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Let the Headlines Speak
Dec 10th, 2019
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

Russia, UN, Syria Rebuild Pagan Temple of Baal in Palmyra: Third Pre-Messiah Gateway
The Russian government recently announced that it will partner with the Syrian government in reconstructing the ancient temple to the pagan god Ba’al in Palmyra. If successful, the project will necessarily mark the third incarnation of the Roman Victory Arch of Palmyra which an ancient Jewish source states must fall and be rebuilt three times before the arrival of the Messiah.

Trump Follows Genesis 12:3: Asks God to Bless Israel, Gets Blessed Right Back in Song
U.S. President Donald Trump addressed the Israeli American Council National Summit in Florida on Saturday night. The event, attended by hundreds, was hosted by billionaire Sheldon Adelson Miriam Adelson who appeared onstage alongside the president, praising him by noting he “has already gone down in the annals of Jewish history, and that is before he’s even completed his first term in office.”

Netanyahu: All Jewish Communities in Judea-Samaria will be Part of Israel
Regarding Judea and Samaria, the Israeli premier seeks to integrate all Jewish communities into greater Israel saying: “Just as I wanted American recognition for our sovereignty over the Golan Heights, I want American recognition for our sovereignty over the Jordan Valley. This is important. It has been said that we did not formally discuss the plan; true, it has not yet come up. But the subject has been discussed. I have raised it with Secretary of State Pompeo and I intend to raise it before the Trump administration.

If NATO is Going to Fight Terrorism, it Needs Israel
It’s that its Cold War origins and its Eurocentric focus have blinded the alliance to the fact that a full-fledged member of the alliance—namely, Turkey—has mixed sympathies with respect to the fight against terrorism, and that it continues to exclude from its membership the State of Israel, one of the world’s key players in that battle.

At least 5 Iran-backed militia members killed on Iraqi border
Five Iranian militia members were killed after unidentified aircraft attacked Iranian warehouses in Al-Bukamal in the Deir Ezzor area of eastern Syria near the Iraqi border on Saturday night, according to Syrian media. This is the second attack in the Al Bukamal area in the past four days. The attack targeted three weapons depots belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) in the area, according to the Step news agency. Large explosions were reported in the area and some Iranian militias escaped the area after the attack in fear of additional attacks.

German Chancellor Merkel begins her first ever visit to Auschwitz
Poland’s Foreign Ministry called her visit ‘historic,’ in an obvious acknowledgment of the unique status Auschwitz has in the world’s collective memory. The ministry also noted that it was just the third visit of an incumbent head of a German government. German Chancellor Angela Merkel entered the hallowed grounds of the former Nazi German death camp of Auschwitz on Friday as she began her first-ever visit to the most notorious site of the atrocities that Adolf Hitler’s regime inflicted on Europe.

Two pigs engineered to have monkey cells born in China
Pig-primate chimeras have been born live for the first time but died within a week. The two piglets, created by a team in China, looked normal although a small proportion of their cells were derived from cynomolgus monkeys. “This is the first report of full-term pig-monkey chimeras,” says Tang Hai at the State Key Laboratory of Stem Cell and Reproductive Biology in Beijing. The ultimate aim of the work is to grow human organs in animals for transplantation.

French riot police use teargas on protesters as strike, demonstrations continue
French riot police used tear gas on protesters Saturday to break up demonstrations that have brought Paris to halt as the country’s general strike continued into a third day.

Eruption at Whakaari / White Island
It says the Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 4. There are reports that people may be on the island, but this is yet to be confirmed.

Pentagon Alarmed Russia Is Gaining ‘Sympathy’ Among US Troops
Perhaps US military households are also smart enough to know the Cold War is long over, and only bad things can come from a direct confrontation with Russia, not to mention that involvement in proxy war in Ukraine has nothing to do with America’s national defense or to “protect and defend the Constitution”.

The Space Force Appears Cleared For Launch
Congress has agreed on a plan to create a Space Force, a new branch of the military wanted by President Trump, lawmakers hinted on Saturday. The House and Senate’s compromise on the fiscal 2020 National Defense Authorization Act is expected to be filed on Monday, Rep. Adam Smith, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, told reporters on the sidelines of the Reagan National Defense Forum. Smith declined to give details until the bill is finalized.

FBI says it presumes base shooting was act of terrorism
The Saudi gunman who killed three people at the Pensacola naval base had apparently gone on Twitter shortly before the shooting to blast U.S. support of Israel and accuse America of being anti-Muslim, a U.S. official said Sunday as the FBI confirmed it is operating on the assumption the attack was an act of terrorism.

