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Israel Disappointed With U.S. Reaction to Hamas - Fatah Government
Jun 2nd, 2014
Daily News
Arutz Sheva
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Swearing-in of unity government in Ramallah
Israel said on Monday it was "deeply disappointed" by the United States’ readiness to work with a new Palestinian Authority (PA) unity government.

"We are deeply disappointed by the comments of the (U.S.) State Department regarding working with the Palestinian unity government," a government official told AFP.

"This Palestinian government is a government backed by Hamas, which is a terror organization committed to Israel's destruction," the official, who declined to be named, pointed out.

"If the U.S. administration wants to advance peace, it should be calling on (PA Chairman Mahmoud) Abbas to end his pact with Hamas and return to peace talks with Israel," the official said.

"Instead, it is enabling Abbas to believe that it is acceptable to form a government with a terrorist organization."

The remarks come in response to a statement earlier by State Department  spokeswoman Jen Psaki, who said Washington believes Abbas has "formed an interim technocratic government... that does not include members affiliated with Hamas."

"With what we know now, we will work with this government," Psaki said.

The new PA unity government was sworn in on Monday in Ramallah, the first such unity government for seven years.

"Today, with the formation of a national consensus government, we announce the end of a Palestinian division that has greatly damaged our national case," Abbas said.

"This black page in history has been turned forever," he said in remarks echoed by the outgoing Hamas government in Gaza.

"We hail the national consensus government, which represents all the Palestinian people," Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told AFP.

The Israeli Cabinet subsequently decided not to engage politically with the new government, as part of the policy not to negotiate with terrorists.

In an official statement, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said “Abbas said 'yes' to terror, not peace It is the direct continuation of Abbas's policy to refuse peace, while Israel has made courageous and painful steps for the political process and remains committed to peace.”

Hamas: We will not Recognize Abbass Announcement of Unity Government
Jun 2nd, 2014
Daily News
The Jerusalem Post
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Abbas set to announce unity gov't despite unresolved internal disputes; Hamas states it will consider the announcement a "unilateral step" by Fatah.

Ismail Haniyeh

Hamas has informed Fatah of its opposition to the Palestinian unity government, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said.

"Hamas's final position is that we don't agree to the formation of a government that does not include a Ministry for Prisoners Affairs," Abu Zuhri said.

The Hamas spokesman said his movement would consider Palestinian Authority President's announcement of the new government a "unilateral" step. Hamas, he added, will not recognize this announcement.

The announcement is expected to come on Monday at 1 p.m.

On Sunday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called an emergency cabinet meeting a night ahead of the planned Palestinian Authority-Hamas formal unity government declaration.

Hamas Rejects Unity Government Unless Zero - Hour Demand Met
Jun 2nd, 2014
Daily News
Arutz Sheva
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Hamas tells Fatah it will refuse to join government unless Ministry of Prisoners remains in last minute demand.
Hamas terrorists
Hamas informed Fatah on Monday that it would refuse to join the unity government being unveiled in Ramallah at 1 p.m. local time, unless its demands regarding the Ministry of Prisoners are met.

According to Hamas Spokesperson Sami Abu-Zuhri, Fatah had been given an official notice about the Hamas decision on Sunday to reject the swearing in of the new government if the Ministry of Prisoners is cancelled, reports Ma'an News Agency.

"(The) Hamas movement won't agree to announce a unity government without a ministry and a minister of prisoners, and Fatah has already been notified of that irrevocable decision," Abu-Zuhri declared Monday.

Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has stated that the Ministry is to be replaced with an independent body, and other PA officials have reportedly warned the US may withdraw funding from the PA if the Ministry was not dissolved.

Palestinian Media Watch has documented repeatedly that according to PA law and practice, the PA does not give stipends to terrorist prisoners' families but salaries to the terrorist prisoners themselves.

At a government meeting earlier this month, PA Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, who is to be appointed the unity government prime minister, said the PA places "prisoners at the top of its priorities" and that they will continue to implement the "Prisoners' and Released [Prisoners'] Law" - which specifically refers to salaries and other payments to prisoners.

Despite the overwhelming evidence, US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Ambassador Anne W. Patterson, defended the PA practice of paying salaries to terrorists in jail before Congress last week, saying "they have to provide for the families."

