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World religious leaders meet for peace submit
Oct 22nd, 2007
Peace Talks
Agence France Presse Oct. 22 2007
Categories: Today's Headlines;One World Church

Leaders of the world's main religions kicked off an annual interfaith summit in Naples today with calls for a global organization uniting their faiths. In a similiar vein, Rabbi Metzger proposed a "United Nations of religions" that would "embrace the heads of religious communities that have a profound influence on their congregations". We need to form a permanent and authorised executive machinery for...excuting any decisions we make, he added. (You can read about that in Rev. 17:)

The declining U.S. dollar
Oct 22nd, 2007
Weekly Commentary
Art Sadlier
Categories: Commentary;Warning

The End Time prophetic scenario indicates that America will not be a significant player in the events of the Last Days. She will not be a powerful military force nor an influential economic power. We say that because the whole economic and military scenario of the Last Days is laid out in scripture and America is nowhere to be found.

Scripture indicates that Europe will be the dominant force in the world, both militarily and economically. So it seems there must come a transition from American Economic Superiority to European Dominance.

If the events of the Last Days are soon to play out? A sudden decline in U.S. power must be near at hand. A total economic collapse would eliminate U.S. military and economic influence.

During recent weeks the U.S.Dollar has experienced a steady decline against all foreign currencies.

The dollar is dropping because there is lack of confidence in it. The U.S. Federal Debt is now Nine Trillion Dollars. The U.S. must borrow Seventy billion Dollars a month to service the debt. Most of that money comes from other countries, but the source of these finances is drying up, due to the loss of confidence in the U.S.dollar, who wants to hold U.S.dollars that could collapse?

There are ominus signs of a possible dollar collapse.

Let me give you, without comment, a few news items that indicate a serious situation.

China threatens the "Nuclear Option" of dollar sales. The Chinese government has begun a concerted campaign of economic threats against the U.S. hinting that it may liquidate its vast holding of U.S.Treasuries.

"NUCLEAR OPTION" is a term used by China to describe the devastating affect on the U.S. economy if China sold off the 1.33 Trillion dollars of U.S. funds it now holds. It could trigger a Dollar Collapse!

Japan and China led a record withdrawal of Foreign Funds from the U.S. in August, heightening fresh fears of a slide in the dollar and a spike in U.S. Bond yields.

Asian investors recently dumped 52 Billion Dollar's worth of treasury bonds.

I said I would not comment but I can't resist.... No one wants to trigger a collapse of a currency in which they have large holdings, but neither would they want to be the last one out. They are now apparently quietly trying to reduce their holdings in U.S. funds, the danger is that the plug will be pulled and the dollar will collapse.

Under the heading: Good Bye U.S. Dollar - Hello Global Currency; the Director of Economics at the Council on Foreign Relations, launched a scathing attack on national currencies. The article was entitled "The End of National Currencies."

Iran and Venezuela are working hard to bring down the U.S. Dollar by selling oil in currencies other than the U.S. Dollar.

Along with these threats we are hearing repeated rumors of a new currency to replace the dollar - the "Amero". Vincinte Fox, former president of Mexico, confirmed on Larry King Live that President Bush had committed to the Amero. What does Mr. Bush know about the future of the U.S.Dollar that others do not seem to know?

I am not an economist, and certainly not qualified to speak with authority on financial matters, but there is mounting evidence that the dollar is in serious trouble.

I can read my Bible and the newspaper and recognize that what God has said in His Word will happen - actually is happening!

Consider Four Things:

ONE - America is facing the Judgment of God for turning away from God, turning to wickedness - Forcing Israel to give up her land.

TWO- America will not be involved in End Time Events, therefore her mighty economic and military power must be negated if we are close to the unfolding of End Time events.

THREE - What is a more fitting a judgment on a materialistic society, than an economic collapse? A society that has worshipped the god of things!

FOUR - Where there is smoke there is fire. We are seeing a mounting and escalating threat against the U.S.dollar.

"I am not Anti American, but the very Blessings of God upon America makes her more responsible to God. I remind you that God is going to judge All the Nations in the Great Day of His wrath. We are just talking about chronology when we talk about judgment on America.