Russian Su-35 jets scrambled to stop Israel over Syria – reports
Iranian and Russian media reported that Russian Su-35s were scrambled from Russia’s Khmeimim air base in Syria to intercept an alleged Israeli attack near T-4 earlier this month. The report, first put online in a blog at Avia and then picked up by the website Almasdar News and then Tasnim News in Iran claimed that the Su-35s sought to intercept Israeli planes over Syria.

Is Iran’s advanced uranium centrifuge a game-changer? – analysis
Iran said on Saturday that “50 new achievements will be unveiled on April 9, including new centrifuge systems,” referring to the date of National Nuclear Technology Day. Is this the final nail in the coffin of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal? Will Iran continue racing toward a nuclear weapon in the hope it will achieve that point before anyone can stop it?

Uganda floods: At least 16 people dead, Red Cross says
Flooding in Uganda has claimed at least 16 lives, the Red Cross says, as the region reels from weeks of rain. Rescuers have been recovering the bodies of victims swept to their deaths by the flash floods in the western Bundibugyo area, the aid group said. Homes have been washed away and a number of roads blocked or destroyed.

New Zealand volcano: At least five dead after White Island eruption
A volcano has erupted in New Zealand, leaving five people dead and several unaccounted for, police have said. Tourists were seen walking inside the crater of White Island volcano moments before Monday’s eruption. Twenty-three people have been rescued, but it is unclear how many people remain there. Police say rescuers are not able to access the island because of the risk of further eruptions.

Saudi Arabia ends gender segregation in restaurants
Saudi Arabia will no longer require restaurants to have separate entrances segregated by sex, the government says. Previously, it was mandatory to have one entrance for families and women, and another for men on their own. The restrictions had already been quietly eased in practice, with many restaurants, cafes and other meeting places no longer enforcing segregation.

Norway to withhold funding to PA over inciteful curriculum
The Norwegian Parliament decided last week to cut funding for the education system of the Palestinian Authority, due to evidence of the existence of materials inciting violence, terrorism, and martyrdom in school curricula across the Palestinian territory.

Rockets hit military base hosting US troops near Baghdad airport
Several rockets slammed into an Iraqi military complex that hosts US forces next to Baghdad International Airport on Monday, wounding six Iraqi troops, the military said. Security forces found launchers with rockets that had not been fired properly, indicating a larger attack was planned, a military statement said.

Christian groups back new LGBT civil rights bill that protects religious institutions
 A new bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives Friday backed by faith groups seeks to extend federal discrimination protections for sexual orientation and gender identity while providing protections for individual and institutional religious objectors to homosexuality.

Emma Thompson foresees people eating pets for ‘protein’ due to ‘climate crisis’
Fido and Sylvester could be in big trouble, according to Emma Thompson. The actress issued a strong warning on Thursday of an impending “climate crisis” so dire that people will have no choice but to eat their own pets.

Victoria Falls dries to a trickle after worst drought in a century
For decades Victoria Falls, where southern Africa’s Zambezi river cascades down 100 metres into a gash in the earth, have drawn millions of holidaymakers to Zimbabwe and Zambia for their stunning views.

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Trump Praises: “Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”
During the annual lighting of the White House Christmas tree this year, President Donald Trump made good on his promise to bring “Merry Christmas” back to America. He then doubled down by referring the Jesus Christ as “God” and “Our Lord and Savior”.

‘Mega-fire’ burns out of control just north of Sydney, Australia
More than eight bushfires have merged to form a “mega-fire” which is now raging out of control across a swath of land just north of Sydney. Firefighters said it will take weeks to control, but will not be contained without heavy rains.​

Landmark Study Shows Half of Cancer Patients are Killed by Chemo — NOT Cancer
No matter how much doctors push the treatment, chemotherapy might not be the best option in the fight against cancer, as a new study shows up to 50 percent of patients are killed by the drugs — not the disease, itself.

Televangelist Fraud Kenneth Copeland Is So Surprised By Inside Edition Reporter That He Winds Up Telling The Truth And Exposing Himself
This video starts at a fairly high level of uncomfortability, and as it proceeds, flies right off the charts like an exploding thermometer from those old cartoons. Kenneth Copeland receives a surprise visit from Lisa Guerrero of Inside Edition, asking him questions about his lavish lifestyle and previous comments he has made about his followers being ‘demons’. Copeland by turns stutters before lapsing into silence, lashes out in a frenzied rage, and concludes with some very hard to watch hand kissing combined with some rather creepy comments that were intended to be compliments. You’re watching Kenneth ‘Crazy Eyes‘ Copeland at his finest, showing us the demon that he truly is.