While US Secretary of State John Kerry spoke with Abbas by phone on Sunday to "express concern" about the new unity government, a US official said Sunday night that "the United States informed Israel that it will not support the unity government immediately after it is sworn in."

Another issue Hamas had with the unity government was the appointment of Riyadh al-Malki as foreign minister. Abu-Zuhri said Sunday al-Maliki was "undesirable" but hinted the selection would be accepted.

Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh Steps Down
Jun 2nd, 2014
Daily News
Arutz Sheva
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Haniyeh announces his resignation
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and his "cabinet" in Gaza have resigned, Hamas spokeswoman Israa al-Mudallal said, "paving the way for the new ministers of the consensus government."

Haniyeh welcomed the new cabinet as "a government of one people and one political system."

"We're leaving the government, but not the nation. We're leaving the ministries but not the question of the nation," Haniyeh said in a televised speech.

Hamas and Fatah swore in a "unity" government earlier Monday, despite last-minute tensions which almost prevented the Palestinian Arab reconciliation. The joint government elected Palestinian Authority (PA) official Rami Hamdallah as Prime Minister.

Former PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has insisted that a 'unity' government would be based on what he called"the four Palestinian principles":  recognizing Israel, recognizing the terms of international agreements, and the explicit rejection of violence and terrorism. 

Haniyeh's step down, meanwhile, is a dramatic about-face, after Hamas was  adamant over its full control of a "unity" government, expressing over and over again that it would remain in control of both Gaza and the PA after elections and insisting that Haniyeh would rule the government.

More recently, Hamas announced that any "unity" government would be unequivocally subject to their approval before being established. 

The group’s charter calls for the destruction of Israel, and at least one top official has ruled out the possibility that Hamas will recognize “the Zionist entity,” even after the unity pact with Fatah.

EU Imposes Sanctions on Boko Haram
Jun 2nd, 2014
Daily News
Arutz Sheva
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Soldiers from multinational force fighting Boko Haram in Nigeria
The European Union on Monday announced it has imposed sanctions on Nigeria's Boko Haram as an Al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group, AFP reports.

The decision to blacklist the group follows its designation as a terrorist movement two weeks ago by the United Nations.

Boko Haram, whose name translates loosely from the Hausa language spoken widely in northern Nigeria as “Western education is sin”, was added to the EU list late last week along with Syria's jihadist Al-Nusra Front.

The move subjects Boko Haram and Al-Nusra, as well as people or entities supporting them financially or materially, to sanctions including an arms embargo, asset freeze and travel ban.

Boko Haram, which was created ten years ago, demands the creation of an Islamic state in mainly Muslim northern Nigeria. Its attacks have left thousands dead since 2009.

Boko Haram has carried out scores of attacks on targets it says are a product of Western influence, including sports venues and schools teaching a secular curriculum.

The conflict has received unprecedented global attention over the last six weeks following the Islamists' mass kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls.

The girls were seized on April 14 from Chibok in Borno state. Some of them have since escaped their captors.

Concerns over the fate of the girls were heightened after Boko Haram's leader threatened to sell them as slaves. The Al-Qaeda-linked group has publicized a video showing some of the kidnapped girls, claiming they had converted to Islam.

On Sunday, in another attack believed to have been carried out by Boko Haram, at least 40 people were killed when a bomb exploded at a packed soccer stadium.

Erdan Slams U.S. Naivete Over PA Government
Jun 2nd, 2014
Daily News
Arutz Sheva
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Minister Gilad Erdan
Communications Minister Gilad Erdan (Likud) on Monday evening criticized what he called the U.S. government’s “naiveté”, after the State Department said Washington was willing to work with the new Palestinian Authority unity government.

“Unfortunately, the American naiveté is breaking all records. Cooperating with Hamas, which is designated as a terrorist organization in the U.S. and which murders women and children is unacceptable,” he said.

“America’s repeated surrendering to the dictates of the Palestinians seriously harms the chances of ever resuming negotiations with the Palestinians, and Israel will take unilateral steps to protect its citizens from the terrorist government established by [PA Chairman Mahmoud] Abbas,” declared Erdan.

Erdan’s remarks were a response to a statement earlier by State Department  spokeswoman Jen Psaki, who said Washington believes Abbas has "formed an interim technocratic government... that does not include members affiliated with Hamas."

"With what we know now, we will work with this government," Psaki said.

The new PA unity government was sworn in on Monday in Ramallah, the first such unity government for seven years.

