recycled.

Ben Stein: 'Jew Hatred' Exists 'in the Media'
The mainstream media exhibit a disturbing malice for Jews that smacks of anti-Semitism, actor, economist and commentator Ben Stein tells Newsmax TV.

Peru Earthquake Today 2014: Terremoto Strikes West of Ecuador
A Peru earthquake today 2014 has struck in the morning hours. The terremoto en Peru hoy, a temblor registering 4.6 magnitude, hit today July 23, 2014 just before sunrise. Damage assessment is pending.  

Ecumenical Leader Tied to Papal Meeting to Unite Catholics, Evangelicals Dies in Crash
Tony Palmer, the former South African director of Kenneth Copeland Ministries who recently used a cellphone camera to record Pope Francis issuing an appeal for unity between Catholics and Christians, died Sunday after a motorcycle crash in the United Kingdom.  

Typhoon Matmo made landfall in Taiwan, tracking toward southeastern China
Typhoon Matmo made landfall in Taiwan, south of Hualian, early on July 22, 2014. Matmo is the third typhoon in the western Pacific Basin in less than three weeks. This is the first typhoon to make landfall in Taiwan this year, coming ashore near the township of Changbin on the island's east coast.  

High probability of new eruptive activity at Chaparrastique volcano, El Salvador
El Salvador's Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) said that the seismic vibration at Chaparrastique volcano (San Miguel) remains at very high levels, 20 times above the normal. The volcano continues to produce important gas emissions as well as occasional small ash explosions.  

Today is the second anniversary of a scary near-miss. On July 23, 2012, Earth narrowly evaded a powerful solar storm capable of knocking civilization back into the 19th century.  

Bubonic plague death in Yumen, China sparks quarantine: Xinhua
China has sealed off parts of its northwestern city of Yumen after a resident died of bubonic plague last week, state media reported on Tuesday. A 38-year-old victim was infected by a marmot, a wild rodent, and died on July 16. Several districts of the city of about 100,000 people in Gansu province were subsequently turned into special quarantine zones, Xinhua said.  

Beretta to move out of Maryland due to gun-control laws
The well-known gun maker said it will move to a new production facility it is building in the Nashville suburb of Gallatin that is set to open in mid-2015.  

Brooklyn Bridge white flag mystery: Police eye video of group atop span
White flags are a universal sign of surrender. Miller said whether the decision to use bleached American flags was a statement of patriotism or defiance was "up for everyone's interpretation."  

3.3 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Up Langston
The 3.3 magnitude quake struck just after 9 p.m. The epicenter of the earthquake was located three miles to the southwest of Langston, or about 31 miles north, northeast of the Oklahoma City, at a depth of about three miles. No injuries or damage have been reported with this quake.  

CDC director warns of 'post-antibiotic era'
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that the government needs to take immediate action before we live in a world where life-saving antibiotics are no longer effective. “Every day we delay it becomes harder and more expensive to fix this problem,” said CDC Director Thomas Frieden Tuesday.  

China’s terrifying debt ratios poised to breeze past US levels
The China-US sorpasso is looming. I do not mean the much-exaggerated moment when China’s GDP will overtake America's GDP – which may not happen in the lifetime of anybody reading this blog post – as China slows to more pedestrian growth rates (an objective of premier Li Keqiang.) The sorpasso may instead be the ominous moment when China’s debt ratios overtake the arch-debtor itself.  

Turkish PM says he, Obama no longer talk directly
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he no longer holds "direct" telephone conversations with U.S. President Barak Obama, suggesting a rift between the leaders who were once close. In an interview with Turkey's ATV television late Monday, Erdogan said that "in the past, I used to call him directly. Because I was not able to get direct results on Syria, now our foreign ministers talk to each other."  

UN's Navi Pillay warns of Israel Gaza 'war crimes'
The UN's top human rights official has condemned Israel's military actions in the Gaza Strip, saying that war crimes may have been committed. Navi Pillay told an emergency debate at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva that Israel's military offensive had not done enough to protect civilians. She also condemned Hamas for "indiscriminate attacks" on Israel.  

Sierra Leone chief Ebola doctor infected
The doctor leading the fight against Ebola in Sierra Leone is now being treated for the deadly virus, a statement from the presidency has said. Sheik Umar Khan tested positive and has been admitted to hospital in Kailahun, the epicentre of the outbreak. More than 630 people have died of Ebola in the three West African states since the outbreak began in Guinea in February, United Nations figures show.  

Nigeria's Boko Haram blamed for blowing up bridge
Militant Islamists are suspected to have blown up a major bridge in north-eastern Nigeria, disrupting transport links with Cameroon, residents said. Cars and lorries loaded with goods are stranded on the highway unable to cross the Ngala Bridge, they told the BBC. The night-time attack shows the growing threat posed by militant group Boko Haram, a BBC correspondent says.  

Outcry after MP tweets he would fire rockets at Israel
A British MP was criticised Wednesday for tweeting that he would fire rockets at Israel if he lived in the Gaza Strip. "The big question is - if I lived in Gaza would I fire a rocket? - probably yes," Liberal Democrat member of parliament David Ward tweeted.  

Jihadists organize tours in their Syria, Iraq ‘caliphate’
Known for kidnapping, public stonings, lashings and executions, the Islamic State (IS) is now expanding into tourism, taking jihadists on honeymoon and civilians to visit other parts of its “caliphate”  

US and European airlines halt Israel flights
US and European airlines suspended flights to Israel's Ben Gurion airport after a rocket landed one mile (1.6km) away. The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ordered three US carriers that fly to Israel - Delta, United and US Airways - to halt flights for 24 hours. Europe's aviation regulator is also urging airlines not to fly to Tel Aviv.  

