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Let the Headlines Speak
Dec 13th, 2019
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

Report: Small Group of Democrats Meeting To Undermine Pelosi’s Impeachment Plans
…at a time when a United States president can be impeached on the flimsiest of excuses. Backed by the frailest of evidence. By some of the some of the most dishonest Democrats to ever darken the doors or cross the corridors of Congress. Anything might be possible. So it’s worth taking note of a Tuesday report in Politico that a small group of Democrats representing districts carried by President Donald Trump in 2016 met on Monday to float the possibility of convincing their colleagues to drop the House drive for impeachment and substitute a resolution of censure instead.

Trump to Sign Executive Order Declaring Jewish People a ‘Nation’ Just as Written in Genesis
Once again, President Trump is attaching himself to the words of the Bible by passing an executive order which explicitly enacts God’s promise to Abraham; the Jews are a nation. One prominent American Israeli rabbi noted the sole Biblical character who referred to Judaism as a religion; Haman.

New Netflix Series: Messiah or Anti-Messiah
Netflix is starting out the new decade on January 1st with a controversial new ten-episode series titled ‘Messiah’ created by writer/director Michael Petroni. The series focuses on the modern world’s reaction to a man, who first appears in the Middle East claiming to be the eschatological return of ‘Isa’, the name for ‘Jesus’ in the Koran. In Muslim tradition, Jesus returns in the end-of-days as the penultimate prophet and messenger Allah.

Urgent: 5.9-magnitude quake hits Izu Islands, Japan — USGS
A 5.9-magnitude earthquake jolted Izu Islands, Japan at 17:05:02 GMT on Tuesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 15.14 km, was initially determined to be at 30.6946 degrees north latitude and 141.7419 degrees east longitude.

Marmara province jolts with earthquakes
Turkey’s northwestern province of Balıkesir jolted with more than 70 earthquakes in less than 12 hours, according to the country’s emergency and disaster authority. A tremor with a magnitude of 4.6 struck the province’s Altıeylül district at 11.14 p.m. local time on Dec. 10, the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) said on Dec. 11. It was followed by two successive earthquakes with magnitudes of 4.3 and 4.0 in half an hour, it added.

Netanyahu: I will quit all my ministerial duties by January 1
Under the gun by a High Court of Justice petition, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Thursday that he will be dropping all of his portfolios by January 1 – besides his role as premier. Currently, besides being prime minister, Netanyahu is health minister, social welfare minister, Diaspora minister and acting agricultural minister.

Niger army base attack: At least 73 soldiers killed
Militants have killed at least 73 soldiers in an attack on a military base in western Niger – the deadliest in several years… No group has said it was behind the killings. But militants linked to al-Qaeda and Islamic State have staged deadly attacks across the Sahel region this year despite the presence of thousands of regional and foreign troops.

Citizenship Amendment Bill: India calls in army to Assam and Tripura states
The army has been called into north-eastern India, after thousands of people defied curfews to protest against a new citizenship bill. The Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) offers amnesty to non-Muslim illegal immigrants from three countries. Critics say the bill discriminates against Muslims – but in the north-east, protesters claim they will be “overrun” by Hindus from Bangladesh.

France strike: PM Édouard Philippe outlines ‘fairer’ pension plan
French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe has said controversial pension reforms are necessary to create a fairer system that “will be the same for everyone”. The move towards a universal points-based system has sparked outrage among unions, who say it will force staff to work longer to avoid reduced payments. Mr Philippe said changes would apply to those entering work from 2022 and would not affect those born before 1975.

Vatican Uses Donations for the Poor to Plug Its Budget Deficit
Every year, Catholics around the world donate tens of millions of dollars to the pope. Bishops exhort the faithful to support the weak and suffering through the pope’s main charitable appeal, called Peter’s Pence. What the church doesn’t advertise is that most of that collection…goes toward plugging the hole in the Vatican’s own administrative budget, while as little as 10% is spent on charitable works…

US warns N.Korea of consequences of missile test
The United States on Wednesday warned North Korea of consequences if it makes good on threats of a spectacular missile test in the New Year, while offering flexibility if it stays in talks. Frustrated by the lack of sanctions relief after three summits with US President Donald Trump, North Korea has warned of a New Year’s surprise if the United States does not come up with concessions by the end of the year.