The government is part of a the reconciliation deal recently signed by Hamas and Fatah, which aims to bring an end to a bloody seven-year feud between the sides.

The Israeli Cabinet decided after the swearing in not to engage politically with the new government, as part of the policy not to negotiate with terrorists.

In an official statement, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said “Abbas said 'yes' to terror, not peace It is the direct continuation of Abbas's policy to refuse peace, while Israel has made courageous and painful steps for the political process and remains committed to peace.”

Diplomatic - Security Cabinet to Discuss PA Unity Govt
Jun 2nd, 2014
Daily News
Arutz Sheva
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

The diplomatic-security cabinet is scheduled to discuss, Monday afternoon, the Fatah-Hamas unity government, which is scheduled to be declared at 1:00 p.m. local time.

Prime Minister Binyamin criticized European countries during a meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee for their support of the new government, which must first overcome the hurdle of a proposal to eliminate the office that handles the affairs of PA terrorists held in Israeli jails and prisons.

Deal or No Deal? EU - Canada Trade Deal Falters At Final Hurdle
Jun 2nd, 2014
Daily News
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Canada and the European Union are struggling to finalize a multi-billion dollar trade pact six months after political leaders said it was sealed, an embarrassment for Brussels as it seeks a far bigger deal with the United States.

Over a celebratory lunch last October, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso termed the accord "a landmark achievement for the transatlantic market" that could come into force next year.

But the free trade deal, which could increase bilateral trade by a fifth to 26 billion euros ($35 billion) a year, has run into trouble over issues ranging from financial services to how beef and cheese quotas are shared out.

The drawn-out final stage of talks, with each side accusing the other of going back on promises, illustrates the complexity of sealing sophisticated trade deals and bodes ill for the EU's more ambitious talks with the United States.

"Negotiations cannot drag on forever," said Marie-Anne Coninsx, the EU's ambassador to Ottawa. "It is in the interests of both parties that we get things done."

The deal would make Canada the world's only major economy with preferential access to the world's two largest markets, the EU and the United States, home to a total of 800 million people.

For Europe, the accord is meant to be a template for its trade negotiations with the United States, which would encompass a third of world trade and almost half the global economy.

Both the EU-Canada deal and the accord with the United States seek to go far beyond tariff cuts and to reduce transatlantic barriers to business. Such trade deals are seen as a way for developed countries to generate economic growth and overcome the worst financial crisis in a generation.

Danon Warns US Aid Now Directly Funds Terror
Jun 2nd, 2014
Daily News
Arutz Sheva
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

Danny Danon

Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon (Likud) condemned the swearing in of the new Fatah and Hamas unity government on Monday, which took place in Ramallah.

"The replacement of ministers in the Palestinian government is just a pretty wrapping for the terrorist attacks that were conducted and will be conducted under their protection," declared Danon.

"Now, all aid given to the Palestinians by the United States and other countries directly aids terror attacks against the state of Israel," warned the minister.

Danon noted that he has recently met with American Congressmen, asking them to suspend financial aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) in response to the new unity government with the terrorist organization Hamas.

The unity government was nearly derailed by a last minute demand by Hamas not to have the Ministry of Prisoners cancelled. A zero hour compromise between Hamas and Fatah left the Ministry intact, but placed it directly under unity government Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, instead of under a separate minister.

The last minute confrontation followed warnings by PA officials that the US may withdraw funding from the PA if the Ministry was not dissolved, given that it directly pays salaries to terrorist prisoners.

While US Secretary of State John Kerry "expressed concern" to Abbas by phone on Sunday, a US official merely said "the United States informed Israel that it will not support the unity government immediately after it is sworn in."

The establishment of a "terror government"

Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) added his condemnation of the new "terror government." 

"Abbas signed on the establishment of a terror government today together with lowly murders, who murdered dozens and hundreds of Israelis," said Ariel, noting that Abbas "once again proved today that he isn't interested in peace with the state of Israel."

"I expect the government of Israel to give a clear Zionist answer, and immediately market and build the thousands of apartments that have been frozen till now," added Ariel.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu similarly criticized the supporters of the unity government on Monday, particularly focusing on European backers.

"Islamic terror is raising its head in Europe, and the latest horrible manifestation of this was the abominable murder in the Jewish museum in Brussels," Netanyahu said. "I find it strange that governments in Europe that harshly condemn this murder, also speak with lack of clarity and even in friendly tones about a unity government with Hamas, a terror group that carries out and praises such crimes.