Typhoon Matmo Drenches Taiwan; 1 killed, 1 missing
Typhoon Matmo slammed into Taiwan on Wednesday, bringing torrential rains and strong winds before heading north for China. No serious damage was reported, though one farmer was killed and a tourist was reported to be missing after being swept to sea.  

Putin signs data retention law
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law requiring internet companies to store all personal data of Russian users at data centres in Russia, a move which could chill criticism on foreign social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. These companies, which do not have offices in Russia, have become a vital resource for opposition groups and refuse to hand over user data to governments.  

UN chief believes Gaza fighting will end soon
The U.N. secretary-general said Tuesday it is his "hope and belief" that his emergency mission to the Middle East will lead to an end to the fighting between Hamas and Israel "in the very near future."  

ISIS Torches 1800-Year-Old Mosul Church After Expelling Christians
ISIS, which recently rebranded as the Islamic State, has solidified its control over Iraq's second-largest city by imposing Sharia law and expelling Christians who won't convert to Islam. The end of last month marked the first time a mass wasn't held in the city in more than 1600 years.  

Lena Dunhams Book Tour May be Coming to a Local Church Near You
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
Prophecy New Watch
Categories: Today's Headlines;Commentary

Lena Dunham isn’t exactly the first person you’d expect to see singing hymns in the pew behind you. Starring in the raunchy HBO show ‘Girls’ and bragging that voting for President Obama during the 2012 election for the “first time” was like losing her virginity are just a couple examples of Dunham’s racy behavior that would make any Christian blush. But, the controversial actress is embarking on a tour for her new book, “Not That Kind of Girl,” coming out in September, that will take place in some churches around the country. 

On her tour, Dunham will be reading excerpts from her book, and answering questions from the audience and specials guests, according to the official website. A few stops on her tour include Book People at Central Presbyterian Church, Vroman's at Pasadena Presbyterian Church, and University Bookstore at University Temple United Methodist Church. 

There are a few problems with these locations. Dunham’s book seems to be full of sexuality and, judging from the language she uses off screen, it’s likely to be laced with profanity as well. Not exactly appropriate material for a house of God, is it? Here’s just part of her description: 

This book contains stories about wonderful nights with terrible boys and terrible days with wonderful friends, about ambition and the two existential crises I had before the age of twenty. About fashion and its many discontents. About publicly sharing your body, having to prove yourself in a meeting full of 50 year old men, and the health fears (tinnitus, lamp dust, infertility) that keep me up at night. 

I’m already predicting my future shame at thinking I had anything to offer you with this book, but also my future glory in having stopped you from trying an expensive juice cleanse or having the kind of sexual encounter where you keep your sneakers on. 

In addition to the book’s controversial content, Dunham will also be promoting Planned Parenthood during the events: 

Plus, you’ll learn more about organizations close to Lena’s heart, including a special partnership with Planned Parenthood. 

Planned Parenthood is the country’s largest abortion giant. To promote the organization in church is cruel and out of place, for several bible verses condemn abortion as a sin (“Truly children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward” (Psalm 127:3). 

Sadly (shockingly?), most of Dunham’s book tour events are sold out. 

Churches should be filled with Bibles - not Lena Dunham’s sexually explicit books.

John Kerry 'Not Ruling Out Any Options' on Israel - Gaza Ceasefire
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
Arutz Sheva
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

John Kerry with UN Sec. General Ban Ki Moon
John Kerry with UN Sec. General Ban Ki Moon

US Secretary of State John Kerry is not ruling out any options on the shape of a Gaza ceasefire, he said on Wednesday as he intensified efforts to end the bloodshed.

On his third day of shuttling between regional leaders, Kerry said he saw signs of progress on ending two weeks of fighting that has killed more than 700, mostly Palestinians.

He hinted that his discussions hinged on tinkering with an Egyptian ceasefire proposal, which was earlier rejected by Hamas.

"All of the issues of Gaza would be on the table," Kerry told reporters after meeting in Ramallah with Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, who comes from the rival Fatah faction, which recently signed a unity pact with Hamas.

Kerry later headed back to Tel Aviv where he entered an evening of talks with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who ordered a ground-and-air campaign that has battered the Gaza Strip in response to Hamas rocket attacks.

The top US diplomat declined to elaborate on potential changes to the Egyptian truce plan, under which Hamas would end its rocket fire into Israel and the Jewish state would stop its military campaign ahead of broader discussions.

The truce was accepted by Israel but rejected by Hamas, the de facto power in Gaza, which has laid down a series of conditions, including the removal of Israel's eight-year blockade on the enclave, leveled to stop weapons and explosives being smuggled in. Hamas also demanded the release of terrorists jailed in Israel, and the establishment of an airport in Gaza, among some of its more outlandish conditions.

Israel has since said it would not end its campaign, dubbed Operation Protective Edge, until it eliminates the tunnels through which Hamas terrorists can infiltrate Israel. Several attempts have been thwarted in the past week, as squads of Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists were intercepted by IDF forces on the way to attacking villages and kibbutzim near Gaza in southern Israel.

Since the ground offensive began last week, the IDF have located and destroyed dozens of similar tunnels.

In Washington, deputy national security adviser Tony Blinken called for an agreement that would ultimately result in the demilitarization of the Gaza Strip to prevent further crises.

Beyond a ceasefire

"One of the results, one would hope, of a ceasefire would be some form of demilitarisation, so that again, this doesn't continue," Blinken told National Public Radio.

