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World Vision's Deal With the Devil
Aug 23rd, 2019
Categories: Warning

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World Vision, a multi-billion dollar international charity founded on evangelical Christian principles, has made quite a few deals with the devil. A new terror-funding scandal seems to implicate the organization every few years.

Last month, documents obtained from the U.S. Treasury via the Freedom of Information Act revealed how World Vision used funds from the United Nations to bankroll the Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA), a designated terror finance charity based in Sudan that has raised millions for al-Qaeda in the past.

This news comes after revelations that World Vision provided U.S. taxpayer dollars to the al-Qaeda-linked group. Moreover, World Vision allegedly sought to strong-arm Treasury into allowing the ISRA project to continue, soliciting congressmen to intervene and threatening litigation.

World Vision has a history of ignoring finance risks. In 2016, Mohammed El Halabi, head of World Vision's Gaza operations, confessed to redirecting $50 million to the terrorist group Hamas. In 2012, World Vision diverted $1.68 million of Australian government aid to a fake Palestinian charity established by the PFLP terror group.

World Vision maintains a strong New York presence, where supporters have largely turned a blind eye to the group's sinister activities. World Vision's partners include three of New York's biggest evangelical churches: Redeemer, Hillsong, and Times Square Church, along with local civil society and non-governmental groups, including Operation Exodus, Crossroads Tabernacle Church, Real Life Church, South Bronx United, Manhattan Bible Church, and Hope for New York.

Institutions reached for comment about World Vision's record appeared indifferent or defensive.

"I'm not very aware of their international work but that sounds out of character with the people and the ethos that I see coming out of the organization," said Matt Mahony, CPO of Operation Exodus.

Local World Vision partners presented with information about these cases responded with silence or defensiveness.

"I've never heard anything like that about World Vision," said Pastor Willie Lopez of Manhattan Bible Church. "All I know is that they are a tremendous help to the community."

One affiliate isolated the El Halabi scandal, claiming his church would stand by World Vision because charges weren't proven in court. Another church administrator said accusations were driven by an anti-evangelical agenda.

Pro-Israel evangelicals should also be troubled by World Vision staffers' anti-Israel stances and borderline anti-Semitic comments -- like those of former World Vision International Operations Director Tom Getman, who called Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah a "friend."

A variety of different sources from different backgrounds have raised issue with World Vision's anti-Israel bent. In a 2016 article, Luke Moon, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, wrote that World Vision had "done more to undermine Christian support for Israel than any other organization."

World Vision's defense raises more questions, with many of its claims proving difficult to verify. Financial reports are opaque. There's little indication where donations are spent, and annual reports seem irreconcilable with details made in statements. NGO Monitor called it a "multibillion-dollar NGO industry that remains largely unregulated and unexamined."

New York evangelicals' resistance to the truth about World Vision is perplexing. The Jewish and Zionist communities, on the other hand, know where World Vision stands.

Asked about the ISRA allegations, Ephraim Inbar, director of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, commented: "We have the moral duty to demask organizations, such as World Vision, which are undermining Christian values, by spreading hatred and violence."

Avi Posnick of StandWithUs Northeast was appalled, noting, "World Vision donors and partners, including those in New York, should demand full transparency and accountability before continuing to support and work with this organization."

This does not mean World Vision's partners aren't also doing some good work. Punishing kids in the Bronx isn't the answer. World Vision Greater New York is a branch of World Vision USA, which maintains a degree of separation from World Vision International. But it is difficult to tell where one group ends and the other begins.

Established as separate entities, World Vision USA provides the lion's share funds to World Vision International. Yet only World Vision International appears as a registered charity in New York. The global and the local have merged, making it difficult to guarantee where donated funds are headed.

World Vision does tremendous work on a local level and is a boon to the New York community. But there are other evangelical groups with clean reputations willing to partner with these communities.

Empowering rogue regimes -- like Sudan or Hamas in Gaza -- creates the problems World Vision seeks to solve, and World Vision's local partners should demand clarity. The shroud of moral darkness surrounding World Vision's actions is a departure from the spirit of service that is the basis for its very existence.


These Were the Sons of David. 1 Chronicles 3:1
Aug 23rd, 2019
Morning Meditation
F.B. Meyer
Categories: Commentary;Inspirational;Book Study

BUT how different they were to the Son of David! Contrast any one of these with our blessed Lord, and what an infinite chasm lies between them! Solomon was the most reputable of them, but a greater than Solomon was born in Bethlehem, and cradled in a manger. Surely the least earnest must be struck with the difference in these sons and that Son. But in this difference, is there not the most conspicuous proof of his miraculous conception? Even though the story of his wondrous birth had never been preserved for us by the evangelists, we should have felt convinced that something like it must have happened, in virtue of which He should be the Man of men, the one absolutely flawless and perfect flower on the stem of humanity. With new emphasis we read the familiar words, "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; therefore that Holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of GOD."