US imposes new sanctions on Iran’s biggest airline
The United States treasury on Wednesday imposed new sanctions on Iran’s biggest airline and its shipping industry, accusing them of transporting lethal aid from Iran to Yemen. Washington targeted three general sales agents of Mahan Air over the role the airline has played in weapons of mass destruction proliferation, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters.

Church Of Sweden Unveils First-Ever LGBTQ+ Altar Artwork Showing Gays, Lesbians And Transgenders In The Garden Of Eden Replacing Adam And Eve
Adam and Eve are out at St. Paul’s Church of Sweden, and in their places are lesbian, gay and transgender people frolicking about without a care in the world. Now I know that while nearly 100% of our reader base will find this offensive and distasteful, and rightly so, I do not want you to miss the broader and larger picture of what is happening here in America with the attack on the Church by the LGBTQ+ Movement.

Is God Trying To Tell Us Something By Giving Providing A ‘Long Night’ Full Moon On The 12th Day Of The Twelfth Month At Exactly 12:12 AM?
At exactly 12 minutes after midnight tonight, the last full moon of the decade will be overhead, and it will happen at 12:12 AM on 12/12/2019. Not only that, the year 2019, which is 2+0+1+9, adds up to 12 as well! The numerology people must be going crazy today. But, I will admit that such an assortment of twelves in one place makes you think that perhaps there is a deeper significance to it occuring. Then again, it could just be the randomness of ‘time and chance’ swirling things around.

Rare tornado forms at over 4 023 m (13 200 feet) in Bolivia, possibly one of the highest-altitude twisters ever
A rare tornado hit an area near the El Alto International Airport — the highest airport in the world at 4 058 m (13 313 feet) — in Bolivia on Sunday, December 8, 2019. This could be one of the highest-altitude tornadoes ever observed. Minor damages were reported as it moved along the northern periphery of the airport and into nearby neighborhoods.

Sydney chokes in smoke as Australia bushfires intensify, current period of poor air quality the ‘longest’ and ‘most widespread’ in the state’s history
The air quality in Sydney, Australia continued to worsen on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, as roughly 100 bushfires burned in New South Wales (NSW) and strong north winds brought further smoke into the city. The haze was so thick in some areas that it was 11 times more severe than the level considered hazardous. A spokesperson for the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment said the current period of poor air quality is the “longest and “most widespread” in the state’s history.​

Deep State DOJ Tells Judicial Watch it Can’t Produce Documents on Imran Awan Due to “Technical Difficulties”
Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch is not letting the Imran Awan Democrat IT scandal go. Judicial Watch filed multiple FOIA lawsuits seeking documents related to the Imran Awan Democrat IT scandal and a federal court ordered a hearing for this Friday, December 13 on the Awan brothers!

Danish Academic: U.N. Might Use Military to Enforce Climate Agenda
The United Nations may resort to military action against states that defy its mandates on global climate action, according to Ole Wæver, a prominent international relations professor at the University of Copenhagen.

Baby-butchering Virginia Gov. Northam building a KILL LIST of patriots to exterminate; calls it “mandatory gun registration”
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam — perhaps best known for wearing blackface and celebrating the infanticide of healthy, living human babies — is now promoting the creation of a kill list of patriots who will, if history repeats itself, be hunted down and murdered by the authoritarian state.

Horowitz: FBI Should Have Pumped The Brakes On Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Aide
“I think the activities we found here don’t vindicate anybody who touched this FISA…”

Europe No Longer Hides Its Hostility to Israel
Dec 13th, 2019
Categories: The Nation Of Israel

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The European Union has, over the years, become increasingly hostile towards Israel. That attitude was confirmed in early November when the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that food products made in the so-called settlements of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Golan Heights must be labeled as such and may not carry the generic label "Made in Israel."

As rightly argued by the strategic studies expert Soeren Kern, there are many territorial conflicts all over the world, but the European Court singles out only Israel. Examples of the EU's bias against Israel are numerous, particularly compared to the United States.