It is worth noting that Hamas is on the EU's list of terrorist organizations. That listing specifically includes both "Hamas" and "Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem," meaning that both the military and governmental branches of Hamas are recognized as terror groups by the EU.

Dangerous Unity
Jun 2nd, 2014
Daily News
The Jerusalem Post
Categories: Today's Headlines;Commentary

Anyone listening to Hamas understands that not only will a unity deal fail to advance peace between Israelis and Palestinians, but that it will only boost terrorists and the opponents of peace.

reconciliation agreement

Fatah and Hamas are slated to announce their unity government today.

Preemptively, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned the world yesterday not to recognize the new Fatah- Hamas government. Not only would the deal add obstacles to peace, explained Netanyahu, it would “strengthen terrorism.”

“I call on all responsible elements in the international community not to run to recognize the Palestinian government of which Hamas is a part and which rests on Hamas,” Netanyahu said. “Hamas is a terrorist organization that calls for the destruction of Israel and the international community must not embrace it. This will not strengthen peace; it will strengthen terrorism.”

We agree with Netanyahu. Nevertheless, a number of arguments have been put forward in favor of the unity government.

Indeed, Palestinians are overwhelmingly for the deal. Some say that reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas is good for peace because finally, after seven years, Palestinians have a single political leadership that represents the entire Palestinian people. No longer will Israel be able to claim that Abbas’s government represents at best only Palestinians living on the West Bank.

However, these supporters of reconciliation ignore the fact that Hamas continues to call for the violent destruction of the State of Israel. Just last week in Gaza City, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh told reporters that the “resistance that liberated the Gaza Strip is also capable of liberating the West Bank, Jerusalem and the rest of our land.” As reported by The Jerusalem Post’s Khaled Abu Toameh, Hamas’s two most senior representatives, Khaled Mashaal and Mahmoud Zahar, have said they will continue to use violence against Israel even after the formation of the unity government, emphasizing that Hamas has no intention of dismantling its military wing, Izzadin Kassam, as part of the unity accord.

Zahar has said Hamas is planning to take advantage of the unity deal to move its terrorist attacks against Israel to the West Bank. He also said that after its men set foot in the West Bank, Hamas will target Palestinians who “collaborate” with Israel. “Who said that those who are conducting security coordination with Israel would remain forever?” he asked, referring to the Fatah-dominated security forces in the West Bank.

In a marvelous exercise in maintaining at one and the same time two radically contradictory messages, as Abbas claims the new Fatah-Hamas government will recognize Israel and use peaceful means for solving the conflict, Hamas officials are saying the exact opposite.

Another argument put forward by supporters of the Fatah-Hamas deal is that the reconciliation will facilitate Palestinians’ first democratic national elections since 2006, when Hamas routed Fatah. Moving ahead with new elections would strengthen Palestinians’ fledgling democracy and give new hope to Palestinians, who have grown apathetic and pessimistic about the efficacy of political activism and the democratic process.

While elections might end Palestinians’ long period of political limbo, there is no guarantee that new elections will vote for a more moderate Palestinians leadership. There is some room for optimism, however. A poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey that was published in March said that in parliamentary elections, Fatah would receive 43 percent of the vote and Hamas would receive 28 percent. Assuming similar results are obtained if and when elections are held, Israel might reconsider renewing ties with a Palestinian government coalition that does not include Hamas. However, until that happens, Israel must cut ties with the PA.

Back in 2006 after Hamas’s electoral victory, the Quartet – the US, the UN, the EU and Russia – imposed three conditions on Hamas: renounce terrorism, recognize Israel and honor past agreements signed between the Palestinians and Israel. Until Hamas agreed to these three conditions, the Quartet said it could not recognize a Palestinian government that includes Hamas.

Hamas not only has refused to accept any of these conditions, it continues to openly declare its intention to use violence against Israel – and against Palestinians who dare to coordinate security arrangements with Israel.

Anyone listening to what Hamas is actually saying understands that not only will the unity deal fail to advance peace between Israelis and Palestinians, but that it will only boost terrorists and the opponents of peace.