Kerry has said that the Egyptian plan should serve as the "framework" for a ceasefire but said that the most critical priority was to find a quick end to the violence, which has killed 685 Gazans, according to Hamas sources, as well as 34 Israelis and a foreign worker.

"After the ceasefire, there will be serious negotiations to find a sustainable solution for the situation in Gaza," a US official travelling with Kerry said on condition of anonymity.

Kerry also met UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and spoke by telephone Wednesday with the foreign ministers of Qatar and Turkey - whose Islamist governments are staunch allies of Hamas - as well as the top diplomats of Egypt and France.

Kerry said he would return late Wednesday to Egypt. The country is a long-time regional broker, but the military-backed government has strained ties with Hamas.

Kerry flew into Tel Aviv despite a ban by the US Federal Aviation Administration on commercial carriers heading to Israel after a rocket struck a house in the central Israeli city of Yehud, near Ben Gurion airport.

The top US diplomat's custom Boeing 757 - with "United States of America" emblazoned across the livery - arrived without incident at the airport, to which major US and European airlines have suspended services.

A US official said that the US aviation order did not apply to military aircraft, which include Kerry's plane.  

Netanyahu has protested against the US move amid fears a prolonged ban could pose risks for Israel's economy, which has generally weathered the conflict.  

Kerry said the aviation order - which was renewed on Wednesday - was made solely on safety considerations.

Israeli Forces Shell Wafa Hospital After Anti - Tank Rockets Fired
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

The Wafa Hospital in the Shejaiya district came under IDF fire Wednesday after anti-tank rockets were fired from the building. The IDF reported that Hamas and Jihad Islami had been using the hospital compound as a command and control center, as well as a firing position. Before shelling the building, Israeli forces told inmates to evacuate for their own safety. It was followed by a series of secondary explosions indicating weapons were stored in the hospital.

Israel Rejects Unhrc Gaza Probe, Compares It to Goldstone Report
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
Arutz Sheva
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

IDF Paratroopers in Gaza
IDF Paratroopers in Gaza
IDF Spokesperson

The Israeli government has slammed a decision by the United Nations Human Rights Council to launch an investigation into the IDF's operations in Gaza as "a travesty".

In a statement the Prime Minister's media adviser said that "The decision today by the UNHRC is a travesty and should be rejected by decent people everywhere," pointing out that no such probes were being launched into Hamas's illegal use of human shields and indiscriminate firing at Israeli civilians.

"Rather than investigate Hamas, which is committing a double war crime by firing rockets at Israeli civilians while hiding behind Palestinian civilians, the UNHRC calls for an investigation of Israel, which has gone to unprecedented lengths to keep Palestinian civilians out of harm's way, including by dropping leaflets, making phone calls and sending text messages," the statement continued.

"The UNHRC should be launching an investigation into Hamas's decision to turn hospitals into military command centers, use schools as weapons depots and place missile batteries next to playgrounds, private homes and mosques," it added, referring to numerous documented incidents in the past few days since the IDF launched the ground phase of Operation Protective Edge.

The statement went further, saying that by effectively granting terrorist groups impunity, the UNHRC was indirectly encouraging the continued use of human shields, in a perverse betrayal of its stated mission.

"By failing to condemn Hamas's systematic use of human shields and by blaming Israel for the deaths that are caused by this grotesque human shields policy, the UNHRC is sending a message to Hamas and terror organizations everywhere that using civilians as human shields is an effective strategy."

The statement went on to dismiss the validity of the investigation, saying it would not be objective and comparing it to the infamous Goldstone Report, seen by many as a transparently anti-Israel study into Operation Cast Lead in 2009.

The decision to launch an inquiry was made shortly after UNHRC chief Navi Pillay said that there is a "strong possibility" that Israel was violating international law through Operation Protective Edge.

"Like the investigation that led to the infamous Goldstone report, a report which was ultimately renounced by its own author, this investigation by a kangaroo court is a foregone conclusion," it said.

"The predicable result will be the libeling of Israel and even greater use of human shields in the future by Hamas. Those who will pay the price will be not only Israelis but also Palestinians who Hamas will redouble its efforts to use as human shields in the future."

German Leaders Condemn Anti - Semitism At Anti-Israel Rallies
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
Arutz Sheva
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

German Chancellor Angela Merkel
German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Flash 90

German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged the country's Jewish community Wednesday her unwavering support as she condemned anti-Semitic slurs and threats at pro-Palestinian demonstrations, a government spokesman said.

The spokesman, Georg Streiter, said Germany would not tolerate aggression against the resurgent Jewish population, after protests against the Israel's Operation Protective Edge in Gaza where violently anti-Semitic slogans were used.

"The chancellor and the entire German government condemn the anti-Semitic remarks made at pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli demonstrations in Germany in the strongest terms," Streiter told reporters.

"These outbursts are an attack on freedom and tolerance and an attempt to shake the foundations of our free and democratic system. We cannot and will not tolerate this."

Streiter said any violence against Jewish people or institutions would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  

"The chancellor and the entire government welcome the revival of Jewish life in Germany and will continue to stand up for the security of Jewish citizens," he said.

He added that the German government saw Israel as a "friend and partner" and would work with "all its strength" to maintain those ties.

Meanwhile German President Joachim Gauck telephoned the leader of the country's 200,000-strong Jewish community, Dieter Graumann, to discuss "dreadful anti-Semitic incidents" in recent days.

Graumann said in a statement that Gauck told him he took Jewish fears "very seriously".  

"Many members of our community are very shaken, worried and absolutely shocked by the worst anti-Jewish slogans that some out-of-control crowds have shouted, calling for Jews to be 'gassed', 'burned' and 'slaughtered'," Graumann said.  