The EU seems deliberately not to recognize that Israel, a sovereign state, is regularly under threat -- even extreme continuous rocket fire from Gaza and Syria -- and, for that reason alone deserves its full support. No country in the world, especially one roughly the size of Vancouver Island, undergoes military attacks as perpetually as Israel does. 

On November 12 and 13, in under 48 hours, more than 450 rockets and mortars were fired from the Gaza Strip at Israeli towns. Rockets fired from Gaza caused countless damage, injuring at least 63 persons, and reached as far as the Tel Aviv area.

Four hundred and fifty rockets in under 48 hours is not a skirmish or a minor attack; it is a large-scale military attack. Any similar attack on France or Germany -- if they received even a single missile -- would have sparked a major crisis.

The official EU response was, to say the least, underwhelming:

"This morning, Israel conducted an operation inside Gaza targeting a senior leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. In response, rockets were fired from Gaza on southern and central Israel. The firing of rockets on civilian populations is totally unacceptable and must immediately stop. 

A rapid and complete de-escalation is now necessary to safeguard the lives and security of Palestinian and Israeli civilians. As the EU has consistently reiterated, only a political solution can put an end to these continuing cycles of violence".

The statement is revealing for many reasons. It fails to mention that Israel had killed a terrorist belonging to an extremist group about to launch another attack. The statement also fails to mention the number of rockets fired on the country, or the right of Israel to defend itself. 

There are no words about the consequences for the civilian population of Israel. There is no mention of who launched the rockets, or who is fueling this supposed "continuing cycle of violence", and there is no empathy whatsoever for the bombarded people of Israel.

By comparison, a US State Department spokesperson tweeted:

"The United States stands in solidarity with Israel as Israeli families and cities shelter from rockets fired by Iranian-sponsored Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Israel has every right to defend itself and its citizens."

U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman tweeted:

"Palestinian Islamic Jihad, an Islamist terrorist org backed by Iran, is again attacking Israel with 100's of missiles aimed at civilians. We stand w our friend & ally Israel at this critical moment & support Israel's right to defend itself & bring an end to these barbaric attacks."

In addition, Avi Berkowitz, Assistant to the President and Special Representative for International Negotiations, tweeted:

"The U.S. fully supports our partner & ally Israel in their fight against terrorism and the terrorist group, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)."

The disparity speaks for itself. The United States is a friend of Israel. The European Union is not.

When, in 2003, Israel's prime minister at the time, Ariel Sharon, proposed withdrawing all Israelis from the Gaza Strip and leaving the Palestinians to rule the enclave themselves, he apparently thought that giving the Palestinians independence would be positive move for the security of his country. 

Instead, as mapped out clearly in the Palestine Liberation Organization's 1974 "phased plan " -- to use whatever territory it gets as a launchpad to get more -- the Jewish State has been under constant attack from missiles fired from Gaza and has no choice but to retaliate. 

The Palestinians in Gaza, for their part, are no longer "occupied"; rather, they now struggle under the rule of Hamas' totalitarian terrorist regime, whose priority remains not the well-being of the people it controls, but the destruction of the State of Israel.

On December 6, 2017, President Donald J. Trump announced the United States' recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and, consequently, the relocation there of the US Embassy. European governments and the European Union sharply criticized the US decision and, in a move seemingly both

laughable and hypocritical, continue to refuse to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Still, when European heads of state, ministers or ambassadors meet Israeli officials, they go to Jerusalem.

Two years ago, during an official meeting, this author was sitting in a room in the Knesset in Jerusalem beside European ambassadors who, according to their government, should not have been there but in Tel Aviv. 

Whether European governments like it or not, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Why should every country in the world be free to choose its capital except Israel? How would a European country react if the international community said that Paris was not the capital of France or Brussels not the capital of Belgium?

By denying this reality, the EU has not only failed to bring any "peace" to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, it also continues to wreck the lives of the Palestinians living there. If the EU's excuse is that it is backing the Palestinians, then why does it remain totally silent about the mistreatment of the Palestinians in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan? The EU's crocodile moral outrage seems only to surface when it can be used as a weapon against Israel.