China Flexes It's Nuclear Submarine Power in Warning to U.S./Asian Neighbors
Jun 2nd, 2014
Daily News
Prophecy News Watch
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

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China has deployed three nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarines to a naval base in the South China Sea, according to a recent photo of the vessels that appeared on the internet.

The three Type 094 missile submarines were photographed at the Yalong Bay naval base on Hainan Island, located at the northern end of the South China Sea.

The submarines appear to be part of China’s plan to begin the first regular sea patrols of nuclear missile submarines.

Adm. Samuel Locklear, commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, voiced concerns about Chinese missile submarines in testimony to the House Armed Services Committee in March.

“China’s advance in submarine capabilities is significant,” Locklear said. “They possess a large and increasingly capable submarine force. China continues the production of ballistic missile submarines. … This will give China its first credible sea-based nuclear deterrent, probably before the end of 2014.”

Disclosure of the strategic submarine deployment comes as China sharply increased tensions over the weekend after one of its naval vessels rammed and sank a Vietnamese fishing boat in disputed waters claimed by both countries in the region.

Meanwhile, China on Tuesday called recent Japanese military aircraft incursions during joint Chinese-Russian war games in the East China Sea both dangerous and provocative, further escalating tensions between Beijing and Tokyo.

The photograph of the three missile submarines is the latest example of state-controlled media signaling new strategic nuclear capabilities by China.

The submarines, also called the Jin-class, are equipped with 12 multiple-warhead JL-2 submarine launched ballistic missiles that have a range of up to 4,900 miles.

Meanwhile, one of the U.S. Navy’s nuclear-powered attack submarines based in Guam last week deployed for missions in the Asia Pacific and likely will conduct surveillance of China’s submarine forces in the region.

The submarine was monitoring a large Chinese-Russian joint naval exercise in the northern East China Sea that ended this week.

The Air Force also has begun long-range Global Hawk drone flights over Asia as part of a summer deployment of two of the unmanned surveillance aircraft to Japan.

On Tuesday, a Chinese general called the intrusion into military exercises by Japanese warplanes “dangerous” and “provocative.”

“Japan unilaterally stirred up the military jets’ encounter over the East China Sea,” Sun Jianguo, deputy chief of general staff of the People’s Liberation Army, told Xinhua, referring to the Japanese jets’ confrontation by Chinese jets.

The jets flew in the unilaterally declared Chinese air defense identification zone that Tokyo, Washington and other Asia states do not recognize.

The incident occurred as Chinese and Russian warships were engaged in naval maneuvers.

“Japan’s move, like its decision to purchase the Diaoyu [Senkaku] Islands in 2012 so as to change the status quo, is very dangerous and provocative,” Sun said

The encounter between Japanese and Chinese jet fighters took place May 24 over open waters as the Japanese sought to monitor the military exercises.

The Vietnamese fishing boat sank Monday after colliding with a Chinese patrol vessel near the disputed Paracel Islands, in the South China Sea, where China raised tensions by beginning undersea oil drilling.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters the vessel sinking is troubling.

“We remain concerned about dangerous conduct and intimidation by vessels operating in this area by the Chinese,” she said. “We continue to call on all parties to exercise restraint and take steps to lower the tensions and conduct themselves in a safe and, of course, professional manner.”

Relations between Hanoi and Beijing remain tense over the maritime dispute. Protests were held recently in communist Vietnam against communist China.

There have been unconfirmed reports that Chinese military forces were massing near the Chinese border with Vietnam. The two nations fought a brief conflict early 1979, after Chinese forces invaded and captured several cities before retreating.

Regarding the missile submarines, Andrei Pinkov, a military analyst with Kanwa Defense who reported on the submarines May 1, said the three submarines at Hainan are a sign Beijing is speeding up the pace of deployments. Also, a review of the photo indicates that one of the three submarines could be a more advanced missile submarine called the Type 096, based on an analysis of the length of missile submarines, he stated in his journal Kanwa Defense Review.

The deployment is “intended to give the new SSBN better protection in the deep waters of the South China Sea,” Pinkov stated, using the military acronym for ballistic missile submarine.

Hans M. Kristensen, an analyst with the Federation of American Scientists, said China now has three or four Type-094s.

China over the past decade has built an extensive naval infrastructure for its underwater forces, including upgraded naval bases, submarine hull demagnetization facilities, underground facilities and high-bay buildings for missile storage and handling, and covered tunnels and railways to conceal the activities from prying eyes in the sky.