He said Gauck and several other officials had assured Jews that they are "welcome and not alone".

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier issued a joint statement with his French and Italian counterparts Tuesday warning of a rise in anti-Jewish incidents in Europe during the bloody conflict in Gaza.

In Germany, protesters waving Palestinian Authority flags and pictures of late PA leader Yasser Arafat in recent days shouted anti-Semitic slogans at rallies against Israeli military action in Gaza.

Exclaiming "Allahu Akbar" (God is great), crowds in Berlin have reportedly yelled "Death to Israel" and chanted "Zionists are fascists, killing children and civilians".

In one particularly shocking video, thousands of demonstrators can be heard chanting "Jew, Jew, cowardly pig, come on out and fight on your own".

Further demonstrations are planned this week. 

Anti-Semitic slogans are illegal in Germany, where atonement for the genocide of some six million European Jews in the Holocaust is a foundation of the post-war order.

France has also seen anti-Israel demonstrations repeatedly degenerate into violent anti-Semitism, most notably in Paris, where far-left and Islamist extremists defied a ban on protests over the conflict between Israel and Gazan terrorist groups and took to the streets last Saturday.

The ban was implemented after hundreds of Muslim extremists attacked a synagogue ten days ago, triggering clashes with Jewish youths who rushed to defend the place of worship after police were slow in arriving.

But defying the ban, protesters wrought havoc in the Barbès in central Paris, confronting police with serious violence.

At least 33 people were arrested for throwing projectiles and assaulting police, and several people were injured in the clashes. Police responded by firing teargas and rubber bullets.

Rioters have also vandalized several Paris synagogues over the past several weeks, including a firebombing incident in the Val d'Oise area of Paris.

Other anti-Semitic incidents have been reported throughout Europe, as European Jewish leaders warn authorities are not taking a tough enough stand against anti-Israel extremists.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged the country's Jewish community Wednesday her unwavering support as she condemned anti-Semitic slurs and threats at pro-Palestinian demonstrations, a government spokesman said.

The spokesman, Georg Streiter, said Germany would not tolerate aggression against the resurgent Jewish population, after protests against the Israel's Operation Protective Edge in Gaza where violently anti-Semitic slogans were used.

"The chancellor and the entire German government condemn the anti-Semitic remarks made at pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli demonstrations in Germany in the strongest terms," Streiter told reporters.

"These outbursts are an attack on freedom and tolerance and an attempt to shake the foundations of our free and democratic system. We cannot and will not tolerate this."

Streiter said any violence against Jewish people or institutions would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  

"The chancellor and the entire government welcome the revival of Jewish life in Germany and will continue to stand up for the security of Jewish citizens," he said.

He added that the German government saw Israel as a "friend and partner" and would work with "all its strength" to maintain those ties.

Meanwhile German President Joachim Gauck telephoned the leader of the country's 200,000-strong Jewish community, Dieter Graumann, to discuss "dreadful anti-Semitic incidents" in recent days.

Graumann said in a statement that Gauck told him he took Jewish fears "very seriously".  

"Many members of our community are very shaken, worried and absolutely shocked by the worst anti-Jewish slogans that some out-of-control crowds have shouted, calling for Jews to be 'gassed', 'burned' and 'slaughtered'," Graumann said.  

He said Gauck and several other officials had assured Jews that they are "welcome and not alone".

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier issued a joint statement with his French and Italian counterparts Tuesday warning of a rise in anti-Jewish incidents in Europe during the bloody conflict in Gaza.

In Germany, protesters waving Palestinian Authority flags and pictures of late PA leader Yasser Arafat in recent days shouted anti-Semitic slogans at rallies against Israeli military action in Gaza.

Exclaiming "Allahu Akbar" (God is great), crowds in Berlin have reportedly yelled "Death to Israel" and chanted "Zionists are fascists, killing children and civilians".

In one particularly shocking video, thousands of demonstrators can be heard chanting "Jew, Jew, cowardly pig, come on out and fight on your own".

Further demonstrations are planned this week. 

Anti-Semitic slogans are illegal in Germany, where atonement for the genocide of some six million European Jews in the Holocaust is a foundation of the post-war order.

France has also seen anti-Israel demonstrations repeatedly degenerate into violent anti-Semitism, most notably in Paris, where far-left and Islamist extremists defied a ban on protests over the conflict between Israel and Gazan terrorist groups and took to the streets last Saturday.

The ban was implemented after hundreds of Muslim extremists attacked a synagogue ten days ago, triggering clashes with Jewish youths who rushed to defend the place of worship after police were slow in arriving.

But defying the ban, protesters wrought havoc in the Barbès in central Paris, confronting police with serious violence.

At least 33 people were arrested for throwing projectiles and assaulting police, and several people were injured in the clashes. Police responded by firing teargas and rubber bullets.

Rioters have also vandalized several Paris synagogues over the past several weeks, including a firebombing incident in the Val d'Oise area of Paris.

Other anti-Semitic incidents have been reported throughout Europe, as European Jewish leaders warn authorities are not taking a tough enough stand against anti-Israel extremists.


Experts Predict 2/3 of U.S. Could be Devastated from Yellowstone Eruption
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
Prophecy New Watch
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Every year, more than 3 million people visit one of America’s most popular tourist attractions, unaware of the tempest that lies just below the surface.

One sign of the tumult occurred this month when oil bubbled up to the surface, damaging a road in Yellowstone National Park, a result of extreme heat from the thermal activity below.

“It basically turned the asphalt into soup,” the park spokesman, Dan Hottle, told USA Today. “It turned the gravel road into oatmeal.”