We, too, who have been born once, need to be born again. To be born of a David does not ensure perfectness of heart and life. Though born of parents, who were after God's own heart and are passed into the skies, we need to be born again, or we may repeat the sins of an Ammon, an Adonijah, an Absalom. It is a serious question to ask whether, like David, we have called his greater Son our Lord. This is the true mark of the new birth. Those who are born of the Holy Ghost call Jesus Lord, and none other The recognition of the supreme lordship of Jesus is imperative for the peace and right ordering of the heart and life, So we pass to our true stature in Jesus.

The Resurrection of Socialism in America
Aug 23rd, 2019
Categories: Warning

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The Socialist Party of America was founded in 1901. It received support from trade unionists, progressive social reformers, populist farmers, and various immigrant groups. But it never did well at the polls, particularly in presidential elections. And its staunch opposition to American involvement in World War I resulted in a large number of defections.

The best showing ever for a Socialist ticket was in 1912, when their candidate, Eugene Debs, received 901,551 total votes, or 6% of the popular vote. In 1920 Debs ran again, this time from prison, and received 913,693 votes, 3.4% of the total.

Socialism rebounded in the 1930s during the Great Depression under the leadership of Norman Thomas, but President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal policies, which introduced America to Welfare-Statism, prevented Socialism from gathering much steam. Later, the party's opposition to American involvement in World War II cost it much of its support.

The party stopped running presidential candidates after 1956 when its nominee won fewer than 6,000 votes. The party decided, instead, to focus its efforts on educational programs. In the early 1970s the party splintered into three main groups, and the original party changed its name to Social Democrats, USA.

The Resurrection of Socialism in America

It was therefore startling to most people when Newsweek magazine proclaimed on the cover of its February 6, 2009 issue that "We Are All Socialists Now." As proof, the magazine pointed to the fact that the U.S. government had already -- under a conservative Republican administration -- effectively nationalized the banking and mortgage industries. 

The writer of the cover article then asserted, "Whether we want to admit it or not...the America of 2009 is moving toward a modern European state."

How can this resurrection of Socialism be explained? It relates to the rapid secularization and paganization of American society in recent years, especially since the election of President Barack Obama in 2008.

Socialism always flourishes in a secular society. And the reason is simple. Here's how Robert Knight of the American Civil Rights Union explained it in a recent article: "...Socialism goes hand in hand with abandoning God and worshiping the idol of an ever-growing government."

And that's how United States Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont, an openly avowed Socialist, won more than 12 million votes in the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries -- by promising that government would become the National Nanny by providing every need. 

He promised free college, free health care and another $10 trillion in federal spending. When considering such reckless promises, Robert Knight asks, "What's not to like if you view government as an ATM machine for all your needs?" Or, to put it another way, "Who needs God when government will supply everyone's needs at someone else's expense?"

The Competing Systems

There are really only two types of social organization -- collectivism and individualism. In the 20th Century, collectivism took many forms, such as Socialism, Fascism, Nazism, Welfare Statism and Communism. The alternative system, and the only one compatible with individualism and freedom, is Capitalism.

Collectivist systems like Socialism rely on state power to forcibly redistribute wealth. These systems amount to legalized theft. C. Bradley Thompson, who is a professor at Ashland University and a staff member at the John M. Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs, has summarized Socialism brilliantly as a ruling system that "uses compulsion and the organized violence of the State to expropriate wealth from the producer class for its redistribution to the parasitical class."

Defenders of Socialism always try to present themselves as compassionate people who care for the underprivileged. They characterize Capitalism as a dog-eat-dog system that produces inequities, with great disparities between the rich and the poor. Thompson responds to these arguments as follows:

Yes, there are winners and losers in Capitalism. The winners are those who are honest, industrious, thoughtful, prudent, frugal, responsible, disciplined and efficient. The losers are those who are shiftless, lazy, imprudent, extravagant, negligent, impractical and inefficient. Capitalism is the only social system that rewards virtue and punishes vice.

Thompson then sums up his whole argument against Socialism by saying, "Simply put, Socialism rewards sloth and penalizes hard work, while Capitalism rewards hard work and penalizes sloth."

The Need for Common Sense

The young people who are swarming to Senator Sanders' support are a spiritually bankrupt generation who view government as God. They are also a greedy generation that desires "free stuff."

