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Weekly Commentary
“Contemplative Prayer”
by Art Sadlier   
May 8th, 2017

Ray Yungen  has done a good job of exposing the error of contemplative prayer. Here are some quotes from him.

“Contemplative advocates propose that there has been something vital and important missing from the church for centuries... something necessary for their spiritual vitality. That implies that the Holy Spirit has not been fully effective for hundreds of years, and that the secret key that unlocks our knowledge of God has yet to be  found....”

He goes on to say...” In A Time of Departing [Chapter three] I quoted Thomas Merton's statement that he saw various Eastern religions "come together in his life" (as a Christian mystic). On a rational level, Christianity and Eastern religions will not mix; but add the mystical element and they blend together like soap and water....”

Ray goes on to say, “Mysticism neutralizes doctrinal differences by sacrificing the truth of Scripture for a mystical experience. Mysticism offers a common ground...  some kind of divinity in all. But we know from Scripture "....there is one God; and there is none other but he." (Mark 12:32).”

One of the most widespread problems in the Evangelical Church is lack of discernment. I believe this lack of discernment is due largely to the shallow preaching in many pulpits. Preaching that is designed to entertain instead of expositing the scriptures. Shallow preaching robs the people and pastors alike of the discernment that comes from the Word of God.

The result is user friendly and purpose driven churches which reverse the plan and purpose and methodology of the church.  We are now reaping a harvest of error in the Evangelical church. We have churches that pay people to come to church, one church has a lucky draw each service. First prize is $500 if you are sitting in the lucky seat with $250 for the second draw. Another church has a professional wrestling match as a draw. Approval of homosexuality is now beginning to infiltrate some churches. There are a group of women preachers who use profanity in their sermons and make no apology for it. The latest is the promotion of Christian pornography. All of this is supported with the twisting of scripture by those who are walking in spiritual darkness.

Lighthouse Trails has exposed the fact that a large number of Christian Colleges and Seminaries are teaching contemplative prayer. We are witnessing a great departing from the faith within the Evangelical Church.

We cannot help but think of Matthew 7:21-23 and Revelation 3:15-16. I personally believe that both of these texts refer to the Evangelical Church of the present hour. The groundwork is being laid for the great apostasy that will take place when the rapture occurs and all that is unregenerate in Evangelicalism will be left to become a part of the Harlot Church of the tribulation period. The great apostasy will be the shifting of allegiance from Christ to the counterfeit Christ, Antichrist.

Paul in writing to the church said, "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith;" 2 Cor. 13:5.

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