Yellowstone covers nearly 3,500 square miles and contains 10,000 geothermal features, one half of all the known features of that kind in the world. The park also has 300 geysers, the largest concentration in the world. “Old Faithful,” the world’s best known geyser, blasts thousands of gallons of boiling hot water between 100 and 200 feet into the air every 60 to 90 minutes.

What is driving this geologic wonder?

Below the park is what geologists call a “supervolcano,” a massive chamber of molten rock, called magma, that packs tremendous energy.

The Yellowstone Caldera, or cauldron, sits on top of North America’s largest volcanic field. Four hundred miles under the Earth’s surface is a magma ‘hotspot’ that reaches up to just 30 miles below ground level before spreading out over an area of 300 miles across three states.

Over all this sits the volcano.

While most scientists believe the probability of a major eruption is very small, there are signs that have some analysts worried, and most agree the volcano holds catastrophic potential. It could blast 240 cubic miles of ash, rocks and lava into the atmosphere, rendering about two-thirds of the nation immediately uninhabitable, according to some estimates, and plunge the world into a “nuclear winter.”

Meanwhile, Geologists have recently discovered that the Yellowstone supervolcano is twice as big as previously thought.

To put it in perspective, the Mount St. Helens volcanic explosion would be miniscule in comparison to an explosion at Yellowstone, which could pack 2,000 times the power, according to geologists.

An earthquake May 18, 1980, caused the eruption of Mount St. Helens, sending a column of ejecta more than 80,000 feet into the atmosphere.

The blast was so sudden that all the water in nearby Spirit Lake was temporarily displaced and the subsequent landslide sent 600-foot waves crashing into the ridge north of the lake, adding almost 300 feet of debris onto lakebed. Like an inland tsunami, when the water moved back into Spirit Lake, it carried with it thousands of trees blown over by the blast and raised the level of the lake 200 feet.

Hundreds of square miles were reduced to wasteland, causing more than $1 billion in damage, about $2.88 billion in 2014 dollars.

University of Utah Geophysicist Robert Smith first called Yellowstone a “living breathing caldera” in 1979. He now heads the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory at the University of Utah.

“Our best evidence is that the crustal magma chamber is filling with molten rock, but we have no idea how long this process goes on before there either is an eruption or the inflow of molten rock stops and the caldera deflates again,” he said.

Smith insists that even though the volcanic formation is massive, there is absolutely no need to panic.

“We create scenarios. We know roughly what to expect of the patterns of time and space of the earthquakes ground information. Again, acquired from other experiences around the world, we use that to interpret our own data in terms of what the potential threat or risk might be,” he said.

Smith has said that he doesn’t even like the term “supervolcano.”

“I prefer to use the term “hotspot,” because it reflects a zone of concentrated and active volcanism.”

According to the USGS website:

Although it is possible, scientists are not convinced that there will ever be another catastrophic eruption at Yellowstone.

Given Yellowstone’s past history, the yearly probability of another caldera-forming eruption could be calculated as 1 in 730,000 or 0.00014 %. However, this number is based simply on averaging the two intervals between the three major past eruptions at Yellowstone – this is hardly enough to make a critical judgment. This probability is roughly similar to that of a large (1 kilometer) asteroid hitting the Earth. Moreover, catastrophic geologic events are neither regular nor predictable.

As even the USGS alluded, there may be no warning of an eruption of the supervolcano. Scientists at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, ESRF, in Grenoble, France, concluded that supervolcanos can erupt without earthquakes or any other warnings. The sheer pressure of lava in the dome, they say, can cause an eruption without any earthquakes beforehand.

Smith and Jamie Farrell, also of the University of Utah, believe that Yellowstone erupting is a high-impact but low-probability scenario.

However, there have been signs that the magma beneath the surface has become more active than it has been before.

The supervolcano underneath Yellowstone has been rising at a record rate since 2004. Its floor has gone up three inches per year for the last three years alone, the fastest rate since records began in 1923.

Smith told National Geographic: “It’s an extraordinary uplift, because it covers such a large area and the rates are so high”.

Geologists call Yellowstone “their laboratory” and are constantly monitoring the thermal and seismic activity below the park’s surface.

Hawaii and Iceland are other examples of geologic hot spots, but Yellowstone is the only hot spot located underneath land rather than sea, which has made it easier to study.

Smith and his team have set up a series of sensors around the park so that they can closely monitor the volcano’s vital signs. They measure ground movement and record the frequent earthquakes that occur in the area. Their research has uncovered amazing facts about the activity below.

Less than five miles below the surface is a shallow reservoir of solid rock and magma. Below this is a much larger 13.5 cubic mile plume of magma, the engine that fuels the thermal pools and geysers in Yellowstone.

While Smith insists there is no need to panic, not all scientists are in agreement.

It is the rising of the volcano floor that has some scientists worried. They believe that an eruption is closer than what some of the experts say.

A team of researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey has also found that a large amount of ancient helium is constantly being released in Yellowstone National Park, the result, they suggest in their paper published in the journal Nature, of a magma hot spot releasing previously trapped gasses.

These helium isotopes, helium-3/helium-4, are critical tracers in the Earth sciences, where they are used to trace the activity of the Earth’s mantle. Yellowstone National Park is famous for its high helium-3/helium-4 isotope ratio and is commonly cited as evidence for a deep mantle source for the Yellowstone hotspot. An increase in the presence of these isotopes is also cited as preceding increased volcanic activity.