And they are obviously ignorant of economics and are hard up for common sense, for one of the facts of life is that there are no free meals. Thus, if government gives you a "free" education, you will spend the rest of your life paying exorbitant, confiscatory taxes to cover the cost of that education and the "free" educations of those who follow you. I guess the problem with common sense is that it is not very common.

Considering Scripture

Some liberal Christian spokesmen have tried to defend Socialism on the grounds that the early Church in Jerusalem practiced Socialism as described in Acts 2:44-45. "And all those who had believed were together, and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.

Yes, the early Christians, who were severely persecuted, banded together in communal groups to help defend and support each other, but that is a far cry from Socialism. The key here is that they shared their goods of their own free will. No one forced them to do so.

In like manner today, I give a lot of my income to many ministries, churches and social welfare organizations that provide food, clothing and even lodging to poor people. But I do so willingly as an expression of my love of Jesus. No one forces me to do so.

Again, the Socialists utilize the power of the State to force people to give to others through policies that result in a forced redistribution of income. And that is theft, pure and simple. Their desire is to make people dependent on the State because such dependence, in turn, will provide the Socialists with ever greater power over people's lives.

One interesting thing in this regard that I have noticed over the years is that when Socialist politicians are forced to reveal their income tax returns, they never show any significant donations to help the poor. No, these "compassionate" liberals want to help the poor with your money and mine -- not theirs.

Insights About Socialism

Rupert Murdoch, the British media mogul, recently gave a speech about the virtues of Capitalism. In the process, he made a very insightful comment about Socialism:

Socialism is a form of feudalism. The Lord is the State and the Aristocracy which rises up around the State...The serfs are the same people who have always been serfs throughout history. Socialism doesn't save anyone from working for the company store. Government just becomes the company store.

Winston Churchill always had a pithy way of presenting profound ideas in brief statements. Here's what he had to say about Socialism as compared to Capitalism: "The inherent vice of Capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of misery."

One blogger, who chooses to remain anonymous, has this to say about the morality of Socialism:

Socialism is immoral at its core because it requires an acceptance that the government owns you, that when the rubber hits the road, you are simply a number, and that if you are more productive than most other people, you will be replaced as a cash cow to be milked for what some group of Statists consider "The Common Good."

History attests to the fact that people are always willing to surrender their freedoms for the promise of security. 

That is exactly what Socialism does. Beware!

Let the Headlines Speak
Aug 23rd, 2019
Daily News
From the Internet
Categories: Today's Headlines

Amazon, Microsoft, ‘putting world at risk of killer AI’: study
“Autonomous weapons will inevitably become scalable weapons of mass destruction, because if the human is not in the loop, then a single person can launch a million weapons or a hundred million weapons,” Stuart Russell, a computer science professor at the University of California, Berkeley told AFP on Wednesday.

War Drums: US Navy “Ready” For Venezuela Conflict, Says Top Commander
The US Navy is preparing for a conflict with Venezuela, a top US Naval commander said earlier this week. Adm. Craig Faller, who oversees the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) said Tuesday that the Navy must be ready to “do what needs to be done” on Venezuela.

Solomon: If Trump Declassifies These 10 Documents, Democrats Are Doomed
As the Russiagate circus attempts to quietly disappear over the horizon, with Democrats preferring to shift the anti-Trump narrative back to “racist”, “white supremacist”, “xenophobe”, and the mainstream media ready to squawk “recession”; the Trump administration may have a few more cards up its sleeve….Here are the documents that Solomon believes have the greatest chance of rocking Washington, if declassified:

China, Israel Seal ‘Landmark’ Agreement to Advance Cellular Nanotechnology
Although China has strong connections with Arab and Muslim countries, including Iran, it also has a robust desire to maintain its relationship with Israel because of this country’s high-level knowhow and technology. In 1950, Israel was the first country in the Middle East to recognize the PRC as the legitimate government of China, which established normal diplomatic relations with Israel only in 1992.

Israel is the Sole Sovereign on the Temple Mount
I would remind the official, too, that in classical Arabic, Jerusalem is referred to as Bayt al-Maqdis, meaning “temple,” and that this is further proof of the falsehood that prevails today among the people of the region, according to which a Jewish temple never existed on the site.

Facebook Hiring Corporate Media Veterans to Manually Curate ‘News Tab’
Facebook recently spoke with Axios, revealing a number of plans to promote news outlets on its platform including the creation of a “News Tab” featuring outlets handpicked by Facebook, changing how millions of people receive news. Facebook has new plans aimed at helping handpicked news outlets on its platform and will be hiring a number of seasoned journalists to curate a planned “News Tab” feature.

