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“Looking into the Word”
by Art Sadlier   
April 1st, 2020

Ridiculing the Trumpet Blowers

Over the years we have studied Bible prophecy concerning end time events. We have often wondered about those who reject the teaching of God’s Word about end time events. The question that has frequently arisen in our minds is “How will they react when the signs of the end time begin to multiply?”

We need no longer wonder; we have arrived at that place. In a recent article we have the reaction of one who is exposed to the multiplication of end time signs. That reaction is to ridicule the ones who are warning of the coming Day of the Lord.

The following article recently appeared in the news. It was entitled, “Armageddon Entrepreneurs: Who are Profiting from Fear?” The article went on to say, “A successful entrepreneur is someone who sees a problem as an opportunity. So who would dare capitalize on the impending end of the world? Call them Armageddon entrepreneurs: preachers who view today's headlines as crib notes signaling the world is approaching its final days.”

The writer proceeded to ridicule those who warn of the coming Day of the Lord by comparing present events with the Biblical signs of the end times.

Should we, who declare God’s Word, be intimidated by those who ridicule us? Listen to what God has to say. In Ezekiel he says, “Blow the trumpet, and warn the people.” Also Joel 2:1, “Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand.” That day is now near at hand according signs of the times all around us.

We do have the multiplication of the signs of the end times. We see storms increasing in intensity and frequency. We have the same situation with earthquakes also increasing in frequency and intensity. We have seen recent floods that have inundated whole countries. We are seeing raging wildfires and tsunamis that are unprecedented. Add to that the proliferation of nuclear weapon which is a threat to the entire world. The disaster in Japan is certainly an end time scenario, though it does not signal that those people are more sinful than any others.

We have world-wide terrorism that has taken peace from the earth. The nations are in a state of unrest, with revolutions in the Mideast. We are seeing the rise of the Revived Roman Empire in Europe and the drive for a world government as forecast for the last days. We have the threat of a world-wide economic collapse; add to that the looming world church that is foretold for the end times. We are more and more being made aware of a coming world-wide famine referred to by Jesus as a last days sign.

One of the most Prominent signs of the times is the return of Israel to the land. We have witnessed the miraculous way that God re-gathered Israel and has provided for and protected her. The nations of the world are threatening to remove Israel from the Promised Land. This is another sign of the lateness of the hour. The scriptures clearly foretell this, “I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead (judge) with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:2).

We are also seeing the prophesied alliance against Israel now being formed. The nations of that alliance that are now coming together are named in Ezekiel 38. These same nations are openly threatening to destroy Israel just as God said they would.

All around us we see the very signs foretold in scripture being fulfilled in great detail. Those who ridicule the ones who are sounding a warning to a rebellious and sinful world are referred to by Jesus in Matthew 16:2-3, “He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, it will be foul weather today: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?”

The same sun that melts the wax hardens the clay. So it is with the hearts of men, some will be hardened in spite of the signs of the times and turn away. Some will have hearts that will be melted and hear the Word of the Lord and turn to Christ. Is your heart clay or wax?

It is not surprising that the enemy would attempt to discredit the warnings the Lord sends out to deliver the world from judgment. We think of Noah and how those around him ridiculed him, we can almost hear them saying, “Noah, you’re a silly old fool, you have been preaching for 119 years about a coming flood and we have never seen even one drop of rain.”

My friend, compare the prophetic scriptures with present day events and be persuaded that the judgment of God is soon to fall on this world. Jesus Christ is the ark of safety, come to Him today in repentance and faith and escape the wrath to come. 

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