In one instance, the underwater volcano El Hierro, near the smallest of Spain’s Canary Islands, showed increased volcanic activity over the course of seven months in 2011 and 2012. The helium-4 filtrated up through the island’s soil and groundwater. Eventually, a spectacular plume appeared off the southern coast of the island, a sign that the El Hierro volcano had finally erupted.

The team’s analyses show that as the El Hierro volcano became more active, the crust fractured and helium, mostly from the mantle, flowed to the surface. As the actual eruption began, gas flow at the surface increased dramatically, and gas pressure beneath the island dropped. As seismic activity at El Hierro picked up again, the crust fractured and helium-4 became a larger component of the total helium released on the island.

The quantity of helium-4 coming off of Yellowstone is hundreds to thousands of times greater than it should be – a sign that there is a marked increase in volcanic activity in the area. The report shows that by “combining gas emission rates with chemistry and isotopic analyses, the crustal helium-4 emission rates from Yellowstone exceed by orders of magnitude any conceivable rate of generation within the crust.”

This is activity that has not been seen before in the lifetime of anyone alive today.

Just what would a Yellowstone eruption look like? Smith’s team has developed several scenarios, and every one of them is bleak.

Complete and incomprehensible devastation

According to Smith, in his book “Windows into the Earth,” the “devastation would be complete and incomprehensible.”

“Before the super eruption, large earthquakes would likely swarm the surrounding areas until the huge blast that would erase Yellowstone completely off the map.”

Farrell said it would be a “global event.”

“There would be a lot of destruction and a lot of impacts around the globe,” he said.

Most scientists agree that when the Yellowstone volcano does erupt, the results will be catastrophic.

By some estimates, 87,000 people would die immediately.

Thousands of cubic miles of red-hot volcanic ash would cover the Western United States and shoot into the atmosphere.

Light from the sun would be blocked, making global temperatures plummet into a prolonged “nuclear winter.”

The entire grain harvest of the Great Plains would virtually disappear in a matter of hours, since it would be coated in ash, threatening a substantial portion of the world’s food supply.

If temperatures plummet by the 21 degrees they did after the Toba volcano eruption in Sumatra of ancient times, the Yellowstone supervolcano eruption could truly be an extinction-level event

It is estimated that a full-blown eruption of Yellowstone could leave two-thirds of the United States completely uninhabitable.

Just before the eruption, the pressure underground will build and the magma will rise, forcing its way out of the ground, sending lava and sulfuric acid gas into the air. The blast will also propel ash up to 20 miles into the atmosphere where the easterly jetstream would carry it as far away as Europe in as quickly as three days.

The gas, the source for acid rain, would remain in the atmosphere for years, screening out sunlight, causing global temperatures to drop and killing crops for years afterward.

Even a small amount of ash would close airports, cause damage to vehicles and houses, and contaminate water supplies.

The ash resulting from the 2010 eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland caused the largest air traffic shutdown since World War II.

The book “Supervolcano” includes an in-depth, fictional account of a super eruption.

According to the book:

Within days and weeks of the supereruption, the suspension of air routes, the inability to bring cargo in and out of the most deeply affected areas, and the virtual decimation of the Grain Belt, the area of our nation responsible for the vast majority of our grain food sources, all contribute to a growing sense of desperation and panic among survivors anxious to find food.

It only takes 0.04 inches of ash to close airports, and the wide swath of blanketed ash would literally shut down every major and minor airport for thousands of miles across the country.

Because even a small amount of ash can clog an engine, road transportation is heavily curtailed, and trucks and machines normally engaged in the moving of supplies from one state to another find themselves immobilized.

Electrical equipment shorts out, and wide areas experience power outages and rolling blackouts, rendering communication via computers and phones obsolete.

The book also describes subsequent food riots, contaminated water and an outbreak of violence and anarchy. Although North America would be the hardest hit, the explosion would affect the entire planet.

It is truly a “doomsday” scenario.

In such a scenario for North America, according to Doug Bausch, a senior scientist at FEMA, $3 trillion in “direct economic damage” is a reasonable estimate.

It’s about 20 percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product.

Spewing lava far into the sky, a cloud of plant-killing ash would fan out and dump a layer 10 feet deep up to 1,000 miles away.

Two-thirds of the U.S. could become uninhabitable as toxic air sweeps through it, grounding thousands of flights and forcing millions to leave their homes.

Smith believes that rather than an eruption, the more immediate threat is earthquakes and smaller eruptions, since the probability of one of those instances occurring is much higher.

“It’s an extraordinary uplift, because it covers such a large area and the rates are so high. At the beginning, we were concerned it could be leading up to an eruption.”

Just when and how big is anyone’s guess.

Michio Kaku, American television personality and theoretical physicist with at the City College of New York, said it best.

“All you can do is run.”

Execution or Exodus, Iraqi Christians Face Grim Choice
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
Prophecy New Watch
Categories: Today's Headlines;Commentary

When U.S. troops invaded Iraq in 2003, there were at least 1.5 million Christians in Iraq. Over the last ten years, significantly in the last few months with the emergence of ISIS, that figure has dropped to about 400,000. 

In a region where Christians predate Muslims by centuries, over one million Christians have been killed or have had to flee because of jihadi persecution, while America is basically standing by and watching. 

This is the sad news that Breitbart’s National Security Editor and one of the world’s leading experts on asymmetric warfare, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, brought to Breitbart News Saturday..

Dr. Gorka explained that “in the last 48 hours, ISIS, which is now called the Islamic State in Mosul, has painted the letter “N” for Nazarene on the houses of all the surviving Christians in the city. 

ISIS has basically given an ultimatum to all the Christians left: You can either flee or convert to Islam, or we will kill you.”