President Trump was careful to leave open the question of the future boundaries of Jerusalem, saying:

"We are not taking a position of any final status issues, including the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. Those questions are up to the parties involved."

It is a reasonable position. Are the Europeans governments challenging even the fact that west Jerusalem belongs to Israel? Why would the EU wait for a "final settlement" -- which might never happen -- to recognize that Jerusalem is Israel's capital?

By the end of August 2018, President Trump decided to stop funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, better known as UNRWA. The European Union immediately rushed to fill the gap. The EU called the US decision "regrettable" and increased its support. In 2018, 50% of the UNRWA's total pledges -- of $1.27 billion -- came from the contributions of EU member states', amounting to $643 million.

Officially, UNRWA is a humanitarian agency that professes to provide education, health care and social services to needy Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. UNRWA, however, has regularly been accused of not sticking to a strictly humanitarian role but, instead, of cooperation, if not complicity, with Hamas. 

UNRWA also gives Palestinians the false hope that they one day will be able to return to family homes in Israel that were left in 1948 before most of the "refugees" were even born. Only a few thousand who were displaced from their homes that year are still alive. Most inhabitants in the Palestinian territories are third- or fourth-generation descendants of displaced people from that war.

The EU, however, in its official statements, maintains the fiction that Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere are "refugees":

"For over four decades, the European Union has established itself as a key strategic partner for the Agency, supporting UNRWA in its efforts to help Palestine refugees achieve their full potential in human development despite their difficult circumstances (...) Building on decades of commitment and partnership, the EU has maintained its generous level of support to assist Palestine refugees." [Emphasis added]

UNRWA is a politically-oriented organization that contributes to perpetuating the Palestinian refugee problem and the narrative of the so-called "right of return," the goal of which is, in fact, the destruction of Israel. UNRWA should be shut down and its work carried out by other agencies of the UN system, such UNDP and UNICEF.

The European Union, in fact, seems proud to be "the biggest donor of external assistance to the Palestinians". Since February 2008, more than €2.5 billion ($2.8 billion) have been disbursed. The EU provides core financial support to the Palestinian Authority (PA), even though part of the PA budget is earmarked for terrorists and terrorists' families, thereby actually incentivizing terrorism.

The EU is also a major contributor to helping the PA pay the salaries of civil servants, which could not be accomplished without its support, thereby not only making the PA the world biggest welfare state, but also disincentivizing the PA from becoming more self-sufficient. 

With the EU's funds, the PA pays the families of imprisoned terrorists in Israel as well as families of terrorists who have been killed, including kamikazes. When the PA had to make cuts in its budget, it stressed that reductions would not apply to salaries "paid to pensioners and families of martyrs, wounded or prisoners." 

Many Palestinians view these prisoners and those killed while carrying out terror attacks as heroes in their conflict with Israel and venerate them as martyrs. According to the Israeli press, the PA's stipends to imprisoned terrorists each year come to some $138 million.

In other words, the EU, which is officially committed to fighting terrorism, supports the Palestinian Authority, which supports terrorists and their families. Just try making sense of that.

The Dutch parliament passed a motion on November 19, objecting to providing funding to the Palestinian Authority when some of its budget is earmarked for Palestinian terrorists imprisoned by Israel. By doing so, it not only saved some of Europe's honor, it also sets an example for other European countries.

Many Europeans governments pretend to be friends with Israel. They should stop accepting EU policies based on minimum consensus among 28 countries and show more support for Israel, a country surrounded by many enemies and the only democracy in the region. Their support starts by recognizing Jerusalem as its capital.

Deadly Delusions': Europe's Deradicalization Programs
Dec 13th, 2019
Categories: Moral Decline

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It was a tragedy of good intentions. "Jack Merritt died in the London Bridge attack. Don't forget what he stood for", Emma Goldberg wrote in The New York Times. Merritt was one of the two victims of Usman Khan, an Islamic terrorist who struck on London Bridge on November 29. The other victim was Saskia Jones, a student at the conference targeted by the jihadist. They both dreamed of working to save and protect their murderer.

London had been hosting the fifth anniversary of Learning Together, an event in which ex-prisoners, staff members, students and criminology experts came from all over the country to celebrate the success of their initiative to deradicalize jihadists.