New Data Reveals: Late-Term Abortions Worse than Pharaoh’s Baby Killing Decree
Born-Alive laws are quickly becoming a strong agenda for the Republican Party. The law is problematic for pro-abortion activists as many states consider late-term abortions, from the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy or 28 weeks from conception until birth, an option that was not even considered by pro-abortion advocates just a few years ago. Late-term abortions were explicitly prohibited in the controversial 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that opened the door for legalizing abortions.

Incredibly Sick, Federally-Funded Experiments Are Happening Behind Closed Doors In Secret Laboratories All Over America
Some of the things that are being done in the name of “scientific research” are almost too horrifying to talk about. at UCSF, the abortion training capital of the US, experimenters recently used a $2 million government slush fund to transplant intestines removed from 18-24 week-old aborted fetuses onto the backs of 6 to 8-week-old mice. In other bizarre Frankenstein study funded by taxpayers, UCSF implanted intact reproductive tracts from 9.5 to 22-week-old human fetuses, including from a pair of aborted twins, into mice dosed with synthetic estrogen. Before we proceed, let me ask you a question. What do you think a nation that does such things deserves?

Will Israel Launch A Military Ground Operation In Gaza?
Some Israelis are calling for a military ground invasion into Gaza to damage, or even eradicate, Hamas. The question many are asking: Does Israel have the ability to do so, and if so, why hasn’t it taken that course of action? “Israel would like to conduct the first operation in order to harm the Hamas leadership in a way that would be effective. This requires a much more aggressive and surprising attack.”

Two rockets fired into southern Israel, as Qatari envoy set to visit Gaza 
It’s been a long night for residents in the south, as two rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip on Wednesday evening and then again early Thursday morning. First rocket sirens sounded in Nahal Oz in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council when a rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel on Wednesday evening, according to an IDF spokesperson.

Following two rockets launched from Gaza, IDF strikes Hamas targets 
Israeli Air Force jets struck several targets in the Gaza Strip overnight on Wednesday after two rockets were fired towards southern Israel communities. According to a statement by the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit a number of military targets in a Hamas naval facility in the northern Strip following rocket fire towards the community of Nahal Oz.

Israel plans to attack the Houthis in Yemen – report 
…Sources from the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida claim that Israel plans to attack targets of Houthi rebels and Hezbollah in Yemen, near the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb separating the Red Sea from the Gulf of Aden. According to the source, the Mossad and Military Intelligence are monitoring Iran’s attempts to deliver weapons, including missiles and drones, which could be used for terrorist attacks…

Why India wants to break its decades-old nuclear pledge
India’s defence minister recently suggested that the country may re-evaluate its “no first use of nuclear weapons” doctrine, raising the stakes at a time of high tension with its nuclear-armed neighbour Pakistan. Analysts Christopher O’Clary and Vipin Narang examine the implications for peace and security in South Asia.

Brexit: Macron tells PM renegotiating deal ‘not an option’
Boris Johnson is to meet Emmanuel Macron later, hours after the French president insisted reopening negotiations is “not an option”. Mr Macron said: “We have to help the British deal with this internal democratic crisis but we mustn’t be hostage to it nor export it.” On Wednesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the onus was on the UK to find a workable plan.

Iraq paramilitary force blames US and Israel for mystery blasts
A powerful Iran-backed paramilitary force in Iraq has said it holds the US responsible for a series of blasts at its bases in recent weeks. The deputy head of the Popular Mobilisation, which is dominated by Shia militias, alleged that US forces had brought four Israeli drones into the country to target its positions. Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis said the force would use “all means at its disposal” to prevent and deter future attacks.

Mortgage Market Reopens to Risky Borrowers 
Proponents of unconventional loans argue that mortgages became too hard to get in the aftermath of the crisis and that their proliferation will open the housing market to sound borrowers who had been shut out of it. But some worry that the competition for customers could drive lenders to loosen standards too much.

Why ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ Broke Its Rules for First Same-Sex Romance
The long-running ABC franchise delivered its first-ever same-sex romance on Bachelor in Paradise. Tuesday’s episode of the summer spinoff series, currently in its sixth season, saw sexually fluid contestant Demi Burnett commit to Kristian Haggerty, a woman outside the Bachelor franchise who came to Paradise’s set in Sayulita, Mexico, to explore a relationship with the reality TV contestant.