Elton John Biopic ‘Rocketman’, First Major Film With Gay Sex Scenes, Was Partially Funded By The Vatican Through Their Centurion Global Fund
The Roman Catholic Church, under the direction of Pope Francis and the Vatican, has finally begun to step into its prophetic destiny as the Whore of Babylon, and 2019 has been a banner year towards realizing that goal. Pope Francis has made breathtaking progress with the creation of the One World Religion of Chrislam, as he has been gathering together the finest elements of Laodicean Christianity, paganism, Islam, and the LGBTQ+P for Pedophile Movement. It is that last group we will be discussing today. Why? You might want to sit down for this one, it connects the Vatican with Elton John and new movie ‘Rocketman’.

Muslim Ilhan Omar Recites Islamic Prayer To Allah At Catholic Church In One World Religion Chrislam Service Attended By Over 25 Members Of The 116th Congress
Everywhere you look now, the One World Religion of Chrislam is coming together, orchestrated by some of the most-people religious figures of our day. At the top you have Pope Francis with his Chrislam covenant called the “Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together” document that he has already had major players from Islam and Buddhism sign off on.

Democrats are Summoning the Demon of Political Violence, and the Next Phase of Their Criminal Coup
Dec 10th, 2019
Natural News
Categories: Warning

Democrats are “summoning the demon of political violence,” meaning they are taking active steps right now that will result in blood spilling onto the streets of America. And they are doing it willfully. This is the outcome they want (see below for why). Essentially, Democrats operate from the rule that if they can’t control society, they will destroy it.

To understand how this is going to happen, recognize that elections are a civil replacement for political violence. Before elections and democracy emerged, the rulers of nations were largely determined by who could kill their political enemies and seize power. For millennia, nearly every national ruler was a mass murderer, since obtaining political power required killing anyone who stood in their way.

Elections sought to make the process of regime change more civil, allowing the people to choose their representatives in a system of voting that, to function in a civil manner, requires all participants to agree to the outcome of the vote, even if their favored candidate loses.

Similarly, the brutality of violence was also supposed to be replaced by a fair, transparent justice system where no person is above the law and every person receives the same rights when accused: The right to face your accuser, the right to call witnesses in your defense, the right to cross examine the prosecution’s witnesses, and so on.

Democrats have abandoned every pillar of civil society

The reason this is important to understand is because Democrats have thrown these pillars of civil society out the window in their desperation to destroy Trump and overthrow America, turning it into an authoritarian regime run by a twisted combination of techno-fascists (like Google and Twitter) conspiring with deep state operatives who despise the Constitution. Together, they have silenced free speech in America, deprived the President of the United States any shred of due process (in the treasonous Schiff impeachment trials) and sought to nullify the will of the People who voted for Trump in 2016.

Democrats, in other words, have abandoned the rule of law and the pillars of civility that hold civil society together. By doing this, they are begging for a return to the brutality of political violence, almost as if they are saying that since elections no longer matter, and the rule of law is no longer in existence, and the press is no longer free or fair, it’s okay in their minds for people to just start killing each other to determine who holds power.

I call this treacherous action by the Dems “summoning the demon of political violence,” and it’s exactly what Democrats are doing.

Arise, Go Up to Bethel, and Dwell There - Genesis 35:1
Dec 10th, 2019
Morning Meditation
F. B. Meyer
Categories: Meditation;Inspirational;Book Study

God had set His hand to make Jacob a saint. He had given him a glimpse of His ideal at the Jabbok ford, but his nature was not then capable of taking in the Divine conception; and, as we have seen, both in his subterfuge to Esau and his settling outside Shechem, he had fallen back into the schemer and money-maker. In this chapter God uses several methods of awakening and renewal.

The Divine summons. - "Arise, go up to Bethel." He had been in the lowlands too long: too long had he "lain among the pots." The voice of God spoke words of resurrection life into his grave, as afterward into that of Lazarus.

The power of old association. - What memories clustered around that name and place of Bethel! It recalled his distress and fear; the angel-ladder, and the comforting assurance which had inspired him with new hope. Directly he heard it, he seemed to have felt the incongruity of the life that was being lived in his camp, and he said to his people, "Put away the strange gods... Arise, let us go up to Bethel, and I will make there an altar unto God."

A fresh revelation. - God appeared to him again. For long there had been no vision of God; but now that the idols were put away, his eyes were opened to see Him who had been beside him amid all his backslidings.

Death. - Deborah, the beloved Rachel, the old father - one after another were taken from him; and there came the far-away look into his eyes which showed that he had imbibed the pilgrim-spirit and had become Israel the Prince. So God stripped him that he might be better able to run the race set before him.

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