Gorka points out that, over the last 20 years, America has stood up around the world to save Muslims. “Whether it was to save the Muslims in Bosnia or the Albanians, Kosovars, and Muslims in Serbia, it is now time for a humanitarian operation to save the remaining Christians in Iraq,” he said. “It is time for the American people and our representatives to do something for our co-religionists remaining in the Middle East.”

For many it is already too late.

For Iraqi Christian Fadi and his young family, it is a lonely wait to see whether they will be executed soon.

Their Christian neighbours and friends have already fled the city of Mosul in Iraq's north, which last month fell into the hands of Sunni jihadists led by the Islamic State group, which espouses an extreme form of Islam.

Along with the rest of the city's estimated 25,000 Christians who had not already fled years of kidnappings, bombings and shootings, Sunni militants gave 36-year-old Fadi, his wife and son until Saturday to comply with a brutal ultimatum: convert to Islam, pay an unspecified tax, leave the city or die.

"I'm staying. I already feel dead," Fadi, a teacher, told AFP by telephone moments before the deadline ran out.

"Only my soul remains, and if they want to take that I don't have a problem," he added, giving only his first name.

On Friday, Mosul's mosques called through loudspeakers for Christians to leave, after centuries of being part of the once cosmopolitan city's social fabric.

Fadi said he could not afford to flee and argued that the prospects for those who did were hardly better.

Islamic State (IS) militants robbed departing Christians of their belongings, he said, leaving them to face destitution in grim camps for the displaced.

"They were stopped by members of Islamic State, who took everything they had. Mobile phones, money, jewellery," he said, speaking of the fate of some 25 Christian families who had recently fled.

"When my cousin and friends, from three families, tried to plead with them, they took their cars."

IS fighters took control of Mosul and swathes of north and west Iraq in a sweeping offensive that began last month. Their leader has since then declared a "caliphate" straddling Iraq and Syria.

The group claims its goal is to return the lands they conquer to a state approximating that of early Islam, in which Jews and Christians who did not convert had to pay a "jizya" tribute to their Muslim rulers.

"From one old woman they took $15,000 (11,100 euros). She asked for just $100 of it so she could reach Dohuk. They told her that these are the funds of the Islamic State, and we cannot give it to you," Fadi said.

Robbed of their cars and cash, many Christians were forced to walk to safety.

Some of Mosul's Christians might be able to afford to pay the jizya, but they appear unwilling to take their chances living under the thumb of rulers notorious for executing and crucifying their opponents.

"Maybe a few are still hiding in Mosul but I don't think any would have decided to pay jizya or convert. There is no Christian who can trust these gangsters," Yonadam Kanna, Iraq's most prominent Christian leader, told AFP.

"They even took wedding rings from women fleeing the city at checkpoints... I am astonished they can claim to be Muslims."

In a purported statement issued by IS last week which detailed the ultimatum for Mosul's Christians, there will be nothing left for those who do not comply "but the sword".

Ahlam, a 34-year-old mother of two boys, and her husband carried their children on their shoulders on their long march out of Mosul.

She described an exodus of hundreds of Christians walking on foot in Iraq's searing summer heat, the elderly and the disabled among them.

"We first reached Tilkkef in a state of exhaustion. We hadn't had anything to eat or drink for a whole day," she said, referring to a town some 20 km (12.4 miles) north of Mosul where volunteers are picking Christians up in their cars.

"My husband and I were carrying our children on our shoulders the whole way."

Many Christians are making their way to the relative safety of the city of Dohuk in Kurdish autonomous territory further north.

According to the IS statement, seen by AFP, any homes they leave behind become property of the insurgent group.

"I left my home in Mosul, that my family built decades ago. And it was taken away in an instant," Ahlam said with tears in her eyes.

European Carriers Extend Flight Ban to Israel
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
Arutz Sheva
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues


Major airlines shunned Israel for a second day on Wednesday amid fears that rocket fire from Gaza could endanger flights into Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion airport, AFP reports, after European airlines followed the FAA's extension on a ban on flights to Israel. 

In Washington, officials renewed a formal ban on American flights to Israel until 1615 GMT on Thursday, and around the world many other airlines took their own precautions.

Previous conflicts in Gaza, which has fired over 2,000 rockets at Israel in a two-week period, have not endangered civilian flights in Israeli airspace.

But the cancellations highlighted increased fears for passenger aviation in the wake of last week's downing of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 over Ukraine with almost 300 on board

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)  issued its ban on Tuesday after a rocket fell on a neighborhood to the north of Ben Gurion, raising fears that a commercial flight could be struck.

But US Secretary State John Kerry did land in Israel, and the State Department said that his team "were very comfortable" despite the rocket threat.

"Hamas does have rockets that can reach Ben Gurion airport... although the accuracy of their rockets does remain limited," State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said.

Delta, United and US Airways all cancelled their scheduled flights for Wednesday, as did a raft of European carriers including Germany's Lufthansa, Air France, Poland's LOT and others.

"We will continue to suspend flying to and from Tel Aviv ... and will continue to coordinate with the FAA to ensure the safety of our customers and employees," a United spokeswoman said.

"We plan these things conservatively," added US carrier Delta's chief executive Richard Anderson, speaking on the CNBC business news cable channel. "But we will need concrete information from our government that lets us draw an independent conclusion ... that it's going to be safe for our passengers and our employees."

Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Finnair, Iberia, Lufthansa, Air Berlin, Aegean and SAS cancelled services to Tel Aviv, as did Turkish Air. British Airways flights continued.

"At the moment there is no reliable new information that would justify a resumption of flight service," said Lufthansa in a statement.