It is not known if the Chinese will deploy actual nuclear warheads with the submarines or continue the past Chinese practice of keeping warheads in central storage sites for deployment in a crisis.

“The South Sea Fleet naval facilities on Hainan Island are under significant expansion,” Kristensen stated in a recent blog post. “The nuclear submarine base at Longpo has been upgraded to serve as the first nuclear submarine base in the South China Sea.”

The base also includes a submarine tunnel that is part of an underwater complex of nuclear facilities on Hainan.

The Washington Free Beacon first reported in July that China would begin the first sea patrols of the Type 094 some time this year.

China conducted a test flight of the JL-2 missile, the system to be deployed on the Type 094, in August 2012.

A report by the National Air and Space Intelligence Center last year stated that the JL-2 “will, for the first time, allow Chinese SSBNs to target portions of the United States from operating areas located near the Chinese coast.”

China’s jingoistic Global Times published an unprecedented report that revealed a nuclear missile strike on the western United States with JL-2 missiles could kill up to 12 million Americans.

The Obama administration and senior Navy officials were silent regarding the nuclear attack threat, which included graphics showing nuclear plumes and collateral damage caused by radiation.

The congressional U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission stated in a report several years ago that China is planning to deploy an anti-satellite missile on its missile submarines.

Anti-satellite missiles are key elements of China’s anti-access, area denial capabilities designed to drive the U.S. Navy out of Asia.

China only recently began publicizing its nuclear missile submarine forces, mainly through semi-official disclosures on so-called military enthusiast websites.

Another Step to Rebuilding the Temple - Holy of Holies Veil Being Recreated
Jun 2nd, 2014
Daily News
Prophecy News Watch
Categories: Today's Headlines;Contemporary Issues

If the Jewish Temple is ever to be rebuilt in Jerusalem, the massive curtain – 66 feet high by 33 feet wide and 2 inches thick – that once hung in the Second Temple and was consumed by fire in A.D. 70, will need to be recreated.

That task is already underway in the Jewish community of Shiloh, located in biblical Samaria about 40 minutes north of Jerusalem, reports Israel Today.

For more than two years women from the community have been working to assemble the materials and learn the techniques needed to weave the veil that will hang between, and separate, the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies.

While the command given to Moses at Sinai – “You shall make a veil woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine woven linen … with an artistic design of cherubim” (Exodus 26:31) – may have been clear to the people of Israel in the mid-15th century B.C., the techniques for weaving the required six-cord threads and the proper way to recreate the needed dyes are unknown today.

The scarlet is believed to have been made out of an oak aphid, reported Israel Today, and the blue from a special sea snail. The purple was also animal-derived, but which animals is unknown.

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In some ways Shiloh as the place for “the women of the veil chamber” to pursue their task is a natural one.

Ancient Israel’s Tabernacle – precursor to the First Temple built in Jerusalem by King Solomon – stood in Shiloh for over 300 years. It was to Shiloh that the tribes of Israel came for annual festivals. One of those occasions is the biblical setting for the begining of the ministry of the Prophet Samuel (1 Samuel 1). 

It was from here the Ark of the Covenant was sent into battle against Israel’s arch enemy, the Philistines, and captured (1 Samuel 4). Some 300 years later, in the time of the Prophet Jeremiah, the city was in ruins.

In 2013, archaeologists announced they had found the site at Shiloh where the Tabernacle had stood. Hewn holes that once supported wooden beams, large stoves not meant for home use, structures dating to the period between Joshua and King David and proximity to the city gate led to their identification. 

Past findings in the surrounding hills include what researchers say are the bones of sacrificed animals that were eaten during those times when thousands of Israelites would assemble at Shiloh, reported Israel National News. The bones have been dated to the same biblical period.

The Jewish historian Josephus was eyewitness to the destruction of the Second Temple and the period following Jesus’ ministry. His “Complete Works” are key to understanding the period.

The synagogue of the modern community of Shiloh is designed as a replica of the Tabernacle.

The veil project mirrors another that has been underway for four years, recreating the priestly garments needed for Temple worship. Some Jews who claim priestly lineage have already purchased the special clothing.

The weavers of the veil see their work as a “holy activity” that hastens the time of Israel’s redemption.

The Gospel of Matthew records that upon Jesus death, the great veil of the Temple “was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split.” (Matthew 27:51)

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