Japan warns North Korea now has miniaturized nukes 
North Korea has miniaturised nuclear warheads and made them small enough to fit on ballistic missiles, Japan believes. Tokyo defence chiefs warn…that North Korea’s military activities pose a ‘serious and imminent threat’. In last year’s report Japan said it was ‘possible’ that North Korea had achieved miniaturisation, but Tokyo now appears to have upgraded its assessment, according to Japanese newspaper Yomiuri.

1,058 killed, 1.8 million displaced since the start of the monsoon season, India
The number of people killed in floods, landslides and other weather-related incidents since the start of this year’s monsoon season in India has reached 1 058.

Chantal forms as the third named storm of the unusually slow 2019 Atlantic hurricane season
Tropical Storm “Chantal” formed in the North Atlantic Ocean, south of the Newfoundland at 03:00 UTC on August 21, 2019, as the third named storm of the unusually slow 2019 Atlantic hurricane season.

FEDS Suggest Optimum Temperature Citizens Should Maintain In Their Homes…A Slippery Slope?
On March 7, 2011, Rush Limbaugh warned about how smart meters that energy companies were starting to install in residential homes, could be the first step in the rationing energy in private citizen’s homes.

Workers Exposed To ‘Trash & Bodily Fluids’ At L.A. City Hall Building, Citations Issued In Response To Typhus Case
California’s occupational safety and health agency found that workers at a Los Angeles City Hall building “were exposed to unsanitary conditions from trash and bodily fluids,” issuing multiple citations for failing to keep the structure’s passageways and exteriors clean.

Powerful Bloodlines Behind the Dark Cabal
ith the recent arrest of a Nazi remnant hiding in Hungary, we are reminded of the holocaust from the last century which cost millions of lives, and all for the glory of the bloodlines.

BREAKING: Pentagon Confirms US Military Drone Shot-Down Over Yemen
US officials confirmed Wednesday that a US military drone was shot-down over Yemen late Tuesday evening.

Cargo ship busted with over a billion dollars worth of cocaine was owned by JP Morgan Chase 
JPMorgan Chase, one of the largest banks in the United States, is the owner of a cargo ship found carrying over $1 billion worth of cocaine at a port in Philadelphia recently. More than 20 tons of cocaine were seized from the MSC Gayane, the ship in question.

Why do so many “trans” pushers turn out to be pedophiles?
A British politician who lobbied heavily for the implementation of “gender neutral” toilets following his election has since been outed as a pedophile who was allegedly charged with nine counts of inappropriately touching underage children

Big Cities That Are Struggling With Hepatitis, Typhus, Mountains Of Human Feces And Millions Of Rats Are All Run By Democrats
Today, large cities all over the country are dealing with mountains of feces, millions of rats and horrific diseases that we once had completely under control.  Let’s start our tour in Philadelphia, where cases of Hepatitis A are starting to spread like wildfire…

Watch As Parents Boo Christian Street Preacher Dorre Love As He Confronts The Pedophiles At Drag Queen Story Hour And Stands Up For The Children
Street preacher Dorre Love said the Lord told him to go to the Drag Queen Story Hour event in Ottawa, Canada, and tell them to repent or risk dying and going to Hell. So Love did just that. You will see in the video below as he firmly but respectfully confronts the pedophiles in dresses at the Drag Queen Story Hour meeting. It will break your heart as you watch him standing up to protect the little children that were present, while their parents booed him.

Pope Francis In Rome On Thursday Blasphemously Declared That Mary Is The ‘Gate Of Heaven’ Even Though The Bible Declares That Only Jesus Christ Is
Just when I think that Pope Francis cannot possibly double-down any further on his blasphemous worship of Mary, he goes and shows me just how serious he is about idol worship. During the Roman Catholic Feast of the Assumption on Thursday, he confidently declared that the door, or the gate, to getting into Heaven is not Jesus Christ, but Mary.

Pro-Lifers Say Planned Parenthood Just Exposed the Truth: ‘Their Primary Focus Is Not Women’s Healthcare’ 
Planned Parenthood says it will no longer accept Title X funding so that it can continue to refer women for abortions. The abortion provider announced the news in the wake of a new Trump administration rule which says clinics that refer for abortions can’t receive the funds.

Largest Child Porn Bust in History Ignored By Mainstream Media 
Norwegian Police has just uncovered over 150 terabytes of child porn, in the largest child sex abuse case in modern history, according to reports.

Statistical Analysis of America’s 8 Stage Decline Into Genocide
Gregory H. Stanton, President of Genocide Watch, wrote the most salient paper on the topic of Democide, that is by definition, genocide by government against its people. In his analysis, Stanton identified 8 key stages related to the process of genocide? Classification Symbolization Dehumanization Organization Polarization Preparation, Extermination and Denial.

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