Khan had been present as a model of the recovery program. In 2012, Khan was sentenced to prison for plotting to blow up first the London Stock Exchange, then London's Mayor at the time, Boris Johnson, and then the London Eye ferris wheel.

According to the Daily Telegraph, Learning Together used Khan as a "case study" on how reintegration programs in society work. He had even written a poem and a note of thanks to the organizers, on a computer made available to him by his tutors.

Merritt, one of the two victims, had worked with him while Khan was behind bars in Cambridgeshire. The pictures from Fishmongers' Hall a few minutes before the terror attack testify as to all the good will of the rehabilitation program.

Merritt was the first person who tried to stop Khan during his killing spree. Moments before he attacked, Khan was pictured sitting quietly through the conference session. Many considered him a kind of "star pupil" of the deradicalization program.

Khan had also been quoted in one of Learning Together's newsletters as saying that the group "has a special place in his heart":

"It is more than just an organisation, helping to provide learning of individual academic subjects. For me it's main benefit is bringing people together, through the means of learning. Learning Together is about opening minds, unlocking doors, and giving voice to those who are shut down, hidden from the rest of us. It helps to include those who are generally excluded. This is what Learning Together means to me".

Khan also gave an interview to the BBC, in which he condemned the stigmatization he was suffering:

"I've been born and bred in England, in Stoke-On-Trent, in Cobridge, and all the community knows me and they will know, if you ask them, they will know like these labels what they're putting on us, like terrorist, this, that, they will know I ain't no terrorist".

The latest attack in London was a lethal mix of religious dissimulation and Western naïveté. It also, one hopes, buries all the British illusions of deradicalizing jihadists. As the Times reported, the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), the so-called "nudge unit" formerly part of the Cabinet Office, examined 33 deradicalization programs across the UK and found that only two were supposedly successful. The

British criminologist Simon Cottee has blamed "liberal professors' deadly delusions about curing terrorists".

France had already tried it out. A bipartisan report in the French Senate had condemned the French deradicalization program as a "total fiasco", in the words of Philippe Bas, a senator from the center-right Republicans party. When Senators Esther Benbassa and Catherine Troendlé, both leading the task force, visited the deradicalization center housed in the Château de Pontourny, they found only one resident at the facility.

France also has suffered through the failure of the monitoring mechanism. Many terror attacks in the last few years have been conducted by jihadists who were already flagged in France's special counter-terrorism database: the attack at Christmas market in Strasbourg, the attack at the church in Normandy and the attack at the supermarket in Trèbes, to recall just a few. Recently, a jihadi attack took place inside Paris police headquarters. The terrorist, Mickaël Harpon, worked, in fact, in the unit tracking terrorists.

All over Europe, none of the deradicalization programs has proven effective. "There are not enough reliable data to reach definitive conclusions about the short-term, let alone the long-term, effectiveness of most existing deradicalization programs," a RAND report concluded. It might be beyond the reach of Western states to deradicalize people who, like the London Bridge terrorist, wore a fake suicide vest to invite being killed by the police and becoming a "martyr".

So what does one do with these jihadists? Trusting them can be deadly, as in London. Leaving them in prison might means keeping them as part of "one of the most important places of radicalization". Europe does not have a Guantanamo Bay, a legal limbo which, after 9/11, was useful for the US war on terror. Gitmo could also be useful now, when Europe is dealing with the return en masse of ISIS's foreign fighters.

According to the annual Europol report, 45% of Britons who travelled to Syria and Iraq to join ISIS, have already come back to their home country. Of 714 prisoners former prisoners who were held at Guantanamo Bay, 124 (16.9%) have returned to terrorist activities, while 94 more are suspected by the Defense Intelligence Agency of having returned to terrorism. 

Deporting these extremists from Europe is extremely controversial for many European politicians. UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn was filmed protesting the extradition of British terror suspects, including two aides to Osama bin Laden. The UK fought for years with Europe over the deportation to Jordan of the radical imam Abu Qatada.

So, what is Europe's solution? Closing one's eyes and hoping for the best is probably not affordable. Too many people have already died on Europe's streets.

