Iranian government forces are moving with increasing ferocity to clamp down on dissident activities as presidential challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi urges his followers to gather for the "largest March of Sea of Green" later this week.
The protest, planned by the opposition to be the largest ever held in the Iranian capital, is being billed in part as a memorial to Neda, a 27-year-old woman who bled to death after being shot during the weekend protests by the Basij militia. The young woman's death was filmed and broadcast on the video-sharing YouTube website, where tens of thousands of people saw it within hours.
Neda has become a symbol for those protesting the Ahmadinejad regime; at many subsequent demonstrations, protestors have been carrying signs proclaiming, "I am Neda."
Younger demonstrators are growing somewhat more cautious in the face of the militia brutality. It is impossible to know how many people have actually been shot to death by the government forces; media reports and civilian "Tweets" on the Twitter social networking mini-blogging internet site have put the number between 19 and "dozens."
Many more have been wounded in the ongoing violence; government forces have used tear gas canisters, water cannons, gunshots and batons to batter the protestors into abandoning their efforts.