1. Focus on the "decision," not conversion. Then they'll remember their own "wise" choice, not Christ's work on the cross.
2. Skim over the gospel and push the prayer. The actual gospel is simply too offensive.
3. Please your listeners with positive assurances; don't confuse them with the whole truth. Tell them what they want to hear, not what they need to hear.
4. Emphasize God's goodness, not His justice or holiness. Talk about his love, not His legal requirement that demands sacrifice for sin. Let them think they are headed for heaven no matter what!
5. Describe Jesus as Savior, not Lord of our lives. Promise His blessing but, by all means, ignore His warning about "counting the cost!"
6. Don’t mention sin, guilt, hell or wrath. No need to offend them with the whole dreadful reason why they need the Savior.
7. Whatever you do, never mention Judgment Day. Too distasteful! You could lose both friends and financial supporters.
8. Add some humor or rousing music. Lighten things up. Don't sound too sober or serious.
9. Don’t mention repentance until they’ve repeated a "sinner’s prayer." Then your project won't be aborted by sudden doubts or reservations.
10. After they pray "the prayer," celebrate "their" achievement, not God's grace. Be sure to praise the deceived sinner, not the God they don't know that they don't yet know.