The signs of The Coming Judgment of God upon a rebellious world are everywhere. Let me ask you, "Are you ready for the cataclysmic events that lie ahead? God has provided a way for you to be ready. Please go to our Home Page and Click on "Have You Considered"

Steep Decline in Oil Production Brings Risk of War and Unrest, Says New Study
Oct 22nd, 2007
The guardian Oct. 22 2007
Categories: Today's Headlines

Output peaked in 2006 and will fall 7% a year. Decline in gas, coal and uranium also predicted. World oil production has already peaked and will fall by half by 2030, according to a report which also warns that extreme shortages of fossil fuels will lead to wars and social unrest.

No Reviving the Mideast Peace Process
Oct 22nd, 2007
Gwynne Dyer Oct. 22 2007
Categories: Today's Headlines

LONDON- " We are at the beginning of a process",said U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice after her four day tour of the countries closely involved in the Arab-Israeli confrontation. But the" peace process" really began with Oslo accords in 1993, and it died when Ariel Sharon became prime minister of Israei in 2001. The last nail was hammered into the coffin with the takeover of the Gaza Strip this by Hamas, which flatly rejects the idea of Palestinian and Israeli states living side by side. Rice can make the corpse twitch, but she cannot make it walk.

N.Korea, Syrian Officials Discuss Further Cooperation
Oct 22nd, 2007
Associated Press Oct. 21 2007
Categories: Today's Headlines

Korean delegates visiting Damascus reaffirms his country's support for Syria's efforts to regain Golan Heights, says policies of aggression, hegemony are threat to world stability. Neither Choe Thae Bok, the speaker of North Korea's Parliment,or his Syrian hosts made any mention of suspicions in Western media that the two countries might be cooperating on a secret nuclear program. The suspicions grew after an Israeli airstrike om a target in Syria last month.

Imp Chief Warns Dollar May Suffer 'Abrupt Fall'
Oct 22nd, 2007
Oct. 22 2007
Categories: Today's Headlines

The head of the International Monetary Fund, Rodrigo Rato, warned monday there are risks of an"abrupt fall" in the dollar, linked to a loss of confidence in dollar assets. There are risks that abrupt fall in the dollar could either be triggered by, or itself a` trigger, a loss of confidence in dollar assets, Rato told the IMF board of governors.

Euro hits another all-time hight against US dollar
Oct 22nd, 2007
European Union
The Associated Press Oct. 22
Categories: Today's Headlines

Frankfurt, Germany: The euro rose to a new all-time high against the dollar on monday after a weekend meeting of the group of Seven finance ministers ended without a clear statment of concern about the 13-nation currency's strength.

EU vows to shape globalization
Oct 22nd, 2007
European Union
Euobserver/Brussels- Oct. 22 2007
Categories: Today's Headlines

Having put six years of institutional wrangling behind it with last week's agreement on a new treaty, the 27-nation EU says it is now confident to face outside challenges. WE now have be open to the world and shape globalism. ( you can almost hear the hoofbeats)

China won't adjust currency
Oct 22nd, 2007
The Washington Times Oct.20 2007
Categories: Today's Headlines

Taking a strong stand against calls by U.S. political leaders for China to stop fixing its currency against the dollar, Wu Xiaoling,deputy govenor of the peoples bank of China, told the institute for economics that such a move would be premature and harmful to China. (This does not bode well for the dollar)

Cheney: U.S. will not Let Irian Go Nuclear
Oct 22nd, 2007
Newsmax Oct. 21 2007
Categories: Today's Headlines

Leesburg, Va.- The United States and other nations will not allow Irian to obtain a nuclear weapon, Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday. " Our country, and the entire international community, connot stand by as a terror-supporting state fulfills its grandest ambitions," Cheney said in a speach to the Washington Institute for Near East Studies. He said Irian's efforts to pursue technology that would allow them to build a nuclear weapon are obvious and that "the regime continues to practice delay and deceit in obvious effort to buy time. If Irian continues on its current course, Cheney said the U.S. and other nations are prepared to impose serious consequences. The Vice President made no specific reference to military action. "We will not allow Irian to have a nuclear weapon,: he said.

Blair gets early backing in race to be EU's first president, even from the French
Oct 22nd, 2007
European Union
w.n.d. Oct. 22 2007
Categories: Today's Headlines

Lisbon Portugal- Let the jockeying begin! Blair drew backing from his successor and the president of France. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Blair would be a" great cadidate" to become EU boss.

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