Austrian, which carries up to 700 passengers between Vienna and Tel Aviv every day, and SAS said they would review the situation for Thursday.

Aeroflot and Romanian carrier TAROM, on the other hand, said they would resume flights Wednesday after cancelling Tuesday. Air Canada cancelled one flight on Wednesday and another Thursday.

Earthquake Risk Rising in Central U.S., Where Many People are Unprepared
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
Prophecy New Watch
Categories: Today's Headlines;Commentary

Earthquakes are occurring more frequently in parts of the U.S. where they have historically been rare, and quake hazard is rising for people not used to thinking about or preparing for it.

The rising risk was underlined Wednesday by the release by the U.S. Geological Survey of an update to the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Maps, noting hazard in the central U.S. and on the East Coast higher than previously thought. Among the highest risk states: Missouri and Illinois.

According to the USGS, the frequency of earthquakes in the central and eastern U.S. has quintupled, to an average of 100 a year during the 2011-2013 period, up from only 20 per year during the 30-year period to 2000.

Most of these quakes were minor, but research published by the USGS earlier this year demonstrated that a relatively minor magnitude 5.0 quake caused by wastewater injection after conventional oil drilling triggered a much bigger, 5.7 magnitude quake in Prague, Okla.

“We know the hazard has increased for small and moderate size earthquakes. We don’t know as well how much the hazard has increased for large earthquakes. Our suspicion is it has but we are working on understanding this,” said William Ellsworth, a scientist with the USGS.

Insurers are alarmed about higher quake risk. “I worry that we will wake up one morning and see earthquake damage in our country that is as bad as that has occurred in some developing nations that have experienced large earthquakes,” said Carl Hedde, head of risk accumulation at Munich Re America. “Beyond building collapse, a large amount of our infrastructure could be immediately damaged. Our roads, bridges and energy transmission systems can be severely impacted.”

Walmart Stores Inc., with its huge network of stores and facilities, has also taken note. ”We are seeing increased earthquake activity in the central U.S. That is an area we are focusing on even more,” said Mark Cooper, senior director of emergency management at Walmart, in an interview. He explained that Walmart takes an “all-hazard” approach to emergency preparedness, but focuses on specific risks in areas of the country where those risks are particularly relevant, such as hurricanes in Louisiana. “A few weeks ago, we participated in an exercise to prepare for an earthquake on the New Madrid fault line,” he said.

The New Madrid seismic zone was the site of massive earthquakes in 1811-1812 that rerouted the Mississippi River. Mark Petersen, project chief for the National Seismic Hazard Project of the U.S. Geological Survey, told Risk & Compliance Journal that a recent report concluded that recent seismic activity there is signaling a new hazard. “Earthquakes are quite rare in many places but when they happen they cause very intense damage because people have not prepared,” he said.

Yet officials say it’s difficult to convince businesses and residents to take the risk seriously in places such as Ohio, where minor earthquakes have occurred in connection with re-injection of wastewater into the ground after fracking. ”We aren’t California, where it’s part of their everyday living, the way snowstorms are part of our everyday living,” said Tamara McBride, spokesperson for the Ohio Emergency Management Agency.

Brian Blake, program manager for the Central U.S. Earthquake Consortium, a non-profit organization of public and private sector entities, noted that there is a 25% chance of a magnitude 6 or greater quake in the New Madrid zone in a 50-year period, and the last one occurred in 1895. “That size earthquake happens every 100 years or so,” he said.

But 100 years gives people plenty of time to forget. “Obviously the building codes throughout the central U.S. do not generally take earthquake risk or the risk of a large earthquake into account,” said Elizabeth Cochran, a seismologist with the USGS.

Billionaire Calls for Three - Day Working Week
Jul 23rd, 2014
Daily News
The Guardian
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Carlos Slim

KEY TO SUCCESS: Well we'd all look that relaxed if we only worked a three day week Carlos. .

They say that if you love what you do you won't work a day in your life.

And according to the world's second-richest man this is true, if you're working just three days a week.

Mexican communications tycoon Carlos Slim shared his theory on a reduced working week at a conference in Paraguay, saying it was the key to a healthier and more efficient work force, Britain's Financial Times reported.

"With three work days a week, we would have more time to relax; for quality of life," he said, adding that a four-day weekend was vital for encouraging "new entertainment activities and other ways of being occupied."

The 74-year-old telecom tycoon's perspective is in stark contrast to that of Australian billionaire Gina Rinehart, who has previously told minimum wage earners to "spend less time drinking or smoking and socialising, and more time working.''

But Slim would appear to disagree with the mining magnate, telling the conference that less time working each week meant people could work beyond the traditional retirement age of 50 or 60.

"People are going to have to work for more years, until they are 70 or 75, and just work three days a week - perhaps 11 hours a day," he said.

But fewer working days could cost employers more, if they had to pay overtime for shifts stretching out to 11 hours.

Such an overhaul to introduce longer days seems unlikely in many counries. Australian unions expressed outrage this month when the Department of Human Services suggested a plan to keep its 35,000 public servants at their desks for an extra six minutes each day.

Parts of Sweden also share the thinking that shorter working days are the answer to improved efficiency.

From the start of July, Gothenburg's public sector began trialling six-hour working days, with the theory that employees would be mentally and physically more alert.

"People have long work lives, and it's necessary to think of ways to create a more humane environment for them in the workplace," Gothenburg councillor Mats Pilhem told Swedish news outlet The Local.

Slim's proposed three-day working week would be a radical move for many international job markets, but perhaps not for the billionaire's fixed-line phone company, Telmex, where he has reportedly already instituted a voluntary scheme allowing people to work on full pay for four days a week.

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