"Now I am much more mature and want to live my life as a good Muslim and also a good citizen of Britain", Khan had written before killing two young British citizens.

A recent UK government report warned that British imams in 48 Islamic schools have been promoting violence and intolerance. It is British society that must be deradicalized, not the jihadists. Britain's best-known hate preacher, Anjem Choudary, recently was released from prison and now walks the streets of London a free man. 

Recently, a picture surfaced of London Bridge terrorist Usman Khan with his "personal friend", Anjem Choudary. The imam who allegedly radicalized the terrorist who attacked in Paris police headquarters is based in Gonesse and is still free to preach.

Deradicalization works only if it defies this suicidal Western political correctness by tackling the real causes of this kind of terrorism, which are in the Islamic texts. "Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them", says the Koran (9:5). Usman Khan apparently saw Jack Merritt and Saskia Jones as "unbelievers", not as "rehabilitators". If we do not change our rules of engagement, more of the same will follow.

Cease not to Cry Unto the Lord Our God. 1 Samuel 7:8
Dec 13th, 2019
Morning Meditation
F.B. Meyer
Categories: Meditation;Inspirational;Book Study

SAMUEL was famous for his prayers. They are repeatedly referred to in the brief record of his life. In the Psalms he is spoken of as the one "who called upon God's name." Indeed, he fought and won Israel's battles by his strong intercessions. Mary of Scots said that she dreaded the prayers of John Knox more than the battalions of the King of France. So his people were accustomed to think that if the prophet's hands were held out in importunate prayer, their foes must be restrained.

In the Life of Mr. Reginald Radcliffe, one who contributes a reminiscence interjects a remark which deserves to be carefully pondered: "The great secret of the blessing which came from God to the awakening of whole districts, the quickening of Christians, and the salvation of multitudes, was prayer, continued, fervent, believing, expectant. There was never anything striking in the addresses; but through communion with the living Christ, the word came forth with living and life giving power. Often would the forenoon be spent in continuous prayer." This may well convict some of us of the cause of our failure. We have expected the Lord to thunder and discomfort our Philistines, and with a great deliverance ; but we have ceased to cry unto the Lord.

Ye that are the Lord's remembrances, cease not to cry unto Him. If the judge avenged the unfortunate widow, shall not God avenge his own elect, who cry day and night? It is recorded of our Lord that He prayed early and late, and all night. He prayed when He was about to be transfigured; for his disciples; in the Garden of Gethsemane; and for his murderers. How much more do we need to "pray without ceasing"!

Austin's New Radical Sex Ed Program Invites Drag Prostitute to Teach Children
Dec 13th, 2019
Categories: Moral Decline

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That's the most astonishing revelation from the open records request that Texas Values filed. Thanks to internal communications between Miss Kitty Litter (real name David Robinson) and the school librarian Roger Grape, moms and dads now know that not only did Blackshear expose their children to this wild and deviant ideology but to a felon too!

In texts to Grape, David admitted that he might not pass the school background check. "the guidelines for submission automatically disqualify me if the deferred adjudication for prostitution is considered a conviction... so I don't know if [it's] ethical to submit."

So either the school didn't go through with the background check -- or ignored it altogether. Either option is equally distressing. "According to emails sent to parents," Texas Values points out, "the reading event was scheduled to take place at 11 a.m. and all readers had been screened by Austin ISD."

No one knows what that screening could've possibly entailed, since an arrest and conviction are the first things a basic search would uncover.

He's an entertainer -- and a drag queen one at that. Like Robinson, he spent twice as much time at the school as other visitors that day. When the inviting teacher was asked, she admitted that Jerred Bridges (his legal name) spent the day putting make-up on kids, "despite having no license to do so."

Usually, the fact that a district is willing to host one of these drag queen events is sickening enough. Imagine finding out that the person they invited wasn't even vetted -- or worse, a confirmed sex trafficker. 

Schools are supposed to be safe learning spaces, not a catwalk for prostitutes. Their actions would suggest that Austin officials are more interested in the sexual exploitation of kids than their actual wellbeing. 

In any classroom, including this one, the only thing these drag queens should be reading are the directions to the nearest exit.


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