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“Expansion of Fundamentalism (Islam)”
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September 14th, 2008


Bible Prophecy tells us that very early in the Tribulation Period, there will be an alliance of nations that will come against Israel to seek to destroy her.

Notice who the nations of this alliance are. (Ezek. 38: 2, 5, 6) Basically, the alliance involves Russia, Iran (Persia), Turkey, Sudan, Libya, and those Islamic nations that surround Israel. Incredibly, today, 2600 years later, these very nations are forming an alliance to destroy Israel.

Notice when this war will take place, “In the latter years”, verse.8, and “the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people”, that is Israel today.

We notice further, that this war will take place early in the tribulation period, after the peace treaty of Antichrist is signed,” and they shall dwell safely all of them,”referring to Israel. We read further in verse 11 “them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls”.

When the false peace treaty is signed, Israel will, as the nations are demanding today, take down the wall and feel safe and secure.

That is not today, and that will not be in the last half of the tribulation period. That will be a time of terror for Israel. Ezekiel 39:9, indicates this war will take place in the first year of the tribulation period. “And they shall burn them (weapons) with fire seven years.” That indicates that Israel will be burning the weapons of the destroyed armies for seven years, the duration of the tribulation period, placing the war early in the first year of the tribulation period.

Paul also indicates in 1 Thess. 5:2&3 that war will quickly follow the Peace Treaty.

Notice the attack will be a surprise attack, “like a storm”, like a cloud to cover the land, “all thy bands and many people with thee.” vs.9

This attack will involve large numbers of men with unsophisticated weapons, possibly as a result of disarmament, (see 38:4). Russia and her former Republic States, many of them Muslim States, Iran with her million army and her ten milllion man militia. Add to that the armies of the other nations, and you have multiplied millions.

Today preparations are well underway for this coming war. Listen to the words of Amadinejad, “Israel must be wiped off the map”, Israel is a rotten dried tree that will be annihilated in one storm (C.P. Ezek. 38:9).

To understand the Islamic terrorism in the world today and why the West is under attack, listen to the words of Amadinejad : “Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation’s fury.” Israel and Jerusalem are the issue in our world today! (see Zech. 12:2,3). You can read about the final outcome of this war in Ezekiel 38:22 to 39:7.

Notice the Lord’s response to this invading army, Ezekiel 38:18 “saith the Lord God, my fury shall come up in my face.” Verse 22, “An overflowing rain and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.” Ezek. 39:2, “and I will turn them back and leave but a sixth part of thee.” Five of every six men in this army will die. We are also told that the homelands of armies will suffer this fate.

Islam will be no more. Those Islamic Nations and Russia will be stripped of power and influence in the world. A great power vacuum will occur and Antichrist , out of Europe, will quickly fill the void. All of the mid-east oil will be at his disposal, He will create a new world economy, a new world army, and a new world government.

Though the preparations for this war are now underway, three things must happen first:

ONE The church must be raptured, that tells us how close we must be to the rapture. TWO Antichrist must come and sign the (false) Peace Treaty. THREE - Disarmament must take place (see 1 Thess. 5:3) “When they shall say Peace and Safety; then Sudden Destruction.”

How could there be disarmament in such an environment? The answer is that both God and Satan will send a delusion upon the world, that will lead to disarmament. (See 2Thess. 2:9-11)

Of course, there could be a war or wars prior to the Peace Treaty, wars that might precipitate the Peace Treaty.

Two powerful drives are gaining momentum in our world at this very hour, a peace initiative and preparation for war. Both are very much a part of the prophetic end-times scenario.

Today the Islamic world is marching with incredible fervor toward the war of Ezek. 38, 39.

The video, “Fundamentalism is Rising”, lets you view the fanatical anti-Semitism behind the coming war of Ezek. 38 & 39.

The real issue is,that Christ is soon to call His church home. (1 Thess.4:13-17 1 Cor.15:51,52) Are you a part of that church? If you are not, you need to be! I suggest you go to our menu and click on, “Have You Considered”. There you can find out how you can be saved, and become a part of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Jesus said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God”. John 3:16.

The hour is late, do not take the matter of your salvation lightly.

Art Sadlier

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